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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
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I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
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Friday, December 2, 2005
I write sins.
Zacherai: you know
Zacherai: it's amusing
Zacherai: how many
Zacherai: fights
Zacherai: Ive proked
Zacherai: just by asking why.
Zacherai: >>;
DeathKnight V4: why what?
DeathKnight V4: I mean, not to be ironic.
DeathKnight V4: ..;
DeathKnight V4: ..
DeathKnight V4: I should have caught that earlier.
Zacherai: ...
Zacherai: yes
Zacherai: >>;
I'm back from Dallas.. but I'm sick. No real post for now.
Comments (5) |
Friday, November 18, 2005
The wanderer.
I'm going on like a ten day vacation to Dallas, so I'll see you amigos y amigas later.
You all may run amock in the comments area in my absence.
Have a good week!
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
The World At Large.
Comments on commentary-
Leaful- Yeah, no thanks.
Iri- Sweet. Hook me up.
Kill the fuckers!
Theme song of this post: Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt by The Mars Volta.
Dear Diary,
Today was a wonderful day. A wondrous wonderful day of wonderful wonderment that left me pining for such wonderment on more than just this day. Today, I stood atop the cliffs, I smelt the morning air, I bathed in the holy glow of the sun and I killed a ton of motherfuckers. Yes, today was indeed a wondrous day that shall go down in history due to it's excessive wonderment and the greatness therein. I wish that all creatures upon this planet from the smallest mouse to the tallest elephant had such great days prior to their extinction due to man's continued crusade against mother nature. Yes, indeed I think today was the most wondrous day that any person could really have.
How wondrous? Well Diary, I wrote a song about how wondrous this day was! Sing along if you know the words to the song
Today is the greatest day it's
So good to be alive~
Today is simply great it's
So good to be alive~
For today is a wondrous, most wondrous
Extremely funderous type of day
With hours, mounting hours
Spent just having tons of fun
Today is, yes TODAY is
The kind of day to waste away
Today [today!] is just a day
For you to sit and play
If you want to sing
A little song
About days that are long
Or days that are gone
Just sing this diddy
And all will see
Just how great this day can be!
Well, that's about it diary. I'll talk to you later!
Kenneth A. Howell
And now, for something completely different...
Actually today was pretty subpar. Oh well.
Topics for discussion:
Iraq- Just, stop talking about leaving. You can't disengage from this, you can't just walk away. It is a matter of debate if the conditions in Iraq are worse because of the Coalition's presence or not, but I'm pretty sure that any situation where we pull out is not going to be a happy, peaceful sunshiney sort of time period. I believe that the American people must take responsibility. The majority of our populous elected Bush for President and the decisions he made are something we have to take responsibility for. It would be really piss poor of us to be selfish enough to imply that the lives of our countrymen are worth more than hundreds or thousands of innocent people who would probably be caught up in sectarian violence on the level of a civil war. Innocent people as in an entire generation of children knowing nothing more than violence and, you know, that's probably one of the more negative things that can happen to any person on the planet. Soldiers are in a line of work where they die. If you want to complain about their deaths then you clearly do not understand the concept of being a soldier or war itself as much more death and violence is occurring beyond the handful of Americans that get diced each day.
There is no way to calmly walk away from this. We must stay and see this through.
Gay marriage- Government regulation of what citizens can and cannot do should be based on secularized lines of thought. This is not a theocracy and neither should we hope it is.
President Bush- Man, yes he's bad but he isn't going anywhere for a few years. Hunker down for the worst of it. He's not the worst President in history although that certainly doesn't make me feel any more content.
The next generation of consoles- I'm just going with whichever one has the most RPGs. I never cared for fanboy arguments- I like my PS2 because it has a myriad of games that I like to play. I don't like it because it's Sony. Most of the Sony stuff I've owned has been total shit. Same can be said of Microsoft. Same can be said of Nin- well, no. I never really had a bad piece of Nintendo hardware. Overuse of the N64 gave me like a blister on my thumb one time though [no joke, Mario Kart 64 was an addictive piece of shit. Speaking of Mario Kart 64, I have to say my favorite map was probably the one with Boo's Castle in it- where you could slide right off of the track? That was awesome.] Anyway, I'm probably going to get a PS3.
Equally dubious is the Revolution's controller. "Give it a chance"? What the hell, it's not revolutionary it's just a quirk I don't need to deal with. Shut the hell up about chances and give me something normal. Assholes.
Your face- IS SO UGLY! Haha, no. You're a handsome/beautiful dude/dudette/androgynous figure.
What's new in my life? Well, I'm taking a week+ long vacation coming up this weekend. So I'll be MIA for awhile.. I guess. I don't have alot of shit to do aside from replying to a letter I got and uh, well, I might wait until after I'm back from my vacation to reply.. because that's the lazy thing to do. I'm probably gonna get Dragon Quest 8 sometime today as soon as the afternoon shipment rolls in at my local EB. Burn down the mall while I'm there, I suppose.
Otherwise, not much. I've ditched romance totally now due to generally annoyances with it. If anybody asks, I'm not looking and neither do I plan to be looking anytime soon. No matter who or what you are, I'm not interested. I have other things to do with my time than teenage melodrama, lol. You know, stuff like:
*Learning about World War 2! Did you know there were over ONE MILLION casualties at the Battle of Kursk? Now you do!
*Waiting for this neat Pirate MMO! Arrrrr, Ken demands pirate-y action.
*Playing Crusader Kings! After a tough, decade-long war I [as England], have reconquered Spain from the dirty Muslims in the year of 1166! HISTORY IS THUSLY ALTERED! THE RECONQUISTA HAS BEEN FUBARED! Deus vult!
*Having to explain that I really don't think Muslims are dirty, I was just in the spirit of the moment after KICKING A TON OF VIRTUAL MUSLIM ASS! SAY HELLO TO THE ENGLISH EMPIRE, FOOLS! HAHAHA.
*Listening to music! Man, kids can really play guitars well these days.
*Kidnapping the Princess. You'll never catch me!
*Reading non-fiction books. Yatta~
*Reading fiction books. Yatta~
*Hitting people with books. YATTA~
Cemetery gates.
P.S. Dude. Uncool.
P.P.P.S. Learn.
Comments (0) |
Sunday, November 6, 2005
We'll roll on with our heads held high.
Comments on commentary-
Roxrox- Hey, my math score was better than a fifth of the other people's score so, you know, minor win for Kenneth A. Howell.
Abstract art is okay.. as long as you don't start to lose your head. That "art" is nothing more than a steaming pile of shit, lol.
Acronym Girl- Yeah, Jarhead looks awesome. I haven't seen it yet because I've had to deal with bullshit but, SOON! YES, VERY SOON. HM.
lol. The ironic thing is that the only art I can do is abstract art. >>;
Irish- Yeah, I never really cared about math. I only studied enough to pass, lol. Math is not my thing.
Yeap. That orange thing is "art". Art that I will kill with fire.
Brij- *would respond but he is crushed* ;P
Doctor, I can't thank you enough.
Theme song for this post: Kill the Sexplayer by Girls Against Boys.
If you want to see a movie that is kind of amusing and depressing at the same time, you should go rent Gunner Palace. It's a documentary that was released a half a year back that I think more people should see. I can't really describe it, heh- it's just about these guys in Baghdad trying to.. survive? It's just something that I think most Americans should probably watch, just because, you know, I think it's a worthwhile way to spend two hours.
Well, I have nothing much to say so let's scribble in a quiz day.
English motherfucker- do you speak it?
Well, first, I'd like to point out that the most popular quiz on quizilla is entitled: "Can I touch your boobs?" and it is, apparently, for girls only [strange, that]. So if you're a young woman who is interested in someone who is intensely interested in your assets, have a blast.
Other thing I'd like to point out: Some of these quizzes are girls only [uh oh] but I did them anyway. Can we say.. boredom? Anyway, onward to the fray.
![HASH(0x8cfd91c)]( You'd make a great Geek!
Which 'label' would you fit into? (5 results, with pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
![Metal]( Metal! Is the violent and intellegent element. You can care less about what people have to say about you because you can always outsmart them at anything. Normaly you could be found meditating or just inventing something. You are always looked over in a crowd and you always wear whats comfortable. Pretty much nothing gets by you. All though you may be known as 'heartless' for caring a bit too much about your work than people. Perhaps something happened in your life to inspire you into this attitude Anything to make you happy. A song to check out is: Miss you by Blink182
Which element are you most suited with? GIRLS ONLY! [gorgeous anime pics] UPDATED! brought to you by Quizilla
[Awww. Cat ears. :>]
![aww]( You feel love. You've reached true enlightenment. There is never cross tone in your voice, never a frown upon your face, never a person you don't love. Wisdom is one of your most prevailing traits, for people always look up to you and come to you for advise. You've discovered what is the true meaning of life to you and understand things to a copassity that others can not. This makes you a good leader but you are too modest to take that position, and you know the others won't grow up unless they try to step up. You have lots of friends that are very close to you. Almost everyone you meet falls in love with your beautiful personality because you are the closest thing to an angel. To be divine and loved is also a hard job too because everyone has such high expectations for you, yet that doesn't phase you. For you feel all the same that it is only natural for them.
Element: Light
Color: Red
Quote: Some people see things are and ask why, othes see things the way they might be and ask why not.
Expression: Kind smile and understanding eyes that have an unusual depth to them.
Symbol: A red rose/simple white gown/Kiss
.:Look me in the eyes... Tell me how you feel:. (anime pics) [Detailed results] brought to you by Quizilla
![clairvoyance]( Psionics is your specialty.
You seem to know every thought that comes to everyone's minds and every word before it comes out of anyone's mouth. You know the answer before the question, and can at some times detect the truth from the lies. You are a mysterious person, an enigma many people find puzzling. However, they tend to stay away from you, due to the fact that you know what they are thinking. Only a selected few, who can brave your all-knowing mind actually befriend you. You are loyal only to those who actually made the first move to becoming your friend. To them, you share some secrets, but you still remain an enigma.
Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
![intelligence]( People see intelligence in your eyes. You probably enjoy reading a good book and are pretty good at outsmarting people. You like finding the meaning behind things and you know how to hold an intellectual conversation. The downside of this is that people can mistake you for a nerd or people who aren't as smart as you will get angry and try to bring you down. Don't let them, though! You should prize your intelligence and not worry about what those people think. Btw...can you help me with my homework?
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!)) brought to you by Quizilla
![HASH(0x8c4ec80)]( you are a strange person. you love fantisies and science-fiction. you love reading, and you are probably really smart. harry potter, redwall... anything thats thick and fun to read!!! you are very creative, and can get very hyper and strange at times.
what are you on the inside? (with anime pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
![HASH(0x8e0e780)]( Thank you! You are not evil. I was starting to think everyone who took this was gonna be evil. Anyways, you are optimistic and care much for the human race. You may think of some things in ways you shouldnt but hey, your only human.
What kind of evil are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Fitz: What do you know about tanks? Golden Joe: They are BIG AS HELL!!!
Well, that ends this little trist. Bai.
P.P.S. Err.
P.P.P.S. ... err..
P.P.P.P.S. errrrr....
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Existentialism on Prom Night.
Comments on commentary-
Leaful- A dork I am not.
Haha, jk. Yes I am.
Roxie- Like I said, I can't understand that entire thing. It's just not my style to spend that much on a home for a nice "area". I'd probably homeschool or private school my children anyway, you know?
Irish- Gardens and kids= great mix.
Ladder climbers? lol. I suppose I'm not one of them?
Take the rabbit, pet the rabbit, love the rabbit.
Theme song of this post: I'm Popular by Nada Surf.
Well my SAT scores came in. Results:
Total score = 1630.
Reading- 660. 90th percentile.
Math- 420. 19th percentile.
Writing- 550.
The percentiles are based on fellow SAT takers so, like in reading, I got a better score than 90 percent of the test takers. Another thing to remember is that the SAT was changed from last year so I don't think I can compare my score with any of my older friends who have taken it already. Tch.
My essay got 9/10 possible points, lol. I'm not sure why, it was kind of an incoherent ramble- very similar to some of my philosophic blog posts, actually. As for math, well- I've never really studied math seriously. I fucking hate the subject. It's kind of sad that 19 percent of the test takers sucked more than I did when I never really paid much attention to the subject. *sweatdrops* My mom and I laughed our butts off about the score I got in math, heh. I think I did okay- most people seem to have aimed for a score of 1500. Other awkward thing: I literally didn't study for this test [part of the reason I had a nervous breakdown]. I'm feeling kind of weird about the whole thing, you know? On the 29th apparently there will be an expanded report on my scores and they will put my essay for me to see online, lol. I'll talk about it to you guys then. But uh, as I understand it, I think I didn't totally bomb so. Celebration time, yeah?
Anyway, some more pictures for you guys. I went to the McNay around a week ago and my mom played photographer [much to my annoyance]. I'm gonna leave them in thumbnail form since alot of them are fucking huge. So, here we go:
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The McNay has a very nice koi pond on it's grounds. It's quite beautiful and has a variety of life in it- turtles, fish, little tadpoles, etc. The man with me is my pops, the grandpapa who adopted me so many years ago. Yes, he's somewhat stoic. Yes, he usually poses like that in pictures.
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The McNay also has a pretty nice fountain [as you can see]. It's not the greatest fountain but, for an art museum, it's pretty nifty. Me and my dad once again, him looking boring as ever [lol].
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Me sitting in some grass. My mom insisted that I sit upon this grass for some reason- we bickered a bit about it until I finally gave in. Great, neh?
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Me sitting on a little island within the koi pond. There was some bickering prior to this picture as well, lol.
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M: Stand on the rock with light on it!
K: .. this one?
M: No no, the other one.
K: .... this one?
M: Yes! Good. ^_^
K: .. there's a plant in the way.
M: That doesn't matter! Look as serious as you possibly can.
K: Heh?
M: Just do it.
K: You got it. *super serious face*
*later on, when they are looking at the pictures*
M: Whoa! You look like you're about to kill someone!
K: You told me to look serious!
M: You did it a little too well~
K: ...
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I was really agitated about this. Everybody IRL knows that I really fucking hate this piece of "art" because it's just a giant orange piece of shit. My mom adores it apparently and I was forced to pose next to it. She wanted me to, and I quote, "raise my arms out like I'm flying."
Good times.
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Not much to tell. That's the McNay Art Museum in the background. Neat, huh?
![Free Image Hosting at](
![Free Image Hosting at](
I'm sitting next to a naked lady. Why? Well, you know. I'm pimpin' 24/7.
Or not.
All in all it was a great trip. I could dig up some more pictures of my rents but, really, who wants to see those?
Famine pulse.
Ja ne.
P.S. Learn some shit!
P.P.S. I plan to see Jarhead the day it opens. This movie looks so good.
P.P.P.S. What a day.
Comments (5) |
Monday, October 10, 2005
Comments on commentary-
*Space for rent*
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere.
Theme song of this post: Soul Meets Body by Death Cab For Cutie.
I'm feeling better now that I've had some rest and relaxation. My mom drug us all off to the botanical gardens which was.. nice. Niceish. You know, sort of nice, lol. It was rather humid out there today- storms are lingering in the area [what better day to go to some gardens]. Equally bad was the fact it's Columbus Day- tons of people were off so the Botanical Gardens were full of families and tours. Still, it was pretty nice. Their exhibit is some sort of dinosaur theme- but I wasn't really there for that. I'm not entirely into plants or anything but nature is pretty nice to spend some time in, you know? We walked around the place for maybe an hour and forty five minutes.. saw all there was to see [some of the park was closed off to construction]. I would have rather gone to the McNay Art Museum but it's closed on Mondays [argh].
It's nice to see all the children running around erratically, really. Kids are pretty relaxing for some reason- their spunky, brazen spirit is a nice change from the stoic world of.. here? lol. Something like that. I've reiterated this point many times over but I really am a kid person. Kids and I click for some reason- maybe I'm immature inside or something, lol. Anyway, it was a pretty fun trip. It was hilarious too since my dad and I kept making this cynical/humorous comments as we walked along. One of the funniest [and most controversial] was something my dad said as we went into the Garden for the Blind. The Garden for the Blind is a little garden that has all the signs printed with braille as well [this isn't anywhere else in the park]. As we walked into it my dad said "Ahh! So this is the garden where the blind people can look at plants!" It was so random that I burst out laughing even though it was so questionable in it's nature, lol. Another fun exchange:
Dad: Hey! Those are oranges on that tree! *steps back*
Mom: *looks up* Whoa. You're right! Look at the oranges!
Dad: You can see them really good from over here. *gestures to where he is*
Mom: *walks over to there* Wait.. I think they are grapefruits.
Dad: *shakes head* Nah, they're oranges.
Ken: *has been reading the sign at the base of the tree stating that it is a lemon tree from a tropical country* Actually, they're lemons. *sits on a nearby stone wall and closes his eyes to zone out*
Dad: How can you be so sure? They look like oranges to me.
Mom: Come on, they are OBVIOUSLY GRAPEFRUITS. *gestures*
Dad: *shakes head* They are oranges.
Mom: What makes you say that? They are definitely grapefruits!
Dad: *shrugs*
Ken: *opens his eyes* Uh, guys? *points to the sign* I'm pretty sure that they're lemons.
Mom: Oh. *reads sign* So they are lemons.
Dad: *shakes head again* I don't like fruit anyway.
Mom: *practically yells* You don't like fruit?!?!
Dad: Well, fruits.
Mom: *pause* Fruits?
Dad: Yes. Fruits.
Mom: There's.. a difference?
Dad: *doesn't reply*
Ken: *leans against the railing* Why don't you like fruits?
Dad: I don't know. I just don't like fruits.
Mom: *laughs* Oh well. I guess I shouldn't have yelled that loudly..
Ken: *yells really loudly* YOU DON'T LIKE FRUITS? HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE FRUITS?!
Other people: o.o;;?
Mom and Dad: *laugh*
Ken: *still yelling* I MEAN, JEEZ, EVERYONE LIKES FRUITS~!
I don't really understand one thing though. See, up around the Botanical Gardens is the city of Alamo Heights. San Antonio does not have the power to annex incorporated cities so we literally surround/overtake several cities [Leon Valley, Alamo Heights and eventually Helotes]. This city is sort of the artsy area- it's near the McNay Art Museum, the Witte Museum and the Botanical Gardens so the culture is somewhat higher than other areas of town. Alamo Heights ISD is also the top school district quality wise. What I don't get is why people would pay 250k dollars for a shitty little home just to live in a area of "high culture". How irrelevant is that, seriously? If I bought a house I'd combine the quality of the school district with the quality of the home I'm getting and other facts. Why just focus on the 'culture' or 'art value' when it's such a jip? I mean these houses were pretty damn small- a real waste of money if you ask me. I guess there's different tastes for different people but it just doesn't make sense to me, lol.
For me, I'd probably buy a house with a rather spacious yard. I think it would be good for my child if s/he had a nice large yard to tromp around in, you know? I know that I really loved to just run around and play in our spacious yard. I'd like pretty good access to schools/commercial areas- the elementary and middle school that I went to are only a mile away. There are big business areas within a mile of here, lol. Yet this is also semi-forested so you don't feel too much like you're a urbanite. I suppose it would be good to have alot of trees, too. The school district should be pretty well off.. Northside ISD [the one I'm in] is the largest school district in San Antonio and among the richest, lol. So this place is pretty choice if you ask me. I don't know if I'd live here all of my life [might be kind of bland] but I cannot deny the primeness of this location.
Ah well. Better places than this, I guess.
Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt.
Ja ne.
P.S. Progress continues.
P.P.S. I was tempted to buy a plushie raven at the gift shop. It still tempts me. Ravens are my favorite creature. <_<;
P.P.P.S. Alternate theme song for this post: We Will Rock You by Queen. I remember one time in middle school I started up the stompstomp clap thing at a basketball game. That felt pretty good.. until I got in trouble for it, lol. However, I started it up just a couple of minutes later.
We will, we will rock you!
Comments (3) |
Sunday, October 9, 2005
Multiple spouse wounds.
Comments on commentary-
Faruman- I've had far worse songs stuck in my head. I'll settle for United States of Whatever as well.
Yeah, you need to be pimping when you go into the SAT. Be all.. "Mmhm, look at this".
Or not.
Lit- Preparation = theoretically good?
Lea- Dude. You have neither luck or skillz.
Get it right.
Roxie- Thanks. That trenchcoat/fedora is my main winter gear now, lol [You can eviscerate a test with ease. Watch.. *graphic stuff occurs*]
Dog testicles and President Bush. What a normal day it is.
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead.
Theme song of this post: Anniversary of an Uninteresting Event by Deftones.
I arrived at O'Connor high school about twenty five minutes early and inquired with a rather pretty young woman where building "H" was. She gave me this strange series of directions that made no sense but I pretended to understand anyway- and went off in the vague direction she pointed. Thankfully I found other students marching into the SAT test there and I followed them. A short walk through a courtyard later I arrived at Building H. There were about 20 or so teenagers inside- I hadn't been surrounded by this many teenagers in awhile and, rest assured, I wasn't enjoying myself. Of course the archetypal thing happened- all the teenagers formed into these little cliques and I was sort of attempting to be anonymous as I leaned against the wall. A steady flow of teenagers kept coming- in the end I figured there must have been at least one hundred of them if not more. What a weird bunch of people, I'll tell you. The guy that sticks in my mind the most was this wiry, pale white guy with long blond hair who was dressed in a black trenchcoat with a black cowboy hat. I was like.. I dunno, it just looked so out of place. I forgot my SAT-Combat outfit in my sleep-deprived haze [sorry Shinfaru =P] so I was just kind of normal looking I guess. Other weird looking people: An Asian guy in an all black outfit save for a Teen Titans shirt and a Gothic girl. Amongst my peers I felt a considerable amount of apathy but, you know, that's nothing new.
A lone, short black man yelled to the mass "Since Ms. Devask isn't here, we will have to form one line instead of two. Please, form one line!" Apparently that was a bit much for the mob. In lieu of a line it was more of a.. snake. Or something like a snake- just an extended line of jumbled cliques and talking teens. I sort of cut into the line while everyone was talking so I was relatively close to the front [2 points for me]. I was assigned to a room and went there. A rather plain looking teacher greeted me and assigned me to desk 22.. which was thankfully more to the rear of the room. Unfortunately, I got stuck with a rather irritating neighbor. I don't know how to describe him- a prep, I guess. Mainstream clothes, mainstream haircut- as he talked he gave me several hints into why he was irritating. First he was a self-described sufferer of ADHD which I am happy to say is probably true. Secondly he said that he had had six cups of coffee that morning which.. I can equally say is probably true. So this hyper, jumpy, slightly effeminate person is sitting right next to ME- sort of a taciturn, quiet person who would prefer to be elsewhere.
To make this entire thing more hellish I have to tell you all that I didn't sleep at all prior to the test. Not a wink of sleep, literally. When I don't sleep my thoughts become this jumbled mix of strange LSD-influenced statements that sort of lorded over me the whole night. Mixtures of philosophy, normal life, erratic bits of knowledge and otherwise just sort of mix into these strange statements that make no sense but reiterate themselves as I toss and turn, trying to sort it out. Add to this my own little mini-nervous breakdown at 2:21 AM that my mom helped me through and I did not have the most restful of nights. So I'm charging into what would turn out to be a six hour long escapade with no sleep behind it.
So I'm sitting next to the little hyper twit, a little hyper female twit, another hyper male twit and a equally-taciturn guy. What a cast. All the twits were louder than those birds in pet stores- squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk. I swear I was about to slam my head into the desk to distract myself from the pain. I'm making it significantly more negative than it was because it was still very annoying. The only talking I did, literally, was the following:
Guy with sideburns: Hey.. uh, they are going to pass out calculators right?
Female twit in front of Ken: I dunno. *shrug*
Ken: *resting his head on the desk* I doubt it.
Guy: *looks at Ken* You doubt it?
Ken: Yes. I do.
Guy: *strange look* Okay.
K: Nice to meet you.
Guy: *shrug* Nice to meet you. I'm Nick.
K: Ken.
Guy: Ken?
Ken: Yes.
Guy: Good to meet you Ken.
Ken: Most of you are from O'Connor, right?
Female twit in front of him: Yeah. Where do you go to school?
Ken: I was homeschooled. It wasn't that great.
Equally-taciturn guy: *laughs a bit*
And that was like, it. Of course everyone else was a cacophony of.. sounds, basically. High school football is really disinteresting to me for a multitude of reasons but, you know, that was the topic of the moment. Anyway, this entire socialization-esque thing happened for an hour or so since we were waiting for people to slowly be assigned to our classroom- the long, snaking line of teens was hard to organize, apparently. Finally the test started. The female teacher read directly from some kind of a handbook so I felt like I was in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Her voice was similar to the droning "Bueller..? Bueller..? Bueller..? Bueller..?" as she read directly from the handbook with no feeling whatsoever. She decafails for being the most boring person of the entire episode.
We started off with the essay. The topic I can't disclose here since I'm apparently barred from talking about it until I get my scores which is one of the more strange rules I've heard of in recent weeks. Rest assured, the topic wasn't profound or interesting. It was just a topic. A quote from Colin Powell was involved so from there you might surmise the type of shit we were dealing with [or not]. I ran out of time to write my essay, really- I just treated it like one of my long, philosophical blog posts. I ran out of time on the last line which I found kind of funny for some reason. The rest of the test was pretty fun, actually. I sort of hit or missed the math questions and breezed through the writing/reading questions [who the hell could miss some of those?] then it was over. However, the entire thing was physically and mentally draining from my sleepless state. I had arrived there at about 7:25 AM. I left at 1:35 PM [five minutes after the test was over]. I was feeling really goddamn shitty because of how tired I was but I decided to get some nourishment. Hop over to Wendy's, got a number four, sat down and just tried to zone into eating. I was like murmuring to myself, seriously- delusional sleeplessness for the win. Finally, I came home and my parents greeted me, etc. I immediately went to bed and didn't wake up until 12:30 AM. I had some really fucked up dreams, I'll tell you that much.
I'm not really optimistic or pessimistic about my results. What happens, happens. I have, however, reaffirmed my negative impression of teenagers.
So, thank god for that, huh?
Now there's no light.
Ja ne.
P.S. That desk was murder on my back/neck/ass [!]. That was the most uncomfortable piece of shit I've had the pleasure of sitting in for five or six hours. Jesus.
P.P.S. Since I mentioned it, how about some Ferris Bueller random trivia! Charlie Sheen played the drug addict at the police station to which Jeannie is taken. He stayed awake for more than 48 hours before the scene was shot to produce a nice drugged-out effect.
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Friday, October 7, 2005
As the last light drains.
Comments on commentary-
Roxie- Why are you commenting from the bottom up? *Willy Wonka* You're weird.*/Willy Wonka*
I've never seen Firefly either but I definitely will now. Trust me, the movie stands on it's own just fine. I'm sure it references the series a bit but it doesn't detract from it in the least.
No problem. Shout outs are what I do best.
SAT this weekend indeed. It will consume me, spit me out and then.. come back with a vengeance three to four weeks later.
Yeah, it is a symbol of change I suppose. I understand what you are saying and agree with you.. so you get a hug! *hug*
Shinfaru- I'm more of a multiple choice man myself. "Which is lazier?" is what I often ask.
I think that is a pretty godly song. In ten or twenty years no one might know about it, but I'll be all.. "Whatevah."
saber sword- Thank you. I write many long posts with many awesome colors. You will learn that soon.
Leaful- Hey, stop using my word I created in rage against you and other people. You decafail.
Tortor- Haha, yeah, we've had alot of fun. Change is a good thing [theoretically?] so it's not too bad [equally theoretically!]. I *do* hope that all is going well and I re-congratulate you on your marriage! *Bows formally* :)
Storm of life claims no victim this eve.
Theme song of this post: Blues Drive Monster by the pillows
Well. My SAT Reasoning Test is tomorrow so I'm not going to spend alot of time writing since I want to.. like.. prepare or something. I do want to show you all that I will be dressed appropriately for SAT-Combat.
THAT IS ALL. Wish me luck.
Trivial trivia.
Ja ne.
P.S. Shortest, most pointless update ever. WAY TO GO, KEN.
P.P.S. Righteous.
P.P.P.P.S. I am not nervous! I show no fear. I march into this standardized test as a warrior would! I will beat back the demonic math problems, destroy the critical reading portion and EVISCERATE THE ESSAY!
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed.
Comments on commentary-
Irish- Yeah, that movie is one of my favorites too. I can't.. quote all of it though. I lack that skill. =/
Tranquil passion = CAN BE DONE! Watch me! Well, maybe not. Ah well, it was a nice daydream.
Yes, a sexy party. I'll vote for the mini-skirt/fishnet one. =) Don't be late!
Yes, life is funny. That's my mantra [or it should be]. I find humor in all things, good or bad.. which might be a negative thing, lol.
Neil- Glad to hear it man. I hope everything is rolling alright for you.
*screams in Japanese at the sight of gojira-esque Neil*
Leaful- Well, you were one of the people that decafailed. kthx.
But not since you left have the waves come.
Theme song of this post: United States of Whatever by Liam Lynch [this song has the most profound lyrics on the face of the planet-for reals]
I doubt I can match the satire of my previous post so I'm not even going to attempt it, lol. However I will say that when I get truly, deeply, disturbingly angry/negative I actually get funnier which, I believe, is something of a conundrum. Anyway, I'm feeling negative-negative and not negative-funny today so I will be lacking in the funny as shown by this well-made pie chart:
![Image Hosted by](
I have my SAT Reasoning Test this weekend and I'll tell you what- I am really looking forward to it. I have a mix of nervousness and apathy which, I know, are two conflicting emotions- somehow I've managed to have both at the same time. I'm not really looking to get a high score or anything- I honestly don't care about that. I just want to pass and get it over with. I'm supposed to be there at 7 something in the morning armed with: two no. 2 pencils, a calculator, my [golden] ticket and a bright, happy smile as I wander into the netherworlds of standardized testing. I've done some research on the SAT Reasoning Test and it seems to have math, critical reading and writing portions to the test- including an essay. I hate math and I'm rather horrid at it [I'll admit that I don't really put forth my best effort in caring to be good at it so my own inefficiency at it is, as usual, my own fault]. Essays are kind of fun- I mean, I've written like several mini-essays in this blog alone for my own pleasure. I just hope the subject isn't something I have no fucking clue about.
"Ten of the questions in one of the math sections are not multiple-choice. They instead require the test taker to input the result of their calculations in a four-column grid. For each correct answer, one raw point is added; for each incorrect answer one-fourth of a point is deducted. However, for the ten student-produced answers in the math section, no points are deducted for a wrong answer. The final score is derived from the raw score; the precise conversion chart varies from year to year due to minor variations in test difficulty."
That happenstance to be the bane of my existence- all throughout my education I'd get in trouble because I can't efficiently write down how I got to the answer, lol. Oh well. I'm sure that I'll wing it with efficiency. When said-winging is done we will all hold a sexy dance party that will be somewhat similar to the following animated gif:
Look forward to it!
Gamespot changed their layout again so that it's cluttered with more stuff that I don't give a flying fuck about. I don't really have anything else to say about this so.. *scratches back of head*
Today is my four year anniversary at OtakuBoards. On this day, four years ago, I began the long and awkward journey from newb, to moderator, to fame, to obscurity and, now, a quiet resurgence. Ahh, the mysterious cycles of life. Indeed, I have made many friends- and, indeed, I don't talk to most of them anymore. However, I would like to send a shout out to my friends from OB who merit a mention [yes this is a sappy thank you list with people who probably don't even read this blog, lol]-
*in no particular order aside from my memory*
Britty- You were part of that gang of three that dominated most of my social life for.. three years? Something like that. You're one of my closest friends and I hope everything is going alright for you, yeah?
Travis- The other member of the gang of three, hm. Well, T.. what I'd like to say is.. go to hell. Hahaha, just kidding [I think]. Thanks for lecturing me, berating me and causing chaos in my life. When you read this, don't get the wrong idea- I still desire your total and complete annihilation [preferably at my hands]. =P
Bryan- BRY! The one and only, the person that no one here will probably know! I don't have much to say but- where the fuck did you disappear to?
Liam- You're the best Australian Mormon friend I have. Well, you're the only Australian Mormon friend I have but that's offtopic. Keep on keepin' on.
Robin- *reiteration of what he said for Bryan* Where the fuck are you?
Neil- Go to hell, too. Haha, just kidding [<_<;]. You're the greatest jackass on this planet and it's truly a pleasure to have you as a best bro. Seriously.
Connor- Man. I miss this dude. Don't you? Well, I mean, even if you don't know him he was cool. I guarantee it.
Warlock- *nods to him* Warlock.
Tori- Tortor, the Queen! WE HAVE HAD SOME GOOD TIMES EH. Seriously though, you're definitely one of my best friends. If you ever need anything, just give me a ring- I will do my best to help you, right? Right. Good. Keep on keepin' on [I think I'm using this phrase without understanding it's pinpoint definition although I have a somewhat vague idea of what it means. WAY TO GO, KEN.]
Juu- Juu, the.. uh. You don't have a fancy title, eh? Oh well. You're an old friend too and, although we've had some arguments, I still consider you to be a great friend. Keep on goin'.
Lea- Although you're a ditz/clumsy/emo you're still my friend. [*chuckles to himself*]
Sennen- Sup, little dude. I've known you since you were but a wee cynic.. with your crappy haircuts and nerdy looks. Now you're like a young Orson Welles. I think that was a compliment. Was it? Hm. I'm not so sure now. Oh well. We might not talk much, but I think of you as being a pretty good friend.
James- I can't really call you a friend since we don't talk and we don't know much about each other, but I have known you [in some way] for a lengthy amount of time so.. hola.
Irish- *puts on his fedora* Yeah.. you and I, we're the coolest people here but nobody knows it yet. ;P
Josh- Joshman you are a great friend of mine, you know? I've helped you out, you've helped me out- it's all good. Keep on keepin' on.
Desbreko- The Knightsko alliance lives! =o
Roxie- The little unique Roxie, huh. We've had some pretty weird times, haha. I think we started off disliking each other and then.. THERE WAS FRIENDSHIP! And from that friendship came forth GREAT AND WONDROUS THINGS! *dramatic music*
OTHER RANDOM PEOPLE WHO DESERVE A MENTION BUT NOT A SHORT SAPPY PARAGRAPH/SENTENCE REGARDING THEIR PERSONAL HISTORY WITH ME BECAUSE I REALLY HAVE RUN OUT OF SAPPY/MUSHY THINGS TO SAY IN GENERAL- Mitchell Grant Smith [that poet who is kind of depressed]; Lady Katana [plushies comic for the win]; Kitty [do you still aggressively rape people? that could be considered a bad habit]; Gavin [interesting, most interesting]; Amber [*grins in nostalgia*]; Jenna [*nostalgia continues*]; Alice [hellloooo there]; Charles [you really are a rather eccentric Caucasian person]; Elfy [arrr]; Annie [*offers you a muffin*]; Japan [*offers you some manga*]; Asphy [*offers you something to hit Alex with*]; Lumi [*poke*]; Shinfaru [sup mi amigo]; DDG [acronym girl! :D] and, finally, whomever else I have forgotten to put upon this list [*sideglance*].
I am glad to have met you all and look forward to what times we may share in the future.
Now I'm lost.
Ja ne.
P.S. Serenity rocked. Plain and simple. You must see it. If you don't I'll eat your fucking face off like it was a side salad with nummynummy crutons and a light, scrumptious ranch dressing.
*sighs at the unmenacingness of it* Still need more practice.
Comments (5) |
Monday, October 3, 2005
I desire a restart.
Comments on commentary-
Leaful- You are correct, Miss!
By the way, you want to know a secret? I do the comments on commentary last! I’ve already written all of what you are about to read! What a strange, strange system I use. Unique, I suppose.
*awkward period of introspection follows*
Sen- Fret not, you are very young and.. very short. Soon you will be brimming with plenty of altitude, attitude and movie awareness!
There’s a bright future ahead of you! Look forward with glee! Or, at least, some form of subdued happiness!
Really, though- we could all use some more subdued happiness in our lives. It’s just so gloomy out there with the.. people and the.. laughter and the.. bright sunshine.
Irish- Princess Bride is such a great movie. I’m not sure if it’s the giant, the Spaniard or the witty hero- it’s just great.
I changed my background because black was pissing me off. It’s all "black and red.. yeah.. I’m all sad and angry as represented by these two colors- fear my angstiness" so I went with silver and blue. Now I’m 50 percent less angsty and 50 percent more.. tranquil? YATTA! I have achieved a higher amount of tranquility~! I believe this is a cause for celebration, comrades! Come, let us plan a sexy party!
*plans a sexy party* :)
Not only is it missing those movies but it’s missing ANY GODZILLA MOVIES. That is HORRIBLE. A crime against humanity! And, if not humanity, at least me!
However, seriously- it’s missing too many good movies. We should torture whomever wrote this quiz. No, no. No. That’s not right. We will execute him. By smothering him with teddy bears.
Joy. ^_^
Theme song of this post: Lonely Rolling Star by Yohihito Yano & Saki Kabata [from Katamari Damacy’s soundtrack]
As some of you may know, I'm a pretty big reader of webcomics. Aside from making me an even larger nerd [ignoring my incessant addictions to history, Japanese RPGs and anime] it provides me with something that is devoid in many people's lives- laughter. Yes, in today's society there is much to be depressed over for us young adults- not only are we increasingly being forced to get off our lazy asses and accomplish something but life is so goshdarned hard. Living in a western nation with high qualities of health care/education, copious amounts of food and relative stability is indeed one of the harder things that any young adult on the face of this planet will face. But fear not my fellow young adults, I have a webcomic that can make you laugh! It's called Dinosaur Comics- the best webcomic since.. ever. Dinosaur Comics brings the sexiness that has been missing in your life. Ignoring this sexiness, there is also a variety of other topics discussed. Amongst them are: some philosophical-esque discussions, conversations with the devil, adventure and, most of all, assorted nonsense. I highly recommend it.
In other random news I have found human relationships to be quite irritating this weekend! What helped me arrive at this strange peak in my apathy/negativity/cynicism/general disinterest in the loud mouthed species known as ‘human’ were the combined actions of several significantly ignorant individuals who I can confidently state have decafailed. What is a decafail you ask? Well, a decafail is one of the higher orders of fails on the fail hierarchy. It is 10 times the normal fail and is quite a horrendous thing to receive. To the assorted individuals involved in the process that I will now codename "Operation Make-Ken-More-Negative-About-Humanity" I say this: stop being dumbasses. Your asinine behavior makes you all resemble that donkey from a Midsummer’s Night Dream. Tut tut! *puts on monocle* Ye hath been decafailed. Good day to ye.
In further random news I purchased an iPod Nano even with the knowledge that some people have had some trouble with it. However I am blissfully optimistic that mine will not have any trouble which means that I have jinxed myself horrible. So in the coming weeks keep your eye open for my "MY FUCKING IPOD BROKE" post in which I rage against the horrible hand that fate has dealt me. Here’s a fun preview!-
"Man, remember when I had that semi-humorous post about jinxing myself?! I wasn’t fucking joking! It broke this morning.. a little imp ate it in front of me and then had the audacity to ask for a toothpick! I mean, FUCK! ARgh, random cursing inserted here, excessive exclamation points inserted here. Insinuation that I did the imp’s mother last night inserted here!!"
So be sure to watch for it! But, until that day, I will blissfully enjoy my white iPod which is engraved with my name and my phone number so that if I ever lose it they can call me and laugh at me. Ahh, practicality is such a fun thing!
I think I’ll go see Serenity tomorrow since people are saying that it’s actually good- that’s a positive thing, my friends! When the masses congregate around a film there is no way in hell it can be totally devoid of anything resembling entertainment! amirite?
Finally, I’d just like to say the following:
I’m distinctly irritated at the moment.
There was no sound.
Ja ne.
P.S. Iraq is getting worse before it gets better. Somehow this must be the "obvious statement of the week"- do I get some kind of award? Like, I’d settle for a cookie. Or maybe a drink- I’m kind of parched. Yeah, a drink would be nice. Some iced tea will do nicely.
Pardon that outburst. It should have been more more menacing than that. Fret not! I shall practice with all my ability so that my next threat of consuming your face will come off as being a bit more fearsome.
P.P.P.S. I believe I'm about to claw my fucking face off. However, I don't think I will actually go through with these well-thought out plans. I require my face for many things! I cannot really recall anything at the moment, but I'm sure I need it for something, huh?
However, I must say, THE POSSIBILITIES ARE INTRIGUING! Lack of face, walking around with nothing but utter horror. I could put on a mask and people will think I'm some kind of a performer!
"Do a trick!" They will say. I will smile because, you know, I can do many tricks. I'll take my mask off- "Surprise!"
"Wow, what a neat trick!"
Ah, what a wondrous life indeed.
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