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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Mein Kampf.
Comments on commentary-
Emomonkey- Tiger Monroe isn't too bad of a name. Max Richmond is kind of.. detectivey sounding. *puts on old, P.I. hat*
Interpol s'alright. Sometimes you need some soft music, sometimes you need some hard music.
Marbar is a fine name, thank you very much!
Faruman- I dunno. OtakuBoards is annoying because you have all these moderators floating about jinxing discussions just because they don't write their ideas in perfection. "ZOMG YOU DIDN'T USE PROPER WRITING PROCEDURES, YOU ARE SO WARNED."
Yeah, well. I'm saying that people who do that are acting like dickheads. So, maybe we agree. lol.
Roxie- Walking is suave. I walk mainly at night so I can scare the people who do happen to be outside. Pretend I'm a zombie or something. Haha, nah. I would never do that. 0=) Sped walked like four miles yesterday, that was a might bit tiring.
Yeah. I was on TV for about a week on this promo I guess. Around here on Fox [or was it/is it the WB? One of the two.] early mornings were comprised of mainly cartoons. One of them was called "Tailspin" which some of you might remember since it was definitely awesome. So at the age of three or so I went down to their local HQ and filmed one of those fillers that says "So and so is coming on next!" or "So and so is coming up next!". That's what I did, heh. It was pretty freaking easy- you read the shit they displayed under the camera and just gave it your best. There's a tape of it somewhere around here but, uh, no one needs to find that. *rubs back of head*
HEB is a very large, very powerful regional grocery store that has been around for 100 years. It drove Albertson's grocery stores out of Texas [some sort of yankee grocery store I think] and is *the* grocery store for most of Texas. I think they are making inroads into the surrounding states too. HEB are the initials of the founder of the store who had the unfortunate luck of having the last name of "Butts" and that is not a joke. Herbert E. Butts I believe his name was. Oh well, his grocery store rocks.
I dunno. The math story was about a computer who discovered the largest prime number which is very inane and doesn't really help many of you. However, knowing your porn star name is very useful.
Lunai- It's ok. You'll wake up eventually. Just, without your money. <_<
Laura- *rubs forehead* Yeah, I guess I'm a hero. The dude prolly got eaten by something anyway, lol.
CHW is.. interesting. Walks are interesting too, but in a different way.
I walk for exercise. I spend too much time inside anyway.
Irish- I need a new nickname for you. *rubs his chin*
I'm hoping to learn more about war from.. The Art of War. It's a brilliant plan. I actually think I've read the concubine part before. I read part of the book in E-Book form thanks to Project Gutenberg [god they have so many good books there]. That was very interesting, lol.
Wow, everyone loves going for walks. We should all walk to each other's house and chill. I have soda at mine. And ramen. Mm-mm good. But yeah, walking is uber. I only walk with my mom, really. It's the only thing we have to talk about shit that.. doesn't really matter. But uh, it's nice.. yeah. <_<
Well the story behind the caterpillar is pretty short and sweet. I had come back from walking when I felt something crawling around in my hair which was a "Ooooookay.." moment. I kind of reached up there and flung it out of my hair since it had no business rummaging around around my scalp. I looked around for it and it was this tiny, cute, yellow caterpillar who was in the middle of crawling up a wire that was coming out of my computer. I decided killing him would be a hollow victory since I was about 600 times his size, heh. Put the dude on my hand, took him outside, placed him in some grass- story over,. Maybe he'll go on to become King of the Butterflies or something.
An equally semi-interesting story is the story of Rooh. Rooh is a rottweiler. Rooh dislikes my mother and I walking near his fence. Rooh freaks my mom out. In essence, every time we walk he gets really pissed and tries to leap over his fence. Yesterday, he almost made it- you could see his head above the fence. That freaked my mom out a little more than usual. Combine this with the fact you can see where he has tried to dig out under the wooden fence, and we decided to walk on the other side of the street away from Rooh [This was codenamed "Operation Avoid Rooh"]. You are probably asking "Why is his name Rooh?" Well, that's because it's an acronym I made up. Rottweiler out of hell. Rooh. You say it like "row" so it sounds sort of Asian instead of "Rew" which sounds distinctly Disney. So Rooh [you better be pronouncing it "row"] is sort of our enemy now. It stemmed this funny conversation about how if the dog attacked my mom I'd run to get help for her. Good times.
Sort of a video game side story now is the story of me playing as Sweden. I play alot of grand strategy games and one of them is Victoria: An Empire under the Sun. You play between 1836 and 1920 as any of the corresponding empires of your choice. You can unify Germany, Italy play as Russia as she tries to expand herself into Asia and the Middle East or.. anyone. You can even play as Texas, lol. But yeah, I played.. as Sweden. In the time provided to me I took over most of Norway and colonized central Africa. From the Congo up to Libya. It was an interesting game. I avoided wars, of course, but at the end I finally decided that it was time for the Ottoman Empire to die. So, I teamed up with Prussia and Italy and we just sort of ate them. The Swedes marched, the Swedes pwned, the Swedes got the southern half of Libya. It was a fun game.
People on OB have been discussing a rather silly topic: If you could change your past, what would you change? Nothing. I wouldn't change anything. Everything that was is now what is. Id est, the things that were flow into the things that are. Who I am is who I was and who I will be is what I am now and the things I do now affect who I will be. Hindsight is 20/20. Foresight isn't. You can spend your life regretting things if you want to, but you can only do that because you are seeing it now. It's wiser to realize your past, pros and cons, has affected who you are now. If you are still dissatisfied, then what can I say? I'm not dissatisfied. Ignoring your past and all those regrets you can have, you can focus on improving your foresight. And, thusly, you are changing the past that will be. The only thing, the one and only thing, that I could ever be substantially dissatisfied with.. doesn't bear mentioning. ;P
You know the one song that every person on the face of this earth needs to hear once? "Perry Mason" by Ozzy. That is a song for all ages, all people, all species. It has the potential of uniting this Earth. If you have never heard this song I implore you to get it somehow and listen to the greatness of this song. FOR IT ROCKS YOUR SOCKS! THAT IS ALL.
Random crappy haikus:
Tomorrow's sun comes
A thousand little tears rind open
It can help you feel
If you want to feel
Close your eyes with mine slowly
I will take you away
Come fly with me there
Our place amongst the nightmares
We can die together
When the sun comes anew
They will all be very surprised
When we rise again
Like the phoenix bird
Fire shining radiantly
Let us fly as one
Should be 5-7-5. If it isn't, shhh. It's our little secret.
Welp. That about ends this post. Keep it cool dudes and little chickas.
P.S. Rest in peace, Pope.
P.P.S. Emperor of emperors.
P.P.P.S. hi2u.
P.P.P.P.S. *hordes of swedes swarm your house*
Comments (6) |
Friday, April 1, 2005
Comments on commentary-
Juu- I'm glad you liked that picture, sis. I hope you are doing alright.
Eh, I didn't want to waste my chicken fajitas on her. Mmm-mm good. *eats some fajitas* =>
Sen- A.) That makes me the German Shepard, right?
B.) She finally died!
C.) *steps away from you*
Faruman- It's ok. You get to be around pizza for the rest of your life. =) *pats you on the back*
Eh, it's a sad case but yeah- mercy killing > keeping them alive just to.. keep them alive. *gives you a long, prerendered rant*
Tortor- Yeah, Vegetarians who do it for trend reasons suck. *eats them* Mmm, cannibalism.
Mexican food is great. I love enchiladas, fajitas, tacos, queso, all that good stuff. *gives her a taco*
Yeah, I'm not too worried. I'm just a little too impassioned sometimes. I'd love my kid with all my heart though. Heh.
My wife, eh? That'd rock. ;P
Yes, attractive young women do rock! I think I might go to the grocery store more often. ;o
Demos- Animal-hugging bastards are more annoying than tree-hugging bastards. Chickens and cows aren't providing my oxygen.
[/random reply hello]
P.S. No. You can be the ingenious inventor who makes all these weird, destructive items that I use accidentally or wrong and cause zany, fan-friendly scenes to occur.
Roxie- *rubs forehead* I haven't cut myself in eons. The cuticle thing started innocently with me munching on my nails and ended up being a really horrid habit.
Yeah, vegetarians are ok [I don't agree with them but I'll let them eat whatever the fuck they want].
Me as an adviser? lol. Ok, I guess. I'll try not to let you down.
Well, it's done now. She's gone and the debate hopefully will go out of the public light. RIP though.
P.S. Good, good. I pwned those nubs.
Irish- Yeah, I think my self control is good. I haven't really lost it in awhile.
It's alright, it was pretty funny I guess. One of those things- I always seem to sit next to loud/obnoxious people whoa are really irritating. Must be a fate thing.
Basketball is cool. Fencing is cool. But only one makes a good religion.
P.S. Who are we to decide who lives and dies? We are fellow mortals. We can kill anything and anyone we want to with impunity as everyone else is mortal as we are. Every person you pass you could kill, you could take away their life with relative ease. We are all judges, we just don't pass judgment.
P.P.S. I love 100% juice. It rocks my socks.
Elfy- You can do whatever you put your mind to, so you can break the cycle if you want.
*babbles with her*
Lily- Eh? We'd be good parents. Together or otherwise.
SVU *heart heart*
*shrugs* Schiavo is done I guess. We'll see what happens.,
Lunai- Yeah, you seem like an interesting person.
*knocks her out* Goodnight. ^_^
*eats fly*
Night. ;D
Marbar- *honks nose*
Today's accomplishments: Wore myself out. Got Spellforce for the PC. Got both of Interpol's CDs. Bought my mom a gift. Bought Sun Tzu's Art of War for myself.
Yesterday's accomplishments: I saved a caterpillar. Don't ask.
*folds his hands together rests his chin on them* From my point of view the value of OtakuBoards as a community does not raise just because we all post in pretty, beautiful sentences full of punctuation and capitalization. Some people portray the strictness and desire for quality as raising the quality of OB- it doesn't raise it. It doesn't lower it. It's just the way people are expressing their thoughts. It doesn't change the person in the least. If Kuja posted perfectly he would have still been an asshole. If James spoke in slurred, illegible writing he would still have smart thoughts. The lack of said quality wouldn't really lower it either. I don't view the forum as a safe haven in a sea full of other, less strict message boards. It's just a community filled with personas. How they are expressing themselves is the last of my concern. They are still who they are. CHW isn't any more tolerable, isn't any more delightful to be around just because she's improved her writing. She's still CHW. No real point to this paragraph. Just an explanation of my point of view. How relevant that is to you is your own knowledge.
I've been taking walks almost every night lately. Not really for exercise, just to do it. Talking a walk in the dead of night is an interesting experience. It's actually rather strenuous too [on the exercise angle] since the majority of my area comprises of hills going up and down, back and forth. It's kind of serene, I guess. You can walk right in the middle of the road if you want to, just thinking or whatever. Relaxing. I can imagine myself just talking one of those walks and never really coming back. You just keep walking in the night until you end up wherever fate decided. Disappear into the night. lol. But yeah, I'll not do that. ;P
There really isn't much to talk about in my personal life. I've decided to get a job as a cashier at HEB because that's the most logical thing to do and it pays pretty well for the crap you have to do. Gonna request nightshift so I don't have to deal with as many shitheads, haha. Had a weird discussion with my mom about my job application- talking about what I should put on it. Stuff about past jobs- I was a painter, landscaper, theater actor and appeared on television. Kind of a surreal mix there, but alright. If there was an "other" or "remarks" area she said that I should add that I was in the gifted and talented program when I was in public school. That program was a really surreal experience. You did alot of neat shit, lol. If it makes me look better, aight- I don't really see how it is relevant. Keep getting told I should trim/cut off my light beard and get a hair cut before I go- yeah, yeah.. I know. I don't really care, but I know. Lie with your appearance I guess. Go there looking like they want you to look like. It will all grow back soon enough anyway *rubs his chin*.
Say Hello.
I think that is actually pretty much it.
P.S. Huh. Apparently I'm Max Richmond.
P.P.S. Optimus Prime.
Comments (7) |
Monday, March 21, 2005
She whispers to me.
Comments on commentary-
sango771- Glad you liked it.
Rai- I'll try that method out when I have someone to swap saliva with, lol.
I'm not really a republican or a democrat but I rarely agree with republicans. Looked like a rifle to me.
Shinfaru- Baked potatoes are crack to me. I <3 them to death. Put everything on 'em, mix it all together. Mm-mm good.
Yeah. I think they are deciding that the best way to get more hits is to be more annoying so we click just to get it to shut up.
DDG- First time I heard it a great void opened up in my heart and I've never really recovered. Flowers are less colorful, food tastes bland, music sounds terrible. Life isn't worth living now. *lynches himself*
lol. I enjoy their creativity but not their insistence on getting you to notice their creativity. It's hard to miss a flashing, moving banner anyway- the sound effects make me want to not click it more than click it.
Erin- It would be funny if you transformed into something like the Incredible Hulk. Like at Anime Expo I'd get you to smash all the displays I found to be shitty. Ahh, those would be good times.
Yeah, when I heard it.. yeah. Dark clouds rolled overhead and thunder clapped through the sky. As the rain began to fall I quietly fell to my knees and stared up at the thunderstorm, my face getting drenched. In this moment of defeat, this vivid moment of defeat I yelled out "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!" and pounded my fist into the ground as dramatic music played. You should have been there it was quite a moment.
Haha. Much love, Erin. Keep it cool.
Laura- It was hilarious at the time, too. Just, laughing at people when they are right next to you is rude or something. I think I read that in a book somewhere.
Roxie- Oh yeah, it was St. Patrick's day. Uh, I'm not Irish? What do non-Irish people do on St. Patrick's? Nap alot or something?
My last blog post, what was my last blog post? Oh yeah something about bleeding and fainting and then quizzes. Good mix.
Darth Tater should be our new security guard. That would stop those dirty criminals in their tracks.
I'm not much of a save the rainforest dude. I'll leave that to you, I think you can handle it. *hands you the Holy Bazooka of Ethereal Justice; Pain and Glimmering Lights*
Yeah, when I saw that fly ad.. I stood up slowly, staring in shock at the nearest person. "What is it, Dr. Howell?" they asked. I slowly removed my glasses and shook my head, "The fools. The crazy fools." I said, "They finally did it. They finally created a monster. A real monster." They looked at me with this puzzled face and I slowly turned my monitor towards them. They screamed in horror at the sight before them. I nodded and picked up the phone, calling the Pentagon. I waited a few anxious moments, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Finally, he picked up- "General Worcestershire? We have a problem."
I'm glad I affected you for the better. I hope I continue to do so. ^_^
Lea- Yeah, that would suck. I guess winging it is an artform though.
What n00bs they were.
I ate lunch at a mexican restaurant today, a favorite of mine that I might have mentioned before. It's called Fara's Hacienda and if you don't know what that means, that is quite alright- it's something about a home or something I think. They have some of the best mexican food I've tasted [even in this Tex-Mex filled state I live in] so I frequent it alot. It was uneventful. But I was pretty much brooding the entire meal- I had alot of questions running through my mind.
I'm gonna go emo for a moment, lol. I think I can go emo in my own diary but if you don't like emotional or personal tangents then just skip this paragraph right here and move on.
The first question I had running through my mind was triggered by something I saw on television that struck a chord with me. It was this episode of Law and Order: SVU that was about this cycle of abuse that kept cropping up- in the end, there was this guy who had been abused and he talked about how he worried that there was some sort of monstrous side to him that was just waiting to be unlocked. I never really considered that- I mean, you hear about it all the time. People physically or emotionally abused have a higher chance of being abusive themselves. It's not that I'm going to spend the rest of my life worrying, it's just that, you know- I have that dream of having a daughter. I know that I would love and care for that daughter, but would I ever lose it? Stressful job or stressful life, I come home and there is just that one little annoyance, that one extra thing that happens that pushes me over the edge. And then what? I guess I can't go around worrying that I'll just explode at some point and time.It's like you'd hope that maybe someday no one will have to think this. Not just me, but other people you know that haven't had the most placid or serene of childhoods- your friends maybe others in your family. Just people close to you that you love, you don't want them to sit down and think to themselves "What if I...?" But yeah, my good friend speeched me about it and talked about having to focus myself on healing rather than worrisome scenarios. So, support your friends if they have had trouble in the past. They might need you more than you know, yeah? Reach out to those that you love, you never know when they will need to grasp your hand to steady themselves.
Then, in the midst of my brooding, this energetic young woman sits down nearby with her family. I'm not particularly interested but she speaks in a very loud, clear voice so I'm inadvertently eavesdropping on conversations that I A.) Don't really care about and B.) Could do without hearing. It's not like I'm going to go over there and go "Could you please be quiet? I'm in the middle of a particularly important cycle of brooding and introspection and your shrill, shrieking voice is piercing what little serenity exists in this environment." So I just had to grin and bear it. But she like orders her food, right? She talks about getting the cheese enchiladas but she doesn't want the chili con carne and I come to the slow and horrifying realization that she is a snotty, stupid... VEGETARIAN!

I mean jesus, really! I wouldn't mind but the way she talks to the waiter it's like "But I don't want BEEF on it" and I was like "I'm seriously going to kill something here" and she was like "I don't know WHO could eat MEAT" and I was like "Please Jesus, stop torturing this, your servant" and she was like "I think that being a vegetarian is the BEST" and I was like "*gnawing on arm*". The atmosphere was just like a diamond saw plowing into your forehead over and over again. You are busy brooding, introspecting doing important things and there is this loud, bratty person just a short distance away from you who is one of the most redundant and inane type of person of this generation- vegetarians. There is crappy tejano music plowing into your brain like bad communist propaganda just on and on and on. She is speaking arrogantly to the waiter, you're slowly losing your mind, your parents are scarfing down food. I was in a nightmare of epic proportions, something straight out of a made-for-tv-movie that had bad special effects and a shitty plot. Oh-em-gee. Everything was just giving off this annoying vibe because I was in such a particularly grouchy and introspective mood. Thankfully, prior to me losing all of my bananas and plowing through the gathered patrons like a dysfunctional lawn-mower from the seventh ring of hell, we were ready to go.
I honestly don't have a problem with vegetarians as a whole. Seriously, if you are one it's ok. Stop filing for a restraining order on me I'm not going to come pummel you with a metal baseball bat or anything. It's just that she was so arrogant about it, like everyone in the immediate area should recognize her as the Messiah for vegetarians and immediately convert. So if the people with the wrong character are vegetarians then my toleration starts to slowly dissipate into a deep animosity that will never fade from my spirit. I'm not a vegetarian myself and neither will I be one- I used to argue with them but I came to the sudden realization recently that arguing with them is wasting precious moments of my life that could be better used doing something constructive- like writing about it in this diary! The system works! =D
After that, I went to the grocery store. Normally I wouldn't waste your time and mine telling you about it but it was really surreal. It was literally full of attractive young teenage women in every direction. I tried to be a gentleman and not look at any of them in a particularly pigheaded way, but *everywhere I looked* there was another attractive young woman. I'm not really sure why it happened [maybe some planets were aligned correctly or something] but it was quite strange and amusing at the same time. I think this must have happened to other guys aside from me [or maybe some ladies ran into this strange event but with a ton of young guys]. Or, maybe I'm just slightly crazy and it's quite normal. But I swear the density of attractive people in that grocery store was very unnaturally high. I'm not crazy, not yet!
So we arrive at this point in time and space. Here I am, reading this. Ignoring all the important intellectual, smart shit I think I'd name my little town Kenville. My title would be "His Imperial Majesty" because I would go annex other shittily named towns [like 'New Shinfaru', 'Sennen's Manor' and 'Erintown'] adding them to form a collective nation of equally disgruntled people who like to go "hmph" or "harumph". Our national religion would be basketball and the best point guard in the league would be the current prophet. God would be Michael Jordan [duh] and his Nike line of b-ball shoes would be the Holy Spirit. I'm not really sure who Jesus would be. I think we'll just not have a Jesus [because then we'd have to kill him dramatically and predict his comeback to lead basketball into a "new world"- way too messy and complex]. I'd be dictator-for-life until a coup-de-tat attempt lead by Shinmaru [who would thereafter be referred to as "the King of Noobs and other scruffy people"] fails. I would imprison all the coup attempters [which includes Shin, Sennen, DDG, Lea, James and Ralph Nader] in a poorly built Pizza Hut, but start to think about my policies and their effects on my people. Thinking that it's time for a change, I leave the Empire in the hands of my daughter, Laura, and her Prime Minister, Erin. Thereafter, I would travel the countryside helping all who needed it and become a hero of the people instead of an oppressor of the people.
What a happy story. *sniff* =)
Welp, that ends this little number.
Hasta luego.
P.S. If I hear any more idiotic shit about the Terri Schiavo case I'm going to really have to rant in this diary. If I was in that condition, I would want a mercy killing. This country is so afraid of death it's pitiful. Even people who have signed themselves up to face death ["Do you think I might die in the military?" "Dude, no way. What are you smoking?"], when they die everyone is shocked. It's just pitiful the state of our nation and how scared we are of the finality and reality of death. The concept of a mercy killing needs to be reintroduced because I would not want to exist beyond a half a year in a vegetative state, even if there was a minute chance of recovery. Kill me, let me go on to my next glorious life. Celebrate who I was and don't cling to the hope that I will return to that. Let this be a written record that I, Kenneth A. Howell, express my desire to be put to death if I am ever in such a state.
P.P.S. Ho ho ho. Funneh. :)
P.P.P.S. Those fajitas were good though. *rubs chin*
P.P.P.P.S. I win.
P.P.P.P.P.S. I love that "STFU" picture. It's just hilarious to me for some reason. Ahh, man. Life is good when you've had too much 100% fruit juice.
Comments (11) |
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Antidote A.
Comments on commentary-
gem4evah- Um, my 'avator' is Oscar. You know? From that show on PBS that most people should know about unless they want to come off as illiterate hillbillies from Utah?
Yeah, I'm glad you liked the picture of the guy seppukuing. A good love of bloodlust makes you all the more likable.
Sen- I know, I'm such a quiz addict. I wonder if there's a support group for it. ;/
Fork and spoon.
I re-changed my layout since a guy seppukuing is apparently not that great for attracting people. Something about a person's entrails seems to drive normal people away. I'm not really sure what that is about- I mean, come on. Entrails are the coolest thing since yo-yo's. So now it's to a less-frightening picture of a guy getting shot by a firing squad which is, actually, oddly akin to several of life's happy moments. I also deleted the story that was under our seppuking friend because, well. I don't know. We'll save that story for later. I think I've discovered that people don't like blogs that have dark layouts and people dying, bleeding or getting stabbed- which is equally perplexing. Actually, no it isn't. But it lets me be a little bit sarcastic or satirical so I think I'll roll with it. I'm thinking of making this blog the brightest of bright pinks- or maybe something like orange. With a picture of a kitty on top with the words "happy :D" under it. I think I'll do that for my next update just because I think that would be very, very funny [to me] and, well- since I'm me, I like things that are funny to me. I'm not sure what I'll post but I'm sure it will be funny to me too.
Today I encountered the stupidest waiter in the history of waiters across this Earth. Nein, not just this Earth. The galaxy [at the least]. I doubt I can describe to you how baffling this young, black individual was- he seemed quite airheaded, to say the least. It was almost like those inane jokes about blondes. But, no. It was a young black guy with glasses. It was at a local restaurant chain called Jim's. They have daily lunch specials and my parents are in love with Thursday's special- a half of a baked chicken with your choice of vegetable, bread and iced tea. I don't particularly care for the special [not today anyway] but I have an extreme adoration for the Chicken Parmesan. Mmm-mmm good. I'm not sure I can exactly replicate the dialog we had with the young black man but I will do my best.
It started off suspiciously.
Waiter: Hello there, folks. What can I get you to drink?
Mom: Uh, yes. I'd like a-.. hm. Do you have Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi?
Waiter: Uh. *slight pause* *glances back at the soda fountain* We have Diet Dr. Pepp- wait, no. Diet Coke.
Mom: Ok, I'll have a Diet Coke.
Dad: I'll have some coffee.
Me: Mountain Dew.
Him: Er, sir. We don't have Mountain Dew.
--note: Unusual since a week ago they did.
Me: Oh? Then I'll have a Diet Coke.
Him: Ok. So that's two Diet Cokes and a Dr. Pepper.
Dad: Coffee.
Him: ! Right! A coffee. I got it. Coming right up.
Right now I only had a sneaking suspicion that he was an idiot or some form of one, but he seemed to be moderately capable at listing things on a tiny slip of paper and getting them. That was utterly destroyed when he tried to take our lunch order.
Him: Would you like something to eat?
Mom: Ah, yes. I'll take the chicken special and..
Him: Chicken special? *weird look* Uh, is that the Kentucky Fried Chicken or..
-note: there is only one lunch special a day and on this day it's the baked chicken so this question is mostly irrelevant.
Mom: No, no. The um, baked chicken special.
Him: Oh yeah! Ok, I gotcha. Mmk.. *writes it down*
Mom: And um, what vegetables come with that?
Him: Carrots or tomatoes and lettuce.
Mom: Carrots. Oh!! And, I'd like a side salad with it.
Him: Ok, Baked Chicken Salad.. *write write*
Mom: Nono, on the side. The Baked Special with a salad on the side.
Him: Oh, ok! I gotcha. Let's see.. what kind of dressing do you want?
Mom: Ranch. Oh, on the side please.
Him: Mmk. So that's the baked chicken salad-..
Mom: No, no. The chicken special. On the lunch.
This went on a few more times until he actually did get it. He fumbled a bit when my dad asked for an empty plate [difficult concept- sharing is very complicated]. During all of this I was drinking my Diet Coke and sort of grinning. It was funny. But, finally, it was my turn.
Him: And for you, sir?
Me: Chicken Parmesan.
Him: Hookay. Chicken Parmesan... *scribble write write* Do you want baked potato or french fries?
Me: *looks up at him with this quirky grin*
Why would you have french fries or baked potato with Chicken Parmesan? You don't. But, since the kind waiter offered and I knew he was screwing up I wondered if I could get a free baked potato out of it. It was doubtful but I don't refuse generous offers from simpletons.
Me: The baked potato will do.
Him: Mmmk. So that's a chicken special with carrots, an empty plate and chicken Parmesan with a baked potato?
Me: Ah huh.
Him: Alright! I'll go place the order.
Apparently, he was an apprentice waiter [*no shit*] under this snotty woman in her 40's who could probably have used a good slap to the face with something resembling a shovel. She walked up to me and impolitely informed me that "We don't serve baked potatoes this early, SIR." I didn't appreciate her attitude so I impolitely replied to her that "I don't even remotely care. He offered the baked potato to me, not vice versa." She walked off in quite an arrogant manner and I commented to my parents that both of them were 'stupid bastards' and my parents started laughing, agreeing with me. She came back in the same rushed, snotty tone and asked me mother what vegetables she wanted, lol. Apparently the correct choices were broccoli or corn and not carrots or tomatoes+lettuce. The waiter fails again. lol, the snotty bitch and her inept subordinate were having a discussion behind me. They didn't know the restaurant even served chicken Parmesan and checked the menu to be sure they did. Oh my, yes. A lovely couple on all accounts.
Our food arrived and it was [miraculously] intact. Intact *and* correct. But my chicken Parmesan was horrid for some reason, which only added to my current negative attitude about the restaurant's performance. I ate it without complaining because it irks me whenever I hear someone complain about their shitty food. Typical American's. Some kid in another country would kill for that food so you should shut up and eat it like I did/do. The noodles were ok but they screwed up on the breading of the chicken- it was very hard and some of it inedible. Not worth my money but I stuck up my chin and bore it. For some unknown reason my father tipped them two dollars, ugh. What a horrid waiter and waitress. I hope I don't go there next week.
I'm not sure I can be as tactful face to face with the duo from hell. But, yes. That's my weird story of the month. You can file it in with my stories from the mall about beggars and scam artists, etc. It was amusing but I think that snotty bitch I wouldn't want to meet up with again.
Last I checked aggravated assault was a crime and I believe hitting someone with a shovel would fall under that.
There are some new people around here so I think I'll shove a small paragraph about who I am in here.
My name is Kenneth Andrew Howell. Most people call me Ken, some people call me Kenneth and an even smaller minority call me "Fluffy". I was born on August 10th, 1988 at 2:22 PM in San Antonio, Texas. I currently live in said-city although I did live for a brief period of time in a city just outside of San Antonio called Universal City. I'm a senior being homeschooled and are slated to graduate at the end of the current school year. I'm 16 years old but I probably look a wee bit older than that. I'm 6'3, 247 pounds. Built like an Ox, I guess. I don't live with my biological family. I was adopted by my grandparents who are not related to me by blood. Long story short: Grandparents adopted a little girl in the 70's, she gives birth to me when she was 16, I end up with my grandparents when I'm 8 due to events not worth mentioning here. I have at least one sibling, a little sister, whom I don't currently live with as she was not adopted by my grandparents after that event. I'm considered to be overtly intelligent by IQ test standards but do not indulge in many stereotypical extracurricular smart people activities. E.g: Academic competitions. I'm a very keen historian with a focus on modern history post-Napoleon. I'm a very silly person sometimes. Humor was/is my way of dealing with a majority of issues. I find many things funny that other people don't but they are the weird ones, not me [of course]. My hobbies are mainly writing, gaming and listening to music. I enjoy writing essays about things but I've been known to dabble in poetry or short stories before. I play mainly RPG and strategy games- god I love strategy games. Battles are addictive to me, war is an art form. Outflanking an enemy, springing an ambush, setting up lines of defense, pincer movements. I love warfare. I have a large collection of PS1/PS2 RPGs and strategy games that sap up most of my time. Musically I like anything that catches my ear but I reside mainly in the hard rock/metal areas. Mastodon, At The Drive In, Sublime, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pig Destroyer, Deftones, Freya, Katatonia, Queens of the Stone Age and Daft Punk are the bands I'm usually listening to. This is my diary and I don't primarily use it to tell people about my day unless it's unusually surreal or irritating. I usually write my thoughts on things in general and try to keep things deep around here. I'm sure if you wanted to hear something trite and inane you could cruise the top 100 list of MyOtaku's and find myriads of people like that, but that's not what I do. The story of my life doesn't need to be told in full. What occurred is unchangeable and it molded me into what I am. If you want the details I'm sure plenty of people know or I might have written about it in the archives.
And that is me, the writer. Most of what I write here is opinion so if you get offended I suggest you keep it to yourself because if I meant to offend you I would have done it much more masterfully than in the midst of a tangent. I don't necessarily want you to comply with my opinion- if you do, you do. I want you to tell me your opinion. And if you think my opinion is stupid, say so. I'm sure that unless you back it up with something intelligent I'll simply giggle at you but I would appreciate honesty. If you have nothing to say, then say nothing. I don't expect anyone to really enjoy deep things, but I have to write about it somewhere.
Maybe I can affect some people, maybe not. I don't think I'll change the world but if I can touch some people's hearts and minds in ways they didn't think possible then I've revolutionized who they are and hopefully they will become better for it.
Or these words will simply waste away in the databanks of servers that will eventually be shut off. Either way, I'll still be speaking.
Mannequin Republic.
I think I'll hold off on writing anything else. This is probably long enough.
Tata. *hands all of you a sombrero*
P.S. Oh my god! I agree with this republican- ack! *hangs himself*
P.P.S. The Tater Strikes Back.
P.P.P.S. *stares*
P.P.P.P.S. I'm going to fucking kill that fucking banner with the goddamn fly that buzzes. I swear to god that thing is going to be blown up with a glorious amount of C4.
P.P.P.P.P.S. Back to Star Ocean 3 I go. *trapdoor opens underneath him*
Comments (8) |
Monday, March 14, 2005
Comments on commentary-
Akayo- I'm not mad. I'm passionate. There is a distinct difference between the two [for now].
DeathKnight- I love apples.
Lea- Well, it's true. I need my apples. =/
Irish- Yeah, I don't really believe in races meaning much. You and me are terrans, everyone else is terran. *offers her a cool looking Terran flag*
No, it isn't possible for the real person to become the mask if they wear it too long. I doubt it, anyway. That would have to be a pretty extreme case and probably would involve something mentally irregular. Eventually either from your own choice or from someone elses interference or discovery you will have to demask for brief moments, heh. I can be who I truly am when I want to, but I already said that some people simply don't need to know things. Don't applaud me for it, it might be considered irregular that I can be that honest with people. I'm not perfect or transcended, I just try my best to be in unison with what I feel is naturally me. Just, some people don't need to *know* who you are. Either they aren't deserving or they are a threat to your security, some people need to just remain concerned with themselves. In alot of my conversations I find it very amusingly simple to keep the topic on the other person- it seems natural for people to just keep talking about themselves, and that's ok. Just, you can use it to your advantage if you don't think they need to know the beautiful depths of what and who you are.
Haha. It will be good if I can have an adventure. =)
Reina- It's an on-off switch for everyone. You just have to be the one choosing to switch it. I don't know. If you front, you front. I will accept who you want me to accept you as being no matter who it is. So, focus on yourself.
Yeah, you can join. We'll make more mutts. Err, wait. *rubs chin*
I woke up that day on fire.
And I doubt I will ever be the same.
New layout. Picture of a guy seppukuing- why? I don't know. I am enthralled by the color of blood. Whenever I am injured I closely examine the wound- it's just a fascinating color. Dazzling crimson, dancing lights. Reminds me of something that happened a few days ago. I devour my cuticles for some reason and I apparently did it a little too deep. Blood like surged to the surface and made this cute, perfect little sphere right over the cut that was slowly expanding. I got up, grabbed a paper towel and dabbed at it continually. Things started to fade to black and I knew that I was on the verge of fainting, so I rushed towards the couch since fainting on tile is probably a counter-productive thing to do. I make it to the couch but just prior to me laying on it the blackness completely overtakes me- and quickly disappears. Anticlimatic, I know. This was somewhat surprising since A.) I have been wounded more terribly before and B.) As I said, I stared at those wounds. I've never really fainted from blood before. My hypothesis [one provided by my friend] is that the blood was the straw that broke the camel's back. Id est, I had more problems going on than just that and the blood finally overloaded my system. I was tired and pretty emotionally worn out, so that seems relevant. But I've never fully fainted before. I had high blood pressure when I was about 40 pound heavier and often [if I stood up too fast] started to black out- but it never completed the process. My whole vision could be black, but I simply couldn't finish fainting for some reason. I always found that to be quite strange.
Anyway. I think it's a good day for a....
Quiz Day!
 Your label is the Nice girl/guy. You tend to care for others over yourself. However, many people appreciate your caring side and would rather stick by you than hurt you. But, there is a downside. Some tend to abuse your kindness and take advantage of you. You always try to see the good in everyone and try not to hate. Also, you have sharp insight and a great personality. Calm, serene, and understanding, you make a worthy friend and a valuble ally to people in need. Don't change your sweet nature, your constant being-there can save a life. I suggest your go into a field that centers around working with others such as a doctor, baby-sitter, psychologist, lifeguard, or Teacher. If none of these occupations interest you, it is okay then. I am sure that there are plenty of oppertunities out there for you.
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 In your eyes, people see kindness... You're just so... so... so... Sweet! You're kind and love to give others in need, a helping hand. You're pretty shy but can be warm and friendly towards those you know, and those who know you best. Your sanctuary would just be any place that is warm, cozy, and inviting to all people. You love to show signs of affection to your lover but a small simple talk does the trick as well ;) Sadly, your kindness can be used to your disadvantage. People can use you, and take advantage over your sweet and sensitive mind.... But fear not! With you being so kind and generous, people look up to you and adore you ^-^ No one would dare hurt you because they can't bear the thought of your sweet smile turning into a frown :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics, See All Results!) brought to you by Quizilla
??Which colour of Death is yours?? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Spirit of Hope. Whenever someone is feeling down, they merely have to think of you to make them happy again. You have the ability to simply radiate happiness. You can make friends quickly because your strong point is your amazingly friendly nature which naturally people want to be with. You think about the best in everything, a total optimist, you won't have any trouble getting a worthy person to shae your life with!
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a fire angel! Very headstrong and willfull, you can accomplish anything you want. You are constantly doing something and therefore have no time for anything else! But you are like a flame, burning with energy and happiness, then gloomy and depressed.
Which natural angel are you? (awe-inspiring pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Colored blue, me and you.
Ok. That's enough of that.
More posts as events warrant.
P.S. I'm thinking of getting Star Ocean 3. Opinions?
P.P.S. Note: That doesn't mean that I'll necessarily *listen* to your opinion.
P.P.P.S. GO SPURS! +_+
P.P.P.P.S. Ugh I worked in the yard for my mom today. 4 forty pound bags of gravel for an hour, then I liked dug holes and shit.. My hands hurt.
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, March 9, 2005
I've seen better days.
Comments on commentary-
Shinmaru- Yeah. Double edged swords are common in society.
The lessons of wisdom and religion exist, but it is heavily fleshed in the dogma. There is much you can learn that is practical from religion, but it might be hard for some to see, heh.
Lily- *offers her his hand* I'll lift you out of the etc. =)
Hey, whenever I stopped, I stopped. My crossdressing phase ended several years ago. It was a psychological reaction to a problem that normal children shouldn't have to go through, lol. I'd rather be a whatever. I don't care, I'm human. That's all that matters. Gender is irrelevant to me, I'd still be pretty weird as a chicka. I'm a guy, so I'm a guy. Doesn't matter to me. If I was a chicka, I'd be a chicka. *shrugs*
Taboos are nice. They let people be foolish for free.
My SUV is too cool for you. I mean, it's covered in bird shit- how sweet is that?
Irish- Heh. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^
IBC, eh? Well, right now all I've got is A&W so. I'll try IBC out sometime, just for ye.
Society is *irritating* and I don't enjoy existing in it in the least. All the stereotypicalness of this country wear down on me constantly. I'm apathetic because everything is a rerun- the situations, the people, what they say, what they think. Nothing is a revolution anymore, nothing is a passionate fire. Everything is the same ol' dull rat race, everyone is too ingrained in their reality. I might be in the clouds a bit but I know it's a hell of alot better than being cemented to the ground. It's just, grr. I want to live fast and die young. I just want to be in *movement* to *exist*. I want to be freeflowing, I don't need to hear about all these plans that cement people right into the role of being a no one in the history books. The common man, the peasant.. I don't aspire to be that. I don't plan to live to 80, to 60, to 40, to 20 even! I'll live as long as I can as full as I can. If it kills me, I'll live. That is my plan. And I might die from living, which is funny, really.
Heh. Equality is.. interesting.
I think Parmenides and Tigger would have been good friends.
Roxie- I'm glad you agree.
*gives you batteries for your flashlight*
Lea- Heh heh. Tigger should have some root beer.
Ich bin tot.
Well, I've been mainly dealing with multiple attacks on my life's current [boring] serenity. Seems like fate likes throwing everything at you at once, but it's fine. I think I can handle it. Plus, it breaks the nice, stereotypical calm this house always seem to have. Nothing's new, don't ask. Our A/C is broken on my side of the house. That might not seem like a concern to some of you, but this is Texas. Daytime temperatures in spring hit 80 usually, which is nice- unless you're in a house that is like a heat sink, lol. Thankfully it's been cloudy and rainy so I think someone in the fate department likes me. Spring break is thankfully coming. I declare it a week of rest, relaxation and gaming. I re-saw Hero yesterday and was still impressed by the work of art in front of me. The biomass can go enjoy their crappy American movies, I adored this film and will keep adoring it. Also seeing Ziyi Zhang in any movie is good. Asians. I heart asians. Many hearts for them, yeah. Anyway..
Let's find something to talk about that is more interesting than ol' Kenno.
Die young and save yourself.
Topic for discussion.
I front when I want to, I don't when I don't. Not all the people at every place in time needs to know or understand what I am thinking, saying or doing. Either out of trust, that it isn't the place for it or the fact I don't know them- myriads of reasons. I'm not enigma, I just think that sometimes people are better off not knowing or they don't deserve to know. It's also how I deal with the common worry that someone is going to betray you. I know you. You don't know me. You try to backstab me. I'm close enough to you to backstab more precisely, more deadly. I don't need to trust or not trust. I just know all I can about people and if they ever get the weird idea to try to hurt me, I'm in a position to retaliate with ease. But I don't mean to sound like I'm planning to harm you, I really would rather not. I trust most of the readers of this very deeply and doubt you would try to hurt me in any fashion. And I would not want to harm you, either. I'm not malevolent with the information people give me through trust. You can trust me, but if you betray my trust well- an eye for an eye.
But I used to front in a more stereotypical way. I tried to force myself to fit in out of a desire to be popular or be liked. Eventually that fervor faded into apathy. Why did I want to be like these idiots? The popular people were all arrogant, elitist airheads who will probably end up with sexually transmitted diseases or as drug addicts. I want to be me. The purest form of me. As long as I am in contact with me, the way others see me is irrelevant- because I see me as I am. People are blinded by various things, you cannot always present yourself in the purest form to people- they will miss it so completely, so easily that it is somewhat amusing. I'm not saying I can see when people are themselves- it's hard to tell if people 'front' and then fade into the normalcy in their head. But the rules apply to all people and I am one of them. I would love for people to "understand" me, but they won't. Just like I don't "understand" some people. But would I present myself as a happy-go-lucky, fun loving adventurer? No. I could if I wanted to, but I don't really want to. Those who appreciate me for me are my friends. Those that want me to be someone else can go to hell.
I like people who can be themselves because they are doing something that alot of teenagers or young adults seem to fail at. Even if you are weird or seem to not be popular as yourself- you'll find someone to appreciate you. Somewhere, someday.
I guarantee it.
He likes to bleed but never smiles.
Topic for discussion.
Slipknot and Soulfly aren't death metal. They are nu-metal. Slipknot is the worse of the two. If you want Death Metal you should get some Dimmu Borgir, Meshuggah or Satyricon. With that addressed, let's move fluidly onward to greener pastures.
I'm german-mexican-indian-black-terran and I'm into.. whatever I want to be into. I like music. I don't like metal because I'm German. I like metal because I like metal. I don't like techno, gangster rap because I'm black. I like it because I like techno and gangster rap. I'm establishing a common theme here, you see? Your race doesn't affect anything. If you think it does, well- that's your problem. What you like is both an effect of how you were raised and your predisposition. Race is so irrelevant, lol. You are human, terran, earthian- whatever. That is all you will be, can be and will continue to be. The color of your skin, your nationality, your heritage are meaningless to me. You bleed the same as I do, you have the same anatomical layout as my 'race' does, you are just.. overtly similar. My interests are mine as a person, not as a racial entity. Just me. Ken's. Kenneth Andrew Howell's interests.
My race is very silly since I don't have one, really. I'm a mutt, lol. How mutt can you get?
*looks in mirror*
Sing you to sleep.
I think I'm out of things to say.
Hasta manana.
P.S. Horray! Let's get pissed about things that happened 60 years ago! =D
P.P.P.S. Ugh. Come here faster, spring break. =x
P.P.P.P.S. Fighting Chinese is always unhappy in my games. Thousands upon thousands of chinese running at me. <_>
Theme song of this post: "Song 2" by Blur.
Comments (5) |
Thursday, February 24, 2005
This Fire.
Comments on commentary-
Lea- You don't say.
Liam- Interesting taste > bad taste.
Heh. Stay cool, man. Hope to see you again someday.
Roxie- Yeah, Quiz Day sometimes has too many quizzes. What are the odds of quizzes on Quiz Day? Slim to none?
Yeap. QM. I waste away hours reading about it, focused mainly on the Quantum Immortality theory. Fascinating stuff. ^_^ *Read her MyO entry*
Anytime. I hope you use the flashlight well.
Lily- No, emo-kids irritate me. You aren't a true emo-kid, lol. You have the potential to be, but thankfully you aren't there yet. =P *hugs* Jk, jk.
You *are* included in that list. *gestures at the "etc."* <_<
Heh. Everyone has their ups and downs.
Irish- Heh heh. IRL I always feel more in tune with water or air than anything else. But I do enjoy my fire.. *sets the comment box aflame* If you were Emo I would have to harm you in some horrid way- like tickling you with a feather. =O
Toothpicks that break too early suck. Cheap ass restaurants with their cheap ass toothpicks. =| Heh. Those lists are just the tip of the iceberg. Didn't put too much thinking into both of them, lol. =) Glad you agree though.
*does the dance of friendship* Dum dum de do.
Topic for discussion.
What is religion? Religion is hope embodied. It is one of the things that can fill voids in your life. Serving an invisible deity faithfully with hopes of a pleasant, serene afterlife of heaven or resurrection into a perfect world. It's not cold and dark- you don't just die and remain non-existent. It's vibrant, colorful. Gods have personalities, they have a character- they are humanlike in expression sometimes. It's artistic. Literary art. Mythology and spirituality, rolled into one. Stories of people, places, battles, armies, death, life, hope, despair. Sicknesses are cured, curses are giving, destruction is stopped, cities fall. It's dramatic, traumatic. There is form in it's chaos and chaos in it's form. It's mankind shining another light into darkness- we are explorers, all of us. Explorers of life, of spirituality, of anything. Darkness is enticing, it's the unknown that keeps us going. What will tomorrow bring? What if Gods exist? What if they don't? The fantastic is enticing, and the unknown seems to hold the most fantastic things we can imagine. Just out of our reach, pure magic. The magic of what created us, what can destroy us, what knows how we came to be and where we will go. It can be corrupted as all things can be corrupted. Governments, nations, etc.- any system created by humans can be corrupted by other humans. What is true and proper religion? Who can say? And if they did say, would you truly listen? Or only hear what you wanted to hear? No, I cannot tell you. Even if I did, who am I? It's opinion. All of it is opinion.
Homosexuality? It is tolerated by God. The version of God that doesn't tolerate homosexuality is a human's interpretation. The human interpretation is tainted by human taboos. Homosexuality has been taboo in religious circles for millennia, so it is applied to these religion's doctrines. The judgment of God cannot be determined by what men say. If he would not tolerate something that mere imperfect mortals can, then truly his children have become wiser than he is.
Is religion bad? It can be. Is it good? It can be. In the hands of men, anything can be used negatively or positively. That is the volatility of our world, our society. It exists due to the insanity of men, the genius of men, the eccentricity of men, the planning of men- the whims of men in the past, present and, eventually, the future. We affect our world through us, and we are affected by our personalities. One person can change the world. Hitler did. Stalin did. They were as mad and negative as they come. But, Lincoln changed the world. Washington did. Marx, Lenin. So, if you ever become that one person who affects a region of the world or the world itself, what you do is going to be affected by your personality. Thusly, the world is shaped by who the people who reach the top are. That is the volatility of humanity.
Topics like this are just opinion versus opinion. People will pick apart your opinions like vultures just to defend their pride. It's not debate, it's all a show. The spotlight falls on who can appear smarter than whom, even if they don't realize it's all opinion. In the end, it doesn't matter- you can't change what others think and they certainly can't change what you think. It doesn't make these threads worthless, but it certainly doesn't give them any more worth. The same stereotypical people arguing over the same stereotypical things. And, in the end, they will just die. With their opinions. All of it will die with them and they will go to whatever afterlife they think they will.
So what is the meaning of what I'm saying? Nothing. This is where I let my thoughts out, nothing more. It's not supposed to touch you personally, I just would go semi-insane if I bottled up all my thoughts. I am a fidgety, nervous looking person who is constantly in a state of motion and thought. I need to get that energy out somewhere.
What it boils down to is you. What you think. What you will do. How you will do it. If you become powerful, how will you affect this world? Materially, spiritually, politically- it can all be affected by you, if you desire to do it. Will you change history positively or negatively?
We'll get it. Humanity will eventually 'get' it. Someday, these questions will be answered. But for now, we'll watch the people vehemently defend what they think. Just watch, silently. Like a father watching his son fall down, over and over. Someday, he'll get it. He just might walk.
Close your eyes.
What? Where have I been? Oh. I've been around. Like, here and there, there and here. In my SUV, cruising past you when you didn't even know it. What was I doing in your neighborhood? Searching for lost treasure, of course. Actually, no. No. I haven't. I've been mainly playing Knights of the Old Republic II which is like.. orgasmic in properties. Volatile AND orgasmic. I'm on the last planet in the game and I'm getting assaulted by autocloses. Nothing else in this game has stopped my jawesome Jedi powers, but this autoclose is very adept at kicking my ass. It happens mainly on the final planet's cutscenes which, obviously, occur frequently. Well, aside from me facing the auto close in battle [which didn't go well], I've been mainly.. existing. Few days ago I took a fascinating trip to the mall/grocery store. In that trip I acquired the Queens of the Stone Age CD called "Songs for the Deaf" which, obviously, rocks. Been wanting this for awhile. At the store I acquired some Root Beer which, obviously, rocks. I just need to know the best brand of Root Beer- I've got some Vernon's Root Beer right here, apparently. Got a nice bite to it. But, yeah. If you know the best Root Beer, tell me. I will acquire it as soon as possible.
And so, without further delay, let's get on with this.
Lord of Pain.
Topic for discussion.
I’m a guy- do I like being one? I didn’t have much choice, so I’m stuck whether I ‘like’ it or not. What role do I play? lol. I don’t really care. I enjoy what I want to enjoy. Did I ever want to be a girl? Yeah, but it wasn’t the typical reason. I presumed that if I was a young lady that perhaps I would be a little bit more charismatic, people would like being around me more, I wouldn’t be so alone, etc. But this was like before I hit 13, lol. Do I want to be one now? No, I’m content with the gender I am. If I had been a little girl there is the off chance that as a child I would have been abused sexually, lol. So, being a guy = slightly better childhood.
What do I think of society? I don’t. It’s there. I can’t do anything about it. Attempting to be witty and telling you stuff like “Society sucks!” or “Society can suck my dick!” or “Society is a bloated, impersonal bastardization of what were human values! It’s trite, boring manipulation of the vast majority of mankind is the unfortunate cycle that cannot be stopped!” is a waste of your time and mine. I’m not a rebel without a cause, I just don’t care. If people follow society, that’s fine. If they don’t, that’s fine. If I do, that’s fine. If I don’t, that’s fine. Just go with the flow and stop trying to come off as a cool, independent person- you aren’t. You never will be. You will always be similar to someone else. Not exactly alike, of course- but how many "fuck society" people do *you* know? How many "loners" do you know? How many non-conformists do you know? I mean, jesus. Might as well make a club for each of these groups so the non-conformists can meet together with the loners to plan strikes against what they deem the bloated morass of conformists. Duh.
What's the difference between the genders? Once again, why should I waste tons of thought on this? Beyond anatomical differences, what is really different? Some guys have feminine personalities, some women have masculine personalities. It all depends on the person involved. Depends on how they were raised, what role their parents put on them. How they react to the role they were told to have. How they feel now, then and in the future. Anatomically is obvious. Average guys are larger and physically imposing usually. I've always noticed that women seem to have a little bit more dexterity than your normal, not working out average Joe. That's the only things I've noticed because I honestly haven't cared enough to study into it more- I'm sure someone more versed on the subject can provide me with a long, detailed list of differences but that's the things I can think of off the top of my head.
*shrugs* Equality is equality. Some women, black people, white people, etc. don't seem to understand what equality means. It means you get the same bullshit as everyone else along with the positive benefits. Some races/genders seem to perceive equality as the chance to get some form of revenge on whomever trodded on them before. I've not experienced much of that but suffice to say I shot down their hopes of me satisfying their desires rather quickly. I support equality but I think anyone can tell when a person is using it as a guise for some other agenda.
Everything is everything and nothing is nothing. What is, is. What isn't, isn't. What will be, will be and what won't happen, won't happen. I am who I am today, yesterday and tomorrow. I will be who I am for years, decades and beyond. Who I was ties into who I am and who I am will change into what I will be. I am not to be judged by gender or age, but by what I say, what I do and what I think. So, the stereotypes associated with genders don't really matter to me.
Thusly, let's end this conversation.
Go with the flow.
Welp, that finishes that. *bounces away like Tigger*
How tiggerific was that?
P.S. Wait! This implies that a significant amount of people in all countries are geographically inept in varying degrees! What are the odds of that! I guess foolish people cannot make those not-so-witty quips about the stupidity of Americans due to their geographic retardation. What a loss.
P.P.S. Go Spurs!
P.P.P.S. *sound of a piano*
P.P.P.P.S. Autoclose unloving. =/
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Pattern Against User.
Comments on commentary-
Shiori- Well. I start off my posts with commenting on what *you* commented on in my little "Comments on commentary" section. Then I separate the random parts of my posts with headers. Each header represents a different topic, so essentially I suppose I have several posts in one.Sometimes I have days where I just post quizzes or days where I just do surveys, it's all quite erratic. So, it's not that confusing. ;P
Shinfaru- I do indeed have magic powers. *bright glimmery shit occurs*
I'm uh. *glances at satirical opportunist*.. nothing on that list.
Lily- Curiouser and curiouser.
You fit into the normal people category. You're being systematically abused by all the other crazy people. =/ Tsk.
Yesterday was indeed sucky. But, gotta grin and bear it. Share your love with who you can, don't wish that you could share it with who you can't.
Uh. There's the distinct possibility that I might consider you emo. <_<
You met me when I was n00bspeaking. :P
I'm still holier than thou. Just, you don't know it. ^_~
Neil- Yeap. Love sucks is your thing, Neiffly.
Aww, what classically romantic well wishes. Is there anythong more romantic than that?
Lea- I dunno. If MyO was a piece of art it would probably be abstract. People: WTF.
Roxie- I used to be the Love Sucks guy, then I moved on to making fun of everyone else. :D
They are worth all the time in the world, which is my point. I'm sure the person that misinformed them didn't mean to, but I wish trust came more into consideration when you are handling bits of conversation from me. Just because I'm open doesn't mean that I want you throwing copy/pasted AIM conversations from me around. Some people need to know things, some people don't.
*gives you a flashlight* Good luck on finding yourself. =)
Irish- Yeah, I can imagine hunting would be pretty neat. I've heard from people around here that deer is really great. They don't let you hunt the deer inside the city limits though, lol. Sometimes you can see them hanging around my neighborhood, just sort of chilling. Same with rabbits. I used to help baby bunnies who were lost, lol. Feed them, give them water, let them get back to running around.
Nope. Never been backpacking. You'll find that most of my life has been dedicated to computers, information and sitting around with nothing better to do. I have a great love for nature, but none of the adults who can drive do, lol. So, I suppose I'll be out and about more now that I can drive. =)
Well, either way, we seem to be alike. Curiouser and curiouser.
Yeah, self-control to me means that I am streamlining my power into a more adaptable tool, lol. Without control all your personal power is meaningless as you squander it. Complex, eh? I suppose. o_O
Yeah, blooding the carpet is a bad idea. Pfft, no mead? =| Hmph. lol. Thank you. ^_^ *hugs back* I'm sure that I will be fine in due time. Yeah..
If I had any Zepplin I would be listening to that, lol. Right now I'm listening to a band called "Freya". Song's called "As The Last Light Drains". Pretty good metal. =) [Also on my playlist are some things from Mozart and the Beatles, lol. Weird playlist.]
No license? Hm. Green Day, eh? That's suave. I haven't been to a concert in awhile. Last one I went to was with Little Richard I think. Keep a knockin' but you can't come in, keep a knockin' but you can't come in. *hums* *wishes her luck on getting a liscence*
Eh. Valentine's Day to me is that it's just there. I've never really celebrated any holidays so I don't have much of a connection to them. I think it's a fine day to celebrate the idea of love, which is what I did yesterday in my own little private world. Hopefully I'll be able to celebrate it properly someday.
Hahaha. Exactly. ;P Love is all you need. lala.
Oh yeah? Your situation is exactly opposite from mine. None of my family celebrates V-Day, lol. But, it seems like all my friends do. o_O Funky stuff, funky stuff. *wheeeee*
P.S. Yes, yes it does. Muhaha.
Time for a..
Quiz Day.
 | You scored as Artistic. Congratulations, you scored Artistic. You're looking for the unique movie in the bunch. You've probably watched a lot of movies that nobody has ever heard of, and good for you. You also know good filmmaking when you see it. You just get it, no questions asked. Check out: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Amelie, Garden State, Lost in Translation.
Artistic | | 90% | Sadistic Humour | | 65% | Drama/Suspense | | 65% | Mindfuck | | 60% | Sci-Fi/Fantasy | | 55% | Romantic Comedy | | 30% | Mindless Action Flick | | 5% |
Movie Recommendation. created with |
Yeah. I've seen alot of movies no one has heard of, lol. I'm an indie/oldies fan. I've not been to a movie theater in a long, long time. I think I went there last for Hero. o_O I leave most of the modern movie watching to those that enjoy shitty movies. =) [Although, PoTC was a rare example of a good movie being popular.]
| You scored as Unipolar Depression. Congraulations! You are depressed! You know just how it feels to bear all the world's burdens, and the value of a 19-hour night's sleep. And you really hate that circle-guy thing on your Zoloft pill packets.
Unipolar Depression | | 50% | Schizophrenia | | 33% | Antisocial Personality Disorder | | 33% | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | | 0% | Borderline Personality Disorder | | 0% | Eating Disorders | | 0% |
Which mental disorder do you have? created with |
"You are depressed!" Well la-de-da.
 | You scored as Verbal/Linguistic. You have highly developed auditory skills, enjoy reading and writing and telling stories, and are good at getting your point across. You learn best by saying and hearing words. People like you include poets, authors, speakers, attorneys, politicians, lecturers and teachers.
Verbal/Linguistic | | 93% | Visual/Spatial | | 86% | Interpersonal | | 82% | Intrapersonal | | 79% | Musical/Rhythmic | | 71% | Bodily/Kinesthetic | | 64% | Logical/Mathematical | | 39% |
The Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences created with |
There's a distinct possibility that I like to write. *sideglance*
 | You scored as Indie. Indie.
Indie | | 54% | Indie Rock | | 42% | Hardcore | | 42% | Emo & More | | 29% | Industrial | | 25% | Classic Rock. | | 21% | Britpop | | 21% | Country | | 17% | Mainstream | | 17% | Punk and Pop Punk. | | 13% | Hip Hop and Rap | | 0% | Ska | | 0% |
Music Recommendation created with |
Indie Rock = Greatness.
 | You scored as Age 13-19 years. Yeah, you're cool! Live life like you'll be 18 forever! WHOOP!
Age 13-19 years | | 30% | Age 0-12 years | | 25% | 20-35 | | 25% | Age 36-70 years | | 25% | Age 71+ years | | 0% |
How old is your SOUL? created with |
Well that's fantastic, as I'm 13-19.
| You scored as True Neutral. A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a balance of all things. To these people, there can be no light without some darkness. These people also have no dedication to, or intrinsic distrust of, laws.
True Neutral | | 90% | Lawful Good | | 60% | Chaotic Good | | 55% | Neutral Evil | | 45% | Neutral Good | | 45% | Chaotic Neutral | | 40% | Chaotic Evil | | 40% | Lawful Neutral | | 30% | Lawful Evil | | 15% |
What is your Alignment? created with |
Yeap. Balance is the key to all things. There is no light without darkness, no darkness without light. No good without evil, no evil without good.
 | You scored as Winter. You are WINTER. You're more introspective, thinking deeply, feeling deeply. You love nothing better than to enjoy one on one time with those who are important to you. You are cautious, and sometimes second guess yourself. Dreams, though you have them, are a luxury, because life is not a plaything.
Winter | | 90% | Summer | | 65% | Fall | | 60% | Spring | | 30% |
What Season Are You? created with |
*adores winter* It's too bad it's leaving. =|
 | You scored as Spirit. This shows that Spirit is the predominating force in your life. You are probably one of the most balanced individuals, fairly close to enlightenment. Go be a yogi or something!
Spirit | | 80% | Air | | 50% | Water | | 40% | Fire | | 40% | Earth | | 35% |
Which of the Five Elements are you? created with |
Yeap. Balance.
Hmm? Oh hey, a thread about hating things! Now that's a tune I can whistle to. *whistles happily*
Things I dislike:
*Apathy over things ocurring in foreign countries.
*Apathy over things ocurring to children in any country.
*Apathy in general.
*People thinking I give a shit about celebrities.
*People giving a shit about celebrities.
*Elitist assholes walking into threads just to get in a jab about grammar/spelling used.
*Holier-than-thou people in general.
*People who listen to nu-metal, pop-rock or pop. You are listening to bad music my friend.
*Pseudo-depressed people.
*Pseudo-suicidal people.
*Emo-kids in general.
*The United States of America's notion that it has to defend morality in this country.
*The idea that violence is more tolerable than nudity.
*The fact that Ancient Greece was more liberal than we are right now.
*The inefficency that is "Democracy".
*Toothpicks that break too quickly.
*People who are overt jackasses on video games.
Things I like:
*Smart people.
*Open mindedness.
*Good food.
*My old friends. Anti, Lea, Annie, Neil, Britty, Tori, Shinmaru, Sen, Josh, Juu, etc.
*My new friends. Irish, Kitty, etc.
*People finding their own methods of spirituality.
*Warfare and the art therein.
*Surreal dreams.
*Water in general.
*People who use satire. I love satire.
*I also like Satyrs. Best type of creature to party with.
*Music that is good.
*People who like good music.
*I am fascinated by Quantum Mechanics. I've been wasting away whole nights studying about it. That is just some really interesting stuff. o.o;
*I've etched out for myself my own way of doing things. I am who I am. I don't need to put on a mask for anyone.
*The sound of the wind.
*Getting lost just for the sake of adventure.
An Illegible Tombstone.
Ah, well. I have nothing more to say today. Ta-ta.
P.S. *shakes his head*
P.P.P.S. Garner, Garner, Garner. Hmhmhm.
Comments (5) |
Sunday, February 13, 2005
As The Last Light Drains.
Comments on commentary-
Erin- The thoughts in my head are long and confusing so.. at least everything matches up. :P
Eh, I myself don't like harming animals purposely. I always have felt a deep empathy with animals and have tried to help them when possible, but.. that's sort of the point. I don't feel any empathy or kinship with the most popular "pro-animal" movements. They come off as aloof and silly sometimes, lol [especially PETA], So, I strive to just help animals in my own little way when the opportunity is given to me.
Yeah. That was one of the better results from that run of quizzes. :P
P.S. Sure thing, mi amiga. IM me sometime and I'll pipe it to ya.
Irish- I am very interested in weaponry. The specifications, the technology, the tactics- it's all quite interesting to me. ^_^
Yeah, that vegetarian seemed to have been mislead by her friend into thinking that about pre-Flood times. I always wanted to try out hunting. I'm curious about it, you could say. I've never been on a real camping trip either, hm. Well, I mean, one I can remember. I apparently went on a camping trip when I was 2 but that is a wee bit too early for my memories. I think eating Bambi and Thumper would be a cool thing to try out. =)
Yeah, I listened to the original alot when I was 11-12 for uh. Well it's a good song, yeah. My grandfather [now father] is obviously into oldies, so that is one of the main things I have been exposed to over my life, lol.
Revolving restaurants are pretty neat. Ritzy, though. =/
Yeah. That story is.. my current viewpoint on what my life has been and will be.
Napoleon Dynamite does indeed rock! Hmm, people don't usually match me on quizzes. You must be a kennish type of person. o.o *peers at you*
Yeah, that opening was amusing to me for some reason. <_<;;
Lily- OMGRO~!
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on. Leave the History to us nerds and lesser geeks. Just move along, little lady. Jk, jk. :P
Yay! The Great Depression! That's a pretty neat time. =)
Humanity has several interesting traits. One of the key ones is the fact that we are very prone to abusing things. Long, tired discussions on the OtakuBoards centering around religion or drugs often overlook the fact that, on paper, anything can look to have positive traits. Once in the hands of a person, however, the reality can be quite different. I'm not really sure why we have this trait but it is one that has been recognized by wise people for many centuries. The most common example most of you would be familiar with is the Bible. It repeats over and over the need of self control. Self control in sexuality, in material things, in life itself. While this is spiritual in nature, it is a very practical advice. As most of us are younger people I suppose the most common things that we could be tempted to abuse are pretty typical- sex and drugs. You probably have your own opinions on both of those subjects and I hope you have chosen the opinion that is best for you. Personally I have a romanticized, idealistic view of sex and a indifferent opinion on drugs.
I just wish people in those discussions would realize that all of that is meaningless. People will abuse anything, really. You can fantasize about a world where, somehow, the things you speak of won't be abused but.. it will always happen. So, like with marijuana, no matter how legalized it is and no matter how much you teach people not to abuse it, they will. That's the type of creature you are dealing with, a curiously weak-willed creature.
Well, marijuana is something a little closer to home than most drugs [except for alcohol]. It was sort of how I came into this world *weird look*. So, I'm not that positive about it. I leave the anti-drug and pro-drug rhetoric to the people who have that sort of time on their hands.
A Shogun named Marcus.
Feels like a disease is consuming my soul inside, eating away everything that is there. Dark plagues of apathy are sexy, maybe even sexi.
Know what I can't do, I can't, for the life of me, read back chat logs from any era anymore. That's.. not me, lol. That's not me at all. That arrogant, cold jerk isn't me. People seem to not understand how powerful simple emotions can be on the way you word your sentences. I'm really, really sorry that I'm really, really not sorry. Anyone, anywhere who has the first impression of me that includes me being a pompous, arrogant jerk- my bad. Think you know someone from a conversation, a sentence. You don't. Who I am is not nearly as interesting or complex as I'd like to think I am. I'm some sort of broken down car trying desperately to shift into a higher gear. Maybe like a cat with no claws who can only bear his fangs anymore. Something like that, yeah. But, you know what. I have see just a tad, just a bit more than my years. Judge me by my age [it's 16 just in case you're a tone-deaf acquaintance who knows nothing about me] and you are mislead, just a bit. I'm not really as wise as I'd like to be, but in comparison to people I'm.. not really as wise as I'd like to be. Take some time, just you know.. a little time out of your schedule to know me before you think you know me. Maelstroms of evil emotions, gasp. How cliche.
But yeah. I started off in front of people as a guy speaking in noob speak, moved on to being an apathetic, emo junkhead and finally evolved into a holier-than-thou pseudo-sage. Now I've evolved into someone that honestly, at least right at this moment, finds all of that to be really, really boring. And it could be, just maybe, a little overdone. A wee bit. So, I'm not that cool. Not that wise. I might be smart, but I've squandered it around, reading about nations and things that only eccentric wanna-be historians care about. No great works here, no water to wine. I could use some alcohol though, get rid of this raging desire to do some serious harm to my epidermis. But, let's say no to either- as I don't have any good alcohol and, at the moment, I don't feel like turning the carpet around this chair into a serene color of sanguine. I'm not really sure who I am, but I know who I'm not- I'm none of *those* people, not anymore.
This is mainly comin' from the fact that some people I might have wanted to meet have, somehow, already gotten a first impression of me. Huh, you don't say. But, that doesn't really matter. Not much does, at the moment. Got a nice apathetic feelin' goin on, it's cooooooo man. Jussss chillllll. Ah, well. Doesn't matter. Not like *they* will read this. Dear you people, OMGWTF YOUR INFORMATION IS SEVERAL MONTHS OLD, LOL. Signed, Kenneth A. Howell.
Fucking walking corpses. That's what I used to call those types of people, you know. People who are worthless hulks of organic material, wasting the air around me by existing. I had a genuine *need* to kill them with *something*. Knives, guns, fists, ropes. It was Ken with the Rope in the Library. I guess I can't anymore. I'm passed those *dramatic music* angry, teen years. So, they're just misinformed. Misinformed by people who should have known better than to misinform them.
Then again, who knows the full story here? I don't. Lol, I sure as hell don't. So, I suppose I've come to the distinct, unique and utterly intelligent conclusion that it doesn't matter. As a matter of fact, it's time to close out this section with some confusing, unrelated dribble.
Dear Diary,
Today I ate my own arm. It felt warm, zesty. Blood was kinda like a thin pasta sauce just.. saltier. It could have used some more cheese.
But, then again, it can *always* use some more cheese.
Armless Jon.
To keep you warm.
Welp, that felt good.
Anyway, what's new in the life of Ken? F'ed up sleeping habits, for one. It's almost 7 AM and you know what that means- TIME FOR BED! =D Nah, I kid. I think I'm going to try to pull an allnighter so I can adjust my sleeping habits to semi-normal. Other than that, logic sucks sometimes. It sucks alot. No need for the story behind that statement just take my word for it. Been listenin' to some good old fashioned rock lately from the likes of Clutch and Kyuss. You've prolly never heard of them, but they are some nice rock bands. Clutch is still around but Kyuss broke up in '95 I think. Songs still rule though. Been driving some more lately, avoiding car wrecks is kind of hard when you are a fast driver. But, I'll slow down eventually. Yee-ap. Sure will.
Aside from that, welcome to Boresville. Population : Me.
Empty fossil.
Valentine's Day is here, yay. There are various types of people you will meet when talking about this holiday. Let's identify a few of them.
The Pissed Teenager- Has had a short but unsweet history with the holiday. Usually has darker tones to his/her avatar or banner and seems to be very pessimistic about romance. Often mistaken for an emo-kid.
The Pissed Pre-Teenager Has had no experience with the holiday but is determined to convince everyone that it is really going to suck. I mean really, really going to suck. Often has signatures full of smiley-faces or sentences constructed in stereotypically pre-teenage ways. Often mistaken for a Pissed Teenager.
The Quiet Optimist- S/he likes Valentine's Day. Date or no, it's still a good holiday. Probably will provide you with some of those little candy hearts or a nice little greeting card.
The Frugal Outsider- They don't have much experience with love, but who the hell would spend hundreds of dollars on someone they love with all their heart? I mean, jeez. How crazy can people get.
The Not-So-Frugal Insider- They have had experience with love and are, for some reason, broke right now. If asked why they are broke, they just grin at you oddly.
The Intelligent Lobbyist- "Why the hell do we have a holiday set aside for something like love?! I mean, god. That's silly. I can show my love 365 days a year, 7 days a week and it is as l337 as ever. Silly cows. *quietly chews on a little candy heart* *sideglance, sideglance*"
The 'Commercialism Is Bad' Lobbyist- "Why the hell do we have a holiday set aside for something like love?! I mean, god. That's silly. It's turned into this corporate wasteland, anyway! All those cards, flowers, candies. What a joke." Often mistaken for an Intelligent Lobbyist.
The Romantic Preachers- "All you need is love. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE! *sings* All you need, all you need, all you need is love, love, love. For you and me, and me and you all you need is love. Dancing through the streets we sing, we sing a song that is so sweet! So sweet, so sweet. And it goes: All you need is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. All you need is LOVEEEEEEEEEE. Skip with us for we are merry, skip with us for we are merry and we sing a song, song, song so if you feel it sing along, long, long. And it goessssss: ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. All you need is LOVEEEEEEEE. Horray! Horray! We're bringing you love *today*!" Often mistaken for a Crazy Person.
The "Love Sucks!" Preachers- "Love, love, love. *sings* Love is pain, love is sadness.. love will make you eat your heart, love will make you choke and fart. Love, love, love. We hate love. We hate love. We hate love. Spread the hatred round and round, round and round, round and round. Make them all cry and frown, cry and frown, cry and frown. Love, love, love. Love is not what you need, no. Love is not what you need."
The Indifferent, Normal People- "What the fuck is all that singing about? *peers outside*" Often mistaken for a Victim Of All The Other Eccentric People.
The Rebel Without A Cause- "Commercialism sucks. The whole holiday sucks. Commercialism has been imposed upon me by your conformist society. I will shed the straining shackles of commercialism and quietly rebel. REBEL, MY FRIENDS. Against.. the.. establishment..!"
The Satirical Opportunist- "I'm so original! I'm so witty! Hohoho. Mocking a whole thread of people on OtakuBoards was such a good idea. Hmm.. This beef jerky is *really* good. Hm?... !!! OH MY GOD THEY ARE HEARING MY THOUGHTS!"
The Legitimately Pissed Teenager- Has good reasons for being pissed, unlike the Pissed Teenager. People usually wish the luck, or wish them hope but they are too pessimistic to notice. Often heard growling and muttering about things.
With this handy guide, you can identify what type of Valentine's Day Person *you* are. Pass it along! Read it and laugh. Cry and distress over the fact that that day is here. But whatever you do, don't forget to eat a candy heart.
*flips you a candy heart* There. You're all covered.
Hello, I've waited here for you.
That's it. That is all.
P.S. Fu Manchu= the rock.
P.P.P.S. What your reaction should be when you see that I've updated. Hahaha, jk.
P.P.P.P.S. Time for that all nighter. Goooood morningggg vietnam!
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Comments on commentary-
Sen- Oh yeah? Well, I'm glad you like that skill of mine ^_^. It seems that you've learned how to do it well. :P
Lea- Yes. There is far too much mooing. >_< You might be drowned out by the sheer amount of mooing!
Little sister.
Well, I did some RO tonight and got to some manner of level. Oh yeah, and I'm a real Knight. Three hurrahs for the guy clad in an all blue outfit. Hip hip.. HORRAH. Hip hip.. HORRAH. Eh, two'll do. I'm hoping tomorrow or the next day to hook up with some of the Otakuites so we can all die together. Err. I misstated that. I meant to say.. "so we can all hunt together". Slip of the tongue, you know?
Been studying some of the Main Battle Tanks that our wonderful world employs. I guess you'd be primarily interested in the M1A1 Abrams which is employed [obviously] by the U.S. Army. The M1A1 is the upgrade for the 1980 M1 tank and is what we are currently using as a MBT. Uh, there isn't much to say that you would be interested in, lol. It's basically a semi-fast tank with a 120 MM Smoothbore gun. Smoothbore, you say- why isn't the gun rifled. Well, uh. The short answer is that rifling only works on projectiles of a certain length to diameter ratio. To destroy other armored vehicles modern tanks need a very long, thin kinetic energy projectile- too long to stabilize with rifling. So, they use fins for stability- these fins make the shell much more accurate than it could ever be with rifling. The armor on the tank is a form of composite armor that all the 'good' MBTs use- a mix of ceramics, metal, etc. to make it as impenetrable as possible. No M1A1 Abrams tanks have been lost to enemy tank fire in it's entire existence. Problem with MBTs is that they are heavy and not transport friendly- in the first Gulf War they had to get 1.8k tanks to the Middle East. The problem was that the planes could only haul one to two Abrams at a time, so they had to use ships to haul them in. So, they aren't too mobility friendly.
Yeap. But the best MBT in the world is the Leopard II which is used by Germany and most of the EU/some non-European countries. The Leopard II is the most wide spread tank currently [aside from the crappy T series of Soviet-era tanks]. I could tell you why the Leopard II rocks but, uh- why do you need to ask? It's Germany. They take pride in having the best tanks, they almost conquered the world with tanks. Duh. Even the gun the Abrams uses is also supplied by a German company, lol.
Silly men and their large, extravagant explosions.
Interstate Love Song.
From moonlightshadow:
"I'm Vegetarian. Lots of people wonder why?"
No, I don't really wonder why. But, this post continues on anyway so I guess trying to stop it here won't do anything.
"But i ask them 'how could you possibly eat another living creature?!'"
It's pretty easy, actually. I cut the meat into an edible piece and..
"An animal is a living creature like us!"
Why yes, yes it is.
*long pause*.. and?
"Most people try to put the bible into it but before the great flood animals were never eaten! They were worshiped and loved."
I've never heard of anyone putting the Bible into it. Uh, they weren't worshiped. God said rather plainly that mankind was lord over this planet now and that all the animals were to be in our dominion, but not as our equals.
"But when the great flood struck we were forced to live off of the animals...Which seems highly unlikely, but thats what my friend said. (what-ever) I don't think the story is true i don't think that animals were put on this earth to be eaten either. "
Actually, that's one of the problems with the Great Flood. Post-great flood all crops would be obviously quite trampled upon and the only animals you had were the ones you took along. But, I suppose God works in miraculous ways.
"I Love being a vegetarian! You feel so healthy knowing you don't hava a dead animal floating in your stomach."
I love being omnivorous. I feel so healthy knowing that I'm getting a proper balance of nutrition.
"actually watched a video in one of my classes showing how some slotter houses tortured there animals before killing them, then stuffing them in unsanutary pins/cages. How can you eat that? Knowing has been tortured and dirty."
I've watched videos of men being murdered for money, men being killed for territory, resources, oil, mineral deposits. Men killing each other for race, for religion, for no reason at all. I've seen pictures of concentration camps as they were liberated, I've seen pictures of starving 5-6 year olds, watched men drive men blindly over cliffs into the dark depths below. It's a sad state, this species of ours. I empathize with so many people I can't help, it's quite tedious, yes?
The way we treat animals will be of my concern as soon as we start treating our fellow species with as much respect as our domesticated pets. Until then, I am completely devoid of emotion for animals we are specifically raising to be food. As long as it tastes good, I'm content.
"If your interested in any of this go to it is the site to go to if you would consider vegetarianism or veganism! I feel great and i suggest people doing it."
No. I don't go to websites full of opinions from idiots.
"Think about when eating a hamburger it's probably the cute little cow in that petting farm at the fair you fell in love. Poor Besey"
I eat things. They are digested. I go to the restroom. No debate about it, no discussion about it. Meat was required in our evolution so we required meat to get to the point where we can sit around in our boring lives debating if we should be eating meat or not.
*shakes his head*
Oh where oh where can my baby be, the Lord took her away from me.
San Antonio, Texas is the Alamo City. We have, of course, the Alamo which is an old building that none of the residents of this town visit, but every tourist seems fascinated with. Aside from this there are several Spanish missions which grab some tourist's interest as they visit this city- five of them, if I remember correctly. The Alamodome and SBC Center are here. The Alamodome holds various events and the SBC Center is the new home for the San Antonio Spurs. The main attraction of the City is the Paseo del Rio I believe. Eh, the River Walk. They sometimes hold various river parades down it and such. Of course there is a long expanse of semi-expensive restaurants and shops, including a large 3-4 story mall that is located right on the river. We have a museum- the Wittee museum. The only "real" museum, I suppose. It's nothing much, really. Serves it's purpose. There is a Botanical Gardens here. It's a great place to go for a walk, to chill. Tons of plants, nice little landscapes. Quietness. Good views. Great place to go [unless there is a field trip going on. Tons of kids = quiet breaker.] There are two theme parks in San Antonio- Six Flags Fiesta Texas and Sea World San Antonio. I mainly go to Six Flags Fiesta Texas because roller coasters > killer whale :). There is also a tower here- the Tower of the Americas. It was part of the World's Fair in the 70's, I think. It has a rotating restaurant at the top with a great view of the whole city. I'd like to take someone on a date there sometime. You could waste some time at our Downtown library. Last I checked it was painted these funky purple/red colors [we have a good sense of humor] and nicknamed the "Enchilada Library". Has like 5-6 floors at the least, full of books, books, books. My favorite tourist attraction is off the beaten path, in the middle of Suburbia. The McNay Art Museum/Gallery. That place is fantastic, lol. It was the first Art Gallery in Texas and houses many outstanding works. I adore going there and need to go there again quite soon. I've been going there since I was a wee toddler and always took a great interest in all the pieces of art they had there. Someday, when I'm in Europe, I hope to go to the Louvre and see a *real* Art Museum. But, until then, the hometown one will have to do. Aside from that, San Antonio is home to a rather large military presence. We have three Air Force bases and a Army medical hospital. Supposedly San Antonio is a rather practical target for any "dirty bombs" or nuclear devices a terrorist might have because of the high population+commercial value+military presence+our laziness on security. So, let's hope no one realizes that. The best places here are the quiet places. It's urban but not so urban. We aren't New York City, we aren't a little backwater town. So I guess it can appear to be a little bit more serene than other 1 million people+ cities. Mingling with nature, mingling with places in the middle of no where, mingling with no where people in no where locales. It's all good. But, must tourists won't go off the beaten track too much. <_<;
What happened here? Well, an event in the Texas Revolution took place here. 183 or so Texians and Tejanos garrisoned themselves in the Alamo to battle 1,600 Mexicans. In about an hour and thirty minutes of fighting the Mexicans had seized the fortress and all the defenders involved had been killed or executed [Santa Anna didn't take any prisoners of war]. The Mexican causalities range from 300-600 men, which is a rather large amount for a professional, veteran army [Santa Anna's army had been crushing alot of rebellions prior to the Texas Revolution, so his force was experienced in crushing rebellions, most of the Mexicans viewed this as just another minor rebellion and that it would be crushed easily] fighting against a militia force in a Spanish mission-turned-shoddy-fort. Later on, at the Battle of San Jacinto, the battle-cry of the charging Texan army was "Remember Goliad! Remember the Alamo!" The battle was a surprise attack initiated by the Texas on the Mexican army which was in the middle of a siesta. General Santa Anna planned to rest his troops on the 21st of April and attack on the 22nd. The Texans had other plans however and pre-empted him [they had been sitting just across the plains from the Mexican camp]. 750 Texians/Tejanos under General Sam Houston charged 1,500 Mexicans. The Mexicans had no where to go- their back was to a marsh and they were being outflanked. Most of the Texans waited until they were within a few yards of the Mexicans to open fire, so confusion ensued. It was a rather short battle, lol. 700 or so Mexicans were captured as prisoners of war, the rest were killed or fled. There were 9 Texian casualties in all. So, that's the other part the Alamo is sort of involved in. Of course, alot of folk heroes died at the Battle of the Alamo. Jim Bowie, William Travis and Davy Crockett. So, that's what has happened here.
The original place where I lived [for eight years] is Universal City, Texas. Nothing of note there. Just memories.
*eagerly awaits the Fiesta*
Anniversary of an Uninteresting Event.
Imagine for yourself a long and lonesome road in the middle of a thick forest. It's pretty dark out and there are no stars, there is no moon. Along the road, there is a small bus stop. There's a green bench just sitting here, with one of those city lights resting right above it, shining down on this one guy. He has his hands shoved in a pair of blue jeans, his hair is a mess. White shirt, unshaved. He's staring up at that light, just staring- sitting there, waiting for a bus. He doesn't really know when the bus is coming or where the bus is going to take him, but all he knows is that he needs to get on a bus at some time in the future. He doesn't care where it goes, he has no direction of his own anyway. He just wants to go somewhere, away from where he is, away from his current location. As he's sitting there, letting time go by, people walk by and sit with him, talk with him. They stay for varying amounts of time, but they always walk away again. They know what they want to do with life, they know where they are going or they are forced away. So, they say goodbye and walk away, leaving the guy sitting there alone again until another person walks up. On and on this goes for a long time. People walking away to go on with their lives or 'leaving' for various reasons, but he has nothing to do. No where to go, so he's just waiting for that bus. People come, say they'll never go away- they promise him over and over that they'll never go, but he knows they will. He doesn't have a problem with it, it's just what people do. They eventually start to walk away, he bids them goodbye until they meet again [even though they probably won't]. So, he is just waiting, watching people as they come and go.
There's no real ending to the story, because he's still waiting. Just chilling, waiting for whatever comes.
Heaven Beside You.
Uh oh. *run over by a..*
Quiz Day.
 Napoleon Dyanamite
(Please rate my quiz)
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I saw that coming, haha.
 cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be close to your special someone and feel warm, comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 PASSIONATE LOVER. You love to love, always looking for a relationship. You cannot live without it. Your lover must be passionate and you want that you and your partner melt into each other. He/She should not try to take the domination . You dont want a relationship without passion, and the sexuality plays a big part. The first moment you meet him/her is one of the most important. There has to be something between you , you cannot explain. From the first moment on everything must fix. But when this passion disappears you disappear to. For you it is better to leave than to see your love restrained.
PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you think about my quiz, I worked hard on it.You can always message me or tell me how I can improve that quiz. Ill sure write back.
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~ brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Miroku! all that matters in life is who is going to be your next boyfriend/girlfriend and where to take him/her next. Not to worry though, because you are bright and you do your school work. And hey, you even have a fan club!
What Inuyasha Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are most like Raven. Quiet and usually soft spoken, you don't like crowds and can be slightly gothic. You try to repress your emotions for one reason or another but one of your most powerful emotions is your anger. Your temper sometimes gets the best of you and when that happens those in your way would wish they weren't. You seem somewhat creepy to others and you earn a few odd stares but who cares? You aren't an outdoors person and avoid venturing outside when you can. You are generally the smart one and maybe not by trying to, the most cynical and sarcastic of the bunch which can be good or bad. You don't like anyone invading your privacy and you don't seem to be all that social. But for what it's worth you can be quite handy in a tough situation. You are drawn to the darkness or night most of the time. You appear mysterious and/or potentially dangerous at times and not everyone trusts you right away.
Which Teen Titans Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Welp. That about ends this post. Keep it cool.
P.S. Goliad was where this massacre took place. Uh, long story.
P.P.P.S. lol. Wow, I found something to waste a few more hours on. Black Hole Sun, won't ya come and wash away the rainnnnnn. I find this to be somewhat humorous, but I'm probably the only one who 'gets' it. I'll prolly post that last one in this thread, just for kicks.
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