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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
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I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
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Friday, September 5, 2003
Quiz day.

Your magical style is Priestess.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox
 Kichiko - "Lucky Child"
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What would your Japanese name be? (female) brought to you by Quizilla
Lo and behold it starts with a K.
That is hailarious to me and I do not know exactly why.
Heh heh. Biological warfare and an Emmy.
Comein' on like a freight train baby.
But.. I am not black.
But.. I am Mexican.
Diplomat for the USSR baby!
Oh yeah!
That was anticlimatic.
I am Vash the Stampede!
A warrior of love!
A bastion of peace!
So is this before or after I destroy the planet?
Damn you Simmons.
You will rue the day your descendants tempt mine!
I told you Simmons!
Begin your rueing!
Your Results:
My #1 result for the selector, Political Economy/Philosophy Selector , is Communist - (Lenin, Castro, Mao) - The belief in a state that controls all aspects of economic life, even at the expense of political liberty. Arguably "state capitalism," as compared to anarcho-socialism.
My #2 result for the selector, Political Economy/Philosophy Selector , is Social Democratic - (British Labour, modern day Scandanavia, Ralph Nader, - The belief that social justice is best facilitated by democratic control of most, if not all, social institutions. Some Democrats and most Greens.
My #3 result for the selector, Political Economy/Philosophy Selector , is Socialist - (Marx, Engels, Fourier, St. Simon) - The belief that political equality, and social justice, are impossible without economic equality. Some Greens and most Socialists.
My #4 result for the selector, Political Economy/Philosophy Selector , is Liberal - (Locke, Adam Smith, Madison, J.S. Mill, both Roosevelts) - The belief that social justice is best facilitated by limited, popular government and free (and fair) markets. Some Republicans, most Democrats, most Reformers.
My #5 result for the selector, Political Economy/Philosophy Selector , is Anarcho-Socialist - (traditional Anarchism) - The belief that all forms of power are ultimately corrupt. Often, "Socialism without the State". Some Greens and some Socialists.
Hmmmm. *sound of gears turning*
My #1 result for the selector, POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY--determine your philosophy, is Liberal Nationalist
My #2 result for the selector, POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY--determine your philosophy, is Liberal Socialist
My #3 result for the selector, POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY--determine your philosophy, is National Socialist
My #4 result for the selector, POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY--determine your philosophy, is Right-wing Neoliberal (Thatcher)
My #5 result for the selector, POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY--determine your philosophy, is American "Liberal"
Hmm. *sound of more gears turning*
Your Results:
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Tuesday, September 2, 2003
The Winter War of 1939.
No one really cares about the Winter War anymore. It's more forgotten than the Korean war I think.
Basically in 1938/39 the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a Non-Agression pact that gave the USSR rights to the Baltic states [Lithuania, parts of Finland, etc] along with the eastern parts of Poland.
With the assurance that Germany would not attack for now, they looked northward to Finland to take some pieces of it. The USSR declared war on Finland and the Winter War began.
The Finnish were stalwart- they defended valiantly, sometimes pushing the Russians back. But Russia had sheer manpower- hundreds of thousands more than Finland could ever muster. With heavy losses on both sides, Finland agreed to give 1/10th of it's territory over the Russia.
That is the one key reason Finland joined the Axis side. They wanted what they had lost in the Winter War back- to even the score.
Those that do not know this, the Germans had annexed Norway. Intially, for Operation Barbarossa, they asked for the right to march troops through Finland so that they could capture Murmansk. Finland agreed, and a short while later actually declared war on the Russians. The only thing they did, however, was take their pre-Winter War borders back. They did not make any attempts to charge further into Russia, and did not help in the siege on Leningrad.
When the Germans began to get pushed back, Russia pressured Finland to join the Allies. So, to avoid another war, Finland did.
That my friends is the Winter War- it's effects on Finland and the Eastern Front.
Finland was one of the only nations that was invaded in World War 2 that retained its independance and was never occupied.
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Man its raining here.
Silly remenants of Tropical Storms.
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Monday, September 1, 2003
First holiday off since school began.
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Sunday, August 31, 2003
Current Music: Hungarian Rhapsody [a different one, I do not know if this is the proper title] by Motzart
I wonder if people will hate my post in LM's topic.
I just didnt find the need to..
A.) Mention God.
B.) Say "I'm sorry" when she knows that I care and everyone else is saying that.
C.) Attempt to give advice to her when I have none to give.
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Justin found God.
Deb found God.
When will this disease of idiotic followance stop? Must their limbs be mauled off of their own wretched bodies before they realize that no higher power ever gave a shit or will give a shit?
Must they wallow in misery and torment like I have to come to a realization that nothing matters on this Earth? It will all fade. The petty religions, the arrogantly famous, the poor children starving on the streets. All of it will die.
You will die too.
Religion is just like alcohol. Its a place where desperate individuals go to delve in a place where hope just costs you a bit of money to the church.
The blood still stains the religious hands. Alot of blood.
Hundreds of thousands of people, maybe millions. Dead in the name of God.
When will you people realize that.
Prolly never. Blind people rarely regain their sight.
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Current Music: Hungarian Rhapsody By Franz Liszt
Harlequin got the Catagory Moderator position.
I am in a very bad mood, and have been since I saw that.
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Friday, August 29, 2003
Current Music: Mother Puncher by Mastodon
Someone asked me to define for them what a prep was.
There are two types of preps. There is the bubbly, overjoyed true prep by nature one- the happy go lucky, friendly one who just likes everyone.
Then there are the ones forced to be ones just out of need of attention- or need of power in a clique. The forced narcissistic ones, those that would prefer to not be forced to wear the fashionable things, listen to the fashionable things.
But they desire something that they would lack otherwise.
Popularity in essence is a sham. You are 'cool' to some people and yet to others you are far from it. True popularity therefore cannot exist amongst an atmosphere where there still lies some that find you as commonly boring as any other 'popular' person.
Therefore, in my eyes, preps/popular people are either genuinely popular or force themselves to be that for personal reasons.
Also, in reply to a comment I got on the North Korea entry. Nuclear weapons didn't "wipe out" Japan. Only two cities were destroyed. However, if the Japanese had not of surrendered the United States had plans to drop up to 8 more upon cities until they did.
North Korea is not a serious problem. With the United States arsenal, that small country could be eliminated easily off the face of the Earth- permanently.
Carter under the Clinton administration did come to an agreement with North Korea about nuclear weapons. They didn't adhere to it.
One thing to remember here is that the North Koreans only signed an armistice agreement with the United States- not a peace treaty.
Maybe it was inevitable because of that.
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Thursday, August 28, 2003
North Korea is threating to test nuclear weapons now.
What? Lol. North Korea is like the size of Vermont, isnt it?
It wouldnt take much in the realm of nuclear arms to eleminate it and its people from the face of the Earth for the rest of eternity.
Maybe we should let Japan raise an army so they can become the police of Asia. They were the only good eastern country that I enjoy read about, anyway.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Current Music: Snap by Slipknot
 Moby Dick- This classic story of high adventure, manic obsession, and metaphysical speculation was Melville's masterpiece. The tale of Captain Ahab's frantic pursuit of the cunning and notorious white whale Moby Dick, is packed with drama, and draws heavily on the author's own experiences on the high seas.
Which Great Literary Masterpiece are you? brought to you by Quizilla
^ Not ironic in the least.
Blood, Sweat, and Tears brought to you by Quizilla
^ Neither is that. -_-;
Anti-war protestors Circle I Limbo Alex Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind Militant Vegans Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow PETA Members Circle IV Rolling Weights Homophobes Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled River Styx The Pope Circle VI Buried for Eternity River Phlegyas newbies Circle VII Burning Sands Rick Hunter Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement Blanko Circle IX Frozen in Ice Design your own hell
^ :D

I am absolutely brooding!
Find your soul type at
^ That's way too accurate.
·•¤ What is YOUR element? ¤•·
^ I'm attracted to that woman.
 Black: Your energy, if you have any at all, is blocked. You are secretive and self- protecting. Be careful, you have a tendency to attract negative people.
Secret emotions: Protectiveness and Independence
What color is your aura? brought to you by Quizilla
 Congratulations! You're a black velvet!
What Drink Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
^ :Dx2
 You're a CASUAL AIM-ER! Congrats, you're normal...or you're pretending to be.
What kind of AIM-er are you? brought to you by Quizilla
^ Normal. heh.
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
^ Crosses hurt.
The ULTIMATE personality test brought to you by Quizilla
^ Heh heh.
Your Name: Kenneth Andrew Howell Your Date of Birth: 08/10/1988 Your Question or Information: I came from an abusive family and declare myself an agnostic pessimist. Politically I support facism while still learning about socialism.
Past Mannaz - Cooperation, teamwork, collaboration, help and aid from others, beginning new projects, especially with others. | Present Hagall - Slow, steady pace, no disruptions, asking for a hand from fate within a situation you do not control. | Future Othel - Material possessions and protection of those possessions, inheritance (can be genetic traits inherited from elders). |
Cast the runes here: Rune Caster
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