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Sunday, January 2, 2005
The city of glass that I live in.
Comments on commentary-
Lily- Bug me if you wish. ;P
DDG- Yeah, that got a little bit longer than I realized, hm. WOOPS.
Roxie- Cynicism is not well-enough defined of a word. Either you can believe that all the people in the world are selfish by choice, or you can believe that they do not know better. I am inclined to think that on the basis of primal survival, people are concerned with themselves to a very overt degree. It takes a higher understand to be able to spread your resources, whatever that might imply, to other people who need or want them. It's not your fault, I'm selfish sometimes too- I just try my best to not be.
That might seem a little arrogant because I am a little bit arrogant. *points to the part about being an elitist* =P
Shinfaru- I suppose it was, if you find that sort of thing interesting. o.o
The thin darkness here;
There was a disaster in Asia that has been implied by religious people to be a sign of this being the Bible's "Last Days". Id est, the Bible lists things that will be occur before Armageddon comes- the list includes an increase of earthquakes, wars, famine and a common sense of Godlessness as people go about serving their materialism more than their deity of choice, id est they are serving Satan in lieu of God as Satan has made Earth his "domain" for now [he is the King of Earth in other words], if you serve for material, man-made possessions you are inadvertently worshipping the Devil. I find it offensive that people are taking a human disaster and focusing on the ethereal- if there is such a spiritual being of higher wisdom, I would be inclined to believe that his signs of coming disaster wouldn't kill an entire generation of a region's population. If you are a human then for the sake of your species, when something as large and devastating as this occurs focus on the humanity involved- the battered, parentless children, the devastated families, the people who went out to fish so they would have food on the table that night and never came home again. Focus on the tangible, not the intangible- focus on the living, breathing chaotic disaster that exists.
I have no inclination to believe that any wise deity would will this upon any amount of persons as a trumpeting call signaling his 'glorious' arrival. If so, I have more reason to not be serving any God, Goddess or otherwise.
Not strong enough to make you appear.
I spent New Year's by myself mostly, ringing in the new year with plenty of thought and ritualistic recitation of vows that I would fulfill for this year. It was like a battlezone out here, there were fireworks going off in every direction imaginable- they were going off all across the sky, and it was beautiful to watch. Just me, myself, a hilltop and the fireworks. I was a bit irritated at having no company, but it was alright- I knew I wouldn't like to share that moment with a ton of people or anything, maybe just one person. What'd you guys do for New Year's?
Now I'm breathing;
In a matter of what seems like a few moments, your reading of this will become a memory. Years will pass by you almost in the blink of an eye, and yet the future seems to crawl slowly towards you- taunting you with it's promises, the past taunting you with moments you might have missed. Hindsight is always 20/20. I suppose what I'm saying is that time is an amusing thing- as, it seems like only moments ago I joined OB as an blabbering, foulmouthed kid. And yet, here we are- years later. New people have arrived on OB and old ones have departed, but I am still here. I have an understanding that our time together might be coming to a close by the end of this year, but that discussion is for another time. Whenever I do tell you goodbye, don't take it is a finality- I'm sure you'll see more of me, around places, peoples and things. Consider it a "farewell for now". As I always hold the hope that when people tell me "goodbye", they are simply saying "farewell for now"- but I know that sometimes it might not be true.As for me, I believe it will be true. But, my goodbyes are not for today or this week or this month- perhaps not even this year. As a man with no schedule, with no plan I must go day by day- so when I do depart, it might be sudden.
Until that time I will continue to be perplexed about the path I have chosen, and wonder if I did the right thing. But, I am sure that 5 years from now I will know that I did the right thing. The path through that five years is the hard part.
I could not breathe until you did.
I suppose that is all. I will see you all again. I hope you are well.
P.S. Thank you, Mr. Fett. That made my day- I was rather dismayed I had only one mention prior to yours, lol.
P.P.S. And, as always- Go Spurs!
Comments (2) |
Friday, December 31, 2004
Retreat only if you dare not hear yourself say goodbye.
Comments on commentary-
Lea- Don't come here again.
Aye de Eff- No problem! Congrats on your win. ^_^
Yeah, I'm sorry too. =X That was really horrid, to be sure. Good luck with your driver's test!
Shinmaru- Indeed! Congrats to Irish.
Well, we would have gone there early in the morning but.. it doesn't really matter in a city of a million+ since the lines would be there in the morning too, lol. DMV is.. inefficient, to be sure.
Mr. Dan- *eats Floorsville* Mmm. Delicious suburbia. =D
I'm stealing this idea from Reina, a good friend of mine. It's some sort of short biography composed in short, choppy sentences. It's just to tell people about yourself, I guess- she asked that people steal it from her, so.. lol.
My name is Kenneth Andrew Howell. I'm sixteen years old by chronological date. Mentally I am well beyond my years and will probably keep progressing in that regard until something optimistic occurs. I'm physically imposing to most people. I'm Mexican, native American, black and either German or English- I'm not 100 percent sure how much of any of that I am, as my family history is not known to me. I was born to Tammy Lynn Howell, who was only 16 when she gave birth to me. My father is John Chavverea, whom I have never seen- he was around the same age as Tammy and currently lives in San Diego, California. I have not seen my mother in many years, now- she calls sporadically, but it is usually when she is regretting something or in a drunken stupor. I lived with my biological mother for 6 years, from two till eight. Prior to that I was in the care of my Grandparents, and am currently in their care now. I have a little sister whom I love dearly and haven't seen since I was eight. I have suffered varying forms of abuse until my teenage years. I am not depressed about such things, as my friend pointed out that due to such events I am who I am now, significantly wiser than most my peers and "battle hardened" if you will - I survive adversity quite easily, I've come to find. After all of that, I have proven to be rather lucky- I wish I was joking, but everything seems to quietly roll my way if it is something truly important. I am not a religious person, as through all my years of existence there was never an answer to any of my plea-filled prayers. I delve in mysticism- I believe in spirits. Spirits of earth, spirits of fire, spirits of the dead, spirits of anything. I have been admitted to a psychiatric hospital in my youth, so you could take my opinions with a grain of salt if you wish. Eccentricity is my programming, apparently- norms are there to be quietly ignored if I am not in them. I don't strive to be different or to be normal, I strive to exist in a position that is most close to who I am. If I am normal, then I am normal. If I am different, then I am different. If it is me, what does it matter? I don't care much for clothes shopping, but I have a odd love of strange or funky t-shirts that have witty words or pictures on them. My favorite soup is New England Clam Chowder. I am a pre-diabetic. I do not dislike needles. I am not sensitive to blood or the sight of gore. The professions that I used to romanticise about being are: Architect, Robotics Engineer, meteorologist, Psychiatrist. My current profession is "freelancer"- I have no plans for life, as the only thing I wish to do is live. I am not content with resigning myself to the "rat race", even if it is in a half-baked attempt at the "American dream". I would rather live in squalor traveling the world than to be rich and tied down to existing for corporations. I have been to 14 funerals and two weddings in my life. I don't describe myself as a pessimist, I describe the rest of you as optimists- I'm a realist, by most accounts. Existence isn't meant to be peachy constantly or doom-filled constantly- it's a balance of bad and good. Some focus on the bad, some focus on the good- I focus on both. I enjoy metal. Not nu-metal, but metal-metal- true, good metal. I am a student of history, or some forms of it- I know more about modern history than most people, and am reasonably knowledged on earlier eras of history. I am not an American by choice, my geographical location pins that horrid title on me. I do not support America. I am a rather loyal Texan, mainly because Texas gets knocked by other states that I find to be equally pitiable- so, I need to point out their failings. George Bush wasn't born here. Blame New Hampshire- We did the best we could. If you think he could have turned out better being raised in another state like California or something, then that's your right. I've been to the Alamo once or twice, but am not as ectatic as the tourists are- I live here, so it's pretty normal. I support the NBA team San Antonio has, the San Antonio Spurs. I like two kinds of pizza- straight mushroom, or supreme. I write poetry. I also am a rather astute lecturer. I have had formal training in public speaking, so I am also a rather astute public speaker. I have an odd sense of humor. I have gotten straight A's for most of my life, all the way up until now. I have gotten 100 percent scores on several report cards over the years, including ones in History, Math, Geography and Science. I am a hopeless romantic- as my mother departed that trait upon me with her endless rantings about what true love is. I have tried alcohol and several drugs- I don't recommend any of them to you, as they are quite overhyped to say the least. I'm an intellectual elitist. If you are stupid or unwise, you irritate me- especially if you don't pay attention to me trying to teach you things. I believe that there should be systems in place to weigh a person's intelligence prior to important things- like voting. My political ideology is authoritarian- I believe that benevolent dictatorships are the most efficient form of government. That could be argued to be Fascism, but those that argue that I ignore. Democracy is not something I support. I will have no opposition to killing someone, if it is required by superior officers or is in an act of self defense. I do not usually speak frankly with people, as people easily shun my natural opinions- I usually filter or mask parts of myself to make it easier for the consumer to consume. I enjoy friendships- I have many friends of differing degrees, and I would strive to help any of them if they were in dire need. I have not gotten sick in two years. I believe in psychic power. I used to be a rather easy person to control, until I was nine- then I began asking why, and it all went downhill from there, hm. I'm not a big fan of talking on the phone- it's a bit awkward, I suppose I'm shy on the phone for some reason. In real life I'm quite animated sometimes- fidgety, to boot. I would like to think that someday I might partake in an act of arson- pretty colors and such, you know. I suppose I might be a pyromaniac, hm. I'm single and passively looking for that elusive one and only. I'm quite bitter as I view the world as being overtly selfish- I have experienced many times when the conversation would die as soon as I start talking about me. I have come to believe that people only enjoy hearing about themselves, so I humor them. I let them talk about themselves as much as they want, if that is what they desire. My favorite color is crimson- the color of blood, the color of life, the color that I am most familiar with IRL. It marks my fall, it marks my rise, it marks the passion that I have for living, the zealous fury that I will not fall to anything. I can be quite cold hearted if I want to be. There are two sides to my mind, the side that wants to be some form of Jesus and sacrifice myself for everyone and the side that wants to see most of you dead for the atrocities committed to me in my youth. The balance of both produces who I am. Yes, I used to engage in fantasies of killing people due to my pessimistic, wounded mind- thinking of school shootings and such. I'm well beyond thoughts of revenge, but it has left me with a muted sense of what it means to kill someone- thusly, I am open to killing. I have worn glasses since I was in first grade, I have worn contacts since third. I fear being left alone, and yet if someone pisses me off with tangents of "betrayal" or how I "hurt them" I can sometimes be willing to cast them aside- I have existed as a lone wolf at times, and am all too ready to accept being alone again if I feel it correct to do so. When I look around me, I don't see places- I see colors, I see people. I see existence in motion. I pity most people, as they go around, locked in their life as an ant- An ant viewing ants is equally pitiable, but I know that somehow I am more free than they can ever hope to be. Laws are meant to be broken, if they are in the way. I cannot draw. I have lost three friends to suicide and attempted suicide myself- obviously, that venture failed so I continue to exist. I cannot attempt it again as I have made promises that I won't, and I keep my word. My past is something unchangeable, so I merely reflect on it- I find it better to focus on the future, what I can change. I am open to sex at my age- even if it was with the goal of procreation. If it was with who I love, I would be willing to do that. I want to have a daughter. I don't know why, I just want to have a daughter that I can watch become the most beautiful, intelligent and wise woman to have ever existed on this Earth. I love kids. Kids and I are in tune, for some reason- we just get along for no obvious reason. Groups of kids are cool too, they like to tackle me- try to take me down, but I usually can withhold their futile assaults. Kids make life much better, so innocent and free. I have considered taking a profession that involves kids, since I love being around them so much. My favorite movie is The Twilight Zone Movie, which no one has seen for some reason. I don't date over distance anymore. It seems that I am destined to be alone romantically, but I have no problems with that. The differences between online and IRL do not matter to me. If people sell you lies, they do- it's still a band of communication that is quite intimate. The bonds I have formed with people online will not fade, unless they wish them to. My devotion to friends is true, online or off. I am a gamer. I have been a gamer since I was three. I have fears, but they do not bother me. Fears can only be conquered by facing them, so they will fade with time and courage. I don't like to be patronized. I have had many pets, but currently I have two dogs. I am homeschooled. I am currently seeking employment so I can earn money for a planned trip to California and one to Europe after that. I do not tolerate pacifists. I am a Leo and was born in the year of the Dragon- a volatile mix, apparently. I was born at 2:22 PM. I have no purpose in being here, I merely exist because of a mistake a man and a woman made a mistake 16 years ago. I believe I will wander for a time and pass on, if my liege's plans fail. I do not think I am here to change the world, but I do hope I can affect a few people's lives for the better. I have a bad habit of devouring the cuticles of my fingers. My closing statement is this- there is much more that can be said, and much more that will come to be. However, the infinite details of who I am cannot be transposed onto paper easily, as it cannot be transposed onto paper easily for any of you. Who I am is simple, I am Ken. What I am is a much deeper process.
You don't know all of me, as I don't know all of you. I seek to know you. Seek to know me if you wish.
Ghost of the Sun.
As that was overtly long, I'm inclined to say that this post is over. Something more interesting will come tomorrow.
Until then, have a good one.
P.S. Happy New Year! Hope you enjoy yourselves. =)
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Contagion MMV.
Aye de Eff- Firstly, I'm plagued by both so that technicality doesn't really matter to me in the least, lol.
Next, I'm glad your Christmas was awesome! Californication rocks. Burning your thumb does not.
*hug* ^_^
Lea- Hallo. =) *poke*
Bastard nation.
Why was there no lotto on Monday? Well, I'll tell you why. I had the pleasant experience of going to the DMV on Monday- three hurrahs for that fucking escapade. The line was out of the door by about twenty feet. I wasn't exactly flabbergasted, but I realized the chances of me losing most of my sanity within a few minutes were high. We were standing behind a guy who was moving here from Oklahoma to work at the new Toyota plant- bit of local news, but Toyota is rush-building a production plant on the South side of San Antonio, giving a ton of new jobs to people in the area. When I say rush job, I mean rush- I talked to one of the head engineers who is working on building the plant and he said he was working five days a week, 17 hour shifts. They are paying great overtime apparently, people are making like a couple thousand dollars every week. ANYWAY, this guy was going to work building the plant and hopefully afterwards become some sort of manager of one of the welding lines. He was pretty cool, mid-40's had a braid and tattoo- typical craftsman, I suppose. The dude behind us was this fat, nerdish guy in his 30's who was the size of Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory after she eats the gum. He had his wallet stolen so he had the dubious honor of taking a tour of all the government buildings in town to get everything straight- he was headed to the Social Security office next, heh. It was quite an entourage of characters, to be sure. I think we spent about an hour and a half in line, as it slowly snaked into this little hovel of a building that could barely pass for a gas station let alone a government office. I have a serious aversion to bureaucracy- the inefficient, bloated mass that most of our government is choking on and will continue to choke on for who knows how long. But this was just really irritating my senses.
The snaking line finally comes out at this little desk that has an overworked looking pair at the helm, rushing about like the ants they are. There is a black line on the floor about three front from the font of the desk that says "please wait here". To add to this, there is a yellow sign over the desk states "please stand at the black line until you are called over". Unbelievably, underneath the sign is another sign, which says "Please read the yellow sign". It was all rather humorous, really- maybe something out of an animated fairytale or something. Alice in Bureaucratland perhaps. The guy with the braid is called up- he is there for a Texas I.D. card so he can go for the job interview tomorrow at the plant site. He needs three pieces of proper identification- the knucklehead somehow doesn't have his Social Security card with him. Duh. He goes through his entire wallet looking for a last piece of accepted identification, but can't find anything- so the guy at the desk hands him a list of identification pieces they accept and sends him on his way. I felt sorry for him- an hour and a half in line just to get owned by more rules and regulations. I was next. I was ready- I had a small file folder with the required items, a smile on my face and the confident thought that I had survived the line without losing more than 90 percent of my sanity. I walk up, tell him I'm there for my provisional license- he asks me for a few forms from the Driving School I took and such, I have them. He hands me a clipboard and a number, tells me they will call my number when it's time for me to come. I was about to walk away when all of the shit in the folder slid out and was about to scatter itself across his desk, but thanks to my occupational skills I caught them all before they scattered to the winds. It was jarring, but I survived the folder's attempt at screwing me over.
I sat down in the myriad of chairs there- most of them were full of people sitting around, attempting to look occupied when they were really bored shitless. I glanced up next to the shoddy, 80's style television and saw next to it was a "Now serving: #" sign- I was even more amused, but I had a form to fill out. The form was full of questions that were somewhat irrelevant. "WOULD YOU LIKE TO DONATE MONEY TO THE TEXAS BLIND FOUNDATION"; "HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION"; "HAVE YOU EVER GONE $%)_*$@ING CRAZY AND BLOWN SOMEONE UP"; "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GOING TO FINISH FILLING OUT THIS FORM, YOU SILLY BASTARD"; "ARE YOU A COMMUNIST TRAITOR THAT NEEDS TO BE PUNISHED"; "DO YOU LIKE DONUTS"; etc. After the questions, there was a small paragraph that, to paraphrase it, asked me if I was who I was saying I was and to swear that the person I am saying I am is loyal to Texas and not going to break laws, not filling this out with a revoked/suspended license; etc. I looked up to the person I was saying I was- Kenneth Andrew Howell. Now, to my knowledge, that person is who I am so I was sure that saying I was that person was a-OK. Signed, printed, put my phone number, address, was done.
They called out my number, number 10- great, away we go. Got up, walked into another mini-line that lead into this row of desks- four desks, 3 cameras between each clerk. There had taped white lines in front of the cameras where you were supposed to stand when they were taking your picture- ok, yeah. "Next in line!" was the call, and up I went to this woman in her late fifties who was clearly preoccupied in talking office gossip. She asked for the form I filled out, another form and the five dollar processing fee- no problem. There was alot of typing at her computer, and alot of her whispering to her co-workers- so I stood in awkward silence, fidgeting a bit. Asks me to step to the line, blinds me with the flash from the camera- no problem, no problem. She asked me to sign my name on this little electrical machine- you know, the signature that they put on your real license. Then I had to depress both my thumb on another machine, and I was done. That was that- my time in dante's inferno was over. Hallelujah. I went outside and was happy to see daylight for the first time in eons. I had arrived there at 12:50. I departed at 3:05.
I got home and pissed on the lottery, sitting down to relax for the rest of the day. But, thankfully we now have the results of the lottery- the winner isssss.. IDF! The method I used for the lotto was a hat- put all the names into it, swished it around for a good 10-15 seconds, pulled the name out. So, good job IDF! I just need your name/address so I can mail you your prize. Thank you for participating! As a consolation, if you so desire, you can get a SNAIL MAIL LETTER from Ken! This letter will be complete with ranting, raving and lunatic rhetoric- it will even by signed by Ken himself! If you wish to have your consolation prize, do remember to give me your name/address.
Revokers of light, bane of all existence, fought with claws against the stars.
Once again, thank you for participating- until my next crazy idea, good night to you all!
P.S.Pay your respect.
P.P.S. Balance of power.
Comments (4) |
Sunday, December 26, 2004
It's a metaphor for life, Hobbes.
Comments on commentary-
Erin- Why, Soundgarden does my good lady! "Burden in my Hand" is the song. I can toss it to you, if you'd like.
Ahh, peace and love. It's not so much about that, it's more about the warrior's spirit! The honor of being a soldier, a fighter. Honor amongst soldiers should exist, don't you concur?
Mr. Fett- I concur.
Lily- Gettin' old, little lady? ;P *hands you a cane* Thank you for the well-wishes!
Aye De Eff- No, no. Honor amongst warriors implies that you keep it personal- while he is your enemy, that does not make him inhuman. Hiding in the bushes is tactically sound! Completely different things, that. War is supposed to have two faces- on the one hand, you can't be burdened down with the fact that you've killed *people*. Living, animated beings have been curtailed from this dimension because of your actions. On the other hand, you can't reduce them to a status lower than you- they are soldiers, warriors, fighters, whatever they are, too. Equal, in other words. You just don't agree opinion wise- so, you are on the battlefield, fighting tooth and nail.
Ahh, keeping it personal. I like the stories about the Ghurka warriors from Nepal. You should research them sometime, they are a fantastic bunch. They display the warrior spirit.
We three kings.
You know what I have a real problem with- regret. My past seems to be a heavy burden on my soul for some reason. I regret things I've said to people from years ago sometimes- or as soon as last July, when I angered this lady friend of mine. Guilt is hard for others to put on me, but easy for me to put on me. I'm not really sure why, to be honest- it just seems that my past plagues me more than any of the engimatienigmatics of my future could ever attempt to. This is a negative thing, something weighing on my soul- now, I don't want to be a heartless bastard but some of these things are rediculoridiculousose to ease the guilt of the past I have to secure a future where I do things the way that I want to do them- without screwing up. Yeah, do things correctly in your future to forget the regret of the past.
16 years too many.
Haec olim meminisse juvabit- Elims a ecrof, won rof tub.
I spent Christmas alone, lol. My dinner was a pizza. That's all that occured occurred day, aside from gaming. I hope all of you had a good Christmas- what did you all get? How was it? What did you do?
Pax Americana.
Well, that's about it for now. I have nothing to talk about, go figure. lol.
Catch you later.
P.S. Nature.
Comments (2) |
Friday, December 24, 2004
Follow me into the desert, as thirsty as you are.
Comments on commentary-
Aye de Eff- Surreal because I feel like the black sheep in myriads of white sheep, and only I can see their environment's dimensions- they cannot see the world they exist in, as odd as that is.
When I was an infant, I was..
HeartofSword- o.o! Careful! *keeps you from falling over* Phew. =)
Neil- It's strange that we can define what is ailing our country so easily and yet we have no power to do anything about it. It's almost like the curse of the thinkers is the fact that, beyond your thoughts, you have no power over what you are thinking about.. so all your ideas are wasted and the cycle of inefficiency keeps chugging along.
Erin- The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie too, ^_^.My sister and I used to sing along to the credits, when they played that song..
That is an interesting thing to experience. A wanderer with no place to wander to.
Roxie- "WWII was our last good war.."
No, our last "good" war was Gulf War 1.
"People don't like the war right now because Saddam's regime didn't actually physically come up to our faces and blow us up."
The mouse does not have to bitchslap the cat to get a reaction. Especially a mouse with blood on it's hands and resources in his country.
"The intelligent people that don't like the war is b/c there is was no justification for the war."
War is always justified, trust me. Saddam Hussein killed thousands of innocent civilians on purpose. His political power maneuvers killed numerous 'intelligent people'. He killed thousands of Iranians, too. How many more things does a dictator have to do to have his removal be a "good" thing? Maybe start up a few concentration camps? I mean, he already did the genocide thing. Maybe he needs to put them in camps first for his regime to be a "bad" thing. =)
War for resources is also justified. All countries have and will engage in warfare for resources. That does not make them bad- that makes them human. However, oil is an intriguing subject as the US has tapped very little of it's own natural gas and oil areas as of late. We don't need to be relying on other countries for oil, if we focused on our own supplies- but we aren't for some reason, hm.
"Think of a school fight."
No. It's different and you know it.
Heh. Yeah, I *really* love being reminded of my childhood.
Neil- No, we were not in tip top shape. It took six months for the US to do anything because it's economy was swinging into war mode. After that, we produced our own "tip top" arms. But, even then, the US did not have fully superior infantry weapons or tanks to any of the Axis powers or, with tanks, the Russians. What we had was what Russia had- numbers. Our quality was significantly less than the German's but we could pump out significantly larger quantities. Post-WWII we have not really "dominated" quality, still- we have a slight edge, at the most.
Other than that, your opinion is yours. I'm not calling you on it.
Lileh- Hallo! :D *hugs you*
Play it again.
A new year is upon us. January is an intriguing month, isn't it? Hm. Four years ago, I think it is- yes, four years ago I lost something. So I was wondering what this month means to me. Is it a month of sorrow or a month of remembrance of the good times. I suppose it's the latter, for once. I think that is what people should maybe consider- good times instead of the fact they are gone. It is contentment with their loss, instead of regret or sorrow. I don't think that's personal strength, I think it might be some form of logic at work- personal strength should not be a part of losing someone. That is silly, you should not be impervious to the fact that someone has died. You should engage in some form of ritualistic funeral and remember them- it's how you remember them that counts, I suppose.
Time is unforgiving.
Pick and choose.
Well, it's Christmas Eve so I'm going to do the stereotypical well-wishes to all of you. Have a good time and enjoy yourselves.

I'm greeting my downward fall.
Today in history during World War 1 something called the "Christmas Truce" occurred. It was the last occasion of honorable warfare in history. It happened at the end of 1914, starting on Christmas Eve in the Ypres region of Belgium. The German troops started to decorate the area around their trenches- putting candles in trees, for example. They continued the celebration by singing Christmas Carols. The British troops in the trenches across from them responded by singing English Christmas carols. The two sides continued exchanging holiday greetings to each other, and soon there were calls for visits across the no-man's land in between the two sides trenches. These visits happened- the British and Germans exchanging small gifts of whisky, cigars and the like. The artillery in the area stopped for the night. The truce also allowed a breathing spell where recently fallen soldiers could be brought back behind their lines by burial parties. Proper burials took place as soldiers from both sides mourned the dead together and paid their respect. At one funeral in No Man's Land, soldiers from both sides gathered and read a passage from the 23rd Psalm. The truce spread to other parts of the lines- there is even a legend of a soccer match between the British and the Germans that ended when the ball struck a piece of barbed wire and deflated. In many sectors the truce lasted through the night, but in a select few it lasted all the way until Christmas Day. British commanders Sir John French and Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien vowed that no such truce would be allowed again. In all of the following years of the war, artillery bombardments were ordered on Christmas Eve to ensure that there was no further lulls in the combat. Troops were also rotated through various sectors of the front to prevent them from becoming overly familiar with the enemy. Despite those measurements, there were a few friendly encounters between enemy soldiers, but on a much smaller scale than the previous year. The Christmas Truce has often been characterized as the last "twitch" of the 19th century: it was the last moment when in war, two sides would meet each other in proper and mutual respect for one another; when they would greet each other with kindness to show that - in spite of the horrible turn of events that had unfolded - they were still honorable and respectful soldiers of war.
And thusly, in almost 100 years of modern history, we have never fought a war in such an honorable way again. With all of our progress, we have lost our respect for our advisary- they are human being as we are, and they should be treated as such.
90 years later the warrior spirit lays dormant, until whichtime it is reawakened by our growth out of childhood as a species.
Crack a smile and cut your mouth.
Uh oh. *hit in the face by a survey*
a p p e a r a n c e
HEIGHT: 6'3.
SKIN COLOR: Uh. Tanned white.
EYE COLOR: Dark brown.
TATTOOS: Hope to get one.
r i g h t . n o w
WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: "Burden In My Hand" - Soundgarden.
HOW ARE YOU? ____________.
d o . y o u
HAVE A BAD HABIT?: I'm a little fidgety.
f a v o r i t e s
TV SHOW: Law & Order: SVU, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Mythbusters, Monster House, Iron Chef.
CONDITIONER: The blood of lawyers.
BOOK: "The Meaning of Hitler" by Sebastian Haffner, "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown.
MAGAZINE: Popular Science.
BAND OR GROUP or SINGER or RAPPER: Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Gonga.
h a v e . y o u
BROKEN THE LAW: Yes. Shoplifted and some other things.
l o v e
SEXUALITY: Straight.
YOUR GREATEST REGRET: The one that got away.
r a n d o m
DO YOU HAVE A JOB: Will have one soon.
YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW: "Nothing Safe" by Alice in Chains.
WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET?: Still seeking out that elusive Pig Destroyer CD. God I've been searching for that thing for a year now.
w h e n / w h a t . w a s . t h e . l a s t
TIME YOU CRIED?: Months ago.
YOU GOT A REAL LETTER?: A month ago.
YOU GOT E-MAIL: A week ago.
THING YOU PURCHASED: Two books at the mall a few days ago.
MOVIE YOU SAW AT THE THEATER: Er. I dunno. I think it was like F 9/11. lol.
The sins of you and I.
That's about it. Later.
P.S. Uh oh.
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Out of my head, I sang.
Comments on commentary-
Mr. Fett- I know someone who plans to be the one man, haha. It's going to be a long few years!..
Erin- =D Do they rock? WHY YES THEY DO.
Shinfaru- Yeah, I've got some rarer RPGs people crave. Example: Suikoden 1 and 2.
Leaful- The rocking continues! Hoo hah!
Eff de Aye- Competition, my good friend! Without it, the sects humanity has divided itself into seem to crumble! Who can compete with the U.S. at the moment? No one! China is getting there, but you don't hear alot of good things about the Chinese Navy- which makes them significantly less powerful! The Cold War spurred on science and technology [the Space Program for example] for a reason- they were out to prove something to the "other" side!
Without competition, everything stagnates!
Leaful- Uh, horray for showering?
Neil- Iraq is still salvageable as long as the US citizenry doesn't wimp out like in Vietnam. Military superiority is assured- just, suddenly, it is unacceptable for people to *die* in *war*. Even if this is one of the lowest casualty counts for any war, it's not "right" for people to die in a *warzone* because, well.
People like things to be black and white. Death is bad, life is good. War is bad, peace is good. They don't grasp the complexities of things, no matter how simple they are- like, if you are in a warzone with mortars going off around you and bullets flying at you.. there is the minute, ever so small chance that something sharp and bad for you is going to *slam into your body armor or skin* which implies you're getting wounded or killed. Morality doesn't exist in war, it's a deathmatch between two sides until one is pacified- which means if the U.S. citizens get all pacifistic and anti-war again, Iraq *is* screwed and it isn't JUST because of Bush or anything- it's because people somehow have got the equation wrong. To them, American lives > countries' freedom or American lives > thousands killed by brutal regime or American lives > anything that you have to fight for to get.
While it is sad they have to die, it's war. People die. You die, I die. We die. We're morals, therefore at some point in the future I'm pretty damn sure we're passing on to whatever is after this. The Bush administration lied about why they were going there, yes- but we're stuck there. You can't change the past, you have to deal with the present, what we've gotten ourselves into. It might not have been necessary to be there, they might have used the WMD thing as an excuse, they might have done this and that- IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW. We're there, we've messed with the country too much to just up and leave because we're not content with people dying in war. If we back out, it's going to be horrible. So what do people value? The lives of American soldiers? Or the potential civil war that would leave thousands of civilians killed? Most people are going to value American lives more than any child, more than any woman- more than anyone else. You know why?
They're selfish Americans. They're 'moral' Americans. Death to them is 'bad', even when it is for a cause. You know what that does to our potential? We own this planet culturally and militarily. On paper our military could probably take on the majority of the world's militaries at the same time, if nuclear weapons were available to be used. But, on paper doesn't count for the pacifists, doesn't count for the American citizens' mindset- so, it makes it weaker. And weaker.. and weaker.. and weaker.. and weaker.. and weaker.. and weaker.. and weaker.. and weaker. Then we pull out. THEN Iraq goes into "turmoil", people don't know what *turmoil* means yet. Between the racial differences, the religious differences..
What I'm saying is, we're there. No matter what you say, Saddam's regime was a very extreme dictatorship that left thousands dead. There were no WMDs there, but we did remove that guy- but we have this ignorant, naive mindset.. of pacifism. We have to deal with the responsibility that one man gave us, no matter how blindly he strode into it. That nation's future- the next decade, maybe even more- rests on the shoulders of our strength to deal with the fact, ugh I can't believe I'm having to say this. To deal with the fact that people die in war. So, if we pull out now.. you turn all these insurgents loose, this timebomb waiting to happen will blow. We have not allow that to happen, no matter what. Not for pride, not for patriotism- but for the people there.
Oh and, yes. I dislike pacifists. ^_^
Tree of pain.
You know a song that no one listens to that is better than many songs released today? It's a song by Filter, it's called "Take A Picture" [5.55 mb]. This song is from 1999 and was a hit for awhile- it's like soft rock or something, but it's a great song that I never get tired of for some reason. I think it's right up some of your alleys- but yeah, I've been listening to it alot in the past few days.
Maybe you'd like it too.
Buried in oblivion.
There is something surreal about day to day life that wasn't here before. Things seem very odd when you just step back and look at them- at your environment. At any given moment it seems like if I look around, something surreal is going on- this seems like a long daydream I'm not breaking out of, but it is in fact reality that is quite weird. I'm not sure what I'm implying, it's just sort of amusing to trot along in life I suppose. I guess there is the lingering suspicion that something is not right with what I am seeing, that something unsettling is going on in the backdrop of everything I am in. I'm not paranoid, I'm just overtly aware and sensitive to my environment, more than any of you could ever hope to be. It is just there, something is amiss. I know it's amiss, but I don't know *what* is amiss. There is something wrong with all of this, hm. What is it, what is it, hm hm hm. What could be so unsettling that I'm concerned with it, hm hm hm.. hmmm. Maybe it's time. Am I running out of time? I think I am running out of time, I feel rushed. This quaint, quiet life- it's going to be gone in some matter of time. Hmm.
Running out of time, with nothing to do in the time I still have. Hm. HMMM. Nothing to do but speculate the coming inferno, hm hm hm..
I saw films of myself as a kid, lol. Ahh, bad memories. Ahh! Ignoring that.. my hairstyle is oddly similar to what it was then- for like 8-9 years I had it parted in the middle like the twat I was, but now I don't give half a crap about how it looks. Just like I didn't give half a crap how it looked when I was 3, lol. Man, that was so long ago.. with my sister and my mom. Good times! Good times. You ever see yourself as a kid? Talk about SURREAL. Hey, that's me! Me watching me when me was just a lad. Weird feeling.
Under the sea, under the sea. Darling it's better, down where it's wetter- take it from me..
Give me your hand.
That's about it, I suppose. Hope everything is good for ya'.
Comments (7) |
Monday, December 20, 2004
Truth dies.
Comments on commentary-
Liam- *hands you his shirt* =)
HeartOfSword- Yeah! Here, I'll put you on the comments on commentary thing again. :D
Shinfaru- I like to hear the quirky religions people have. I guess that is ironic since I'm like "I AM AN ANIMIST AND A SHAMANIST LOL :B", but.. yeah. There seems to be alot of wiccas chilling on OB, lol.
Laura- You bet! Good luck!
Lily- Once again, sure thing. =) Good luck to you!
Aye de Eff- Well, if you win I would think that 75 or so dollars would be enough to get you to give your address to me. I'm not that bad. =X ... <_<
Well, I mean, that was just an example! I wasn't implying that the rant had been inspired by anyone, of course! =D Cough. I just, eh. It just irritates me when someone is like "Hey, I have a secrettttttt ^_~" and all the little people say "OMG O_O REALLY?" and crowd around him, lol.
I'm glad things are going well for you! ^_^ And I suppose I do win that satisfaction. <_<;
Lea- Yessum! Good luck to 'ya.
Destiny of the departed.
My game collection owns yours.
Dreamer lost.
Now, see- I don't usually join in the crazed blabberings of people who are anti-corporate America's crackdown on P2P sharing. But, I was a frequent user of a certain BitTorrent website called SuprNova.org that was attracting undue attention, apparently. I never downloaded movies or music- I downloaded abandonware, which is perfectly legal, and now, thanks to these fools, my favorite site to do that at is dead. What is with this? This is the new era of communication. If you took the time or effort to study and think about this, you could find a way to make money off this digital craze- people like downloading things to their computers. You could charge them a one time cost or something, like they are buying it- put some kind of encryption in it so that they don't toss it to every yahoo with a mouse who wants a free rip of it. You could make some cash from that, yeah.. but maybe it's too late. When you crack down on something this hard, try to destroy it like this- all it does is make it more popular. There is already, in youth culture, a very strong anti-censorship and anti-authority vibe that goes on- when you specifically target something like this, you just feed the flames to these people. They will just keep going and going and going.. and what alternative is there? Is there an alternative service for people who would appreciate movies in this fashion? No, because the companies are too busy being lawsuit happy to cast the dice and attempt to make a market on the internet.
I mean, come on. They sued like a 13 year old girl for downloading a ton of her favorite songs. I wouldn't take that- if you would take that, you're a bit more timid than I am. I'd go bankrupt fighting these fucktards about their idiotic ignorance in regards to what could be a new medium to do business on. Look at the Apple's IMusic service- it took people this long to realize you can, just maybe, make money off of a communications system with millions of participants on it?
"Written laws are like spiders' webs, and will like them only entangle and hold the poor and weak, while the rich and powerful will easily break through them."
We who are but men.
What do I mean when I say that I'm some form of animist or shamanist? I believe in spirits. Animism is one of the, if not the, oldest belief systems that humanity has known to hold. Now, if we follow the theory that as time passes on, religious dogma gets more and more perverted from the "truth", then what you would want to do is simply 'go back to the basics'. I didn't do this, but some people do- they flow backwards into paganism, prior to the devastation that Christianity did to human society as a whole. So, that is the basics of it. Shamanism says that you can heal people through control or influence over spirits. Animism says that such spirits exist- and that they match humans in intellect, personalty and so on. My heart leads me to this point, and I would hope your heart is leading you down your spiritual path.
Spiritual and mental power and the attempts at having both.
Circle of despair.
Russia is a pariah. Democracy cannot exist there as easily as it could in the west- Russian culture is not on par with that sort of thing. Russians are nationalistic, patriotic- they match their idiotically patriotic American friends quite well, really. All they need is one terrorist attack and they rally around their leader, letting them rampage on freedom easily. The one attack was 9/11 for the US and Breslan for Russia. Now it has gotten to the point where Russia is being classified more and more as a "not free" state by a non-profit group. This is not surprising, really. When you think of Russia, well- what has their government been for the past 600 or so years, prior to 1991? It's been totalitarian. I doubt that Democracy will hold in that country. Republics always fall, no matter how pure their intentions were at the start- Rome started this precedent.
All it requires is one man.
In red.
That's all for now. You can still sign up for Ken's Holiday Lottery if you wish- you could win!
P.S. Huh? Really?! I thought things were going great in Iraq! Since when did multiculturalism, nationalism or political differences create a Civil War? Wait.. wait. Oops. ... Oops. >_< Oops.. OOPS!!! =| Man..
HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF- Will it in Iraq? Let us hope not.
Comments (7) |
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Comments on commentary-
Erin- Most definitely. :D
HeartofSword- Hello there. ^_^
Aye de Eff- I enjoy a bit of history. Just a tad.
I'm glad that you know about you and that you are the you that you know of. You should be content, not alot of yous know the you that they are and yet you do indeed understand the you you are and that you should show the you you are to other yous who aren't the you that they are. You are you, and that you is important to other yous.
You know? :)
Completely pointless stuff= rocks.
Lea- Arrr, ye landlubbin' dancar. Arrr.
Kai su, teknon?
I'm going to get a job soon, and I have some extra cash floating about. As no one around me really celebrates the holidays, I was thinking of holding a little contest between friends. It's a lottery, essentially. Just submit your name and on December 25th I'll put all the names into a hat, swish it around a bit.. pull out a name and, voila. You win any gift you want for Christmas that you didn't receive. Oh, yeah- by the way, there *is* a limit on the amount of denero I'll spend. I'm not rich or anything. ;P I'll tell you if you surpass it or not. All of those involved I might send some sort of greeting card to as a consolation prize- depends. I was just kinda bored and came up with this idea, lol. I'll give you until December the 24th to sign up. This is not a joke or anything- haha. If you don't get that book or that game system or that game or whatever this Christmas- guess what? You might still get it through my lotto! Or, you might just get a greeting card full of my crappy handwriting, lol. Either way- you win!
Eccentricity, thy name is Kenneth.
Aut disce aut discede.
Enigma is a tool that people can use to get attention. It is easy to taunt people with the fact you are hiding something- and the curious human spirit just waltzes right into that trap. Enigma to me is a way of doing several things. A.) My past is now somewhat unknown to people. That's probably a good thing. B.) My thoughts are my thoughts. It isn't nice to be rude- although my mind is thoroughly ready to denounce someone's ideas or thoughts or feelings, you shouldn't do that. It's better to build up than to destroy. C.) By definition, enigma can also imply that someone is puzzling. I think I inadvertently achieve this, lol.
But, for an example, let's say you have a thread on religion. You post a specific post about how no one there is guessing what religion you are correctly and then you make a childish attempt at wit following that. That's the "I like attention" form of enigma. Now, of course, people will fall right into that and the person will achieve the attention they desire. I'm not really sure that this is necessarily a 'bad' thing- that's not the point.
The point is, it irritates me. How is that necessary? lol. It isn't? Oh, that's right. You're just doing it to do it, hm. That's all fine and good I suppose.
Just as long as I don't see it.
Take a picture.
That's about it for me. How's it hanging for you guys?
P.S. Go Spurs, Go!
P.P.S. Actually, how about I just mail the winner some hard denero. That would save me some shipping costs.. let you get what you want.. etc. How about 75 bucks. That should cover a alot of costs. Maybe I'll up to it 100. Ah well, consider this a lottery. You win Ken's money.. I win.. uh.
I win...
... >_o
Comments (7) |
Thursday, December 16, 2004

Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels' hierarchies? And even if one of them suddenly pressed me against her heart, I would perish in the embrace of her stronger existence. For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror which we are barely able to endure and are awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us.
Each single angel is terrifying.
Comments on commentary-
Ze Baron- Mmm.. baby flesh..
the Queen- Retarded Cow: ^_^ Ahur!
Yes, Ken the Professional Hermit would be the best hermit to ever have existed. Bwahaha! I'd go down in history. :D
Shinfaru- Well, see- I grew up in the era of the SNES/NES/Sega but my parents were too poor to get me one of those systems, lol. My first NES was like in 1998 from a garage sale. Super Mario Bros. 3 all the way.
Aye De Eff- I might have saved a life already? Hm. That's a curious thought. Well- I'm glad, then. Glad that I could be of service to someone.
On-line RPGs used to be my main escape from real life. My most successful one on OB had 1.2k posts I think, heh. I sort of faded away from it all after the Big Brother 2 thread in the Event forum, but it is a fun part of my life. Alot of the people that used to RP have faded away, so it's kinda melancholy sometimes- stuff that people prolly have forgotten like the Padded Room Party and the Cafe, lol. Ahh, yeah. Those were the days.
Heh. Who you are is not easily defined by others. The important thing is who you think you are, and if the you you think you are is the you that other have the chance to think is you, instead of a you that isn't you but is in fact a you you are putting out for them to see, instead of the you that is you. ... Yeah.
It wasn't. She lied to me about an integral piece of the story. Remove the 'non' from non-consensual.
Lea- Don't do it Lea! It's good to be different. All these bloody conformists and their bloody surveys- they are trying to destroy the American society with their plague!
Run, Lea! Run like the wind!
Audio, video, disco.
Today marks the anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, one of the more important battles in World War 2. It was the last offensive attempt the Germans made and was almost successful at driving the Allies back- which would have been disastrous for.. well, the USSR. It's the largest battle the U.S. army has fought to date, so- that makes it just a wee bit more interesting.
So, if you are intrigued by this, go look it up.
Quiz Day
You Are a Visionary Soul |

You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness.
Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connect to your soul.
You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.
Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.
You have great vision and can be very insightful.
In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself.
Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend.
You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.
Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.
Your Hippie Dude Name is: Merlin
Your Element Is Air |

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!
You Are the Investigator |
You're independent - and a logical analytical thinker.
You love learning and ideas... and know things no one else does.
Bored by small talk, you refuse to participate in boring conversations.
You are open minded. A visionary. You understand the world and may change it.
You Are a Pundit Blogger! |

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few. |
You are 93% Leo

| |
 Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
 The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Dreamstate Emergency.
Comments on commentary-
Nire- "The x,y,z thing confused me. I couldn't keep them straight. But yes, there is a ridiculous amount of miscommunication"
That was kinda funny. <_<;;;;
But, thank you for thinking of maybe participating in this upcoming RPG! I hope to get back into RPing a bit more, heh. As for my friend, well.
Time will tell.
Akusa- *hugs* Hello there!
Uramnihs - Yeah.. I'm thinking of maybe sticking to the "I NEED RELATIONSHIP ADVICE LOL" threads from now on.
>.o;;;;;;; *stabs self for saying that*
I dream of me.
1. Ken.
2. Kenneth.
3. Nek.
1. DeathKnight XV4.
2. CowBoySmokinWeed.
3. IAmTheForce2001.
1. I eat children.
2. My mind/intellect/persona.
3. My hair.
1. I eat children.
2. The state of existence I seem to have been tossed into.
3. My nose.
1. Mexican.
2. German.
3. African American.
1. Spirits.
2. Heights.
3. Failure.
1. Water.
2. Food.
3. Sombreros.
1. Black shirt.
2. Jeans.
3. Sombrero.
THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS (or artists at the moment):
1. Alice in Chains.
2. Pig Destroyer.
3. Mastodon.
1. "We Die Young" - Alice in Chains.
2. "Trouble" - Coldplay.
3. "Got Me Wrong" - Alice in Chains.
1. Long[er] distance driving.
2. Employment in Corporate America.
3. Starting my journey.
1. Fun.
2. Affection.
3. Good communication.
1. I knocked over a donation box at Church one time- it made the sound of a thousand elephants and attracted the ire of my parents.
2. I sorta skipped over the stereotypical "first console" for alot of people- mine wasn't an NES or SNES, the first one I really played alot of was the PSX.
3. Um. I cannot tell a lie. ;)
1. I like long hair.
2. General figure.
3. The way they smile.
1. Do mundane tasks.
2. Remember to do my chores.
3. Keep my big mouth shut.
1. Ninjitsu.
2. Gaming.
3. Kenning it up.
1. Start a large fire. [To keep myself warm of course. Arson is a stern no no.]
2. Turn back time a few years.
3. Turn time foreword a few years.
1. Freelancer/Partisan for a Cause.
2. Professional Hermit.
3. Professor of History.
1. California.
2. Brazil.
3. Nepal.
1. Kenneth Andrew.
2. Nevri Aneko.
3. Narna Kari.
1. Save a person's life.
2. Travel the world.
3. Make sure the way I'm going to die is by bleeding to death, so I have time to reflect.
1. Jesus.
2. the Retarded Cow.
3. Mini-Ken.
Comments (5) |
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