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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
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I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
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Sunday, September 28, 2003
Current Mood: Morose.
Current Music: Pennyroyal Tea By Nirvana.
I still have that same motherfucking cold that my father gave to me. It is of no suprise that now my mother too is beginning to feel 'a bit odd'. What better to share with your family than an illness? It makes brooding together so much more pseudo-intellectual and poetic. With that thought, my eyebrow just twitched upwards- lol. I am in a really bad mood. You know I am in a brooding, evil mood when I am smokeing and glowering at nothing in particular. There is no real reason for this mood- especially with me. It just comes and goes. Sort of like the ebb and flow of the ocean.
You know, I feel like writing something. I just do not know what. There is nothing to write about anymore. Sort of like a blank canvas sitting in the middle of Eden with no brush. I guess irony really is the lowest form of wit- that is why it is so blatantly commonplace.
I guess I will take some quizzes. I have nothing better to do with my fucking time.
What a releif. Quizzes exist. If I kept on thinking right now I might just stumble upon some vein of pure brilliance, an epiphany which would cause an extreme change in my life in some sort of altering, peaceful, optimistic way. That would be so goddamn drab and boring. I might become one of those halfwit 32 year olds selling books all about how you can improve your self esteem and find your happy, cheerful center.
"Tired of the same old life? Same old job, same old house, same old paycheck? With Kenneth Howell's new book YOU- yes, you!- Can single handedly become a complete success! Here is just one of our satisfied customers!
'I tried it, and within 2 seconds I had made over 6 million dollars. What did I do with my money? I got lips the size of Venezula. *giggle*'
That is just one of over 5 hundred thousand success stories- all done with this simple formula that Kenneth himself used!
'With my proven techniques and easy to learn skills you to can be a success- just like me! All you need to do is pick up call the number at the bottom of the screen and order today.'"
My ass.
So lets get some quizzes before I unleash upon the world the prospect of lips of mass destruction.
You are a creature of the air, filled with life and energy. Your freedom is precious to you - any kind of confinement is the worst punishment anyone can inflict upon you. You are an explorer and love to try new things and experiences. You are open and honest with the world, and aren't afraid to express yourself freely. Others may envy your free-spirit, so be wary of those who would seek to reign you in.
Now that you know what your inner animal spirit is, let me show you something else....
Take my hand....
What is your Inner Animal Spirit? brought to you by Quizilla
God of all the fucking things I had to be a bird. Shit, at least a wolf or something remotely interesting.. Maybe I could be like a Warlock Bird or something.
What the fuck am I rambleing about, jesus.

You are a deeply mysterious and devastatingly intelligent being. You like to spend your time alone studying ways to bend others to your will and ways to cheat death. Although you have immense power and and army of followers, death will find you eventually.
Welcome to the shadows!
And now that you know who you are, take my hand and join me in a trip to the unknown....
Come with me and live forever....
What Evil Creature of the Night are you? brought to you by Quizilla
"Old Man Ken went down to town today."
"You might want to work late tonight, Alex."

You are a siren.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox
Ken the Siren.
 The Big Five Personality Test | Extroverted | |||||||||| | 36% | Introverted | |||||||||||||||| | 64% | Friendly | |||||||||||||| | 54% | Aggressive | |||||||||||| | 46% | Orderly | |||||||||||| | 46% | Disorderly | |||||||||||||| | 54% | Relaxed | |||||||||||| | 48% | Emotional | |||||||||||||| | 52% | Intellectual | |||||||||||||||||||| | 88% | Practical | |||| | 12% | Take Free Big 5 Personality Test
Extroversion results were low which suggests you are quiet, unassertive, and aloof.
Friendliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately good natured, trusting, and helpful.
Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, reliable, neat, and ambitious.
Emotional Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately worrying, insecure, emotional, and nervous.
Intellectualness results were high which suggests you are very creative, original, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.
Overall, you scored highest on Intellectualness and lowest on Extroversion.
 Your anime hair color is blue.
What is your anime hair color? brought to you by Quizilla
Somehow that picture makes me feel sorry for that young woman.

So which letter of the alphabet matches YOUR personality, huh?
Of all the letters..

Definately. Without a doubt, that is who I am.
But now it is time for me to withdraw. Adios.
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Friday, September 26, 2003
copy and paste.
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Thursday, September 25, 2003
I dislike the presence of people at this current juncture of time highly
So I do indeed now have a full fleded cold. I am currently in one of the worst moods I have been in for a long while.
The fact of the matter is that I would not have gotten this goddamn sickness if my parents had not pressured me into going with them to the nursing hom to see my grandmother. It pisses me off to no end that no matter what sort of things I do to try to please people, in general I get the worst end of the deal.
Oh well. At least it is not a stomach illness. That has to be the illness that I most dislike- especially since I got solmenella some years back. I got it from some of the food from the cafeteria at school. I lost like 20 pounds of water weight on the first day, my parents scheduled an appointment for me 2 days after. On the second day I faded in and out of consiousness while just sitting and watching tv. Finally, when the day came to go to the doctor, I could not walk at all. I had to lean on my dad's shoulder to the car. When we got to the office I needed a wheelchair.
That was the crappiest sickness-related week of my life.
I think I will type up a quiz day for you all. I need something to waste some time, anyway.
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I regret to inform the populace that the new Limp Bizkit single is actually a single level above total crap.
It is somewhat enjoyable.
And I do not know why. Maybe it is the meloncholy parts, maybe it is the nu metal parts.
Someone kill me. I have not liked anything LB since Significant Other. Ergh, I might actually but the new album.
Man. Alone in the dark, playing Lunar 2 with a cold listening to a new limp bizkit single.
Ever have the feeling that Siberians have a more interesting life than you do? haha.
Oh well.
I hope all of the people I know that are asleep are dreaming well, and those that are still up liveing well.
I have nothing more to add.. and must end this post. The wound on my forehead reopened from this afternoon.
It is not bleeding that bad, let me just stop the stream.
My mother acidentally pushed me straight into a tree branch, a thick hardy branch whos bark had been around long enough to attain sharp, hardy properties. It was painful intailly, but it lulled into that mundane throbbing 'now you know why people do not do slam their heads into things often' pain. I was content with this, but my mother immediately did that motherly 'gasp'.
o.o; I bleed too much. Red is too commonplace in my life. My font, my ideal color.
Now I will proceed to stop the bleeding again. Intill my next post, adios.
[Edit] Mmmm. It has stopped bleeding.
Heh. There is some blood on my wrist.
The last time I saw blood on my wrist, I was dieing. And no matter how much the scar fades, it will always been there in spirit- and physically I can always see it, no matter what.
Damn. I wish I had just od'ed on pills instead of sliceing my wrist open to the bone. The other wrist I just sliced open a few times, not to the bone- so it was not lethal, I think. Still that is like playing russian roulette.
Trust me kiddies. It is better to try it on other spots.
But man was that the most consumeing pain I had ever felt. I was drowning in it, I could barely think.
There was more to this but I deleted it.
No need to further the subject.
Just remember to tell the suicidal people you might know that a kid you used to know tryed it and does not reccomend it.
Especially when there are so many other ways to let negetivity out. Heheh.
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I have some sort of cold or flu.
I feel like shit.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2003
*Copies Tori+Jenna *
 <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( NEW!!! Anime Pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
I will help you! :X
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I would like to wish Jenna a happy b-day. ^_^
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Current Music: SuperBeast By Rob Zombie
Current Mood: Content.
The Name Of The Game Is Majority
I heard a debate on CNN that brought to my attention a true fact taht most people miss, or at least I seem to have missed my long standing studies of religion, somehow- even when it was right underneath my nose.
The majority of Americans are Christian. This means that, even under persecution, you have brothers or sisters in faith you can turn to and have agreement with.
As an agnostic I have no one. Absolutely no one who agrees with me, lol. Now this is not a call for me to whine and wallo in pity because I am somehow alone in hateing the majority religion in a large superpower- on the contrary, this is a call for the Christians to stop bitching about persecution. It is to the point idiot conservitives are writing books about it.
On that note, fuck conservitives. You idiotic anti-women, anti-black fools. Go to hell. God I get enough crap from alot of them from being agnostic, but no one tolerates socialists anymore- especially liberal ones. Jesus Christ. Anyway.
Christianity complaining about persecution is hypocritical- after thousands of years of KILLING people who veiwed things the way I do, it is suddenly impolite for me to say one sacreligious statement to your face.
What the flying hell. o_o
Christians are fine people. Moral people, in general. They have great values and nice families. They enjoy what they enjoy, openly.
The keyword is openly.
I am not crying for some sort of forced exodus of Christianity underground, but you have to expect and be able to weather criticism- especailly in an era where your religion is comeing off falser and falser, more debateable and more debateable. Marriage, that oh-so-holy union, is faltering- really faltering. I have lost all faith I had in it, due to family problems ironically enough.
Conservitive Christians whineing about lack of support for their faith in schools and socially should just shut up. If anyone reading this is a conserv christian, which I doubt highly, please- comment, I want to hear the idiocy that I have heard from other conservs. lol.
Just for the record, no one online has bitched about this. If anyone thinks I am pointing fingers at them then you are, sadly, mistaken. As I mentioned, on CNN's Laura Zahn show I saw a small debate- so I am not targeting any of you.
It is just the title of the guy's book that pissed me off twice as much.
"Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity"
-_-;;;; Please.
Unless someone here that knows something that I do not know about, I find that melodramatic. If trying to remove the relationship between state and religion or school and religion is some sort of war then I am Osama Bin Laden, ugh.
The guy had the gaul on the show to complain about science classes in schools teaching evolution-
science classes.
Damn Conservs.
It should be noted that I have not been able to find anything that really supports this sort of liberal 'war', lol. If anyone has something that points to such an extreme situation, then please, show me. I guess holding an opinon these days is tantamount to open warfare, haha. All opinons are subject to change, of course, as things occur. =)
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
I bought this a few days ago and have to say it is a great RPG for the PS1/2. The love story that I have seen so far is just the tip of the iceburg I presume- I am only a couple of hours into it, heh. The gameplay in whole- battle system, equip system, story- is great. The characters are memorable, and I have only recruited one, other than the main chars- lol. The mix of anime and CGI FMVs is choice.
I reccomend it.
The Re-emergence Of Love For All Things Zombie
Rob Zombie and White Zombie are choice, once more. I am downloading as much of their stuff as I can- once more, ^_~. If you can find the time try out SuperBeast by Rob or More Human Than Human by White Zombie. Good metal, good music to just chill to.
The intro to SuperBeast is choice as well.
Little Girl: And out of the darkness the Zombie did call,
True pain and suffering he brought to them all.
Away were the children to hide in their beds,
For fear that the devil would chop off their heads! *giggle*
The Thirst Comes Once More
My urge to roleplay has been growing for several weeks now, and I have joined Arcadia's RPG- leaving me currently looking for more, haha.
What fun.
That is all, leave positive comments or unbiased opinons, if you will.
P.S. The hidden stuff in my OB signature I wrote myself, do you like? I think of it as a small story.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2003
I would like to strive to get another moderator's spot. Any suggestions as to what area...
a.)I should try to get
b.)Needs a moderator.
c.)Would do well with some Ken-wisdom.
I was thinking of Sony, because I am a fan of the PS2- just, I never find the need to post in there. I know alot about the games comeing out and the ones in dev.. hm.
Any ideas? I would enjoy having a bit more work to do, lol.
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