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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
How quick the sun can drop away.
Comments on commentary-
Elfy- Maybe it's bad that doesn't surprise you.
Neil- I dunno, I was kind of surprised by the injury myself. Oh well.
Steal away. Everything here is stealable.
We are servants of our formulaic ways.
I owe the majority of whoever is left of my readership something resembling a real update, so I suppose instead of being lazy about it I'll get it done. Alot of things have occured since the last long winded tirade of a post that wasn't a survey or a bunch of quizzes, but none of it is really that mind blowing. Well, I mean, to me it isn't but.. anyway.
I met my half sister on the July 4th weekend. The synopsis of what occured is that my parents discovered a obituary for her step mother in the paper and pressured me into going. I was somewhat nervous as I'm not much of a social butterfly, let alone a person to play the role of the "lost relative" who just appears at a funeral and says 'HELO THAR' to everyone. I drove down to Floresville which is about an hour or so away from me to the south. There's nothing there. Trees, buildings, crappy roads. I was kind of wondering how to approach the situation- I decided that the easiest way to determine who Moses [my sister's father] happened to be, was to wait to see who was being consoled the most. I sat through the funeral patiently in the back [it was reimnescent of a bad movie, but I held on to what little patience I have anymore] until the funeral was over and people formed a line to give condolences to the family. Moses turned out to be a rather underwhelming person [especially after all I had heard about him of the the last X amount of years], but he was sobbing pretty badly. I felt pretty bad and decided that I couldn't really drop the 'lost relative' bombshell on him there- I waited until the graveside service. I just offered my condolences to him at the funeral parlor itself and bled out into my car to head to the graveyard. A short ride later, we arrived at a rather quaint graveyard. There, they went through the normal formalities and people were starting to trickle out- a 'now or never' sort of alert message flashed in my head. I snaked through the crowd as best a large person can and said "Excuse me, I wanted to know if you remembered me- my name is Kenneth Howell."
There was this sort of awkward, seconds long silence where his face transitioned through the various cycles of shock, awe and otherwise. Finally, he nodded and said "Yeah, yeah.. you're Monique's half brother." He fumbled a bit and stepped back to bring forth this short little petite teenage girl. He whispered in her ear that I was Kenneth Howell- she said she remembered the name. He continued and said that I was her half brother, and further expressions of shock followed. It was somewhat amusing from my angle, but I suppose it was only natural to them. The discussion sort of ended there because they were hungry and wanted to get to the reception- so I had to hold off on saying anything else until we got there. We went to a small sunday school that was outside of a Lutheran church and ate some food- I was feeling kind of awkward because, really, I didn't know anybody there. My sister turned out to be quite an amusing character- she has a better sense of humor than I do, although that isn't saying much I suppose. I was quite content, I was invited over to their house after all was said and done, but I got lost on the way there. In the sort of rush that it all was, I hadn't asked them for their address [I was supposed to be following a car that looked very similar to several other cars that day] or their number. Thankfully, the next day she called me [our number is in the phone book, we couldn't find their's] and we were invited over to his house.
A lengthy, pseudo-philosophical tirade followed as Moses explained what had happened. I felt very sorry for him- he lost his wife and his mother in the past two years. Monique and I didn't really get a chance to talk about anything- I was feeling kind of cynical in that environment since my parents were there. I'm not honest with people when my parents are around as, well, you know- they are my parents. Anything I say around them is a potential shot in the foot so it's better to not say anything at all. Inadvertantly, I noticed that my sister and I seem to fidget in the same sort of fashion most of the time. I suppose that was kind of random, but I found it interesting. We bolted after a couple of hours of 'conversation' [i.e., the ramblings of Moses] and I decided that I would call my sister in a couple of days to 'hang out'. I'm not that good at proactive things socially. I'd rather let people talk to me than go and talk to them, but this was kind of important to me. So I leave an awkward message on their answering machine on the fifth to the effect of "heytharthisiskennethdouwanttohangoutkthxbai" that I'm not particularly proud of. I haven't really heard back from them at all to the moment I post this, but that doesn't really matter. I'm pretty satisfied with everything up to now.
Misc. tidbit of news: I have to take the SAT in October since, well- that's the only time they give it. Aside from early June. And we didn't know that. Bit late to take the one in June, isn't it?
Gonads and Strife.
That's about the extent of the major news. The rest is teenage drama that needs not be typed out.
'dear diary
mi parents du not undrstand me!!1 it makes me SOOOOOOOOO mad!!! i wish dey wuld jus git disemboweled in a redundant slasher movie-esque fashion that involved exorbitant or copious ensanguination that caused excessive nausea and sickness to the majority of humanity! >.<;;;;;;;;;;'
P.S. Theme song of the moment- "Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart" - Stone Temple Pilots.
P.P.S. The idiocy of a war on terror continues to devour my mind.
P.P.P.S. Batman Begins was better than War of the Worlds. I enjoyed the entire movie very much so and cannot wait for the obvious sequel that is coming. I hope Burton's Chocolate Factory is very good as the first movie is one of my favorite all time flms. *crosses fingers*
P.P.P.P.S. So true.
Comments (4) |
Monday, July 4, 2005
Chaotic Push.
Comments on commentary-
I don't have much to say in response to all the comments, so I'll just do a russian dance.
*does a little jig*
Macabre Sight.
(1) Your gender: is well known.
(2) Single?: Yes.
(3) Want to be?: Depends.
(4) Your birth day: 8/10/88.
(5) Age you act: 0.
(6) Age you wish you were: 25.
(7) Do you have a web page?: Nothing beyond this.
(8) Your height: 6'3".
(9) The color of your eyes: Dark Brown.
(10) Happy with it?: No reason not to be.
(11) The color of your hair: Dark Brown.
(12) Happy with it?: I don't mess with it, it doesn't mess with me.
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: Ambi.
(14) Your living arrangement?: Questionable.
(27) Your family: Clunky.
(29) What's your job: Jack of all trades.
(30) Piercings?: No.
(31) Tattoos?: Someday.
(32) Obsessions?: Warfare, Romantic stories, RPGs, Swarmy remarks, bad jokes.
(35) Do you speak another language?: I'm fluent in profanity.
(36) Have a favorite quote: "My child, listen carefully. The story I'm about to tell you is very important. It's a long, long story of a journey that will be passed down from parent to child endlessly, starting now. We continue to inherit the memories of the stars.. We see and hear every event that takes place on this planet and then pass it down, from mother to child. The memories of the stars must be eternally happy. When the sky is covered in hatred and war, the planet will wail and grieve, and everything will return to the void. Eventually reaching Apocalypse is a fate that cannot be avoided. But in the end, please give happy memories to the last child who bears the stars' memories.."
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
(38) Do you live in the moment?: It's hard to live elsewhere.
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yes, until I'm not tolerant of them.
(40) Do you have any secrets?: That's a secret.
(41) Do you hate yourself?: I maintain a healthy balance.
(42) Do you like your handwriting?: Yes.
(43) Do you have any bad habits?: Cannibalism.
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: "I Wish This Movie Had More Explosions". It would turn into a triology- part two would be called "Wow, This is Melodramatic" and part three would be called "Attack of the Killer Zombie Fairies or: The Kawaii Brain Eaters From Hell".
(46) What's your biggest fear?: Fear itself. Wow, the originality is really heavy here.
(47) Can you sing?: Yes.
(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: Yes. I've pretended to be Shinmaru alot. *puts on shades* It's time for another edition of... SHINMARU VS. THE WORLD.
(49) Are you a loner?: No.
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Depends on the person I was.
(52) Are you a daredevil?: I have my moments.
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Winter wastelands.
(54) Are you passive or aggressive?: I'm some sort of -ive. Evasive comes to mind.
(55) Have you got a car?: Yes.
(57) If you could change one thing about yourself?: Nothing much to change.
(58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: Creativity.
(59) How do you vent?: Very efficently.
(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: We always have room for improvement.
(62) Do you think life has been good so far?: All people inherit their own list of trials to overcome.
(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Martyrdom is optional.
(64) What do you like the most about your body?: It's still working.
(65) And least?: Nothing really.
(66) Do you think you are good looking? That doesn't really matter.
(67) Are you confident?: Not unneccessarily so.
(68) What is the fictional character you're most like?: I don't really know. I think my peers can answer this better.
(70) Are you perceived wrongly?: Who isn't?
(71) Smoke?: Sporadically.
(72) Do drugs?: No.
(73) Read the newspaper?: Yes.
(74) Pray?: Once in a blue moon.
(75) Go to church?: No.
(76) Talk to strangers who IM you?: Yes.
(77) Sleep with stuffed animals?: No. But they are scattered around my room.
(78) Take walks in the rain?: Catching a bad cold can be so artfully dramatic.
(79) Talk to people that hate you: I presume people that hate me wouldn't speak to me.
(80) Drive?: Yes.
(81) Like to drive fast?: A bit.
(82) Liked your voice? Never really thought about it.
(83) Hurt yourself?: And others.
(84) Been out of the country?: Yes. It's as bad as it is here.
(85) Eaten something that made other people sick?: Yes.
(86) Burped?: Heavens no.
(87) Been unfaithful?: I've stumbled into a few awkward situations.
(88) Been in love?: Yes.
(89) Done drugs?: Yes.
(90) Gone skinny dipping?: Yes. It's overrated.
(92) Had a surgery?: Yes.
(93) Ran away from home?: Yes.
(94) Played strip poker: Yes.
(95) Gotten beaten up?: Yes.
(97) Been picked on?: Yes.
(98) Been on stage?: Yeah. I've been King Oberon and a Cowboy named 'Lee' in seperate productions.
(99) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: No.
(100) Slept outdoors?: Yes.
(101) Thought about suicide?: Once.
(102) Pulled an all-nighter?: Yes.
(103) If yes, what is your record?: I haven't done much beyond one night.
(105) Talked on the phone all night?: No.
(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Yes.
(107) Slept all day?: Indeed.
(108) Killed someone?: Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa. No.
(109) Made out with a stranger?: Not yet.
(110) Had sex with a stranger?: Not that I know of.
(111) Thought you're going crazy?: No.
(112) Kissed the same sex?: No.
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: No.
(114) Been betrayed?: No.
(115) Had a dream that came true?: Yes.
(116) Broken the law?: Yes.
(117) Met a famous person?: Yes.
(118) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: Yes.
(146) Stolen anything?: Yes.
(147) Been on radio/TV.?: Yes.
(148) Been in a mosh-pit?: Yes.
(149) Had a nervous breakdown?: No.
(150) Considered religious vocation?: Yes.
(151) Sky dived?: No.
(152) Bungee jumped?: No.
(153) Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yes.
(???) Sardonically implied that survey writers are second-class citizens with brains the size of a cup of ramen?: Yes.
CLOTHES and other fashion.
(154) Shoe brand?: New Balance.
(155) Brand of clothing?: The cheap brand.
(156) Cologne/perfume?: Axe.
(157) What are you normally wearing to school/work?: Clothes.
(159) Wear hats?: Sure. Monocoles too.
(161) Wear make-up?: Not often.
(162) Favorite place to shop?: I pick and choose.
(163) Favorite article of clothing?: Spurs shirts, baby.
(164) Are you trendy?: I would think not.
(165) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: Yes. That implies everyone else would be wearing a uniform- females in uniforms= good.
(166) Believe in life on other planets?: Do they believe in us?
(167) Miracles?: Yes.
(168) Astrology?: Yes.
(169) Magic?: Yes.
(170) God?: Agnostic.
(171) Satan?: No.
(172) Santa?: No.
(173) Ghosts?: Yes.
(174) Luck?: Yes.
(175) Love at first sight?: Yes.
(176) Yin and Yang?: Yes.
(177) Witches?: Yes.
(178) Easter bunny?: No.
(179) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: If only our existence lasted as long as we perceive our love can.
(180) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Yes.
(181) Do you wish on stars?: Yes.
LOVE, and all that
(182) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? No.
(183) Do you remember your first crush?: Yes.
(184) Still love him/her?: No.
(185) Do you consider love a mistake?: No.
(186) What do you find romantic?: Many things, many moments.
(189) Do you base your judgment on looks alone: No, but they play a roll.
(200) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: How am I supposed to feel? If I have no interest, I have none.
(201) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date: Knowledge is power.
(202) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: Yes.
(203) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: No.
(204) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: Ask them, not me.
(205) What is best about the opposite sex?: There are many pros.
(206) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: There are many cons.
(207) What's the last present someone gave you?: Semi-precious stones.
(208) Are you in love?: Who knows.
(209) Do you consider your significant other hot?: *sneezes*
(210) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?: Give them a nice, loud "GUTEN TAG".
(211) That haunted you?: *tilts head*
(212) You wanted to kill?: Be careful what you wish for.
(213) That you laughed at?: My mom.
(214) That laughed at you?: Travis.
(215) That turned you on?: Wink.
(216) You went shopping with?: My mother.
(217) That broke your heart?: No one.
(218) To disappoint you?: La.
(219) To ask you out?: *scratches chin*
(220) To make you cry?: I don't remember who it was.
(221) To brighten up your day?: Whomever, whenever.
(222) That you thought about?: All and none.
(223) You saw a movie with?: My father.
(224) You talked to on the phone?: My half-sister.
(225) You talked to through IM?: Travis.
(226) You saw?: My mother.
(227) You lost?: As people go, people come. As people come, people go. It's a revolving door.
(229) You thought was completely insane?: No one.
(230) You wanted to be?: No one.
(231) You told off?: No one.
(232) You trusted?: Trust is a valuable commodity to bleed yourself with.
(233) You turned down?: *shrugs*
Rehashed Rapture.
Well, it's been a busy weekend so I'm rather tired at the moment. Keep it real.
P.S. Bush: Define 'quagmire'.
P.P.S. War of the Worlds was a great movie. If you think about it too much, you'll realize it's rather simplistic and full of plot holes- but just sit down to watch a good movie and you'll get one. Don't overanaylze it, there's nothing their to analyze really, lol. The aliens themselves are rather anticlimatic when you see them. Oh well. They are evil incarnate and such.
P.P.P.S. I cut myself on my goddamn drink at the movie theater. The plastic lids they give you, I made some sort of awkward move to place my drink in the cupholder and the goddamn edge cut a small, paperline slit into my finger. I was very amused about it all. "I fucking injured myself on my drink."
P.P.P.P.S. *blink*
Comments (2) |
Friday, June 24, 2005
It's the perfect time of year somewhere far away from here.
Yes. The last year of "Go Spurs Go" postscripts was worth it.
Comments (7) |
Thursday, June 16, 2005
There's nothing like this built today, you'll never see a finer ship in your life.
Comments on commentary-
OtakuSennen- Yes.
Roxie- He's an interesting person. Very eccentric.
There's a difference between lethargy and inane, meaningless topics. Plus, people seemed to enjoy discussing it- ignoring that dumbass who kept trying to start shit with me, lol.
Coming full circle is an accomplishment. *hands you a cookie* Congrats.
Oh? Well, I hope to see you next year, then. Work hard!
Tortor- Their new album is pretty neato. It was worth the arm and a leg I seem to spend getting CDs nowadays. *rubs chin*
It was a pretty neat title. I suppose I could give it to you... for a price. <_<
*dun dun dun*
Lily- *eats her for waking him up more than once*
I might come to Illinois. We can set things on fire. =D
She died of a broken heart.
Quiz Day
Your Expression Number is 1 | You have the skills to be a top executive or businessperson.
But first you must develop your natural capacity to be a good leader.
You are truly original - with a creative approach to life and a very sharp mind.
You reach for the sky, and you have the potential to reach it.
Assertive and straight forward, you have little need for supervision.
You are self-confident, self-reliant, and courageous in your convictions.
While you sometimes fear loneliness, you prefer to be left alone.
A bit self centered, you may be hard to life with at times.
You also have a strong dominant streak - which can push others away at times. |
You Were Actually Born Under: | You have both a fiery energy and a warm heart.
Your charisma and charm makes it easy for you to influence others.
Lucky in life, you also have a reputation of being lucky in love.
Power hungry, you are determined to get what you want - no matter what it takes.
You are most compatible with a Monkey or Rat. | You Should Have Been Born Under: | 
Fierce and courageous - you are the king of every situation.
You pounce and attack, until others give you want you want.
Daring and magnetic, you inspire others to follow your lead.
And while you're wild at heart, you have some hidden soft spots.
You are most compatible with a Horse or Dog. |
Your #1 Love Type: INTP | The Thinker
In love, you are honest and serious about commitment.
For you, sex is something you think about and desire a lot of the time.
Overall, you are pure in your affection and feelings.
However, you tend to be suspicious and distrusting at times.
Best matches: ENTJ and ESTJ |
Your Extroversion Profile: | Activity Level: High | Assertiveness: High |
Excitement Seeking: Medium | Friendliness: Low | Sociability: Low | Cheerfulness: Very Low |
Your Dominant Thinking Style: | Visioning
You are very insightful and tend to make decisions based on your insights.
You focus on how things should be - even if you haven't worked out the details.
An idealist, thinking of the future helps you guide your path.
You tend to give others long-term direction and momentum. | Your Secondary Thinking Style: | Modifying
Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you.
You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion.
You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested.
You tend to ground those around you and add stability. |
What Your Dreams Mean... |

Your dreams seem to show that you're a bit disturbed... but nothing serious.
You may have a problem you're trying to work out in your sleep.
You tend to be a very productive thinker.
You have a very vivid imagination and a rich creative mind.
You secretly want to hide your dreams from your waking mind.
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to good manners and elegance. |
In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered. |
Your Geek Profile:
Academic Geekiness: High |
Fashion Geekiness: High |
Gamer Geekiness: High |
Geekiness in Love: High |
Internet Geekiness: Moderate |
Movie Geekiness: Moderate |
Music Geekiness: Moderate |
SciFi Geekiness: Moderate |
General Geekiness: Low |
We didn't know the depths of what we had done.
Keep it cool.
P.S. Mahoromatic, Elfen Lied and Bleach = good anime. Bummed about the similarities between me and Kisuke in Bleach, but whatever. Only 1 percent of you would know who he is.
P.P.S. Oh noes, the mexicans are late!
P.P.P.P.S. Arrrgh, a picture of Ken! It makes your eyes bleed!
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I know you gotta be free to kill yourself.
Comments on commentary-
Elfie- My budding neruosis is why everyone loves me. It's my best quality.
Roxie- Zacherai is one of the oldest members of OB I still talk to. He was known as "Anti" on the boards and is currently serving as the only person who can outdebate me. Usually we stalemate, but he has a small advantage in the wins column.
I've seen all the episodes. Many times. Played alot of the games too. Read alot of the EU stuff too. Uh oh. Signs are pointing to total dorkdom in Ken. Hm.
X-Box 360 is coming out this year I think. Holiday season.
P.S. It's stupid is what it is.
Reina- Yes. Just another casual, nonsensical conversation with Travis, eh?
You are a little eccentric, yes. Kawaii, but eccentric. ;P
It was better than the others, that's for sure. Space armada battle for the win.
I got you pure ubersex. If you want it. I mean, it's pretty expensive so I hope you want it. *rubs back of head*
Keep it cool, little lady.
Ramkat- Yeah. We have fun conversations, huh? lol.
Not really sure what I expect. Post an intelligent topic on GroupSounds? Whoa, hold on there buddy. We want to talk about such important matters as:
-Your porn star name.
-X kicking X's ass at X game.
-A game about movie quotations.
-People not understanding Tony's humor.
Not your crappy pseudo-intellectual statement on the unification of broad culture groups that could someday affect mankind in a revoulutionarily positive way. We might be inheriting the world, but FUCK I got a high score on GyroBall. Eat that, fools. Hahaha, today GyroBall- tomorrow Plops! Ah well, I hope they haven't forgotten what typing responses longer than one paragraph take. The enter key. That's your only hint. That's it, all you get is the 'enter' key.
France's populace rejected the EU charter? Why? Who cares. They're France. Top three nations to halt progress in social, economic or military fields: 1. France. 2. DPRK. 3. The Vatican. Well, they are so overtly concerned with respect, prestige and otherwise they don't really seem to get the last time France was a superpower the United States was half it's current size. They haven't done jack shit since then militarily, socially they have a narcisstic, impulsive need to be the 'best' in Europe and politically they are on their what- fifth, sixth republic? I respect several European nations that aren't so hellbent on BEING respected. Places like.. uh *thinks* Luxembourg! Latvia! Croatia! Finland! Yeah, that's right France. I respect Finland more than your sorry, croissant filled ass.
MTV axed NIN because they had an image of Dubya planned to be behind them at MTV's annual craptastic video awards. Why? I dunno, the image was apparently unaltered. I guess Dubya's normal, unvandalized look is as bad for your mental health as his speeches, actions and vandalized pictures are. I know if I saw a giant picture of Dubya I'd let out a bloodchilling scream of terror and shit myself. I'd rather see the Foo Fighters anyway. Nothing personal to NIN fans but it's just one of those things. Something about crappy industrial rock triggers a negative response in me. I'll look into it.
Jerkoffs woke me up early today just to lecture me- I promptly walked out. Nothing personal, I respect my parents at the minimum level required of course, but you don't wake someone up to lecture them. I don't need the first thing to hear in the morning to be your droning, annoying voice trying to tell me your expectations that I couldn't care less about in any fashion, form, shape or otherwise. Your lecturing can wait until I've gotten my required hours of REM sleep or you will suffer the wrath of all who awake a bear too early from hibernation- I'll rip your fucking face off. Then I'll go eat some fish. Mmmm. Seafood. With cocktail sauce. Mmm. Cocktail sauce.
I'm not going to AX'05 anymore. Nothing personal to the people involved but I'm changing my plans to going elsewhere [northward, ho!]. I'm sure you'll have a hoot of a time without me. If we ever do meet IRL, I apologize in advance for the horrors you will witness and have burned into the depths of your mind. *coughs randomly* Anyway, to any and all who wanted to meet me there [which prolly consists of 1 person] that's way too fucking bad, but I have other things to do. New plans include a trip to Canada [around the Michigan area] to meet some people, see some stuff, etc. If you want me to drop by, tell me. It's a pretty lucid trip so I should be able to go to places like Ill. or PA. depending on how far away you are. No promises, I don't really legitimately care about meeting the majority of the people I know online but you might be a special exception. Guess you'll have to find out. Hahaha.
It's been a long day.
No surrender.
I'm gone. Keep it cool.
P.P.S. Romance of the Three Kingdoms X out on June 23rd. *orgasmic moan*
P.P.P.S. Moms with spring cleaning fervor need to be tranquilized. Lock and load, bitches. *click clack* It's huntin' time.
P.P.P.P.S. Queens of the Stone Age new CD = rockin'.
Comments (5) |
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Divine Divinity.
Comments on commentary-
Irish- Malls suck for a variety of reasons. The social atmosphere is one.
Er.. A civil war is "a war betwen factions or regions of the same country"? they didn't have the right to secede in the first place, lol. I think it's a civil war..
War is art. I enjoy it immensely.
Lunai- I was talking to a dude named Zacherai, heh.
Sen- Got a problem with Sakura-chan? =P
Elfy- Orgasm Day is the best holiday I've heard of. I hope I can celebrate it sometime soon.
Leaful- They could have it all year, I suppose. Maybe that's a bit much though.. or.. perhaps not?
Zacherai: FPS ussually
Zacherai: bore me
Zacherai: but
Zacherai: WWII era ones that are historic
Zacherai: sometimes interest me
Zacherai: because
Zacherai: it's a chance to honor those who have fought and died before me
Zacherai: <<;
Zacherai: but
Zacherai: people don't really fight in fps like they do irl
Zacherai: so
Zacherai: -shrugs-
Zacherai: kinda takes that
Zacherai: factor away
Zacherai: Wars are not won by the heroics of the few...
Zacherai: but by the sacrafice of the many.
DeathKnight V4: it's won by me kicking your ass.
Zacherai: heh
Zacherai: well Ive said this before
Zacherai: but
Zacherai: Hitler
Zacherai: and his goverment
Zacherai: blew.
Zacherai: they were 'evil' if there ever was evil
Zacherai: but
Zacherai: the german Wermacht
Zacherai: I respect
Zacherai: and
DeathKnight V4: eh? what makes them evil?
Zacherai: even 'worship' a bit.
Zacherai: Evil by my definition is someone who needlessly disregards life.
DeathKnight V4: *tilts head* then every nation that has ever existed is evil
Zacherai: maybe.
DeathKnight V4: well, ask this question
Zacherai: well, evil by one definition
Zacherai: is
Zacherai: extremism
Zacherai: o.O
Zacherai: or fanatism.
DeathKnight V4: did the majority of those nations *regard* the lives of anything beyond their race, nationality/citizens or soldiers?
DeathKnight V4: no, because that wasn't their prime directive
Zacherai: they might not of 'regarded' it
Zacherai: but very few have activity sought to cause genocide against them
Zacherai: Ive said it before, Hitler was benevolent to his own people
Zacherai: but, his people are a minority to the people on the planet, and he was seeking to actively cause genocide against large majoritys of those people
DeathKnight V4: eh, the story of the holocaust never really touched me
DeathKnight V4: the desperate environment of a nation destroyed by a war bred a monstrosity that ultimately made the nation pay for it's sins
Zacherai: I respect the german people and their 'wermacht' but what 'good' hitler did, what uprising he brought, was far outweighed by what 'evil' he's done
DeathKnight V4: *raises hands* if you think it is, you do
Zacherai: WWII was kinda 3 evils facing off against each other
Zacherai: in a sense
Zacherai: o.O
Zacherai: *uses the word evil for lack of a better word*
Zacherai: o.O
Zacherai: it was fanatism on all 3 sides for their way being 'right'
DeathKnight V4: people died
DeathKnight V4: they were going to die eventually, they were not heroes. they were a religious group who was persecuted.
DeathKnight V4: they are not martyrs, they did not sacrifice themsleves for anything. they were animals.
Zacherai: they were still humans.
Zacherai: lol
DeathKnight V4: *shrugs* a human is a thinking animal
Zacherai: a human is the only sentient being weve come into contact with.
DeathKnight V4: and is the only being worth killing
Zacherai: worth fighting maybe.
DeathKnight V4: *shrugs*
Zacherai: Im a warrior, life is sacred to me because it has to be to keep me from being a rampaing killer
DeathKnight V4: you just finished talking about the thrill and enjoyment derived from fighting humans in virtual realities instead of artificial intelligence
DeathKnight V4: that applies to real life, it is the only creature worth engaging in battle
Zacherai: thats the difference between someone who is fucked up, and a soldier, a soldier finds a way to still hold life sacred, a murderer - someone 'evil' - dosnm't
DeathKnight V4: life is there
DeathKnight V4: those that rape and pillage it, do
DeathKnight V4: those that worship and view it as sacred, do
Zacherai: those that rape and pillage it arn't acceptable
Zacherai: o.o;
Zacherai: by me.
DeathKnight V4: they do as they see fit
DeathKnight V4: as you do as you see fit
Zacherai: a Warrior dosn't randomly rape and pillage life, there must be a reason, an order, in defense..
Zacherai: o.o
DeathKnight V4: it would be too troublesome to be a manical killer
DeathKnight V4: I doubt I could outthink an organized crime force or want to sacrifice myself for something as petty as bloodshed
Zacherai: "we are not killers, we are people who learn to apply violence to achieve a means, and sometimes that kills"
Zacherai: "however, randomly killing, killing without reason, is -unacceptable"
Zacherai: o.O
DeathKnight V4: those who live by the sword will die by the sword
DeathKnight V4: it matters not who you cut down
DeathKnight V4: you will be cut down eventually in return
Zacherai: I wonder if she will bring any new perspectives to the table
DeathKnight V4: what? is my nonchalant attitude tiresome?
DeathKnight V4: lol
Zacherai: you fucking admire serial killers and refuse to even recognize the value of life beyond 'it's not worth my time'
Zacherai: so
Zacherai: regardless of reassurances
Zacherai: I have to keep half an eye on you for budding psychosis;;
DeathKnight V4: serial killers are inefficent psychopaths who cry out for attention with their unrefined talent.
DeathKnight V4: they are quirky anomolies at best
Zacherai: generally they are people who failed to learn certian group survival instincts..
Zacherai: not to kill people without reason..
DeathKnight V4: all things are fated to die
DeathKnight V4: I don't claim to be the grim reaper so it is not my place to send everyone there quicker
DeathKnight V4: if I am not one to judge something as trite as people's personalities, opinions or outlooks
DeathKnight V4: then who am I to play matchmaker with their lives and a coffin.
Zacherai: mmm
Zacherai: Im sure youll be a good general
Zacherai: <<;
Zacherai: sometime..
Zacherai: in the distant future..
DeathKnight V4: you're a good leader
DeathKnight V4: with some questionable taste in women
DeathKnight V4: but that's not too bad of a thing
DeathKnight V4: XD
DeathKnight V4: I guess I shouldn't talk *rubs his chin solemnly*
Zacherai: >>;;;
Zacherai: uh
Zacherai: great men..
Zacherai: have great eccentricites?
DeathKnight V4: haha
DeathKnight V4: of course
DeathKnight V4: I'm
DeathKnight V4: gonna go.
Zacherai: nien
DeathKnight V4: ?
Zacherai: Im not through with your corpse.
Zacherai: *kicks it*
DeathKnight V4: ahh
DeathKnight V4: *sound of motor starting*
DeathKnight V4: *lives*
DeathKnight V4: thank you kindly
DeathKnight V4: sometimes it just needs a good ol' kick to get back up and goin
Zacherai: hai
Zacherai: a jumpstart to the heart
DeathKnight V4: I got one of those crappy
DeathKnight V4: mexican models
DeathKnight V4: doesn't work too well.
Zacherai: >>;
Saw Revenge of the Sith today. I thought it was more enjoyable than the prior two episodes. For one thing, the acting was a few steps up from 'utterly painful' to 'slightly irritating'. His dialogue in romantic scenes is still quite questionable but I suppose I couldn't do much better. It's a Sci-Fi movie, I'm not sure what kind of romantic dialogue we are expecting from it. It's like the opening scenes in the movie is a pitched battle between armadas- that should clue you in that the depth of the romantic dialogue might not be as high a quality as it could be. I'm not sure many people will understand the character of General Greivous without having seen the Clone War's series, heh. The leader of the Banking Clan [named San Hill] noticed a Kaleesh named Greivous who had great strategetic skill and physical prowess. He offered Greivous a position of power in the Seperatist forces, but Greivous declined- he only cared about the conflict between the Kaleesh and the Huk, not the larger war occuring around them. So Hill brought Greivous to the attention of Dooku and Darth Sidious, both of whom also offered Greivous positions of power within the Seperatist forces. But, Greivous contiunued to decline their offers. Hill, Dooku and Sidious arranged to plant a bomb on the shuttle that Greivous was using and blame the explosion on the Republic. Greivous was mortally wounded from the shuttle's crash and his unconcsious, dying body was taking to Geonosis. The Geonosians implanted the majority of his organs into a specially-forged droid body that would compliment his natural reflexes and grant him greater physical strength and protection. When he awoke, for some reason, he was willing to take up Hill's offer and he started leading Separatist troops throughout the galaxy. Dooku trained the cyborg in lightsaber combat and he took up the passtime of fighting Jedi, starting a collection of lightsabers from those he defeated. He lead the Separtist forces in the Outer Rim defeating the Republic's fleet time after time with brilliant strategies, causing him to gain great infamy amongst the Republic forces. His strange, continuous cough that accompanies him throughout the movie is probably from the Clone Wars series too- Mace Windu force-crushed his torso during it, wounding him seriously [first time he had been wounded by a Jedi, too]. I enjoyed the mini-series Cartoon Network had alot, it made the transition from Episode II to III alot more sensical. Overall the movie was enjoyable- the Jedi fights are distinctly memorable and the large naval battle at the beginning was fantastically done. I would guess that they are going to bring back the series in one way or another- it's such a huge moneymaker that it's hard to just say "that's all folks" to it.
I'm pretty content with what we learned from E3. I am casting a suspicious gaze at Nintendo, however, because it feels like they are already losing the next generation of the console wars- and it hasn't even really begun, lol. I am not a fanboy of Nintendo, I seriously prefer and procure more Sony games/hardware on a consistent basis, but several GameCube games always shine out as great pieces of software. I also spent a good deal of time during the last generation of video games playing the N64- Waveracer, Mario Kart, Super Mario 64, Super Smash Brothers, Ogre Battle, etc.- until I started hauling in RPGs for my PS1. I hope that they succeed with their next venture. Microsoft can seriously go fuck itself. That 'revealing on MTV' thing was gay. But, er- yeah. Sony for life, etc.
Of particular interest was the much-talked about "Final Fantasy VII Technical Demo". I think that doing that sort of thing should be constituted as torture as most FFVII/RPG fans have been quietly praying to their respective Gods for a remake of FFVII on a current or next generation console. Remake or not, that is sure some pretty looking stuff there. I'm not really how I would feel about a remake, but I'm sure that a company like Square wouldn't screw something that large up. *long pause* I mean, they couldn't.. seriously destroy the game.. that made their franchise the pillar of fandom that it is today, right?
*ominous silence*
I also OMFGYAYed at Civilization IV. I'm privy to describing myself as a pseudo-Rommel/Napoleon/insertdeadfamousguyhere, but the Civilization series has been with me since I was a toddler. I played the first one in.. 1993 or so. Spent days upon days on the second and weeks upon weeks on the third. It is a fabulous, addictive game that I think everyone can enjoy to varying degrees. I hope I get a chance to play the fourth one.
Dicit Lux.
That's all. Get lost you grotty little kids.
Haha, kidding.
P.S. DeathKnight V4: bah, bureacracy and it's awkward spelling can go fuck itself.
P.P.P.S. Call of Duty rocks.
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Comments on commentary-
Shinfaru- Horrible zingers or no, the arcade is an amusing distraction.
Go Lakers! Get those lottery balls!
Reina- Haha, yeah. That was pretty good. :P
Leaful- I can't get a wink of sleep around my harem girls, actually.
I have this odd ability to be a magnet for perfect, total and complete strangers. What makes this more amusing is that most of the strangers that approach me are *politically correct tone of voice* african-american people */politically correct tone of voice*. Even if they aren't really african and about four hundred percent american, I suppose that doesn't matter. They have a different level of melanin than I do- OMFG GET OUT THE LYNCH. Anyway, this particular stranger was of the merchant variety. In Ingram Park Mall there are alot of booths across the mall, one particular booth I know rather well- since.. the people that operate that booth insist upon trying to fleece me into buying a small, tiny vial of fragrence. Eastern Oils, that's what they are called. This short black merchant was named "Cordell" and was a Spurs fan. Now, see, the easiest way to dissuade a merchant is to control the conversation he initiated. So, that's how I learned he was a Spurs fan. And, that's how I left without having 30 less dollars and a tiny bottle of crappy perfume.
I got Guild Wars. Yay, the crowd goes wild, cheers erupt outward, a monkey claps it's hands, etc. Not much else to say about that.
I had a point to talk about here, but I'll just copy/paste my ranting from AIM, lol. Easier than retyping a few paragraphs out.
DeathKnight V4: *tilts his head* it's a double standard for some reason.
DeathKnight V4: and I'm not sure what that reason is, I really don't.
DeathKnight V4: <<;
DeathKnight V4: It's seems so perverse, so ethically wrong to force one nation carry the burden of it's past when all parties involved have equally dubious dark periods in their pasts.
DeathKnight V4: The United States and the Native Americans, Britain's imperialist practicies, Russia and Stalin, Japan and China.
DeathKnight V4: France and Algeria..
DeathKnight V4: all of them killed or executed people based on their race, and most of the time it was out of greed or the need for power.
DeathKnight V4: so it seems so hypocritically incorrect to force a nation to have something they ignorantly stumbled into, make them face up to it and have it weigh down on them.
DeathKnight V4: like cruicifying a child for tripping.
DeathKnight V4: <<;
DeathKnight V4: I just don't understand human logic sometimes, it just doens't make sense.
DeathKnight V4: it's like you almost pity americans, french, british, russians, chinese and japanese
DeathKnight V4: because they will look at germany's dark spot in their past and call them for it
DeathKnight V4: when they themselves, the nations they belong to have equal or more blood on their hands
DeathKnight V4: I just pity germany
DeathKnight V4: a great empire destroyed because the only way to stop them from being great was to make them feel like sinners for doing sometheing every nation has done and will do.
DeathKnight V4: don't you just find that to be horrifyingly ignorant? to do that to someone just to keep them in check? to force them to feel like their recent ancestors were all sinners?
DeathKnight V4: I think that's one of the worst things that has ever been done to a group of people. They weren't killed, dying would have been merciful.
DeathKnight V4: It was lorded over an entire nationality.
DeathKnight V4: and will be lorded over them for decades.
DeathKnight V4: the soldiers, I respect them.
DeathKnight V4: they weren't dying just so hitler could kill jews, their sacrifice was for their fatherland, their nation, thier people.. the same things that most americans would do if they were called to duty. fight for your family, your friends, for the security of where you live.
DeathKnight V4: trying to make it a fight for democracy.. trying to make world war II a struggle against tyranny or a crusade for freedom
DeathKnight V4: is very perverse.
DeathKnight V4: all they were doing is reacting to hitler, they didn't have any idealistic goals at all until it suited them
DeathKnight V4: all it was.. was a war.
DeathKnight V4: human thinking is just
DeathKnight V4: where it should be a straight logical line
DeathKnight V4: it zig zags.
DeathKnight V4: so it's a mix of amusement and curiousity.
DeathKnight V4: <<;
DeathKnight V4: like you would almost expect it to be normal for sentient creatures to seek understanding, to delve into all the curiousities of life
DeathKnight V4: like history, the arts, mechnical wonders, military stuff- just to get rid of their collective or individual ingnorance.
DeathKnight V4: but they are content with just.. working, procreating and dying.
DeathKnight V4: well, the more typical person anyway
DeathKnight V4: the people I'm surrounded by
DeathKnight V4: <<;
DeathKnight V4: "why would you want to go to california?" "why would you want to go to europe?"
DeathKnight V4: like no one wants to explore anymore..
DeathKnight V4: see new things, breathe in new air.
DeathKnight V4: intstead of stagnant air all the time.
Our hearts burn on.
That's about it. Keep it real.
P.P.S. My GuildWars character is named Kenneth Howell, so if you play it drop me a line if you'd like.
P.P.P.S. Woot.
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
We are fighting dreamers.
Comments on commentary- Uhhh. My reply to your comments would be.. longer than this post probably. Can I skip it please?
I'll never see this place again.
Soil. Soil requires nutrients. You can get these nutrients from your local gardening supply place. You'll need a large, husky person to haul the stuff around though- that's how I got involved. Well, alot of these mixtures of 'plant food' have manure in them. So that's how this story gets tellable. Well, it's not really a story- I just hauled dirt with crap mixed in it for an hour or so. It was refreshing. Very refreshing. The smell of shit mixed with the springtime air. You could just hear the birds chirping in the background, squirrels chewing on food and various other disney-esque animals frolicking freely in the grasses, bushes and trees that dot my neighborhood. But me? I was hauling around shit. And that is enough shit-hauling to last me for a few months.
I've been watching alot of Naruto lately. Fan subbed because.. subs>all. Fan subs= sometimes > all. This sub is great, however. A consensus of my closest friends, enemies and harem girls has garnered the result that I am most like Kakashi, the sensei for the trio of early teenagers that are our heroes. I can't really argue with that, heh. I have him as an avatar on GroupSounds [Tony's messageboard]. It's for the win, I suppose. I think the anime is great- the story is neat, the animation can't be matched and it can be hilarious as fuck sometime [e.g., Naruto's 'surprise' during the preliminary exams].
Speaking of GroupSounds, that arcade is hilarious as fuck too. I'm sort of surprised how much winning a flash videogame can stroke someone's ego, lol. There are all these amusing, pseudo-zingers that people post after they score a high score. I can't really paraphrase one on the spot because I can't make some of this shit up. It's just pretty funny. I <3 Space Invaders. I got 303000 as a score after about an hour and a half of straight playing- on the same round, to be exact. Yeah, an hour and thirty minutes or so on the same round.. that was pretty intense shit. I really enjoy the game alot for some reason- something satisfying about blasting away a plethora of russian horde invaders in your tiny, penis-esque ship.
NBA Playoffs are going on! San Antonio Spurs for the win, of course. You can feel the Spurs fervor in the air around here- they are selling little flags you can hang from your car that say "Go Spurs Go!". Or you can get a cool hat that says something similar- Spurs for the win in any event. I can smell the championship- it smells like.. body odor. Wait, wait. Wait. That's not the championship. Nevermind. *sprays some deodorant on himself*
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy might be the first movie I actually go to a movie theater for in probably half a year. This movie looks great- I mean like, "OMG WTF LOL" great. Not just "great!" or "Great.." but "INSERT ACRONYMS HERE" great. It will probably be annoying to be shoved into a room full of irritating, hyper people but- yeah.. that's the price you have to pay for wasting away 2 hours of your life on cinema. /sigh, such is life! I hope I can get a nice big Diet Coke though. For the win, of course.
I'm reading the Da Vinchi Code for the first time after reading Angels and Demons- I really miss that Italian chick, I'll tell you thought. She sounded sexy and had a fun attitude. Vittoria was her name, wasn't it? Oh well. I hope this involves corrupt popes too. Everyone <3's corrupt popes. Well, except for the people they kill- but they are biased, aren't they?
"Floods" by Pantera is a very personal song to me now that I've heard it a few times. It has a great melody, great sound to it.. great lyrics. Sort of melancholy in a way. I think it is a good song for anyone but I've been wrong before.
Sorry about the lack of updates but I really had nothing to talk about for a long while there. Maybe it was writer's block, lol. Or maybe my life is that boring. I think I need more drama- FF style! *suddenly gets amnesia* *takes on the personality of a friend of his*
You may call me..
Nah, I kid. But I guess I'll fill this out with a few quizzes, it's been awhile.
Quiz Day
Your Taste in Music:
90's Alternative: Highest Influence | Alternative Rock: Highest Influence | 90's Rock: High Influence | Heavy Metal: High Influence | Dance: Medium Influence | 80's Alternative: Low Influence | Adult Alternative: Low Influence | Classic Rock: Low Influence | Old School Hip Hop: Low Influence | Punk: Low Influence |
Your True Birth Month Is December |

Not egoistic
Loves praise
Loves to joke
Fun to be with
Not pretending
Loves attention
Short tempered
Hates restrictions
Loves to socialize
Loves to be loved
Loyal and generous
Impatient and hasty
Changing personality
Good sense of humor
Honest and trustworthy
Influential in organizations
Takes high pride in oneself
Active in games and interactions
| You scored as Justice (Fairness). Your life is guided by the concept of Fair Justice: Everyone, yourself included, should be rewarded and punished according to the help or harm they cause.
"He who does not punish evil commands it to be done."
--Leonardo da Vinci
“Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.”
--Dwight D. Eisenhower
More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...
Justice (Fairness) | | 90% | Utilitarianism | | 80% | Kantianism | | 60% | Existentialism | | 60% | Nihilism | | 50% | Apathy | | 20% | Hedonism | | 20% | Strong Egoism | | 5% | Divine Command | | 5% |
What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03) created with |
Your Rising Sign is Capricorn |

Old fashioned and conservative, you carry yourself with dignity.
You have a tough exterior, and you can be intimidating when you want to be.
Hard working and ambitious, you can survive in the most cut throat work enviroments.
Outside of work, you are a true friend to everyone in your small inner circle.
You may have had a difficult time earlier in life.
Capricorns are late bloomers and you may be coming into your own right now. |
 Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me
That's it. Keep it cool.
P.S. Go Spurs!
P.P.S. I love sub sandwiches.
P.P.P.S. Hinata <3.
Comments (4) |
Friday, April 15, 2005
*Professor Farnsworth voice* Good news, everyone!
[filler]WASHINGTON - Pessimistic, anxious and depressed people may have a higher risk of dementia, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.
A study of a group of 3,500 people showed that those who scored high for pessimism on a standardized personality test had a 30 percent increased risk of developing dementia 30 to 40 years later.
Those scoring very high on both anxiety and pessimism scales had a 40 percent higher risk, the study showed.
"There appears to be a dose-response pattern, i.e., the higher the scores, the higher the risk of dementia," Dr. Yonas Geda, a neuropsychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota who led the study, said in a statement.
Geda and colleagues looked at the medical records of 3,500 men and women who lived near the clinic between 1962 and 1965.
They all took the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, a standard personality and life experience test, Geda's team told a meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Miami.
In 2004 the team interviewed the participants or family members.
Those who scored higher for anxiety and pessimism on the test were more likely, as a group, to have developed dementia by 2004, including Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.
This did not mean a person who is pessimistic could assume he or she has a higher risk of developing dementia.
"One has to be cautious in interpreting a study like this," Geda said.
"One cannot make a leap from group level data to the individual. Certainly the last thing you want to do is to say, 'Well, I am a pessimist; thus, I am doomed to develop dementia 20 or 30 years later,' because this may end up becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy."
And there is not any specific way to prevent dementia, although many studies have shown that a healthy diet, exercise, keeping active in other ways, doing puzzles and other activities lower the risk.
The Soapmakers.
[zing]I guess that means 70 percent of our little online community is screwed.
P.S. I love beef jerky. Dogs have dog biscuits, cats have cat treats and humans have beef jerky. Mmm-mm good.
P.P.S. Little does everyone know the world already has a pope- me! Muahahah, the reign of the South Texas Evil Pope begins now! *starts his evil deeds*
Person: Fuck. I knew the new Pope would be evil but I wasn't expecting a bloody spanish inquisition.
*four costumed guys burst in*
P.P.P.S. I like fucking injured myself on my couch last night. More breaking news as events arise.
Comments (8) |
Monday, April 11, 2005
Cherub Rock.
Comments on commentary-
Laura- That's pretty good, little chicka. Speaks true too.
ElfPirate- Well I wasn't, I swear. But then I kind of ran out of things to talk about so. Blablabla, etc.
That's a good haiku. Just, pirates.. don't write.. haikus.
Like, when a pirate boarded another ship they weren't reciting battle haikus or whatever.
Shinmaru- I think it would be fun if there was an OtakuBoards version of Back to the Future. Just, with some sort of tripped out minivan instead of a deLorean [so we could take everyone].
OMG I DIDN'T? I AM SO FREAKING PISSED AT MYSELF *writes angry emo poetry*
Wrote a sad poem
And it said
"Hey there man, this poem is bad"
Ohhh, ho ho baby
I got the poem writing blues
Ohhh, ho ho baby
It ain't goin away anytime soon
Roxie- Yeah. We don't need any Yank stores around here. *glares*
Anyone who says it "Rew" will be subsequently [and vehemently] mooed upon.
SWEDEN FOR THE WIN! Bah, I could send you the song. It rocks.
I could write a haiku about how much it rocks, but no. I obviously suck.
P.S. Yeah, he was a good guy.
Lunai- Yes, yes she does. I don't know her that well but uh yeah.
Kill that thread together, we shall. *raises fist*
Lea- *vehemently moos upon you*
You're wise for your uh. Umm. Uhhhhhhh.
*gestures erratically*
Tortured Souls.
It's about time we admitted a few things to each other. We've had a good writer-reader [or ranter-lurker] relationship going on for awhile and, well, I think I should be honest with you.
-I really hate Dragon Warrior. I think it all started two months after I joined OtakuBoards and realized he was a sugar-addicted moron who thinks he is really funny. I would go so far as to state that, if given the chance [plus the proper blunt object] I would beat Dragon Warrior into the ground and promptly plant some form of shrubbery over his body. Something with flowers. I like flowers. If you read this Dragon Warrior, it's ok. We're still great friends *smiles broadly*. Just, don't come around me when I have a shovel or whatever- unless you have a strong desire to be fertilizer.
-I also have a strong, strong distaste for Marilyn Manson. Not only does he act stupid, his music sucks too. I'm sure that some people like him but I really don't.. I doubt he'd make good shrubbery fertilizer either. I don't know if you care or not or whatever. This isn't your diary for a reason so just sit back, relax and stab yourself with a knife in the neck several times.
-I really hate raw bell paper. You bite into a raw bell pepper and it's like evil seeping into your taste buds slowly, seeking to destroy the essence of your humanity bit by fucking bit. They are the devils fruit [thus their strange shape] and they alone will kill us all.
-The screenname "Generic NPC #3" is about as original/interesting/insert word here as the screenname "DeathKnight". We both fail. Otherwise, you are the essence of pure cool Tony. Even if you do listen to Manson, that is. I'm also the essence of something. The essence of pure funk. *old school R&B plays in the background as he slides a pair of sunglasses on*
-All the RPGs in the adventure arena suck. This implies that the people writing them suck too, but I won't go that far. We need to redo Apartment Building C. That RPG could have gone places. I mean, come on- german speaking ostrich for the win, obviously. Or, maybe, the german speaking ostrich was a step too far and I inadvertently killed the RPG.
Whatever. *huggles ostrich*
-The Sims is a horrid game. It's revolutionarily horrid. I burn Sims just to laugh in my own e-sadistic way. Why is it horrid? I don't know! It's like the bell peppers, it just oozes out this primal evil that makes me shudder and repeat a few "Hail Mary's" [and I'm not even Catholic!]. Look at all the evil it has spawned *gestures to expansion packs and games that clone it's idea*.
-The top five solos I've ever heard are:
5. "Black Hole Sun" - Soundgarden
4. "We Die Young" - Alice in Chains
3. "Stacked Actors" - Foo Fighters
2. "Mr. Crowley" - Ozzy
1. [tie] "Raining Blood" - Slayer
1. [tie] "Cherub Rock" - Smashing Pumpkins
If anyone disputes this, write down their name and address. Give it to me. I'll discuss it with them privately.
-I think in most of the "Anthology" stories I've been replaced by either Baron Samedi or Shinmaru. I'm quite ecstatic about being replaced by such a cool guy [I'm talking about Shinmaru, not that other dude]. I think Shinmaru can fill my satirical and cool shoes quite well. He'll do quite well! Fare thee well, DeathKnight. Don't feel left out! There are greener pastures to burn with your undead shoes.
-My unconscious is trying to kill me. It showed me my dream girl [in a dream, no less]. I think it's emotionally sadistic.
-I will admit that I had alot of fun writing this post. Haha, ahh.
-My OtakuBoards avatar is the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. You could have denoted this from the wording on his hat as it is mentioned in the book.
Well, that's about all I have to say about that. What's new in the life of Ken? Same ol', same ol'. Fucking setting myself on fire for being up this late. I think I'll cut this shorter than normal because it's 6:39 and I need to go dream something.
In closing, *arches his eyebrow at you*

P.P.S. Tiger Woods won another Masters! Grats to him.
P.P.P.S. I think I enjoy lighting matches too much. *rubs forehead*
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