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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Comments on commentary-
La Rox- Yeah.. I'm pretty sure that he wrote his plays, lol. I mean, it's a possibility.
Tired/pre-occupied?! Sounds like you need a Red Bull energy drink- it gives you wings! *collects fat amounts of money from Red Bull*
P.S. #1 is a trailer for Godzilla: Final Wars. VIVA GODZILLA. #2 was indeed funny. <_< #3 Uhh. Nothing personal but I can think of several more productive, more interesting hobbies I would take up prior to knitting. To each his own, I guess. #4 Yeah, I guess it was kind of sad. Sad in a ridiculous way.
San Antonio is not fortunate to have tons of sports teams to cheer on like other cities- we don't have a good hockey or baseball team and we don't have a football team at all, lol. The only team that everyone cheers on in this city is the San Antonio Spurs, who are a part of the NBA. They've won the championship a couple of times in the past five years [each time the city literally burst out into celebration with like a parade and such commemorating the achievement] and are the favorites for winning this year's World Championship title. So... GO SPURS.
The Doc- Yeah. Enima stories are all the rage these days. Err, maybe not. *rubs chin*
Yeah, I guess I might be funny looking or something. *looks in mirror and starts to crack a grin* <_<;
P.S. That's ok. I can forgive you for OMGing like that- just this one time, though!
Faruman- Tennis is pretty fun to watch. I can't really play Tennis, haha. Every time I hit the ball it like injures people in horrible ways. =/
Eh, those people are silly moocows. Listen to their mooing. *puts hand to ear*
In the distance: moo, moo, moo, moo, moo
Lea- A million trillion things? Sounds rather cluttered.
Ok. Just leave your comment there. Someday, you'll post a grand comment to replace it. =)
Lily- Love is magical. Of course, there is black and white magic so.
People want to destroy themselves for various reasons. You're sitting there with a knife in your hand, thinking to yourself- "I want to see some blood." or "I just can't take it anymore." or "I need to let this out." or, you might not even think at all. It's easy to sit here and talk about outlets, about how they should find outlets. The reality is far different. I dunno, I'm indifferent about it for some reason. If you cut, you cut. If you don't, you don't.
Yeah. We've been to the Moon. Hell, I've been to the Moon. It's pretty quiet there. No public bathrooms though... yeah.
Wahoo, mythology. Nice choice. ^_^
Irish- Haha. Nice opening.
Uh, yeah. Extremes are bad. Alot of the wiser religions preach about balance for a reason, I think. Oh well, I guess I can't judge people for what they believe in. I just would like to think there is some sort of middle ground that is better than the extremes.
Oh, that moon conspiracy. Yeah, that one is pretty true. *hands you some moon cheese*
I dunno, see- I have a long history with OtakuBoards. I'm like the veteran no one remembers, lol. There was a time when people discussed things before jumping on people's backs about the way they posted it. No more, I guess- everyone's a tightass wannabe intellectual and if you don't type correctly, their supersmart brains simply can't translate it.
What kind of tea? Uhh. All kinds of tea. Green yea, asian tea, european tea. Iced tea. Tea with honey, tea with milk, tea with sugar. *puts on a hat* Welcome to my tea party.
We have a fear in common? Yeah, I guess I am hoping that my death is a little more memorable than me dying in a random place with no one around. A loved one around would be nice, lol.
My vorpal blade does indeed go snicker snack. *shows you*
Orange is an unloved color around here. Texans and orange don't mix apparently- I'm some sort of orange-wearing anomaly.
Uhh, well. I mean I don't see alot of televised fencing is all.. I think it would be more exciting than alot of sports, but it isn't as easy to watch? <_<;
Immortal Beloved.
Oh my god, I'm playing RO again. Tony had a post on his blog about it and how there are many people playing it- so, here I am, lol. Last time I played RO was in the early stress-stage of the beta test which had to have been in 2003. There were around 5k+ people online- it was lag city, lol. I remember thinking that the game was fun but, you know.. I've beta tested a lot of games, 20-30 at least. It was pretty standard fare in comparison to them, unfortunately. But, you know- free is free. I'm still mainly playing WoW due to my guild leader, lol. WoW is fantastic- there are tons of quests to do and well, you know. I love my quests. =)
But it's good to be around your friends from theOtakuverse [even without tons of quests ;(].
My Chemical Romance.
Huh? Oh, hey! The Nifty Fifty thread is up. Let's see who the winners are... huh! Look at that! Seems similar, yeah? Somewhat curious.. that looks exactly like past awards threads *rubs his chin quietly*. Oh well, probably my imagination, yeah? Wait! No, I sense a trend here. *pretends to be reading the future* Yes, I see.. I see..
*stops suddenly* *sniff, sniff* Hmm. Smells like blue around here.
Hic Sepultus..
Well, the SuperBowl came and went. I'm not a football fan- I mainly watched it for the advertisements/Sir Paul. My favorite advertisement was the one with the monkeys in that office- asskissing, eh? I loved the halftime show, of course- rock and roll, baby. Sir Paul is *the* man and he didn't look as old as he is. What'd you guys think of the SuperBowl?
I was cheering for the underdogs, but of course the underdogs lost. Go figure.
I'm Not Ok [I Promise].
Well. That about ends this post. Sorry for the disinteresting shit I talked about, but.. there's nothing going on around here!
I guess I should start something. *walks towards his armory*
P.S. Hey! It's time for a new era in our world. An era of censorship, an era of religion, an era of condemning new, liberal ideas! Yes, let this new, fresh era begin!
P.P.S. Anti up.
P.P.P.S. =|
Comments (2) |
Thursday, February 3, 2005
The Day The Music Died.
Comments on commentary-
Mr. Faru- Yeah, your original name did suck. :P
You should change it to Shinfaru, damnit.
DDG- *watches her pull a link out of no where* Whoa. Magic!
Thanks for the link. =D
The 2,385th Lea- What silly numbers?
Roxie- Thanks. =) I try to be funny but. Doesn't work out sometime. <_<
All the headers are from the song "Creep" by Stone Temple Pilots, lol. Good song, that.
Eh. I wasn't really in a rush to get a job before all these grand plans cropped up. I always thought I'd be lazy + carefree until the *last possible moment*, lol.
Name changes are ok, I guess. Some of Sirens' names were amusing, lol. Just need to know who is who now.
A picture of me when I was little? I was a cute kid! I was rockin', too. <_< I've never really looked good in pictures, imo. Heh.
Wahoo for the letter P! *Seasame Street song starts up all about the letter P*
P.S. *points up*
Irish- Yeah, I guess. I'd rather work at a game store since I would actually have some useful knowledge then, lol. But uh, can't be picky. *lectures the costumers in depth anyway*
*points up, again*
Blinky- You do change your name alot. *smack* Bad Dan.
YES. Go Spurs! World champions!
Moving, eh?
And all my days are trances
Honesty is different from being blunt in my opinion. To me, there are some things you need to know, some things you don't need to know- what you don't need to know, I'm not going to tell you. So if a bit of information I have is something you don't need to do, I'll misdirect you purposely since.. you don't need to know, lol. White lies come and go, I don't really tell white lies alot since little things are little things- what's the point of lying about things that don't matter? If you get caught lying, then you suck at lying and should probably not do it anymore. I have never really been caught beyond my childhood years [practice, practice, practice].
Charles > Corey, lol. I mean, I don't consider myself as having a patriotic duty since I couldn't care less about this nation and where it's going. It's just another region of the world that has an idea in it's head that it's sovereignty makes it special, lol. There is an old saying that Corey and other would-be rebels should follow- When in Rome, do as the Romans do. It will save you alot of trouble. Atheism is idiotic anyway. Extremes in general are idiotic. The balance between Atheism and Zealotry is where the true intelligentsia lie. I think, until you have some logical answers, that's the only thing you can do. Maintain a balance between the two. You can't prove God[s][esses] don't exist, or do so.. try to be smart about it. Whenever I see raving Atheists on TV I find them to be oddly akin to televangelists, lol. Polar opposites, both annoying extremes.
And that's no lie.
And all my nightly dreams
Why yes, yes we did go to the Moon. In fact, we spent a great deal of money going to the moon. All conspiracy theorists in regards to the "hoax" Moon landing are, actually, wrong. I'm not really sure how much more evidence you need- you have footage, samples from the moon, etc. But, of course, the thread involves some sort of conflict between two people who are arguing about something I couldn't care less about. Come on people, can't we all just get along? Anyway, yeah. That conspiracy theory is as silly as the idea that some sort of fifth column full of psychics or wizards or ancient religious zealots is trying to take over the world.
*smacks conspiracy theorists with a baseball bat* Yer out.
Are where thy dark eye glances
Love to me is a word that is something that cannot be defined in proper terms- it's beyond language. You won't understand it until you feel it. You can know the definition of the word but not know what it is. Love is, well- it's a journey. Where it puts you is partly your choice. Either it ends in pain, torment, grief, etc. or happiness, glee, joy, etc. Some people choose to focus mainly on the darker, more painful things that love can bring, some focus mainly on the brighter, more optimistic things that love can bring. I've experienced both sides and feel that love is worth whatever risks the pessimistic people expect, as it is overtly wonderful when it turns out good. I guess it's like gambling, the bet is your heart. You lose, you get a scar on your heart. You win, your heart is healed until further notice. Something like that.
Alea iacta est.
And where thy footstep gleams--
Hmmx4. Sometimes, spelling, punctuation, grammar and capitalization is not the most important thing to discuss at that moment, kthx. God, Grammar Nazi's are annoying. OB's elite are like "YOU HAVE NOT THE GRAMMAR OF THE GODS, YE ARE DENIED *long sip from cup of tea*". Well, um. I guess all I have to say is this. I'd rather read something written poorly than have to see one more post criticizing someone for how they type on an anime message board shoved in a corner of the internet. Duh.
Cutting is not "stupid", lol. In controlled environments, if you know what you are doing, it's a valid outlet. But, unfortunately, most people don't know what they are doing and just cut. It might not be the most healthy or positive outlet, but it is an outlet. If you make fun of someone for cutting, you should probably be cut yourself- you know, like across the throat. Idiots. There are legitimate cutters out there, people who really need help amongst all the posers who want to be depressed because, apparently, they have never been really depressed before and think it is cool. So, yeah.
Dazzling crimson, dancing lights.
In what ethereal dances
Uh oh. *taken hostage by a survey*
It's a house. With rooms. Maybe even a few bathrooms.
Art books, mainly. Shoving in a few books about weapons here and there.
Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, some Game Magazine they shove on you at EB.
Baking, rain, ocean, hot tea, flowers.
Water, cooking, singing, speaking.
I don't answer the phone. I leave that to tweedle-de and tweedle-dumbass.
Croissants. Cans of whoop ass. New England Clam Chowder. Anything with mushrooms. Babies.
Soothing. Storms are just the background I need to concentrate on my work.
Is my first car, you mean. CRV. It's blue. It has bird shit on it. I'll wash it sometime between now and whatever road trip I take first.
No. I want some though. I always thought something in latin would be cool or maybe an ancient symbol for something. Or maybe just a giant smiley face that says "I hate you" underneath it.
Guan Yu [Shu general from the Three Kingdoms era]. He's tied with Rommel. They are my heroes, really. People have rolemodels, mine are from the past, lol.
I guess I don't really have a favorite. Alcohol is a casual thing with me. I can tell you though that some of it is really bad.
Leo the Lion. Flamboyant, a born leader, outspoken, charismatic, prideful, etc.
Yes. Don't you?
Terrorist to some, hero to many.
I wouldn't dye my hair. I think black is fine [until I step into the sun].
68.4% empty. Must be a crack in the glass or something, it seems to be leaking slowly.
Basketball, Soccer, Tennis. Those take real skill in my opinion. All three are infinitely more exciting than football or baseball, lol.
Demons, fairies, snarks, boojums, and a jabberwock. I don't go down there too much, as you can imagine. Well, unless my vorpal blade is around.
Um. The only pair I have.
Dark brown.
All of them. I like oversleeping. As an ex-JW I have never celebrated a holiday, so I associate them with time off.
I'd be a human. They seem to be rather insightful, curious creatures- mayhap a little bit young socially or philosophically. I think they have alot of potential that is being wasted.
I dunno. I was supposed to keep record?
Love. I'm rather stalwart against physical pain, so I guess a myriad of stereotypical emotional things could break me down if they were intense enough.
Love. I'm rather neutral the rest of the time [unless I'm hyped on caffeine/around friends].
Yes. Many people. They are remembered and honored accordingly.
Yes. They killed me with them. They are remembered, honored and remorsed over accordingly.
Umm. No. I don't feel a kinship with anything remotely celebrity.
Alone. I want someone around, I need someone to bear witness to the passing of I. Someone to talk to. Not for final words, just so that I don't die muttering to myself like some old fool who wishes he had done more with his life.
Games, reading, music. I imagine times of greater grandeur than this and strive to achieve them. Oh, I also am an avid student of history.
I like all restaurants. :)
Every day my parents go out to lunch, so I go with them usually.
Non-existent. I go to bed between 2-8, I wake up between 12-4.
Wink. Haha, just kidding. No.
Umm. Several?
A sack. Full of my stuff. On my back. As I walk along, seeing new things.
1. From there to here. And there is there, so here is where I am now. You see?
Um. Texas is fine. Lower oil prices, intelligent people, good food, good prices, lower price of living. Oh, we also get to fight back idiotic stereotypes!
Um. Sort of. Kind of. It was a. It is. Yes, I've sort of lived on my own. For like a week. But.. wasn't really my choice. I live with my Grandparents who I am not related to by blood. I call them.. the dorks.
Love. Caffeine. Celexa.
The same thing I do every weekend, survey. Try to take over the world.
Yes. Overtly. Um, nothing against people or anything but sometimes.. groups of people/friends/whatever get irritating. I like me, myself and I sometimes.
Write a comedic novel about a man going insane due to losing his computer/TV. I'd make millions and then quietly go back to my computer/TV.
Play a church organ. They are so beautiful sounding in the classical music I listen to.
Oh, many things. I'm rather good at existing, if I say so myself.
Schtoltheim Reinbach IVth. Hahaha. [Play Suikoden I and II you lazy bums.]
Ehh. I'm not really a student of art, but I love looking at it. So, all of it.
I've never been caught. Err, I mean. No.
I'm like an owl. I'm just watching things go down, kinda bored. Once and awhile I have something to say, but people usually ignore it [realizing too late that I was right]. After that I sort of chill and eat some mice.
Um. I usually laugh at myself when I see myself in the mirror. Just sort of an odd reaction.
My soul mate. Maybe I should find out who she is first.
Wheel of Feud.
I like the word "overtly". I dislike the word "moo". I dislike it overtly, you could say.
There's a list? I wasn't aware of that. *rubs chin*
I dunno. All I know is that I'll never go fishing there. *shifty glance*
Um. They have to be living. They have to have a personality. They have to be somewhat charming. They have to be tolerant of my intellectual tangents [they don't necessarily have to be geniuses themselves, or else they would have an intellectual tangent in reply to mine and there would be far too many tangents fluttering amongst us, although that could be somewhat fun too o.-]. I would hope that I could make them laugh a bit.
Launch every zig, for great justice.
Umm. I like my orange shirts. Orange is unloved. *consoles orange*
Pants, shirt, socks, shoes. Optional glasses.
"Yeah.. see ya." And there I was, walking alone again.
By what eternal streams
Welp. That ends this post. Keep it cool. Hasta luego.
P.S. Uh oh.
P.P.S. Oh yeah?
P.P.P.S. ...Uhhh...
P.P.P.P.S. Suave.
P.P.P.P.P.S. Go Spurs!
Comments (6) |
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Comments on commentary-
Doc- Damn organized people. Them and their secret plans to take over/organize the world..
As a slob? Aye, disorganized organization is infinitely superior to any other form of organization. [except for toe organization]
Ramkat- *sets a bomb off on her desk* All better. =)
I'm not really sure what that green alligator-looking thing is for or what it does. It just appeared one day on my desk, uninvited. *peers at it*
Mr. Faru- Mmm...organization..
Skies of Arcadia Legends is rockin' indeed. Destroying evil = favorite hobby.
Dr. Mammoth - Sterile, orderly environments are for scientists and stupid people! *AIM >:O smiley here*
I'm not really sure. I think it's supposed to be some sort of sled dog, but perhaps it is for something else. Ask my sister, it was hers, lol.
Laura- We all seem to be into setting bombs off in our respective environments, *hmm*.
*messes up her bed* o_O
Lily- *Eats her for stealing Pika*
I'm not really in my room that much, except for sleeping. Most of my days are spent out and about, lol. As long as there are no roaches/bugs appearing, I'm rather apathetic about cleanliness. The moment bugs start rooming in I go on a holy crusade that decimates my room and the bugs.
Memories, huh. *rubs chin*
Yes, organized mess= good. Shave? Bah, shaving is evil. >.o
Irish- Thanks. Story fragments are what I do best, lol.
*gasps* Cleaner! Nah, you only do it once and awhile so that's ok. The world needs a balance of clean people and.. people who set off bombs in their rooms. Yin and yang. :o
My room is relatively clean because I don't spend enough time in it to really fuck it up, lol. Someday, someday..
Uhh. We have this crappy, floppy-disk eating digital camera from far too long ago. So, that's how I did it. [/why the quality of the picture is low]. I hope we get a new, less shitty camera but.. as long as it takes ok pictures, I shouldn't complain. <<;
Yes, I probably do have as many stuffed animals. I also have boxes full of those Ty plushies that you couldn't see in that picture. My parents were rabid collectors of them and somehow I got stuck with all of 'em, lol. My army will crush the entire world! Muahaha.
I just think Germany gets a bad wrap for alot things that have been done before/were not it's fault. [Holocaust/WW1 respectively]. If you look at German history, there was alot of potential there. I suppose I romanticize Germany/Russia a bit, heh.
Kitty- Pikachu, indeed. Ah, wait. Lily stole it. =| *gives you a similar Pika*
Why yes, yes it does rock. :D *toe organization spreads across the country*
Feelin' uninspired.
Ack. Pictures from when I was a tad bit younger, ack. I uploaded a newer picture there, and will probably put this one there too, heh. That site is pretty nifty, if you want to see what OBers look like. Who drug this site up? I dunno, but it’s good they did. Well, sort of good. Can you delete pictures? lol. Those pictures of me are horrid- stupid AND silly. Oh well, keep them there for a comparison of then and now, lol.
That was a rather good banana, though. Can’t say the same about the pencils.
Think I’ll start a fire.
So, here we are. I am still pondering what sort of job I want and have come to the conclusion that I have finally stopped giving a damn, lol. Money > wasting time thinking. Money = for AX, for Europe, for “It”. Thinking = good, but not in month-long spurts. I suppose I’ll work in a grocery store. I wonder if I can lecture people in grocery stores? That would be fantastic.
Ken: Did you find everything alright?
Person: Yes, yes. But I couldn’t decide between chunky and smooth peanut butter. >_<
K: Well, there is a philosophical rant that somehow ties directly into that.
P: o.o
K: blablablablabla.
P: >.o
I’m sure they would leave enlightened/pissed, hm. But, we’ll see, won’t we.
I can imagine the MyOtaku post for sometime in mid-February starting off “Well, I was fired today..”
Everybody run.
There was another rash of OB name changes, apparently- I’m not really sure who everyone is anymore, lol. Leh was turned into “Patronus” [a grand improvement- not], for example. I was never really into those name-change things, a death knight personifies my life completely. A person is corrupted by outside influences and falls from grace into the enslavement of darkness. He has to exist on from there for what seems to be an eternity, until whichtime eternity deems him obsolete. I don’t radiate “Fear” a a 5 yard radius or get a 20d6 fire spell, but you get the picture. Now, I didn’t specifically choose this name because my life somewhat emulates it- lucky draw, I guess. I chose it because of an MMO I was playing at the time, lol- he was a level 50 boss and I thought he looked cool. If I ever change my name, it would prolly just be to “Kenneth” or “Ken”. Yeah, I digress- if you changed your name, let me know so I don’t think you’re just another newb, lol. I know Annie changed her name to Annalise, I believe. Other than that I’m sort of left in the dark.
*hands out those “Hi, I’m...” nametags*
Bobby’s got a gun.
I think that about wraps it up.
Buenos noches, hasta luego. Keep it cool.
P.S. Only wankers use arithmetic riddles.
P.P.S. Dude. Isn’t that like the second Game-to-movie thing that Uwe Boll has destroyed?
P.P.P.P.S. Song of the day = “Bleed Together” by Soundgarden.
P.P.P.P.P.S. I like the letter “P”.
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Pretty Noose.
Comments on commentary-
El Faru- Cool. Mastodon is pretty sweet, heh. My tastes in music are apparently not universally accepted/enjoyed. ;P
Lily- Whatever it is, I hope you acquire what it is that you want- that enigmatic something, whatever it may be. =)
Contentment, my friend. That is what I seek. I know how to acquire happiness if I really wanted it, but what I desire is contentment with whatever I already have. To be content might be superior to happiness, really. But, whatever it is we seek, it's nice to be happy once and awhile.
I'll keep on truckin', heh. You are one of my oldest, best friends - I won't be leaving you anytime soon.
Irish- Yeah. It's rather pointless, thusfar- living, that is. But, I have goals in my mind that I wish to reach, heh. Little amusements to bide the time between now and whenever I do pass on.
The one thing I pride myself on is my endurance. I am quite stubborn and will not stop trudging onward, lol.
I've been playing alot of Growlanser Generations. That is like the game of the millennium, a godsend- it is perfect for me. Good story, good strategy battles.. it's win-win. I recommend it to anyone and anything that is intrigued by it, as it is.. well, it's. *gestures* Fantastic. It is two games in one, also [Growlanser II and III], so it's.. win-win-win. Much winning happens when you buy this game, yes?
I'm also playing WoW, lol. Not my decision, guild leader decided to hop there. I'm a level 12 Orc Warlock. I summon demons, yay. It's, uh- well, it's an MMO. Nothing wrong with it, nothing outstanding about it. Heh. *whispers* Growlanser Generations > WoW. *dewhispers*
Still waiting for the KOTOR II loving. But, in the meantime, I'll be defeating enemies! Lalala~
It's all Calypso.
I have an extremely strong pet peeve. People who touch/rearrange your stuff just because it looks disorganized to them. My desk and the couch next to it [which I use for storing a ton of shit], I keep in a perfect state of disarray that makes complete sense to me. But, of course, people walk in and are like "BLABLABLALETMECLEANTHATUPFORYOUBLABLABLA" and the next thing I know everything is all ordered, stacked and.. messed up! People need to mind their own business more, lol- I'm the only one that uses this area so things in this area should be considered the way I want them. It might not look pretty, but I don't care- if someone judges me on how organized my couch or desk looks they are a waste of life. My mom freaks out easily about this, whenever someone comes over [even anonymous repair/handymen] she just goes on a Spring Cleaning blitzkrieg that rolls over the whole house [stinking it up with those godawful chemicals that don't do much beyond irritate the living hell out of me]. I mean, I can understand tidying up the house a bit for maybe some friends or whatever, but she just goes off the edge. She comes over here and organizes my desk/couch so I have to purposely screw it all up again in a few minutes because she doesn't get that I have things the way I want them. Just.. ease up, crazy cleaning people.
Ease up.
If there is one thing you should know, it's that most people only see the parts of history that they want to. Id est, Nazi Germany gets a horrid wrap because of the Concentration Camps. This is logical, I suppose [even if it wasn't "Germany", per sey- it was more their crazy, mustache-wielding leader]. But, there was what could be said to be a more heinous genocide that occurred in Europe, heh. When the Black Plague was spreading across Europe, people began to blame the Jews for more than just superstitious reasons- the majority of them owed money to Jewish bankers/money lenders, so this was a way for them to liquidate their debts by.. exterminating the person they were in debt to. They would round up Jews and force them into torture chambers until they confessed to spreading the plague by various ways [ex.: poisoning the water supply, food, etc.] *All* of the European countries who were affected by the Black Plague were involved in this. All nations at one time or another have or will participate in things that will not simply disappear. I don't condone any form of genocide, but people should be aware that it isn't the first time that a European country has done this to a sect, race or group of humanity for whatever reason.
Unification or death.
Whisper things that no one hears.
Hmm. I'm kind of bored. *hmms* How about some proof of my organizational skills. Hahaha.

The Couch of Organization. All the CDs there are music CDs. The game CDs I keep on my desk, *nods*.

The Desk of Organization. My knives and game CDs are here. I also have an inadvertent collection of soda-caps from laziness. =(

The Games of Organization. Note the segregation between PS2, PS1 and GC games. .. So pretty..

The Other Desk of Organization. It is guarded well by Pikachu and company. Keep up the good work, guys.

The Bookshelf of Organization. Note the lightbulb collection. All of this is well-guarded by Steggy, the Sad Stegosaurus.

Yeap. Joy, the Shih-Tzu of Organization [she wants some food apparently- silly begging dogs].

Here are some medals I have received for organization. [Or for artwork I did years ago. Close enough. Two first place trophies and a third place trophy. The two first place ones were for the school district and city, I believe. The third place one was for the state, I think. Something like that.]

And, finally, the King of Organization. [My crown is being washed ATM.]
So, there you have it. Fear my disorganized organization. Muhahahaha
Ken's Mom: >_<
Even in his Youth.
That's all. See ya.
P.S. Bad President. No invading Iran.
P.P.S. Memories.
P.P.P.S. Moon was bright last night. You should have taken a walk like I did! *smack*
Comments (8) |
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Comments on commentary-
El Faru- Calm is good. No one likes people to fly off the handle all the time. I've tossed a controller a few times- some RPG battles are such BS, lol.
Darth Tater is.. well, *stares at the picture of it* ... Well...
*shakes his head* There are no words.
Irish- Nice girl stereotype, eh? =P
Piano! Playing the piano is great. ^_^ Little bit tiring on the fingers, though.
Yeah, Fluffy. If I remember correctly, it stemmed from this weird roleplaying chat where I transformed into a fluffy owl [haha, *transforms into one now*]. This old friend of mine was like "FLUFFY :D" and it sort of stuck. *fluffs about*
I'd get bad grades in school because no one could read my handwriting, haha. I suppose it's gotten a bit better. <_<'
Dr. Mammoth - He has a feminine look, I suppose. Maybe a wee bit of badass sticking out, hmm. Attracted to feminine guys, Sen? :P
Lea- Nein. Not really, lol. It's not that people aren't funny, wait- yes, yes it is. What I laugh about and what I joke about can actually be rather different. I'm usually cracking a grin whenever insanity is going on, though. The only time I laugh alot is when I'm making everyone else laugh, heh. I think I'm rather funny, but some disagree- no harm done, though. *lowers shotgun*
These are frozen tears.
That inaugural speech was rather irritating, lol. It was a masterful piece of propaganda that essentially informed most of the world that they could be considered enemies by the United States of America based on the amount of 'opression' or 'tyranny' in their respective countries. I'm not really sure what to say about that, lol. Anyone who thought it was a compassionate speech needs to get their head checked, heh. Imperialism? Probably not. But how many people with good intentions have only screwed things up more? Democracy is something that isn't the answer for all people. People in a Muslim country, for example, might not really have "freedom" at the top of their priority list- their religion has a probability of coming first. People in Russia need a strong, centralized government- always. From the time of the Czars through the Soviet system and to now- that is all they need. Freedom to them might be considered irrelevant- Russia has had a strong tendency to try to be different from the West and yet it adopts many Western ideas just because of how efficiently they work. I'm not really sure what to tell you, but look for Bush to act on his inaugural day, pro-democracy speech sometime in the future. Iran is a rather different country than Iraq- they have an actual army, lol. Iraq's main army blew hard, it was mostly pissed off/scared conscripts. The Republican Guard was the kicker, heh. I digress- whatever happens, happens. Just, don't go into that Inaugural Day thread, lol.
It's an odd thing. People trust his word, trust him to be a compassionate gentlemen in regards to spreading freedom. I don't, lol. I don't trust politicians- Democrats or Republicans, I don't trust them. I don't dislike him because he is conservative, I don't dislike him because he's a republican- I dislike him because he is lacking in intelligence, lol. I dislike stupid or seemingly stupid people, hm.
Oh well. Whatever happens, happens. I'd certainly prefer it if Bush has gotten rid of his war bug. A good economy is good for me, lol.
A coffin of dust.
What is it? OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty.
Why is it nifty? I'm not really sure.
As per the usual, I've been avoiding this "award" thread for a good long time. I'm not really into these types of things, lol. You know why? Because, I'm human. I like being mentioned, not being mentioned irritates me because.. where's the spotlight loving for Ken? =( Haha, nah. This one was actually pleasant because, lo' and behold, Roxie has this lovely paragraph about me! That made my day, my friend. Thank you very much for your kind words. =D I might post in there, just because I usually force myself to, but I don't really know what has been nifty this year, lol. Maybe I should just point to a slew of nifty people or something.
What is it? People.
Why is it nifty? *devours your arm*
City of Flickering Destruction.
The following is something of a rant, I suppose. So, avoid it if you want to.
I've been melancholy lately, lol. I think I need to talk it out. It seems like people self-destruct around you in the most classical of ways, and no one is quite aware of how much of a strain it puts on you. I've been less enthusiastic about living as of late. You want to do what Jesus described death is- just fade away into a deep sleep and not wake up. I'm not running from anything in the present, the burdens of things long since passed weigh me down. I'm not pissed at a person or persons, I'm not angistily distressed over a small matter- it's a mixture of varying events that crop up around this time of year. It's the most pointless of things, what I have here. A little life, a little bit of material possessions, a long past of let down's, failures and people walking away from you calmly. I'm regretting that I didn't fulfill the pact I made with myself, the promise that I would follow my friends into the dark depths of whatever is beyond this life. They would want me to live, of course- but they did not help anything by doing what they did, lol. Do you want to know why people drown themselves in drugs and alcohol? I know why. I've been there, I know what it is like, lol. It's simply an escape. You want to get away from here and now, whatever here and now is. You don't want to *exist* in that place anymore, you don't even want to think about being in that environment- you want to just run, just wander away from everything to some far away place and breathe again, live again. That far away piece of heaven that is different from wherever you are, better than wherever you are. I was really close a few nights ago. I haven't been that close in awhile to doing anything, as most imbeciles term it, "foolish". It was actually somewhat disheartening- I wasn't shook up or anything, so I came to the sudden realization that this was serious [there is a very strong difference between angsty depression and deep, real depression- when you are just sitting there, pondering dying with no negative thoughts coming of it I presume that that is the more real of the two]. I was actually considering killing myself without any signs of emotion. Suicide is.. well, what does it matter? Ignorant people have their own ignorant opinion without being there, people who have been there are like me usually. I just am tired of going on from day to day, I suppose. Just sitting here, tired of writing this, tired of breathing. It's rather pathetic in a classical sense, it should be relatively easy to carry on, but it seems that my soul or spirit is tired. The things I used to truck on for [my sister, my friends] seem to no longer work as well, heh. But I have the belief that it is perhaps just the time of year that has put me in this mood, I have a rather long track record of not enjoying late January. All of this is alarming to me because the last time I thought of killing myself without having any emotional reaction I did it and almost succeeded. So, I suppose I am trying to lift myself out of this morose state a bit. I'm not sure that I can ever really, super happy for any length of time, lol. But I suppose being somewhat melancholy is better than being suicidal. My humor serves me well, it keeps me alright. My humor came from my pain, which seems to be the case with alot of funny people. Ah, well. Just keep trudging through the mud, I suppose. Do not worry. Focus on yourselves, worry about yourselves. I will always be in a state of "alright", at least my definition of alright [some don't agree that my alright is, well- 'alright']. I cannot kill myself without violating several promises to people that I made in the past. So, just sit here and read this. That's all, read it. You don't have to comment on it, just learn from this. That is all I ask, learn from me. There is alot to learn here. People who focus too much on their past are weighed down by it. Wisdom comes at a price. Comedy comes at a price. There is a difference between the angsty, popular version of depression and the real, disease-esque kind. Suicide results in the death of more than just the person, it kills everyone that person knew in a sense. I like the rain for a reason. Etc.
The more important thing is what I can learn from this. Let's see if I can pull myself out of this, unlearn things that I learned. See if I can move on from all of this, hm. Wish me luck, my friends.
I'll wait for you here, forever.
Well, I feel a little more content after letting off some steam. I'm going to go drink some Dr. Pepper and game, I suppose.
Stay cool, folks.
P.S. =/
P.P.S. Best game of this year. The two best teams in the Western Conference duked it out, it was amazing to watch the Spurs come back. Great game, great game. Go Spurs.
P.P.P.S. Random plugs.
P.P.P.P.S. Song of the Moment.
edit: fixed link on first song, should work now.
Comments (3) |
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Dressed for distress.
Dr. Mammoth- *makes a little Dark Side gang sign and is called a poser*
Yeah, Pulp Fiction with bunnies will be... be... *gestures* interesting, yeah.
Tortor- Woo, Deftones rock. :D
And, in that chat you were in, I asked "who?" but it got scrolled up from all the wankers talking too fast. Sorry.
Lunar Eclipse.
It.. is time.
Quiz Day
 You are the bad boy / girl of your school. You have little faith in yourself and usually find escape in some sort of addicting substance or yourself. You would rather torture others above anything else. You regularly skip school and when you go, always tend to ditch a certain class. Some classmates can fear you while others pity you...and your family. (No offense) Your cruel behavior and abject personality tends to single you out from the crowd...and you prefer life this way at times. However, lonliness can rear its ugly head and force you seek a way to silence it. But be warned, your path is dangerous... but only a strong person can walk this road. Some ideal occupations for you can be a Police officer, Celebrity (who doesn't love the badasses?), Wrestler, Polotician, or some sort of leader. Either way, your destined to be known by many.
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla

Your Hidden Power Is Fire
You have a strong and courageou soul. You show no fear when it comes to protecting the ones you love. You know when choosing between right and wrong. You also are quite the rebel.
Gem Stone:Ruby, Eye Color:Red,Hair Color:Red with Blonde streaks that is just below your arm pits pulled back into a pony tail.
Quote:If you're lost I'll keep you warm and if your low just hold on..cause I will be your safety.....don't leave home.....
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
[The majority of these quizzes seem to be directed towards women, hm. *rubs chin* Oh well.]
 You're a very mellow, care-free person. Your exactly what calm, cool, and collected mean. You never overreact or panic in a bad situation and you always know what to do. Everyone goes to you for advice because you never lose your head so your very reliable. You tend to take everything in stride, like in school your moto is just sit back and relax not to say you dont pay attention and work, but you dont overexert yourself. Even though people come to you for counciling(sp?) you can still be very quite, your not good with making new friends, but your extremely close to the ones you have. Remember its ok to put your emotions out there even though there is a chance they might get hurt. Also in school sometimes its good to stress out a little, just because you think you dont need to study doesnt mean you should'nt, and also try to push yourself more even though you might be good where you are doesnt mean you can,t be better. Also Please Send Pics!!!
Whats Your Personality(with PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered, powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see, being fire you are quite strong and powerful, people look up to you greatly and often seek your protection. You have the ability to gain many friends and you are always one people can count on to do what you say you will do. You are extremely loyal be it friends or family you'll stick up for them and you are never willing to put them in a position that could hurt them. You know what roll you play in life, leader, and you intend to let people know it. Not everyone is capable of leadership but you certainly have the willpower and flare to do it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself, one that can often lead you into trouble. Once your mind is made up there is no changing it but no one said that was a bad thing.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a violin. You are very held back and quiet. You do what you want and that usually means something quiet like reading or writing. You are calm and perhaps considered dark to some. But you rarly talk to anyone besides your close friend or family.
(BEAUTIFUL anime pics) What is your soft toned intrument? brought to you by Quizilla
And, to finish, a survey from Juujuu.
[1] Name: Dr. Kenneth Andrew Howell.
[2] Age: Several years too many.
[3] Sex: Male.
[4] Star sign: Leo.
[5] B’day: August 10th, 1988.
[6] Nicknames: Ken, Kenny, Fluffy, Nek, Ken Ho, Moose, Rizzo.
[7] Hair color: Dark Brown/Black.
[8] Long Hair/Short Hair: Medium.
[9] Eye color: Brown.
[10] Height: 6'3".
[11] School: Homeschooled since..
[12] School colors: Black and Crimson.
[13] Grade: Senior.
[14] Fave male teacher: Me.
[15] Fave female teacher: Um. My dog.
[16] Worst male teacher: My dad.
[17] Worst female teacher: My mom.
[18] Fave subject: History, Philosophy, Civics.
[19] Worst subject: Well, I failed P.E. a few times prior to my homeschooling. Coaches irritate my senses, lol. We didn't get along too well and I never really did much of what they told me to do. Something about running a mile as fast as you can for no reason doesn't thrill me.
People You Know...
[20] Funnest: Myriads of people. I hang out with fun people- eccentric, but fun.
[21] Funniest: No one really makes me laugh, lol. I am the one that tries to make people laugh.
[22] Best for advice: I don't really turn to people for advice. It's a personal thing.
[23] Prettiest: The women I know are all very pretty. There is a massive tie, I suppose.
[24] Ugliest: Hmm? No one, I suppose.
[25] Nicest: Tori. She is a very, very nice person.
[26] Meanest: I don't hang out with many people are a truly mean.
[27] Smartest: Travis. He ties with me, lol.
[28] Best friend: Several people.
[29] Worst enemy: Myself.
[30] Wildest: I don't really care.
[31] Craziest: I think all of you have lost some amounts of sanity. Juu might top the list though, lol. I like her "afasfkhlsaf" portions of her diary, they are kind of funny for some reason.
[32] Loudest: I can be rather loud.
[33] Quietest: Shin.
[34] Most calm: Shin seems calm. Well, for now. Maybe he like turns into the Hulk sometimes. That would explain the giant hole in his house.
[35] Best for guy advice: No one.
[36] Who know’s all your secrets: No one.
[37] Whose secrets do u no: That would be between me and them.
[38] Shyest: Sennen always comes off as being kinda shy to me, but that's prolly because I don't know him that well. Shy is hard to judge online. IRL, well.. there are too many loud people in SA. We need some shy people.
[39] Teacher’s pet: *sets a time bomb up*
[40] Who gets in most trouble: I'm not sure. *walks away from time bomb*
[41] Class clown: *time bomb goes off*.
[42] You <3 the most: My <3's are very precious to me, they are deep within my <3.
[43] Most understanding: It's hard for people to understand things spoken to them in Ken. So, no-one it is.
[44] Most trustworthy: No one has all of my trust.
[45] Best hair: Err, well. o.O
[46] Biggest flirt: *rubs chin*
[47] Best handwriting: I dunno, but it's definitely not me.
Do you…
[48] Believe in god: Do you?
[49] Dress up on halloween: Nope, never have. I'd like to try it sometime. I think I'd make a good pirate.
[50] Like to travel: Yes. Except by car. Travelling by car kills a few brain cells.
[51] Ever have the falling dream: As a child. I had a fear of heights because of them. I was always falling and dying, it was very repetative.
[52] Have stuffed animals: An army. I suggest you ph33r.
[53] Believe in magic: Too few people do, anymore.
[54] Do your own laundry: Sometimes.
[55] Clean your house: Sometimes.
[56] Own a furby: Yes. He's been asleep for several years now.
[57] Like hugs: Not.. really. But, I'm apparently huggable for some reason.
[58] Like kisses: I suppose.
[59] Have a job: Hopefully.
[60] Keep a diary: I just might.
[61] Wear make-up: No.
[62] Wear glasses: Contacts and glasses.
[63] Have any peircings: No.
[64] Want to kill someone: No.
[65] Love Someone At The Moment: No.
[66] Who: Regret.
[67] Know the national anthem: Hell no.
[68] Talk to yourself: Frequently. I'm a very good conversationalist, or so I say [to myself]..
[69] Talk to your pets: Not especially.
[70] Snore: No. But I mutter sometimes.
[71] Books: Oh, too many to list.
[72] Kind of chain letters: The nonexistant kind.
[73] Poets: Any.
[74] TV shows: Law & Order, MythBusters, Monk.
[75] Male singer: No one.
[76] Female singer: No one.
[77] CD: Any and all..
[78] Bands: Mastodon, At the Drive-In, Coldplay, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Postal Service, Pig Destroyer.
[79] Movies: Twilight Zone: The Movie, Being There, Harold and Maude, They Live, the Pink Panther series, Dr. Strangelove, Willy Wonka, The Shining, The Silence of the Lambs.
[80] Musical: None.
[81] Song: Change (In The House of Flies) by Deftones, Epiphany by Staind.
[82] Website: None.
[83] Music Award Show: None. Popular music is dull.
[84] Music Video: I like Daft Punk's music videos. Anime is always nice.
[85] Pop: Diet Dr. Pepper.
[86] Fast Food Place: Wendy's.
[87] What do you get there: Salad or some form of chicken sandwhich with a salad.
[89] Kind of pizza: Mushroom.
[90] Ice cream: Strawberry.
[91] Holiday: None.
[92] Thing to do in winter: Think, introspection, avoid wearing a coat [long story].
[93] Thing to do in summer: Think, chill outside, try to avoid catching on fire.
[94] Thing to do on weekends: Think, exist, watch it go by.
[95] Dream vacation spot: Somewhere quiet.
[96] Place to shop: No where.
[97] Thing to do on a rainy day: Walk outside.
[98] Thing to do on a sunny day: Just do whatever.
[99] Color: Crimson.
[100] Magazine: Popular Science.
[101] Place in your house: The Den..
[102] Place to be alone: Here.
[103] Kind of house: Anything, really.
[104] Place to live: Anything near water. Someplace rainy would be nice.
[105] Kind of occupation: Military officer, history professor, wanderer, mortal.
[106] Memory from childhood: My little sister. ^_^
[107] Memory with friends: Something that happened in 2001.
Uphill Battle.
I'm going to go pass out. Goodnight.
P.S. I like bad ideas.
P.P.S. I like bad ideas.
P.P.P.S. *stumbles out of room*
Comments (4) |
Monday, January 17, 2005
I'm of the opinion that it's all or nothing.
Comments on commentary-
Shinfaru- Your wanking is legendary, sir. *opens up a book of famous legends* *points to the entry about Shin and his wanking*.
Sennen- Postal Service is my chill out band. They are a bit soft for my normal tastes.
The light side ending in KOTOR sucks. For being a good guy you get this shitty, stereotypical cutscene- I mean, the Dark Side ending is sweet. But, you know, good guys are dorks and such.
The wanker and anti-wanker, *hmm*. You two must duel.
Liam- o.O;
Lea- I was there when he quit, it was funny then- it will always be funny.
Aye de Eff- Thanks, I wrote that awhile back. =D
I suck at writing letters. It must be an artform or something.
Jobs are jobs, lol. Cash is good though, so.. I'll tolerate it.
Hmm? Oh, well. Those are supposed to be ties and such. I suppose that is way over the 10 band limit, hmm. (Yes, I do.) Christian rock is uh, well. Christian rock.. yeah. It's. IT IS.. Christian rock. That's all I can say. AFI? I don't like AFI, lol. Sorry. =O I'm not too much of an oldies person [yet].
Televangelists annoy me too. We should combine our strength and fight them! LET THE WAR BEGIN.
Yes. o.-
Lily- You special person! You don't wank! Congrats. =D
I'm no where to be found. We are dust and shadow..
Good luck? Thanks! A book store, yeah. That would be cool. Maybe you could be a librarian or something, if not a book store person. ^_^
Roxie- No, not retarded! You are a semi-wanker. =)
I like the word peon, the way it rolls off your tongue. Just say it- peon. Such a great word. *shrugs* So, I am right. That is all we can be, people who attach to something greater. What of the great leaders? Where have they all gone? What has become of this former majesty, this race of inventors, creators, artists, leaders, generals and pseudo-gods? Is all that is left of that the idea of conformity? The idea of entering the rat race and dying a pitiful person who has only amassed material possessions over their short life span of less than a century? We did/do/will create gods. Some even think *we* are Gods. What is wrong with living for the sake of living? Am I missing something? Lol. That is all we are doing, all I am doing- existing just to exist until whichtime I am deemed obsolete by nature and pass on. Socializing is overrated, to be sure. The only reason I need to exist is to just sit here and take a deep breath- am I still alive? Why, yes. Yes I am. Therefore, I suppose I should continue living to the fullest.
There is nothing ludicrous about creating ideas, legends or propaganda- it's an integral part of what nations, religions and corporations do. If people buy into it- then, then it gets into the realm of ludicrous. The process can be considered beautiful- manipulation of a gregarious mass of people into believing what you think. Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Japan, Christendom, Islam, Judiasm, Pagans, Corporate America- it's really a form of art, to watch them herd the sheep in every which way. Just do a search. Do a search for "World War 2" propaganda posters, see how many hundreds you can find for sale, all of them created by a myriad of Cominterm, Allied and Axis countries.
Mmm. *eats economics.*
Dan- Gonga. Download "Mosquitoes". Hogg. Download either, they both rock.
Or, if you don't like metal watch some bunnies.
When the chance comes will you be there? Never surrender!
Fascism is not evil, lol. All Nazi's were Fascists but not all Fascists were Nazi's, you see? Just like all Communists are Socialists but not all Socialists are Communists. Nazism is an extreme form of Fascism. Fascism is the capitalist version of Communist. Fascism places the state above the individual- it's very black and white. Either you are a part of the state, or you aren't- there is nothing in between. It favors corporatism- that means that corporations are given some say in the government. This was done out of fear of trade unions- at the time, socialism was spreading very quickly post-WW1 [parts of Germany were Communist at the end of 1918, even]. The middle/upper class was afraid of them- and, with this fear, Fascism was partly born. The other part of it is the state- Italy had been given very little for her work in WW1, and this was offensive to her. Mussolini wanted to create the Second Rome [when was Italy a great power last?], a nation that was prestigious and well-respected.So, with Fascism insisting on state>individual, he promised that he would lead his nation to greatness- something people were seeking after the not-so-glorious conclusion to WW1. Fascism was very, very successful- it's actually a great shame that no one is Fascist anymore, it's a very good system of government under a benevolent leader. Italy of course didn't go on to greatness- Italy's military was great on paper. She had modern artillery, a small tank corp and a above-average navy. However, what killed her was her officers and corruption in the government/military. So she suffered a bit more embarrassment than WW1.
Nazism talks about race above the individual. Hitler viewed the Aryan race as a "master" race- all other races were considered "slave" races of varying degrees. He held contempt for Jews, gypsies and varying other "slave" races to such a degree that he put them in concentration camps. However, he held the United Kingdom in high regard- why? Research British imperial policy in the 19th century- they suppress the natives. That's what he thought he was doing, surprising the natives and using their land for a greater race. He briefly liked the US too- their anti-immigration policies in the early 20th century were, to him, an attempt to keep their nation "pure". Of course, his liking of the US died rather quickly- but he still revered the UK until the end of the war. Another reason he revered the US is for what they did to the Native Americans- his policy of getting "living space" for the great German people was the same, in his mind. He was pushing the native Russians out of their land to give the German people room to grow and live- just as the US did to the Native Americans. He viewed most all nations as weaker than German because they were contaminated- great powers have great, pure people and that makes them greater. Therefore the German Nation was the greatest of the great powers for it's purity. The economic policy of Nazism was also different- if you could take what you wanted by force, you would. If you needed natural resources, who was there to stop you? No one. So, you invaded and took the resources. That is why Stalingrad occurred- he was going to the oil fields north of Persia [er, Iran]/Turkey.
So, Fascism died because of extremists- oddly, Communism has also become a "dirty word" for the same reason. So, two relatively good systems have been curtailed early because of the actions of various extreme leaders. Sad, really. lol.
I woke the same as any other day, except a voice was in my head. It said 'Seize the day, pull the trigger, drop the blade and watch the rolling heads.'
Funny story. Andorra- do you know what that is? It's a little country shoved between Spain and France. In 1914 some crap started called "World War 1" that drug a couple of countries into this massive war. Well, Andorra sides with the allies- her army consisted of only 10 people, but she was still ready and rearing to go. The war rages on, the US gets involved, people die- it's a long story. 1919 rolls around and Germany signs the peace treaty- every nation involved in war with Germany is called to France to sign. Except, someone forgot to invite Andorra- or, maybe they decided they didn't matter. Anyway, Andorra never signs this World War 1 ending peace treaty- ever. 1939 rolls around and Hitler is invading various small countries with the most powerful military in the world- some smart people in Andorra wake up and realize, "Hey, wait. Dude, we could have a problem here." So on September 25th, 1939 Andorra signs a peace treaty with Germany, officially ending World War 1- just in time for Andorra to be neutral for all of World War 2.
Silly Andorrians.
Pretty noose.
You know what I like? Altoids gum. .. Yeah. Anywho, I've been up to gaming mostly- going to the library a bit too. Driving alone rocks, I always have my windows down because.. I don't like the AC. Dries out the air. I like fresh air. Job wise has been stale, but I'll keep at it- maybe I should shave, lmao. Sorry, I'm way too laid back for some people. I've had a few bad days lately, lol- one of them was the day I spent writing this long, involved biography for Arcadia's RPG. By the time it was done, the sign ups have been closed- what horrid luck. I'm alright, though. Yeap. Alright as alright can be. I'm going to be watching the inauguration day events with interest- maybe something will happen. Maybe it will be boring and stuff. Maybe I won't pay attention to it all and go "WTF? ^^" when something happens. Who knows? I won't. I'll probably be watching historical documentaries and missing history. IRONY. Anyway, that's all I have to say. How are you all doing? I hope it's well.
Yeap. I'm signing off. *salutes*
P.S. So, we were kampfen.. [an inside joke between me and a buddy that no one will get.]
P.P.S. Hohoho.
P.P.P.S. Go Spurs!
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Where strides the Behemoth.
Comments on commentary-
Mr. Fett- This is like the messiah of surveys- either that, or the titanic of surveys.
Hmm. Someone should start some form of company named FU.. maybe like a toy maker or something.
Shinfaru- A third idea would be like The Wizard of OtakuBoards- like the one I did in that chat eons ago.. I dunno why, but whenever I see that Futurama episode where Leela is doing that Wizard of Oz thing.. when Amy appears as the Good Witch, I instantly think "Juuthena". Curiouser and curiouser.
A: The same type of people who sit down and fill out a long ass survey like this.
Irish- Better than Corona?! :O Truly you are sipping ambrosia, then! ;O
Three horrahs for nudity! Or not. >.o
I'm heading to the library today tomorrow this week this month this year this common era eventually, so I'll look for that book.
Us no-lifers have to stick together. :P
Ramkat- Yes, yes. Noodles. *wink*
Lea- *burns your license* I think not!
Wahoo, the cook! He is the king of all movies. :B
Roxie- Yes, I have a Shih Tzu. Joy is cute- eccentric, but cute. Susie is cute- fucking crazy, but cute. All my pets have lost their minds, I swear. @.@
I had a Backstreet Boys CD for some reason. I think they were giving it out as a promotion at McDonalds like.. many a year ago, when I was but a small Ken. As I didn't buy it with my money, I don't consider it mine. It's evil still lingers on this place..
Postal Service rocks. That is all.
The Monastery of Metal is sacred ground for us head-bangers. Monks of Metal are trained there to fight the evils of Nu-Metal, Christian Rock and Ralph Nader. We will be victorious!
Crazy popes are cool. :)
Pfft, my jihads rock your socks, little lady. You should join in on my next one.
I guess it's deep. Depends on if it was a dream or not. ^_^
Yes, I know. lol. You can tell from the headers and the sentence structure within that it was written by a female person. Probably a teenager, might be some form of teeny bopper- you can gather that she is easily induced into being hyper, whatever clique she belongs to. Oh well, it was an alright quiz.
Life seems like a book to many but it is probably just one lengthy, involved, dramatic/[traumatic] chapter that chronicles the adventure of a character- you. But, due to our mortal view, our life seems far too lengthy- I can even divide my 16 years into maybe four, five chapters already.. if your whole life is just one chapter, it is probably a very long, long book that is ahead of you [or behind you]. Definitely a best-seller though. ;) The real question is: Are you chapter one?
Uh, yes! Yes. Something no one could pronounce. Nothing else, nope.
Yeap, you emailed me last. Congrats, you win some sort of prize I suppose. Hm. *hands you a donut* There we go.
Stories are my specialty! Well, sort of. I do my best? =P
Yes, yes. It's a long forgotten fact, I suppose- one easily ignored in today's society. Perhaps you'll use it to your advantage! That would be amusing, hmhmhm. ANYWAY, yes! =)
the Queen- Singing plushies! =D Aha, a good idea indeed. I intended to add them singing originally, but I wasn't in much of a limmericky-lyrical-someotherwordhere mood.
Plushie minions=rockin'. =D
Beware the hammer of Thor.
Welp, what has ol' Ken been up to you ask- gaming, my good friend, gaming. Neverwinter Nights: SOU/HOU specifically- with a little bit of BattleField 1942 with the Forgotten Hope mod, too. All three are good games, heh- I'm mostly waiting for KOTORII to come out on the computer. I don't have an X-Box [I figure one Microsoft product is enough for me], so I have to patiently wait while everyone else who has an X-Box plays it for two months. What a load of shit, lol. Oh well- at least it's coming, heh. I really enjoyed the original Knights of the Old Republic- I did the light side ending because, well, I'm a relatively good guy. Sort of. Kind of. Maybe. *stops enslaving people* Yeap, 100 percent good guy.
I've been thinking about what kind of job I want, and I suppose it's "anything but fast food". I'd even be a bagger or checker at a Grocery Store in lieu of that. I remember this guy who stopped working at Schlotzki's Deli because he kept getting his fingers burnt by the oven or something, haha. Pretty amusing, but still- I'd rather not work at a fast food place unless I'm out of every other job. I'll prolly try to find one in the next month or so- first time finding a job, you want it to be a little bit better than McD's or Wendy's. Don't want to lose the ol' mind in one of those places and accidentally send a few people to the ER, you know. I'M CRAZZZZZZZZZZzyyyyyyyyyyYYYyYYYYYyYYY. Nah, I'm a very well-rounded, reasonable individual with strong personal traits and a logical mind. *drinks your blood with a sharp straw* *sipppppppp*
California is experiencing Noah's flood or something, I hope the 60 zillion OBers who live there are alright, lol. I'll mail you guys an ark or something- custom made with l337 Ken-technology. Features include- all water drive, built in CD player, air conditioning, vampire-free cargo areas and "VIP lounges" for you and yours. :D
Arc Arsenal.
Dum dum de do. Oh, yes. Here's some personal opinions on the music of 2004.
Top ten bands of 2004 that you have never heard of or heard very little of because you are wankers:
10. Coldplay.
10. Dillinger Escape Plan.
9. GWAR.
9. Muse.
8. Danzig.
7. Strapping Young Lad.
6. Katatonia.
5. Gonga.
4. Hogg.
3. Postal Service.
2. Pig Destroyer.
1. Mastodon.
Top ten bad bands/singers of 2004 that I hope you haven't heard alot of because they cause massive brain damage:
10. Slipknot.
9. KoRn.
8. Anything that ends with Simpson.
7. Yellow Card.
6. Alter Bridge.
5. Eminem.
4. 50 Cent.
3. Britney Spears.
2. Anything remotely near Britney Spears.
1. Everything played on MTV and Fuse's Dedicate Live.
1. Everything in the R&B or Rap genres- oh, and toss Christian Rock into there too.
1. Slipknot [again- they finally found the definition of "solo", but they still suck harder than even KoRn].
Top ten bands of all time:
10. Soulfly.
10. Soilwork.
9. Sepultura.
9. Nirvana.
8. Black Sabbath.
8. Filter.
7. Alice in Chains.
7. Soundgarden.
6. Tool.
6. A Perfect Circle.
5. Ministry.
4. Daft Punk.
3. Foo Fighters.
3. Pig Destroyer.
2. Deftones.
2. Opeth.
1. Mastodon.
And the winner is: Mastodon- The best band you've never heard of!
Fly, soul single, wind beneath us.
I was watching a televangelist the other night, and it was really sad. People really want something to believe in- they have to choose what to enslave their lives to. Some people dedicate themselves to wealth, prosperity, prestige- some to power, some to hope, some to raising a family. But they so freely follow others that they believe can help them- they honestly want help, or hope, or something and are lead astray by false prophets and opportunists. Is that all humanity is? A species full of peons- we choose what and who we serve? Is that all? It's discouraging to say the least. Even leaders are enslaved to people- leaders are enslaved to their civilian population, the civilians are enslaved right back to them- it's a balance of power that has no one really being "free" and no one will ever acquire that freedom that people wish they had.
So, I suppose we are just a race of people whose lives are us dedicating ourselves to something- us slaving away for something or someone, and that's about it. I suppose it can be grander provided the right thing is being sought after- but, at the base level, you're just enslaving yourself to an idea or a lifestyle or a person until whichtime you achieve that goal, that farflung idea. Then you sit down and dedicate yourself to something else- all of life is you working towards tomorrow, and yet you can never be satisfied with the tomorrow you get. I guess this could be a good thing, but it seems rather negative to me, hm. Oh well, I suppose you just have to work hard for what you want- that's all any of us can do and will do. Waste away what precious time we have on things that will disappear when we die, lol.
I suppose that the best way to make this positive is to undertake a grand work, a grand mission- the magnum opus of your life, so that it might mean something when you move on from this world. Ah, well- as long as you are a peon to what you want, yes?
I can't take it, you can't take it.
Kthx, bai.
P.S. Texas BBQ > All other foods.
P.P.S. I finally found Pig Destroyer's CD, yee. I'm buying it online. :D
P.P.P.S. Heh..
Comments (8) |
Thursday, January 6, 2005
I said to her..
Comments on commentary-
[1/2/04 post]
Mr. Fett- Haha, thank you though- mayhap I pay too much attention to how many people remember the Ken as of late.
Irish- I'm glad your friend is alright! And, that New Years Day sounds quite fun. ^_^
[1/4/04 post]
Juuthena- Well, I mean I think my style sucks. =X
But, thank you. ^_^ I guess I will post my little story in there sometime.. I'm kind of nervous.
Shinfaru- Writing stories is not a forte of mine- I'm pretty good at *telling* stories IRL, but not writing them for some weird reason..
But thanks!
Irish- PFFT. There are no grammar errors! You are seeing things! *hides them*
The story is the examination of a path I could have possibly taken a long time ago, heh. I'm glad you liked it. ^_^
Lileh- ^_^ Thanks! Mayhap I'm better at this than I thought. =o
Don't kill me with you.
Shin has this long ass survey on his livejournal. Let's shove that right in here..
001. What is your name? Kenneth Andrew Howell.
002. Spell your name backwards: Llewoh Werdna Htennek, master of the Elves.
003. Date of birth: August 10th, 1988 at 2:22 PM.
004. Male or female? Male.
005. Astrological sign: Leo.
006. Nicknames: Ken, Nek, Fluffy.
007. Occupation? Grim Reaper.
008. Height: 6'2".
009. Weight: 255.
010. Hair color: Black.
011. Eye color: Brown.
012. Where were you born? San Antonio, TX.
013. Where do you reside now? San Antonio, TX.
014. Age: 16.
015. Screen names: DeathKnight V4.
016. E-mail addy: demonslayerx_x@hotmail.com
017. What does your screen name stand for? A creature from the DND universe who has fallen from grace [and life].
018. What is your lj name? None.
019. What does your Blurty name stand for? *poos on you*
020. Pets: 2 dogs. "Joyful Lee Howell", a female shih-tzu we generally call Joy and Susie, an outdoor border collie.
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? Uh, none. I've never celebrated my birthday. lol.
022. Piercings? None.
023. Tattoo's? Someday.
024. Shoe size: 17.
025. Righty or lefty? Right.
026. Wearing: My trademarked orange shirt.
027. Hearing: "Porcelain" by Moby.
028. Feeling: Morose.
029. Eating/drinking: Water.
~Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~
061. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
062. How many people have you told "I love you"? Hahaha. How many have meant it?
063. How many people have you been in love with? 4.
114. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? No.
115. Do you have any nieces or nephews? It's possible, I don't know.
116. Are your parents divorced? Bio? Yes. Adopted? No.
117. Do you have step parents? No.
118. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? Yes, my biological mother.
119. If so for what? Haha, it's a long story.
120. Did some of your family come to America from another country? Yes.
~Music Stuff~
121. What song do you swear was written about you or your life? Change (In The House of Flies) by the Deftones.
122. What's the most embarrassing cd you own? An Evanescence CD. I actually don't know where it is- collecting dust in my CD graveyard I guess.
123. What's the best cd you own? "Viva Emptiness" by Katatonia.
124. What song do you absolutely hate? Anything by Good Charlotte.
125. Do you sing in the shower? Yes.
126. What song reminds you of that special someone? "Such Great Heights" by Postal Service.
~Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give A Lyric From Any One Of Their Songs!~
127. Pink:
128. Aerosmith:
129. Madonna:
130. Korn: .
131. Backstreet Boys:
132. The Beatles: "We all live in a yellow submarine."
133. Sublime: "Early in the mornin', rise into the street."
134. J.Lo:
135. *Nsync:
136. Limp Bizkit:
137. Britney Spears:
138. Creed:
139. Enrique Iglesias:
140. Good Charlotte:
141. Christina Aguilera:
142. Eminem:
143. New Found Glory:
144. Kelly Clarkston:
145. Kelly Osbourne:
146. Mandy Moore
147. Eve:
148. Aaliyah:
149. Nelly:
150. Alicia Keys:
151. Incubus:
Note: All blank enteries are bands that I cannot speak or think of without violating a religious oath I made to the MONASTERY OF METAL, located in Nepal.
152. Color: Crimson.
153. Food: Anything with noodles.
154. Song: "Will I Arrive" by Katatonia.
155. Show: Law & Order: SVU.
156. school subject: History.
157. Band/singer: Mastodon.
158. Animal: faerie dragons. Hahaha.
159. Outfit: Anything.
160. Radio station: 99.5 KISS.
161. Movie: The Twilight Zone Movie.
162. Pair of shoes: The only pair I have.
163. Cartoon: Dexter's Labratory.
164. Actor: Peter Sellers.
165. Actress: Jodie Foster.
166. Potato chip: Any tortilla chip.
167. Drink: Dr. Pepper.
168. Alcoholic drink: Corona.
169. Holiday: None.
170. Perfume/cologne: Whatever I have available.
171. Pizza topping: Mushroom.
172. Jello flavor: I'm not much of a jello guy.
173. Lunch meat: Turkey.
174. Board game: Monopoly.
175. Video game: Legend of Mana [PS1].
176. Website:
177. Book: "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown.
178. Computer game: Neverwinter Nights.
179. Number: 7.
180. Cereal: Honey Bunches of Oats.
181. Comedian: Lewis Black.
182. Dessert: Strawberry ice cream.
183. Disney character: The cook from The Little Mermaid.
184. Clothing store: None.
185. Passtime: Existing.
186. Teacher: Me.
187. Childhood toy: My computer.
188. Carnival game/ride: None.
189. Candy bar: Three Musketeers.
190. Magazine: Popular Science.
191. Salad dressing: Ranch.
192. Thing to do on the weekend: Jihad.
193. Hot drink: Coffee. Two creams, two sugars.
194. Season: Winter.
195. Sport to watch: NBA BASKETBALL!
196. Person to talk to online: Any and all.
~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
197. What color are your sheets? I don't use sheets.
198. What color are your bedroom walls? Blue.
199. Do you have posters on your wall? No. I have paintings.
200. If so of what? Dot dot dottity dot dot.
201. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? Yes.
202. How many pillows are on your bed? One.
203. What do you normally sleep in? Birthday suit.
204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: See above.
205. What size bed do you have? Queen.
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? No.
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? No.
208. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? No, but I need noise of some kind- usually a droning fan will do it.
209. Describe the last nightmare you had: Uh. I was standing in front of an international tribunal, being tried for being a general of a country. They had captured me due to a betrayal in my ranks- it was the only time my armies had lost a battle. They asked me how many people I had killed personally in battle, I replied a number that was in the thousands. It was pretty much a mock trial, they knew they were going to kill me - but they had to do it, because they were all composed of democracies. They brought witnesses on, fake witnesses- I didn't pay much attention to it. Finally, they decided that they were going to publicly execute me on television via a slow, painful method of death- one where I would bleed slowly to death and be in pain for a number of hours. I was tied to this rather professional looking chair and they slit several key veins on my body, beat me up a bit and left- I was staring right into a camera. So, in my final hours I started lecturing the camera- telling my countrymen to not lose faith and telling my wife+children that I loved them. As I died, I heard the distant sound of an attack on the compound- I was being rescued. But I didn't know if I could survive that long or not, so I concentrated on living.. and woke up.
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? They are in my room, but not with me.
211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? Two.
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? Yes.
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? No.
214. Do you snore? No.
215. How about drool? Yes.
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Yes, but I don't use it much.
217. What color is the carpet in your room? White.
218. What's under your bed? Junk.
~This or that~
219. beach/mountains: Mountains.
220. Donuts/bagels: Donuts.
221. Day/night: Night.
222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: East.
223. Heaven/hell: Hell.
224. Make love/have sex: Make love.
225. Coffee/tea: Tea..
228. Britney/Christina: Christina.
229. Swiss cheese/american cheese: Swiss.
230. Real World/Road Rules: Real World.
231. Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: Seppuku.
232. Silver/gold: Silver.
233. Nike/Adidas: Adidas.
234. McDonalds/Taco Bell: Taco Bell.
235. Sweet/sour: Sweet.
236. Punk/emo: Punk.
237. Hot/cold: Hot.
238. Winter/summer: Winter.
239. Spring/fall: Spring.
240. Operas/plays: Plays.
241. Read/watch tv: Read.
242. Cd's/tapes: CDs.
243. Dvd's/vhs: DVDs.
244. Old/new: Old.
245. Shorts/skirts: Shorts.
246. Pink/red: Red.
247. Colored pictures/black and white photos: Colored.
248. Meat/vegetables: Meat.
249. Mexican food/Chinese food: Chinese.
250. Commercials/infomercials: Commercials.
251. Scary movies/comedies: Scary movies.
252. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: Birthday suit. PUBLIC NUDITY, HUZZAH.
253. Sandals/tennis shoes: Tennis shoes.
254. Dogs/cats: Dogs.
255. Unicorns/fairies: Fairies.
256. Water/land: Water.
257. Sugar/spice: Spice.
258. Black/white: White.
259. ribbons/bows: Bows.
260. Chicken/beef: Where's the beef?
261. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: Neither.
262. Cars/trucks: Trucks.
263. Austin Powers/James Bond: Yeah, baby, yeah.
264. Popcorn/pretzels: Pretzels.
265. Hip/hop: Neither.
266. Passionate kiss/peck: Passionate kiss.
267. WWE wrestling/real wrestling: Neither.
268. Back rub/foot massage: Back rub.
269. Picture frames/photo albums: Picture frames.
270. Pens/pencils: Pencils.
~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~
271. Eminem: He's white- AND HE RAPS! Wow!~
272. Virgins: Personal choice.
273. God: Perhaps.
274. The Osbournes: Sharoooon!
275. Reality TV: Disease.
276. J.Lo: A beautiful woman, but.. not my type of music.
277. Religion: The opium of the masses.
278. Emo music: Die.
279. Valentine's Day: No opinion.
280. Christina Aguilera's comeback: And continued crappiness.
281. Homosexuals: Another personal choice.
282. Abortion: Another personal choice.
283. Inter-racial relationships: Another personal choice.
284. Murder: Nothing in cold blood. Otherwise, I retain my right to curtail another mortals life on purpose.
285. Death: The end of a chapter, not the end of the book.
286. Obesity: In olden times, fatness was a sign of prosperity! But, I suppose now we've forgotten that. Let's focus on being anorexic instead.
287. Pre-marital sex: Personal choice.
288. Terrorism: Headlines in 1770's: AMERICAN INSURGENCY CONTINUES, BRITISH CASUALTIES MOUNT. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
289. Pornography: If there's demand, there'll be supply.
290. Fortune tellers: The future is not determined in psychic visions. The only thing the dreams or visions tell you is of one possible path. Not that I have experience with this or anything.
291. Threesomes: Personal choice.
292. Prostitution: If there's demand, there'll be supply.
293. Politics: The blind leading the blind.
294. Country music: Sxhit.
295. George W. Bush: The blind leading the blind.
296. Cloning: Sounds fine to me.
297. Britney's boobs: If there's demand-.. wait, no. No.
298. Gas prices in America: I'm in an gas state, fools. HAHAHA, BOW TO MY LOWER GAS PRICES.
~Name Game~
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?.
299. Jack: Broken crowns.
300. Tiffany: Breakfast, anyone?
301. Ben: Round mexican.
302. Maria: Shriver.
303. Jennifer: Good name for a girl.
304. Nicole: Old classmate.
305. Amy: Old classmate.
307. Richard: Nixon.
308. Justin: Turned to god.
310. Tom: Toms.
311. Melissa: AI.
312. Charlotte: Good.
313. Harold: and Maude.
314. John: Neighbor.
315. Joel: White.
316. Vanessa: Pompous.
317. Michelle: Branch.
318. Kevin: Best bro of mine.
319. Brent: Barry. GO SPURS.
320. Jake: Guy from Animorphs I think.
321. Billy: Bob.
322. Sarah: And co.
323. Natalie: Portman.
324. Christi: Body of.
325. Nick: Sen.
326. Linda: Older woman.
327. Taylor: Hewitt.
328. Jordan: Jock.
329. Jamie: Valley girl.
330. Adrian: Asshole.
~Have You Ever....~
331. Mooned anyone? Yes.
332. Been on a diet? Yes.
333. Been to a foreign country? Yes.
334. Broken a bone? No.
335. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: No.
336. Swear at a teacher? Yes.
337. Talked to a xanga member via e-mails or instant messages? No.
338. Got in a fight? Yes.
339. Dated a teacher? No.
340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? No.
341. Thought about killing your enemy? Yes.
342. Gone skinny dipping? Yes.
343. Met another xanga member in the flesh? No.
344. Told a little white lie? Yes.
345. Told a secret you swore not to tell? Yes.
346. Stolen anything? Yes.
347. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? Yes.
348. Been on TV? Yes.
349. Been on the radio? Yes.
350. Been in a mosh pit? Yes.
351. Been to a concert? Yes.
352. Dated one of your best friends? Yes.
353. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? Yes.
354. Decieved somebody close to you? Yes.
355. Broken the law? Yes.
356. Been to a rodeo? Yes.
357. Been on a talk show? Yes.
358. Been on a game show? No
359. Been on an airplane? Yes.
360. Got to ride on a firetruck? Yes.
361. Came close to dying? Yes.
362. Cheated on a bf/gf? No.
363. Gave someone a piggy back ride? Yes.
364. Terrorized a babysitter? Yes.
365. Made a mud pie? Yes.
366. Had a dream that you’re falling off a cliff? No.
367. Snuck out of the house at night? Yes.
368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name? No.
369. Had an eating disorder? No.
370. Felt like you didn't belong? Yes.
371. Felt like the 3rd wheel? Yes.
372. Smoked? Yes.
373. Done drugs? Yes.
374. Been arrested? Yes.
375. Had your tonsils removed? No.
376. Gone to camp? No.
377. Won a bet? Yes.
378. Written a love letter? Yes.
379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? Yes.
380. Written a love poem? Yes.
381. Kissed in the rain? Yes.
382. Slow danced with someone you love? Yes..
383. Participated in cyber sex? Hahaha.
384. Faked an orgasm? No.
385. Stolen a kiss? No.
386. Asked a friend for relationship advice? No.
387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf? Yes.
388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? Yes.
389. Gotten a speeding ticket? No.
390. Done jail time? Sort of.
391. Had to wear a uniform to work? No.
392. Won a trophy? Yes.
393. Thrown up in public? Yes.
394. Bowled a perfect game? No.
395. Failed/got held back? Yes.
396. Got perfect attendance in grade school? Yes.
397. Roasted pumpkin seeds? No.
398. Taken ballet lessons? No.
399. Attempted suicide? Yes.
400. Cut yourself? Yes.
~Childhood Stuff~
401. Did you play with Barbies? No.
402. Did you own Treasure Trolls? No.
403. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210? No.
404. Did you play Simon? Yes.
405. Did you watch Fraggle Rock? Yes.
406. Did you wet the bed? No.
407. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed? Yes.
408. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them? o.o
409. Were you shy? No.
410. Were you spoiled? No.
411. Were you abused? Yes.
412. Did you go to the circus? Yes.
413. Did you go to the zoo? Yes.
414. Were you in a car accident? Yes.
415. Did you build snowmen? No.
416. Did you cry when you scraped your knee? No.
417. Were your older cousins mean to you? No.
418. Did you think slinkies were cool? Yes.
419. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer?: No.
420. Were you afraid of the dark? Yes.
421. Did you have slumber parties? No.
422. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas? ...
423. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany? No.
424. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy? No.
425. Do you believe in aliens? Yes.
426. Name three things that are next to your computer: A plushie camel, a movie poster and my books.
427. Do you have any hidden talents? Yes.
428. Do you wish MTV would play music videos? No.
429. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? "Sennen and the Plushie Factory". Tori would be like the Queen of the Plushies, making magical little plushies in her famous, secretive factory. Sennen would win a prize and tour it with four other people.. those naughty, nasty little buggers would be done off in different ways. The singing oompa-loompas would be replaced by plushie versions of everyone. Sort of like this:
Child: *transformed in some bad, horrible way*
Tori: You naughty child! >_< Getting into things you weren't supposed to! Tsk.
Exasperated mother: Can't you change him back?! Can't you do anything?
Tori: Hmmm... *plays on magical little flute*
Magical plushies: *appear from various doors and places* Good day to you, Queen! ^_^
Tori: Hello to all of you! ^_^
Naughty Child: What on earth are those things?
Mini-Ken: Foolish mortal! We are the elements of your demise! Prepare to be exterminated! BWAHAHA.
Mini-Kei: *smack*
Mini-Ken: Errr, we're magical plushies! =D
Mini-James: Agents and servants of our beloved Queen!
Tori: Yes! But, I have a very impotant matter for you all. I need you to.. *whispers*
Plushies: *nod at various intervals, some of them glancing at
the naughty child*
Mini-Juuthena: What you asked is complicated.. he might explode or somethin'. o.o
Mini-Shinmaru: Will we be accountable if something goes wrong?
Tori: No, no. Just do your best. ^_^
Mini-Ken: FRIGGIN' SWEET! Err, I mean.. We'll do our best, ma'am! *salute* No mistakes will occur, nope. *wink*
Plushies: *all wink at the same time with a grin on their face*
Mother: o.o...........
And it would go on from there.
430. What would your movie star name be? Cthulu.
431. Do you play any sports? Basketball.
432. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? None.
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? Hellboy.
434. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen? I remember a horror movie about a possessed snowman I think.
435. Do you drive? Yes.
436. What is your dream car? Royal Tiger.
437. Do you think your good looking? No.
438. Do others think you are good looking? Yes.
439. Would you ever sky dive? Yes.
440. Do you believe in Bigfoot? Yes, his name is Robin Williams.
441. How many rooms do you have in your house? 9.
442. Are you afraid of roller coasters? No.
443. Do you believe in God? I have no opinion.
444. Do you believe in Satan? In a sense.
445. Do you believe there is a heaven? No.
446. Do you believe there is a hell? No.
447. Do you own a pooltable? No.
448. Do you have a pool? No.
449. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen? Yes.
450. Do you like chocolate? Yes.
451. Who/what is on your 2004 calendar? What calendar?
452. How many U.S. states have you been to? Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Kenland.
453. Ever wished on a shooting star? Yes.
454. Best Halloween costume you ever wore? None.
455. Do you carry any weapons on you? My fists.
456. What is your weakness? Good question.
457. Name something you can't get enough of: croissants. I love croissants.
458. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: Existing wandering sage.
459. How many kids do you want to have? As many as possible.
460. Future daughters names: Jennifer, Narna, Nevri.
461. Future sons names: Kenneth.
462. What is your ideal way to die? Slowly.
463. How do you release stress? Gaming.
464. Are you a trendy person? No.
465. Are you an artistic person? Yes.
466. Are you a realistic person? Yes.
467. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off? No.
468. Are you a strong person? My opinion on the matter doesn't matter. Actions speak louder than words.
469. Are you a strong willed person? Yes.
470. Who is the last person to e-mail you? Roxie I think.
471. Who is the last person to IM you? Travis.
472. Do you hate chain e-mails? Yes.
473. Are you a deep sleeper? Yes.
474. Are you a good story teller? Funny story about that, one time when I was downtown..
475. What do you believe is your best quality? Humility.
476. What is your greatest accomplishment? Surviving.
477. Do you like to burn candles or incense? Yes.
478. Do you do yoga? No.
479. Do you have your own credit card? No.
480. Let's say you win the lotto. I'd not be jackassing around with dumbass quizzes.
481. Do you have a check book? No.
482. Do you like your driver? Jeeves is a very good driver.
483. Do you tan easily? Yes.
484. What color is your hair naturally? Tie dye.
485. How many fillings do you have? None.
486. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? None.
487. Worst feeling in the world? Death of spirit.
488. Best feeling in the world? Contentment.
489. Is the glass half empty or half full? It's about to break.
490. Last thing you downloaded? Mod for Battlefield 1942.
491. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life? Not really. My mom didn't know what I meant when I said that something was "nuked". Silly adults.
492. What do you think people think of you? They see me as they want to see me. I do not care how they think of me, as long as I know that I am staying true to who I am.
493. Are you a likeable person? I guess.
494. Do you need therapy? I hate therapy.
495. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? No, I skip those.
496. What the best way to be proposed to? Fun fact: Every Febuary 29th, women are allowed to propose to guys withoout it being ritualistically incorrect. Didn't know that, did you?
497. What kind of movie would you star in? Or maybe like we could do a war movie. "Saving Private Sennen". But instead of Germans, we'd have to trudge through a ton of newbies..
Ken: There are too many of them!
Shinmaru: *beats newb back with his rifle*
Ken: Runnnnn!
Squad: *flees*
498. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP? How about FU.
499. When are you moving? All the time, my friend.
500. What's your favorite phrase? "Fiat justitia, ruat coelum"- Let justice be done, though heaven may fall.
But she said.
That was several hundred questions too many. I'm out of here.
P.P.S. I got my license in the mail today and the picture on it is actually pretty good.
P.P.P.S. lol. Behind the scenes of it all, I know too many people personally..
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
This isn't a full post, really- I just need a literary critique. I wanted to post a story in this thread, but I'm not sure it is good enough to go there. Do you think this story is on par with the ones in there? My style sucks. <_<;
Ressurection. [M]
My eyes shot open and traced along the wall, a wicked grin slowly revealing itself on my face... that was my answer. I can't really remember how long ago it was- that day, that blessing of a day when I sat down and told myself.. "those fuckers are going to pay". It was a pleasurable, relieving thought- throwing myself to the dogs like that, just dropping the hammer down. Right on target- *pow*, there it was.. my plan. Suicidal as it was, I knew that someone had to do it- let justice be done, though heaven may fall.. right? Quietly pondering, cleverly thinking- it could be done. It would be done. I will be my agent of justice, my vengeance will be attained through blood and toil. An eye for an eye..
Middle of suburbia, the wasteland of houses that repeat themselves over and over- there I was, in my basement- dark and light fighting a pitched battle around me. Reading over manuals, looking to see how *they* did it, those professional rapists, them- those slaughterers of millions, pigs of war, whatever you called them. I studied and learned, how those masters of murder did it. I acquired the necessary resources- my armaments, my weapons. They would be an extension of myself, another arm- another ligament, striking down those that did me so much harm. Building, creating- expanding... my own abilities. I was ready, yes- I was finally ready. I glanced at the clock- it was almost time.
D-Day. 0 hour. I stepped gingerly into the limelight, feeding on the glow of the atmosphere- people talking, people laughing, people existing- so carefree. I felt different- just.. different. Now I'm the one carefree, now I'm breathing- living, existing.. I no longer fear them, all of them together.. they hold no power over me, I am finally *free*. Smile, actor- smile! You're the main character now, this act is all about you! I reached under my coat and took out the gun, pointing it at the nearest person. It was a teenage girl walking towards me- an angel of a being, so out of reach, so perfect, so lovely, so.. guilty. I still remember the shock on her face, the pure essence of fear draping across her face as I pulled the trigger- shot her point blank, right in the heart. The angel had fallen- how easily they had fallen, from their high perch above me. It was like the seas had parted, people running this way and that- all because of me. Shot after shot, bullet after bullet- I had to get them all, they all had to understand the lesson that I had to teach- they must know the definition of pain. Bodies falling everywhere, blood slowly seeping onto the floor.. screaming, fear, chaos. Beautiful. It was so.. beautiful.
I had finally awoken.
Omerta PT. II.
Either this ends here, or it continues- I don't really care either way, lol. I want to know how it compares- to them, the people in the thread.
I'm no writer. I imagine, I create- but it's hard for me to place the worlds in my head into any other form. It's an intriguing problem, lol.
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