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Friday, December 26, 2003
When you walk for a long time you get cynical. I'm pretty cynical as of late, what with learning what the 'adult' thing to do is in so many situations- it is amazing what you can learn from people who are not even 10 years older than you.
The world is like a bad dream of late, the bad dream that repeats itself like the dunes of a desert in Africa- endless, limitless, horrible with nothing but that. Everytime I approach my subconscious it is like approaching an old man- it knows why you are there and questions your intentions.
Smoking a cigarette, he more than likely tosses it to the side haphazardly risking whatever consequences could come from such a move. He doesn't look at you really- he doesn't need to, you come often enough, your reflection is in the water beneath the docks- your subconscious. He is dressed in old clothes like he has seen better days, ragged beard with hints of whine amongst it. His hat blocks your vision of him, casting a shadow over what you could only assume to be a wiser face than yours.
There are scars on his hands, unburdened by anything now- deep, long scars that more than likely trail up his arm, maybe over his whole body. The wars this man has fought in are probably endless, the comrades he has seen fall around him a list that should be shorter but fate's hand denies to be that short- nay, longer it must be.
You exchange dialogue- it is biased, like a child trying to argue with a sage.
That would probably because it is a child trying to argue with a sage.
He dismisses your pleas for added wisdom from whatever hidden collective you retain inside your subconscious, and tells you to push forward before asking for supplies- push forward, you must continue the fight to the ends of the earth.
What are we fighting for, truly- but one life to live, must we spend it physically fighting over things that won't matter? Humanity fights more than anything else, we fight, we fight and we fight- we develop weapons to fight better, fight faster, fight harder.
You were born into conflict and you weren't even notified- isn't it funny? Isn't it funny how humor fails you most when you need it. Combined with the ignorance you have surely attained with your years it makes it seem like a sitcom comedy with scripted punchlines and expected outcomes.
That is not the answer I seek to the problems I have, you fool. I am not the child in that situation, surely not- I might be less tempered, less wise, less logical than my soul who I believe to have lived countless more lives than I but I surely know enough to be farther up the rungs of the ladder than a mere child?! Have I spent time upon time studying things that don't matter to the majority of people for nothing?! If my soul knows all this then why must I push forward slightly blinded to all I could see.
Forge into the darkness to see what you knew was there? Is there a point to that anymore, the proving of what has been proved? Even in the mind's eye must we continue to do that waste of energy, resources and time? I don't know.
Comatose- we are all comatose in our own little ways, a different way from all, a different way from each. If you look AT yourself you won't see, but if you look at your REFLECTION in the water you might. The answers are not as melodramatic as a Pandora's Box, surely not- if it were a Pandora's Box someone would have died from this pursuit a long TIME ago wouldn't they?
It is more of a cabinet, the kind you find in an attic where the key is more lost than you ever fucking will be, somehow that is possible in your blissful bigotry- how? Only the deities know. That cabinet probably holds more knowledge than I could ever hope to teach, to know, to keep- yet I already was taught, know and kept it for my next try at this experimental habitat.
So what truly must I push forward to gain that prize that I have amassed over the countless millennia's my soul has been dancing from reincarnation to reincarnation? Truly it has it's memory, yes? Or do I need to remind it.
Finally at the end of the road all will be shown- demon or angel? Declare MY allegiance? I am allied to no one but man, my own, my hand, my body, my PSI.
Pressured hulls crack- will I do the same? Sinking further into something that will make me alienated further. Like me for my mind do you? I wish more felt that way, the personality traits that you cherish I don't really recognize as being special so appreciate them for me while I try to find the key.
Confused? Misunderstand me not, the path is dark- that is what I mean. The lantern we have could already be lit, but somehow we must relight it. Faith in men, reincarnation, gods- it is all failing slowly in me, one point faster than the rest sometimes. Uneven, untempered.
But surely in my meditation I have found my inner self to be slyer than anything else, something that I surely did not recognize as being a form of my mentality. Surely pushing forward is the only thing to do- but must I have the only reason to be the possibility of discovering that which was discovered?
In my fevered ranting, sweat on my brow, the point may have been lost in this- the pure thoughts as they came, the ranting of my inner mind, the sanctum I hold dear. I am not wise, I am barely intelligent on the scope of all things yet I have seen all I want to see.
Is this the true face of everything the world has to offer? Or is the larger picture a much darker, misfocused one than the smaller picture? To become wiser..
To be lost in the translation is worse than what, then? To be lost in translation, to lose the audience with the speakers ranting? That is amusing, at best. To make it more difficult for the reader means for them to care they have to put out effort to decrypt the incoherent mess that is my instantaneous thought.
Alas, I do not know all the answers and I am beginning to think that I don't want to know- the clock might start to run out faster if I pry into where I am prying. This is too much of a price, I wish I had never gone down this path- too much of a price, too much of nothing to gain a mental something.
But.. it says to push forward. To charge forth like some fool h-..
Some fool human.
Some.. fool.. human..
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
It's bs.
Happy fucking Christmas you herded sheep!
Only pro to this is New Year's. Got some wine, cheap shit just ready for my private celebration.
Enjoy your crap!
[This is the closest you're going to get to a true wish of merryness so you better take it. ^_-]
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Sunday, December 21, 2003
A Lachrymose Memento.
Is there no one that is bound to me? A soul mate, mayhap. Something destined, something true.
A time of love and happiness amongst family members, no? What love can exist when your family is not in your house and your adoptive family merely puts salt in the wounds. To make a holiday so that we are reminded to give- what a destructive dellima. To have to remind ourselves to have good will.
What good will can exist on this world? A place that has none left, even the sporadic moments cannot forgive the sins of the rest. The sins? The problems, the way things are handled.
No one is bound to me, why is there not a soulmate for me? I have lost someone I thought was it, there has to be someone. People find their one true loves consistantly but I seem destined to be the last of my line. Too early to tell? No. I doubt it.
My purpose seems to be a great moment and then nothing, there should be no one after me. I am not a good person, no matter what people say- I am efficent, not good. If something is in my way, I curtail it no matter what.
There should be no more people like I left, I should not send my traits down and my hatred down into another. With this abnormality comes the last time it will exist with my genes. Or will it?
I cannot tell you what the future holds, the lonliness that coats the world in a shade of gray should leave, but it won't for awhile it seems. I have a destiny to manifest it seems, the world we know of will probably not be the same due to what will occur in the next two years.
The Great Tribulation, a trial to end all trials for those that wish to stil lexist. Coherant to all thought and knowledge, it will be a time that you will wish you were not able to wish, to be sentinent, to be alive.
MElodramatics and illfated prophecies aside, there is no reason for I to be joyous when times of joy come. I have lost too many a person, lost whatever meaning there was behind joy. There is nothing for me in a holiday of falsities, and people who eagerly accept these falsities just to be reminded what compassion is. To exist in this world is dysfuntional in itself, to be a dysfunction in this world is more unique than I care to be.
The third dimension to every object always seems to be the darkest, and the one that everyone ignores to keep themselves content. The fourth dimension, if it exists on the object, always seems to be the truth behind the darkness.
What of the future, I wonder. The people that do not wish to see that is there to be seen, that which should be seen but if it is seen will destroy a large part of their facade of perfection.
This time is the time I am closest to the hell that was my past, the time that should not come.
I asked a man who I know will be great someday last night to have the right to kill the people that put me in that place because of my mental abnormalities and my rebellion against the medication. I hope that he agrees to this right because they must die to atone for there sins against my person. The be controlled by medicine is something that should not occur in this system anymore, it makes it less personal to expierence pain. They will die if I have my way, and they will die the longest deaths I can give them.
No one should go to those places. It is a place where hell dominates your persona and heaven turns away to allow the "regeneration" of your mind into something you don't want to be occur.
Death to the slavedrivers of minds. They will get their own soon enough.
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Friday, December 19, 2003
A couple of tests.
Sexual Personality Test:
Ken, your sexual personality is Chi-ETDN-9.
Your sexual personality is determined by your sexual persona (Chi), 4 sexual scales (Emotional/Physical, Look/Touch, Daring/Modest, Verbal/Non-verbal), and your libido score (9).
As a Chi, your sense of sexuality is driven largely by the need to understand your body as well as that of your sexual partner. Your sexual awareness is particularly high, though your sex appeal and sexual confidence are a bit lower.
How do we know this? How do we know that you focus more on the emotional than the physical connection with your partner while having sex?
Because while you were taking the test, you answered different kinds of questions — questions that measured what you're like in bed as well as your sex appeal, sexual confidence and sexual awareness.
Personality Test:
Ken, you're a Shark!
Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types - your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Shark which means you are a Seeker / Success Your primary sub-type is defined by "Seeker" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Success" characteristics.
That means you've got a robust love of life and a killer instinct. Chances are you hate rules, and don't plan on getting old. You're flexible and friendly on top of being innovative and smart. In short, people respect you.
How do we know all this? How do we know you're extroverted and love being in the spotlight? Or that your mantra is "work hard, play hard"? How could we have divined that dull parties make you weep?
Because while you were taking the test, you answered four different types of questions — questions that measured confidence, apprehension, willingness to take risks, and your focus on experience versus appearance — the primary traits that determine your personality. Based on your responses, we determined your personality type, Shark.
Intelligence Type Test:
Ken, you're smartest when it comes to logical/mathematical intelligence
While others may have dreaded their math and science classes at school, these subjects were probably no sweat for you. In fact you may have even thought they were fun. Your logical/mathematical intelligence makes you the type who can enjoy working with numbers or thinking through difficult questions to arrive at a solution.
Whether you realize it or not, this strength has likely been a help to you throughout your life — not just in the classroom. This is true because for work or recreation, people like you can tend to rely on your logical/mathematical intelligence to look at the world. From noticing patterns of behavior in people to being able to appreciate the visual beauty in a repeated design, your special brand of intelligence can make life both interesting and rewarding.
All tests provided by http://web.tickle.com/
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
I don't really see why people tread into the supernatural. I'm not a big fan of the supernatural- i've had expierences with it that were quite negetive. I liken it to this- you are standing on the sidewalk. To your left is an alley, shrouded in total darkness starting from the moment it joins the street back. You start poking into the pitch black, for no reason at all.
There's no reason to screw with that. No matter what you believe there is some sort of non-physical presence involved- it has been that way for a long time.
There has to be a basis for the belief in non-physical beings- maybe a large misconception or a leap of imagination, but the fact that every culture I can think of believed and worshipped something non-physical and had expierences with it leaves me a bit paranoid that there is something indeed nonphysical and it indeed is taking interest in the everyday dealings of humanity.
Paranoid because I don't think it can be as lucky as the nonphysical beings merely being creators and looking out for us- that is way too clean. "I, God, am here to protect you- don't ask questions or else something highly negetive, possibly eternally so, will occur."
Right. I can remember dozens of times I played tricks on lesser minded creatures just for fun or for my own gain- even lesser intelligent humans.
I'm not poking into that darkness. Since i'm an avid believer and practicer in ESP I might be stepping into it instead, even without wanting to. -_-; What a horrible act of hypocrisy that would be.
Maybe I am overtly paranoid and imaginitive- surely such things are not probable.
Still, that might explain destiny. Too many times has coincidence be toow coincidental- to the point that it surpasses the amused range.
I remain actively anti-religion, but quite mindful of the things that be that we might not be able to see.
You could say.. the magic of lore and legend has become quite scarce as communication networks linked worldwide, and man become quite aware of it's surrondings.
Quite scarce almost magically so.
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Monday, December 15, 2003
Current Music: Sic Transift Gloria by Brand New
The Soviet Union was a failure in attempted socialism/communism. Stalin turned the Soviet state into an authoritarian one. Had not Stalin ruined communism as we know it, and allow for other dictators to follow after him, then the Soviet Union could have possible succeeded in really creating an equal society in which labor is for meeting the needs of society and not for profit that defies nature. If a Leninist had followed Lenin's position after his death, such as Leon Trotsky, then the Soviet Union would not be turned into a militarial opressive state, but could have instead become a workers' state which gave its residents basic human rights. It would not have persecuted opposers for a mere difference in belief. So if Leninism had remained in power and had not been turned into an authoritarian regime, then the Soviet Union would be a great nation in which the proletariats were in power and not fat cat military leaders. The capitalists opression was replaced with that of military opression with secret police and the like. This happened because of Stalin's succession of power and corrupted the Soviet Union's hopes for communism.
"Very few established institutions, governments and constitutions...are ever destroyed by their enemies until they have been corrupted and weakened by their friends."
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Saturday, December 13, 2003
Welp, I don't have much to write. Mitch wants me to write one of my classic, on the spot stories so here goes.
There was once a horse in a medow. A green, grassy sort of medow- a medow you would picnic in. This horse most likely had a name- oh, please don't ask me what it is. Whenever you asked this horse of his name, he would just laugh at you. Quite a silly horse, this one.
Anyway, names aside, this certain horse was a great horse. A fast, strong, leader sort of horse. But, he preffered to keep to himself and his medow- enjoying the placid silence and the wonderous beauty around him. The beauty of the grass and the flowers, the birds and the trees, the butterflies and the blue backdrop which encompassed it all.
One day a large, rumbleing animal of metal came to the medow and out of it stepped a tall man. The man looked about the medow with sadness, and the horse was a bit perplexed- why was the man so sad in this great place?
The horse approached the man warily- scopeing out what he could from his stature. Finally he decided to ask, ask why the man was so sad in this happy place. The man answered.. and it was a depressing answer, indeed. He had lost his family in a great disaster than only men could make, yet it was the sort of disaster that men could never imagine of. The horse felt a great deal of sorrow for the man, and they continued talking freely- and they became good friends, this free horse and this distraught man.
Soon, both of them passed away and all that remained was the medow. But, sometimes they say you can still hear the spirits of the man and the horse discussing things- laughing heartily as the sun waynes in the sky.
The moral of the story is: You never know where you will find friends.
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Thursday, December 11, 2003
It is like the whole world had a slew of problems to deal with today, and I was dragged into dealing with alot of them. It has left me somewhat drained in spirits. I had a ton of problems too, but I had no one to turn to.
By the way, it isn't your choice if you are someone I can turn to, so I don't need to hear any "you can turn to me" things. If I could, I would and I wouldn't be saying this right now.
Nothing personal, just my choice.
Quiz Day
I'm a Philosopher/Scientist!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
Take More of Robert & Tim's Quizzes Watch Robert & Tim's Cartoons
 You are... Shrek - "Well I have to save my ass!"
You walk tough and talk tough, but inside you're just a gooey ball of mush. Your friends are important to you (whether you admit it or not) and you'd do just about anything for them (but you wouldn't like it). Trust is important to you, and so is respet. Looks don't matter to you; it's the gooey ball of mush inside that really counts.
What movie quote are YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
Kenneth in five years | Occupation: Part Time Chemist | Prized possession: The last coin-collection. | Favourite film: Star Wars Episode VII: Termination of the Smugglers | Age difference: Five years older, one week more mature. | | |
 The difference between you and the Virtue isnt in what you believe in, but how you execute your actions in life. While the Virtue will follow their heart to every extent, you follow the basic laws of humanity and fairness. To be Noble is not just in the aristocratic sense (even though you often play the Leader in most cases), but also in the fact that you believe in a fair trial in what you do. Even when your best friends come to you for help, you remain resilient and take action upon whats fair and just as opposed to whats always beneficial or helpful. People both love you and hate you for this extremely difficult skill that youve mastered. You see both sides, and treat both sides equally. Sure, you have your OWN opinion as to who you think is right or wrong, but you see life in a sense of karma: You reap what you sow. So you believe that you should treat every scenario in a neutral frame of mind because if it was you in that situation, youd expect the same treatment in returna fair chance. You are like a Counsellor, a Judge, or a Wise Person of great esteem. People are always comfortable in coming to you for advice, because youll offer it fairly to whoever asks for it.
Your Inner Heroic Shadow brought to you by Quizilla
[Holy crap. That is dead on to how I try to work my everyday dealings.]
 Youre an odd combination of the Deceitful and the Apathetic mixed together and rolled up into a nice little package. But at the same time you are neither alike both of them too. Its hard to say what your real intentions are on the outside because you constantly switch sides. To you, the glass is half empty AND half full, or neither full nor empty, or maybe it isnt a glass at all! Maybe you answer that way because even you dont know and/or dont really care. However, you dont act this way out of malice, so youre not really Deceitful. Also, while you might not care how the situation turns out in the end, you still make efforts to sway it one way or the other. So youre not completely uncaring like the Apathetic. You just do what you do out of the simple and constant changing desires of your mind. Or theres probably a third party in which youre actually in favor of that you are representing behind the scenes. Either way, most people really dont want you around them because they dont know if youre going to help them out, or screw them over. Someone whos only a 50/50 coin toss as to what theyll do next is worse than someone who might not be reliable ALL the time, but are at least predictable to a certain extent. Youre not reliable nor predictable.
Your Inner Heroic Shadow brought to you by Quizilla
you are olivedrab #688E23 | Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again.
Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.
Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
| the spacefem.com html color quiz |
The rogue is a trickster and a maverick. Living on his wits, he jumps from adventure to adventure using a combination of luck and style to keep him two steps ahead of his opposition. A natural gambler, the Rogue is adept at taking risks and even better at surviving them. Leaving behind a string of lovers and admirers, the rogue will always be sure to shake things up.
What's your fantasy character? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are mRNA. You're brilliant, full of important, interesting information and you're a great friend to the people you care about. You may have sides to you that no one understands. But while you understand more than most people, you're only half-there most of the time.
Which Biological Molecule Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 9, 2003
Amongst the Flames.
Hmm. It has been awhile.
I think we need a bloody history day.
Bloody History Day
Tonight I think you should know about the Destruction of Dresden. I have not heard many people speak of this- no, I think not many people know. It is something that sets in light what war is- and how in World War 2 the Allies were not the stereotypical "good guys"- it was war. War has no good side, just two differeing opinons escalated to a scale that costs tons of lives. I have found an article that writes this better than I ever could, and I give it credit. So, for today's Bloody History Day, I give you "Dresden: A Real Holocost" by Kevin Alfred Strom.
I suggest you read it- you might learn something, and i'd be quite irate if you skipped over it.
This means you. [:P]
"The night of February 13th, and February 14th, Valentine's Day, mark an ominous anniversary in the history of Western Civilization. For beginning on the night of February 13th, 1945, occurred the destruction of Dresden.
On the eve of Valentine's Day, 1945, World War II in Europe was nearly over. For all practical purposes Germany was already defeated. Italy, and Germany's other European allies, had fallen by the wayside. The Red Army was rushing to occupy vast areas of what had been Germany in the East, while the allies of the Soviets, the British and Americans, were bombing what was left of Germany's defenses and food and transportation infrastructure into nonexistence.
And what was Dresden? Most of you have probably heard of Dresden China, and that delicately executed and meticulously detailed porcelain is really a perfect symbol for that city. For centuries Dresden had been a center of art and culture, and refined leisure and recreation. She was a city of art museums and theatres, circuses and sports stadia, a town of ancient half-timbered buildings looking for all the world like those of medieval England, with venerable churches and centuries-old cathedrals gracing her skyline. She was a city of artists and craftsmen, of actors and dancers, of tourists and the merchants and hotels that served them. Above all, what Dresden was, was defined during the war by what she was not. She had no significant military or industrial installations. Because of this, Dresden had become, above all other things that she was, a city of children, of women, of refugees, and of the injured and maimed who were recovering from their wounds in her many hospitals.
These women and children, these wounded soldiers, these infirm and elderly people, these refugees fleeing from the brutal onslaught of the Communist armies to the East, had come to Dresden because it was commonly believed at the time that Dresden would not be attacked. Its lack of strategic or military or industrial significance, and the well-known presence of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian refugees and even Allied prisoners of war, seemed to guarantee safety to the city. Surely, it was thought, not even a the most powerful and determined enemy would be so depraved and sadistic, and so wasteful of that enemy's own resources, to attack such a city. But the people of Dresden, who were happily attending the cinema or eating dinner at home or watching the show-horses in the circus on that fateful night were wrong, wrong, wrong. And their leaders were also wrong, for the city was virtually open and undefended and only minimal civil defense preparations had been made.
Dresden's population had almost doubled in the months before the attack, mainly as a result of the influx of refugees from the Eastern Front, most of them women and young children. According to British historian David Irving, the briefings given to the British bomber squadrons before the attack on Dresden were curiously different. In one, the soldiers were told that their target was the railway center of Dresden. In another, they were told that the target was a poison-gas factory. In yet another, they were told that the target was a marshalling-grounds for troops in the city. Another was told that the target was a major arsenal. These were all lies.
The only marshalling-grounds for what few troops were in the area were located well outside the city. The arsenal had burned down in 1916. There were factories for toothpaste and baby-powder in Dresden, but none for poison gas. There were, in fact, no fewer than eighteen railway stations in Dresden, but only one was hit by the bombing, and that was barely touched and in fact was operating again just three days later.
According to copious documentation unearthed by David Irving from the archives of the American and British governments, the point of the attack was in fact to inflict the maximum loss of life on the civilian population and particularly to kill as many refugees as possible who were fleeing from the Red Army. In achieving these goals it was highly successful. It was thus planned and executed by those at the very highest levels of the British and American governments, who to attain their purposes even lied to their own soldiers and citizens, who to this day have never been told the full story by their leaders.
How was this devastating effect accomplished?
At 10:10 PM on February 13th, the first wave of the attack, consisting of the British Number 5 Bomber Group, began. The attacking force consisted of about 2,000 bombers with additional support craft, which dropped over 3,000 high explosive and 650,000 incendiary bombs (more commonly known as firebombs) on the center of the city. Incendiary bombs are not known for their efficiency per pound in destroying heavy equipment such as military hardware or railroad tracks, but are extremely effective in producing maximum loss of human life. The loads carried by the bombers were over 75 per cent incendiaries. In fact, the goal of the first wave of the attack was, according to British air commander Sir Arthur Bomber Harris, to set the city well on fire. That he did.
The lack of any effective anti-aircraft defenses allowed the bombers to drop to very low altitudes and thus a relatively high degree of precision and visual identification of targets was achieved. Despite the fact that they could clearly see that the marked target area contained hospitals and sports stadia and residential areas of center city Dresden, the bombers nevertheless obeyed orders and rained down a fiery death upon the unlucky inhabitants of that city on a scale which had never before been seen on planet Earth. Hundreds of thousands of innocents were literally consumed by fire, an actual holocaust by the true definition of the word: complete consumption by fire.
The incendiaries started thousands of fires and, aided by a stiff wind and the early-on destruction of the telephone exchanges that might have summoned firefighters from nearby towns, these fires soon coalesced into one unimaginably huge firestorm. Now such firestorms are not natural phenomena, and are seldom created by man, so few people have any idea of their nature. Basically, what happened was this: The intense heat caused by the huge column of smoke and flame, miles high and thousands of acres in area, created a terrific updraft of air in the center of the column. This created a very low pressure at the base of the column, and surrounding fresh air rushed inward at speeds estimated to be thirty times that of an ordinary tornado. An ordinary tornado wind-force is a result of temperature differences of perhaps 20 to 30 degrees centigrade. In this firestorm the temperature differences were on the order of 600 to 1,000 degrees centigrade. This inward-rushing air further fed the flames, creating a literal tornado of fire, with winds in the surrounding area of many hundreds of miles per hour--sweeping men, women, children, animals, vehicles and uprooted trees pell-mell into the glowing inferno.
But this was only the first stage of the plan.
Exactly on schedule, three hours after the first attack, a second massive armada of British bombers arrived, again loaded with high explosive and massive quantities of incendiary bombs. The residents of Dresden, their power systems destroyed by the first raid, had no warning of the second. Again the British bombers attacked the center city of Dresden, this time dividing their targets--one half of the bombs were to be dropped into the center of the conflagration, to keep it going, the other half around the edges of the firestorm. No pretense whatever was made of selecting military targets. The timing of the second armada was such as to ensure that a large quantity of the surviving civilians would have emerged from their shelters by that time, which was the case, and also in hopes that rescue and firefighting crews would have arrived from surrounding cities, which also proved to be true. The firefighters and medics thus incinerated hadn't needed the telephone exchange to know that they were needed--the firestorm was visible from a distance of 200 miles.
It is reported that body parts, pieces of clothing, tree branches, huge quantities of ashes, and miscellaneous debris from the firestorm fell for days on the surrounding countryside as far away as eighteen miles. After the attack finally subsided, rescue workers found nothing but liquefied remains of the inhabitants of some shelters, where even the metal kitchen utensils had melted from the intense heat.
The next day, Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day, 1945, medical and other emergency personnel from all over central Germany had converged on Dresden. Little did they suspect that yet a third wave of bombers was on its way, this time American. This attack had been carefully coordinated with the previous raids. Four hundred fifty Flying Fortresses and a support contingent of fighters arrived to finish the job at noon. I quote from David Irving's The Destruction of Dresden:
"Just a few hours before Dresden had been a fairy-tale city of spires and cobbled streets .... now total war had put an end to all that. ...The ferocity of the US raid of 14th February had finally brought the people to their knees... but it was not the bombs which finally demoralised the people ... it was the Mustang fighters, which suddenly appeared low over the city, firing on everything that moved .... one section of the Mustangs concentrated on the river banks, where masses of bombed-out people had gathered. ... British prisoners who had been released from their burning camps were among the first to suffer the discomfort of machine-gunning attacks .... wherever columns of tramping people were marching in or out of the city they were pounced on by the fighters, and machine-gunned or raked with cannon fire."
Ladies and gentlemen, I can only give you a bare glimpse of the inhuman horror of the holocaust of Dresden. In Dresden, no fewer than 135,000 innocent victims died, with some estimates as high as 300,000. More died in Dresden than died in the well-known attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. More destruction befell Dresden in one day than was inflicted on the whole of Britain during the entire war."
With that told, so ends Bloody History Day. What are my thoughts? Well, you know, as I read through articles, essays and books I read alot of horrendous things one nation has done to another. As I studied on this I just had the thought that it was probably a city like any city you can imagine- yours, even. With people like any city has, neighbors like any of us have, teenagers with friends like any of us have, little kids playing like any of us have.
So, really. Fascism is evil, Communism is evil- whatever, I don't give a fuck, honestly.
Every nation bloodies it's hands- no matter the polotical ideal at hand, no matter the "freedoms" it gives its population- no matter WHAT the government of your country says, it is never as black and white as that.

I wonder how many little girls were burned to death. I wonder how many were still consious as they burned.
I wonder how many screamed.
*tips hat* Use this knowledge well, reader. It might serve you more than you may realize.
.. nothing is black and white, right? ;P
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Monday, December 8, 2003
Blue Star.
I'm trying to understand something.
Right prior to the first Gulf War, the United States reenforced the Saudi Arabian border with the things it had on hand- namely, 600 M60 tanks. The M60 was the previous main tank, before the Abrams, and was probably on par with whatever Soviet tanks and otherwise the Iraqi's had.
The difference was numbers- The Iraqi's had 5,500 of their tanks. T72's, I don't think they would have any t80's onward- but you can suprise me if you want.
If Saddam Hussein had attack Saudi Arabia with a good portion of his tanks he probably would have won with sheer numbers- aka, like how Russia almost always wins her wars up to WW2.
Enough of that. We would have beaten him eventually- that is obvious. Just.. it would have taken longer and more people would have died.
Worse outcomes for now-resolved situations.
[this post is mainly a "i'm still around" post filled with facts no one cares about. >_>;;;]
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