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Tuesday, September 23, 2003
My CD-ROM drive seems to be malfunctioning. Argh.
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Monday, September 22, 2003
The following are my favorite song lyrics ever written. The material in the following lyrics are to be considered highly mature, to the point that it makes me grin sadistically. Only the open minded can read the following. Take this as you will if you decide to continue and move on. Any comments to the negetive side that express disgust, anger twards me, or general idiocy will be deleted immediately- I will not tolerate it or let it continue to exist. You have been warned.
Jennifer wrestled her friend playfully to the ground infront of the snowcone stand and began licking at the girls eyeballs, as if they were sugar cubes. Their bodies convulsed and flailed with an almost seizure
like intensity. At times their pale limbs seeming to shift back and forth from one torso to the other. A crowd gathered almost immediately to watch these two girls tie and untie their bodies like a pair of pit-vipers. They were confused, or concerned, or
shocked, or aroused, or all of the above. But no-one dared interfere with the performance. Jennifer's long ashen hair hung down concealing the girls face like a
curtain around a hospital bed. No one had any idea that the girls eyes were revolving under her ruby tongue. "This is disgusting, it's pornography" exclaimed a pasty slut white woman in a fur coat, vanilla ice-cream smeared across her double chin like a money shot. Counting a balding professor type in his mid-forties, his left hand stuffed crassly down the front of his pants "No, no, no. This is beautiful, this is art." Everyone quickly hushed up and took a step back as Jenifer rose and stood over the girl, examining her handiwork. Her heart layed motionless beneath her, seemingly dead. Her eyesockets dry and empty. Her
heels and elbows sprayed and bloodied. Some on-lookers gasped in horror. Some swooned and fainted melodramatically. Most just stared in disbelief. Jennifer reached down between her thighs and pulled the crotch of her bathing suit to the side - exposing
her vagina. The other girl slowly sat up and began sliding her fingers into Jennifer. A few minutes later, her wrists were in, then her elbows. Eventually she would completely disappear into her womb. Jennifer tilted her head to the side curiously. She heard the
sound of a rickety-wooden roller-coaster in the distance. It's passengers screaming in mob terror. She knew that sooner or later they would realize that the ride wasn't stopping and they were all going to die.
That is just pure DeathKnight enjoyment my friends. Man, they are good metal songs too. =)
"Tonight your decadence demands a sacrifice but attrition never slowed you before. Stepping on faces, tripping over limbs, fighting the machine gun's attention as both halves of your friend lay in the background you try to convince him that you can always pry the jaws open at will."
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Sunday, September 21, 2003
Moon Brings Novel Green Power to Arctic Homes
Sat Sep 20,10:22 AM ET
By Alister Doyle
OSLO (Reuters) - Homes on the Arctic tip of Norway started getting power from the moon on Saturday via a unique subsea power station driven by the rise and fall of the tide.
A tidal current in a sea channel near the town of Hammerfest, caused by the gravitational tug of the moon on the earth, started turning the 10-meter (33 ft) blades of a turbine bolted to the seabed to generate electricity for the local grid.
The prototype looks like an underwater windmill and is expected to generate about 700,000 kilowatt hours of non-polluting energy a year, or enough to light and heat about 30 homes.
"This is the first time in the world that electricity from a tidal current has been fed into a power grid," Harald Johansen, managing director of Hammerfest Stroem which has led the project, told Reuters.
The plant in the Kvalsund channel, which had cost about 80 million crowns ($11 million) by Saturday's launch, is a tiny contributor to help cut dependence on fossil fuels like oil and gas blamed for global warming.
The water flows at about 2.5 meters (8 ft) per second for about 12 hours when the tide is rising through the Kvalsund channel, pauses at high tide and then reverses direction. The blades on the turbine automatically turn to face the current.
If successful, the project could herald far wider use of predictable tides in green energy and generate millions of dollars in orders. Windmills, by contrast, are useless in calm weather and have to be built to withstand hurricane-force winds.
Tides have previously been tapped for power plants in France, Canada and Russia in barrages that trap water in artificial lagoons at high tide. When the tide goes out, gravity sucks the water through turbines to generate electricity.
But such barrages can disrupt the habitats of animals and plants in river estuaries and along the coasts.
Proponents of turbines turned by tidal currents say that they cause less impact -- they are silent and invisible from the surface and fish, whales and seals can probably swim round them without the risk of being sliced up.
Drawbacks are that costs are high. Hammerfest Stroem has estimated that electricity will cost about 0.30-0.35 crowns a Kilowatt hour to generate, three times that of typical hydro-generated electricity in Norway.
And maintenance -- with divers having to go down to the seabed -- could be tricky. Other subsea experiments to generate power from tidal currents from Australia to Britain have not got to the stage of feeding power into the grid.
Norwegian oil group Statoil, Swiss-Swedish engineering group ABB and local Norwegian utilities are partners in the Hammerfest Stroem scheme. "We want to get experience from this and see that we can also be a producer of green electricity," said Hanne Lekva at Statoil.
($1=7.223 Norwegian Crown)
I found that interesting.
Comment if you are even alive out there. o_o;
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Saturday, September 20, 2003
I found records of my old friend on Lineage: The Blood Pledge, Vail! She is about 20 now, I believe- she and I were the best of friends!
It is good to find records of her as recent as last year. =)
It is too bad I was so easily forgotten. Surely IRL I will have to forge myself a better identity than I did in there- then I will not be shrugged off so easily, yes?
also, copy and pase the following link [a href code is not working for some reason o.o;;]
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The Re-Emergance of the Beta Test King
I have had a sudden yearning inside me to return to beat testing MMRPGS.
I am beyond a vetern of the entire field- been playing MMRPGs since I was 11. So, in my four years of testing these fair Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games what have I learned?
Lag is the monster than no person will ever kill. It hits you at the most inopportune times, at the most inopportune places, while you are doing, in general, things that could be classified as somewhat 'important'.
Koreans hate Americans. *smirk* Yes, if anyone here that reads this fair text beta tests a MMRPG from Korea, tell them you are from Canada. Do not even say that you are just from "North America"- they will eat you and player kill you.
What else. Never be afraid to go on an impractical adventure- impractical adventures, even in real life, because life is impractical. Take every opportunity you can to just choose a random direction and walk in that direction- if you meet up with trouble you cannot take, then surely that is no worse a fate that sitting idlely on your hands because it is "safer".
Do not use internet lingo. 12 year olds using general internet lingo in games has been classified by President Bush as a form of terror. A small alert will go off at the Department of Homeland Security and your house will be destroyed within minutes by a smart bomb, eleminateing the threat to our intellect.
There are female gamers.
Somewhere. We have not found them yet, but searches continue.
Other than that I have no tips. Just play the game to be the best and you will not succeed. Play the game to forge a story and you will.
Yes. I have returned from the fair seas north of Danzig, dear mother, with tales of glorious battles and wonderous treasures.
Aside from that, I took Des' quiz.
 You're Red Link, the highly competitive and cut-throat Link. You'll do anything to get ahead of the other three, even resorting to violence; to you, the ends justify the means. You enjoy blowing up your partners with Bombs, especially those that lag behind, such as Blue Link. Working best with Green Link, you love fighting the toughest enemies together. Because of your fierce demeanor, however, you tend not to get along with the other Links very often.
What Color Link are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I like bombs.
And finally, it seems that square-haven.com seems to have gotten "exclusive news" that there is a Final Fantasy 7-2 in devolpment/planning...
...for the PSP.
Right. We all know that Square-Enix has the funds and alot of manpower now to take some sort of gamble, but that is one game of russian roulette with 5 bullets loaded. Cut me some slack.. if this is confirmed my faith in everything Square will have died with FFX-2 and FF11.
What "2" is there to make? The Final FMV has caused enough crap as is, we do not need a sequel to bomb and drag the reputation of the first game down into hell with it.
Tho releasing a touched up version of FF7 on the PS2 would look dandy.
Can never get enough Tifa and Aeris. :X
[Plus, Aeris was supposed to come back - was she not? They just rushed the game. Maybe they could fix that.. or just touch it up and release it on the PS2/3. Either is fine.]
Also Suikoden 4 is comeing. :D Cheer.
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Friday, September 19, 2003
Semi vent/just thinking outloud
Contrary from what I generally say, I enjoy many genres of music. Hard Rock, Trance, Classical, Some Punk. All of that can be hardcore if they want it to be- even classical, lol. Like right now I am listening to Creatures (For Awhile) by 311- good shit.
I just like stuff I can jam to or chill to- stuff that makes me feel crazy, alive, pissed off or sad. That is all that matters- that you feel the emotion behind the stupid song. Sometimes this crap with genres pisses me off- I can understand hateing the mainstream stuff that burns into your mind worse than seeing your mothers bare bosoms hanging before your eyes. But hell, music is art in my mind- You do not see riots breaking out at art museums just because some people dislike an absract painting and some adore it.
I feel like beating people over the head over how immature and stupid they are. Aside from music, general stereotypes cramp whatever style I have.
Argh. Why can't the world stop dividing it self in every god forsaken situation it can? Is it really that neccesary that socially no one will ever be the same as the next person? No, we never will. Equality is like a bad nightmare- once a set race [/gender, ohhh nooo I said it] gets it, some people of that race/gender want more suddenly- like I care. Everyone is unequal so some craphead, laws cannot and never will control social activities in whole- never. Especially under a capitialist society, things will divide like the cracks in an old road.
I hope by the time my kids are old enough to be raving mad with the insanity in my blood that they will not be faced with the duanting task of living in a world where the only set equality is that we are all unequal to some people.
You know what. I think my kids will do something about it if I don't. I honestly think they would.
I mean, come on. With me teaching them complete nuetrality on religious, political and social affairs they are going to be a bit more radical than the halfwit kid next to them.
Future kids! I leave it to you to carry on my legacy of absolute bs! Only you can change the world! It is too fragmented now for your father to change- unless he could get some help.
Anyone wanna join me on a social, polotical and religious revolution?
Haha. I wish.
But still, someone will eventually.
Oh well. Some men dream. Others achieve.
I will have to keep that in mind.
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Thursday, September 18, 2003
Lots of women like describeing their outfits around myotaku.
Also, just for the hell of it, I am going to do that "What color Chii Are You" quiz that has been circulateing around this place. Haha. :D This should be choice.
 Black Chii
Chobits - What Color Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh well. I was hopeing to get something outlandish, haha. :D
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Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Hey look!
A new picture of Ken!

Another one, without glasses!

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We lurves da vickz.
My throat really hurts, and I have not the faintest idea as to why. I guess I will fallback on my favorite cough syrup- Vicks 44d. Yes my friends, since I have been a kid Vicks 44d always cured my throat.
Aside from that, I believe that today is a Wednesday. Boy, the week sure goes by. I am glad to be here with everyone on AIM for once, heh.
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Quiz Day.
I declare today to be Quiz day. Enjoy.
 You're Most Like The Season Autumn ...
You're warm, and the most approachable. You have that gentle prescence about you. People can relate to you, and find you easy company. However it's likely you've been hurt in the past and it has left you scarred so things can become rather chilly with you at times. Being the third Season in, you're mature, trustworthy and loyal to your friends but prone to depression and negative thinking.
Well done... You're the shy and sensitive season :)
?? Which Season Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
Shy and sensistive?
That test scares me each time I take it.
INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 1% of the total population. | Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test
Holy shit. >.o
 Your karmic zodiac is ARIES.
Good Qualities: You are strongwilled, a natural born leader, and assertive. You know what you want, and you know how to get it. You don't mind getting your hands dirty with an honest days work, but would be better off in a leadership position. You are an excellent speaker, and with Mars on your side, you usually win your battles.
Bad Qualities: You are stubourn, and need to learn to meet others in the middle occasionally. You have aggresive tendencies, which in some situations are a very bad thing. You are also very temermental, and can be set off by slightest thing.
Best Match: Sagittarius
Best to Avoid: Libra, Aries.
What's your Karmic Zodiac Sign? brought to you by Quizilla
It rotates :D

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla
Crap my inner child is older than I am. o_o
 Halaku: The Slayers
After God created man and woman he returned to Heaven, his labors complete ... leaving death and decay to follow in his wake. The Slayers were the angels of mortality, tending to those who had passed. Now they're masters of spirit who can raise ghosts, reap souls from living bodies or trap them in vessels of their infernal choosing.
Choose your Place in Hell. brought to you by Quizilla
Hello Mortal.
 You are Dark. The name says a lot, you enjoy the nightside of things. You might be prone to depression, but if you are, it's certainly not to the degree that everyone assumes. You have a wry, if sometimes morbid sense of humor and a deep appreciation for fading beauty. You focus on death a lot, but only because you have a facination with change and passing, and the unknown. Plus- black is pretty.
Art Thou? -Your Art Style Personality brought to you by Quizilla
If only people would take the above into consideration o.o;
 Your Blood Color Is Blue. You Are Lonely, Sad, And Like To Be By Yourself.
What Color Blood Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
 You represent... angst.
You have an extremely cynical outlook on just about everything. It's okay to sulk and be depressed, but life is short, and you only get one. It's only what you make it, and only you can make it improve.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
 The Magus. The real world bores you as you know that there is more that can be seen in the metaphysical world. You dance through dreams, Consider the cosmos and see eight sides to every four sided object.
What is the Dominant Inner being within You? brought to you by Quizilla
I am tired and somewhat depressed, so I am headed to bed. Have fun with the quizzes.
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