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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Comments on commentary-
Sen- No problem with being a dork with a dorky haircut.
Shinfaru- When you were younger eh? Getting old, Shin? lol. =P
Erin- That book rocks. Hurray for people who read Catch-22.
Mr. Fett- Crimson Spider? I was kinda surprised to see him too. Not pleasantly surprised either, lol. Was expecting the thread about toleration of homosexuality to pop up though.. it was about due for something like that to be created.
Aye de Eff- Thanks. Sometimes I get the feeling that people find me to be that dark, morbid person who is apathetic about death. I might be somewhere near that but.. not quite. ;) "Suburbia: The place Ken wants to escape from."
Lea- Yeah! ATDI rocks.
Over and over a slave.
I've mentioned this thread before, but I have a different tangent to go off on. I matched wits with Drix D'Zanth quite enjoyably, I learned some things and he hopefully learned some things- but, I'm amused at the common behavior disccusions follow on OB now. It seems like nothing in OL can be discussed anymore with one or both of the people degenerating into childish attempts at wit, lol. You'll note that when I have nothing further to say about a certain subject, I don't say anything- I respect the other person. That seems to be dying on OB- everyone is inflexible in their opinion, stagnating in neutral. He is five years my senior and I seemed to be slightly more mature than he was- that is rather amazing to me. Intellectual thought you learn with age- a 30 year old is supposed to know more than you do in wisdom and in intellect. I wasn't surprised that he was able to match wits with me- he is 21, I am 16. He is supposed to be my senior in all respects. I was taken aback that, while I was doing my uptmost to us rational thought, he seemed to degenerate into this pseudo-wit babble. I decided to review the thread over to see how often this was occurring between people. No one was really being respectful to the other person- maybe I'm just old fashioned, sit down and have a nice discussion but that's ridiculous. You have people with high IQ's acting like 10 year olds talking about a movie that one thinks sucks and the other thinks is good.
"Does not suck!"
"Does too suck!"
"Does not suck, you weenie head!"
"O.O! Does too suck, you mudeater!"
That is exactly how it appears to me, lol. I'm not too exposed to social dialogue- but do intellectuals IRL do this? If so, I'm going to be embarrassed because all it does to me is cause a grin on my face. I hate to just be standing there grinning at people trying to burn me, but I have no qualms at being proven wrong, lol. Life is supposed to be a learning experience- you aren't supposed to know everything at age 16, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or even 80. You learn until you die, in other words. Learning means that your previous thought will probably be overridden for the "facts" as presented to you, until those "Facts" are replaced by newer, more truthful ones.
I'm not the smartest person on OB, but I'm starting to get the belief I might be the wisest, lol. Surely someone, somewhere agrees with me that all of that extra pseudo-wit is unnecessary to the flow of knowledge and discussion. All it does is attempt to prod the person into folding and degenerating into the same sort of pseudo-wit. It's like a bane on what could be a really good thread.. kinda sad, really. Oh well. Remember folks- you can always be wrong, but that means you get a chance to learn what's right. Being proven wrong just means next time, you'll be the one who is right. Learning is a process, it never stops- you never know all, you never have seen all. Sometimes you're the teacher, sometimes you're the student- and sometimes, you are the sage.
It doesn't matter if you are the student, that means you are getting the chance to learn to be the teacher. It's to your benefit no matter where you are in the process.
Slow hands.
I wrote the first RPG sign up rough draft I have written in a year and a half it feels like. Read it, if you would.
[b]August 13th, 1642[/b].
Tired, sore and getting near broke you slump down into the chair, letting out a brief sigh. Here you are, in Port Royale- you left the graceful, serene beauty of your European home to seek the glory, riches and wonder of the New World but have only gotten yourself some sea sickness thusfar. You take a glance around at the people in the tavern with you- some of them you recognize from the ship, all of them wearing the same worn-out look that you do. The captain of the guard is flirting with the prettiest barmaid he can find, the bartender is sharing some information with a shady looking character- people are drinking, laughing and living it up to the best of their ability. A few young lads are sitting restlessly, waiting for that potential captain to waltz in and invite them to join his crew- it's just as you imagined.
As your eyes trace around the room, they lock onto a pair of eyes that are staring right back at you- the man peers at you with the uptmost of curiosity, measuring you up somehow. His eyes bore into your head, making you feel very uneasy- you look away and ignore him, ordering the cheapest drink to ration the precious amounts of money you have. Sipping it, you steal a glance back to where the man was- and find that he has disappeared silently from his spot. Feeling somewhat relieved, you join in the festive atmosphere- this is beginning of your adventure, here in the Caribbean Sea.
[b]August 14th, 1642.[/b]
The next morning, feeling a bit 'dazed' from your celebration, you start to look for work- there are many opportunities in and around Port Royale, but you know only a few of them have the potential to lead you to glory. Amongst the scattered jobs you could take is a once and a life time offer- from behind you you hear someone yell "[b]CREW WANTED FOR PIRATE HUNTING EXPEDITION TO KILL THE MOST FEARED PIRATE OF THE SEA[/b]". You take an interest in the this- the most feared pirate of the sea.. and you could be apart of the crew to kill or capture him. That sounds as good a start as any to your goal of riches/fame/glory. Hunting around for a bit, you finally find, inside the tavern, a small crowd gathered around a single table- a smart-looking man sits there holding a stack of sign-up sheets. He hands them out to everyone that wants one, including yourself.
"Just fill out the required items. We are not too picky about who joins up- just as long as you are willing to work hard for the Captain. Are you willing?"
You nod in reply and he nods back, letting you get to signing up. You sit down at the nearest table and glance over the sheet- trying to hide your excitement, you start to fill out the required information.
~By the order of Port Royale's Governor, Governor Bartnett, we hereby declare an official pirate hunting expedition to take place aboard the 5th rate Frigate HMS Hunter on the date of August the 17th in the year 1642. All who wish to join on this expedition must be able bodied, willing to work and not afraid of death.
We will be seeking out the infamous pirate, Captain [u]Julian Kidd[/u]. Wanted for: [i]Pirating, extortion, smuggling, kidnapping, murder, manslaughter, destruction of His majesties' property, scandalous conduct with Governor Bartnett's daughter, the seizure and illegal sale of the- Sloop-Of-War HMS Greencoat; Royal Sloop HMS Hillshire; 5th Rate Frigate HMS Blunt; Merchantman HMS Answorth; Merchantman HMS Yorktown; 6th Rate Frigate HMS Scorpian; Gun-Brig HMS..[/i] [the list continues for quite a ways, so you skip the rest of it, somewhat in awe of this 'Julian Kidd'].
[b]Real Name[/b]:
[b]Date of Birth[/b]:
[b]Past Employment[/b]:
[b]Tasks You Are Proficient At[/b]:
[b]Personal Armaments[/b]:
(*Date of Birth= age or supposed age. *Past Employment= bio. *Tasks you are proficient at.. what are you good at? Bandaging up wounds? Cannon gunnery? Swordplay? Navigation? Cooking? Keep it in context with the time frame. *Personal Armaments- what kind of sword do you use? Do you have some of those new-fangled one shot pistols? Do you use armaments at all? Other- put your personality here if you want, or whatever you want there.)
What do you think? I have a basic plot outlined in my head.. but I don't know if people really would go for a Pirate RP, lol. I will prolly add some footnotes so people know what the ships are, what the grades mean, etc.. maybe get a map of 1640's Caribbean Sea from somewhere.
Arr. ;)
Dead or dreaming.
Just a shot in the dark, but does anybody here know if strawberries grow extensively in the Black Forest area of Germany? That would be the province of Stuttgart, I believe- the Black Forest is in that south-west most province.
Just a random inquiry.
Know thyself.
People take things personally from me, lol. "Why do you not care if you come off as an ass?" "Why do you care if I come off as an ass?" Over my short existence I've come to find that a great many people make it a personal goal of theirs to misunderstand you and to go off on tangents due to their misunderstandings. They will claim you are x or you are y or you are z. They are sure you are x or y or z and wonder why you have to be such an x to them or had to be like y at the time or say a z-ish thing- well, what are you to do? If Z, X and Y are apart of your soul, what are you to do? What's a man to do? Filter and mute himself just to coexist with people? Half live just to gain the company of a few people who don't enjoy his nature? I don't think so, lol. I'm usually a very nice person, but I say some quirky things people take wrong- or, sometimes, I'm just downright controversial. Well, if someone is too vocal about it.. Dr. Suess said something I heard awhile ago that I have lived by since.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
Respect is one thing. Lying to someone just because they don't accept you for who you are is another.
Hmm. Situation with a friend of mine. Something about non-consensual sex while she was 'passed out' and her being late for her period.
I smell trouble and I don't like it.
I'll catch you later. I need to see what this is all about.
Comments (3) |
Monday, December 13, 2004
Luke's Wall.
Comments on Commentary-
Mimmi- Yeah! I saw the movie once and thought it was the best movie I had ever seen. I'm glad someone else likes it.
Juuthena- I can say Muse is overrated since I paid for their CD awhile ago. <_<' Yeah, I know what you mean- everytime I write a post that has an argueable point in it, I try to cover all my bases with "if you don't agree, that's fine" type sentences- essentially, as I tell my viewpoint, I'm subtlely telling people to STFU if they even have the inclination to argue with me. >_>
Shinfaru- Peter Sellers! Woo. :D Anthony Hopkins! Woo. :D Cannibals! Woo. :D
Boba Fett- definitely! Those other films are on par with those two films. ^_^
Aye De Eff- The only major conflict between WWII and Vietnam is what "The Forgotten War" is. That would be the... Korean War. It didn't match the number of people killed in Vietnam, but it got more casualties in a shorter amount of time than it did. Since it's smashed between those two large conflicts, a significant majority don't know anything beyond the peninsula the war took place on- if they know anything at all about it, that is. So, it's generally called the Forgotten War. I dunno, it was a test to see how many people here knew their uh, history.
Mr. Dan- SuperSonics are a weird team to be watching succeed so much. They just sorta came out of no where, lol. Alamo Drafthouse, eh? Hmm. I'll check it out.
Interesting Fact: World War II killed off 2 percent of the world's total population at the time.
Lost my mind, yeah. I don't mind.
People talk about how horrible it is people have died in war- I find myself oddly apathetic. Trying to combine morality with the fact we are all mortal is silly- you are going to die. I am going to die. We've accepted that. How we die seems oddly unimportant compared to the fact that we are simply going to die. That might seem overtly morbid, but it is just a fact- if you are sure you aren't going to die, please step up and tell the rest of us how you are going to avoid your death. That is the sort of thing you should share with your peers, you know? Maybe I'm trying to say I am apathetic towards how you die, unless you die with alot of respect paid attention to your death. If you are murdered in cold blood, I obviously will want to voice my displeasure. In war, there is no murdering in cold blood. If they aren't enemy soldiers, they are civilians aiding the enemy government economically, politically or commercially.
In the evening, we lie in wait.
I'm pretty tired. I played some basketball today- I'm mainly an outside shooter, lol. I, for some reason, can't do lay ups for the life of me.I had like 56 percent of my three point shots go in- 4/7 I think. It was an amusing distraction, heh. Other than that, my mother and I toured the rampant destruction afflicting my forest that is named "man". Tsk. Acre upon acre of forest destroyed in a few days, what will replace it? Shoddy, stereotypical, suburban America homes. Oh, and they will have the audacity to plant a few new trees in their yard- in lieu of what was practically a temperate jungle that was there before. Idiotic policies by idiotic people.
I can see how some people can allude to us being parasites- if I was as naive as them, sitting across the street from the destruction occurring, I would say the same thing.
Toll due, bad dream come true.
Shh! Don't tell anyone in this thread but I would prefer to live under a benevolent dictatorship than either a true democracy or a some form of true Marxist communism! All systems of government eventually turn into some form of dictatorship for a reason- it's the most efficient. Your personal freedoms could be equal to or better than a Democracy's if the dictator was benevolent enough- heh. So, keep this between you and me and everyone else who reads this! I don't want to anger the idiotically biased people :O.
Ahh! Too late! BACK YOU DEMONIC HORDES OF VERMONOUS SWINE! *firefight breaks out*
Send transmission from the one armed scissor.
That seems to be about it. I'll catch all of you later.
Have a good one.
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Got me wrong.
Laura, President of Dictionaries- Thazza good question, mate.
Sen, President of Dorky Haircuts- ToS is alot of fun. It's like old school RPGs without all the jagged polygons that cut into your eyes. *points to scaring on eyes*
Roxie, President of Everything- Muse *is* overrate-*stoned to death by MyO Muse cult following* Ahhh! O_O
P.S. Why does anything that is planned, fail? Something goes awry. There are several ways that Communism can go awry- for one thing, humans are corruptible. Money, power, prestige- that all can be corruptible. It's just another idealistic dream [a world for the worker, by the worker] that cannot be applied 100 perfect efficiently because humanity is humanity.
Aye Di Ehf, President of Green Fonts- Diablo/Icewind Dale= rocks. Absolution is pretty good, but not the best I've gotten. I like track 2. o.o
Watch where you spit.
I'm a pretty big watcher of movies- not current, shitty movies [everything in the theatres right now sucks]. Older, better movies are my cup of tea- stuff before 1991, mainly. I don't know how much you guys watch old movies, I know some of you are pretty big consumers of the current, shitty movies but uh.. if you ever find the DVD of these movies, you should get it.
Harold and Maude (1971) [DVD]- This movie is a very, very good movie. It has a very morbid sense of humor at times- and if it's morbid, I like it. The acting is done very well- the guy who plays the teenager does a superb job. I think that alot of you would find it is, well, you know- speaking your language. It's about this shy, introverted kid whose mom is trying to force him into, well- living life. She is trying to arrange marriages for him and such, but he is more interested in attending funerals of people he doesn't know- at one of these funerals, he meets an older woman named Maude. Maude thinks that he needs to live life too- but she does it in a different, more interesting way than his mother is trying to do.
Being There (1979) [DVD]- Anything Peter Sellers is in, I adore- he is my favorite actor of all time, without a doubt. This movie is a little bit different from the stereotypical silly movies he is in- it is deeper, much deeper and, once again, has a very good underlying message in it. I don't have to mention how good the acting is- Peter Sellers = God. The story is about this guy who has learned all he knows from TV- he has worked as a gardener for all of his life at an isolated house. The wealthy recluse who was raising him dies and he is forced out into the real world. It was pretty touching at the end- might have stirred my heart a bit. Just a bit. ;)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) [DVD]- Peter Seller's, man- demi-god of acting. This is the best satirical film I have ever seen- Peter Sellers plays three separate characters and is wonderful in all of them. The comedy is, well- both subtle and not. You can like it if you don't understand the underlying messages, you can like it more if you do- it's win-win. The synopsis is, well- A general thinks that the Communists are fluoridating America's drinking water, so he a B-52 H-Bomb attack on the Soviets. A frantic President and Joint Cheifs of Staff have to find a way to stop it. Sounds good, eh?
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) [DVD]- This is probably my favorite movie of all time- Anthony Hopkins is the other demi-god of acting, better than any current star. The way he plays Hannibal is just so.. amusing to me. It's pure evil, and it's amusing to me. The scenes when he is attacking those guards is just so beautifully filmed, it's wondrous. Everyone should seen an uncut version of this movie at least once if they want to call themselves a movie addict.
Those are my four favorite movies- they outclass any current release in the last few years in every way possible, in my opinion. So.. yeah.
Hopefully, this will have been of good use to someone.
Crazy, but that's how it goes.
Life is abnormally fine. I'm waiting for the drop off beneath my feet, though- I'm sure it will come soon, lol. It feels good to be going to OB because I want to go- when I was a mod, I grew tired of feeling like I had an obligation to something as silly as an online message board. You shouldn't do things like that because you feel obligated- you should do it because you want to, it's entertainment, you know? Why did I come there first? I came there because it's a forum, it's a place of talking. You shouldn't ever put obligation upon yourself to basically go talk with people, lol. I would like to be a moderator again, ironically- maybe of Otaku Lounge or something since no one in the PC forum really talks about the sorts of games I play on the PC.
I don't know about you, but the trend on OB seems to have shifted away from all these little moo-cow stereotypical newbies to pseudo-philosophers- mind you, I understand I could be slid into that class, but the people on OB are alot more egotistically charged then I am. "I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG SO AHAHAHAHAHAHAA YOU SILLY PENIS". Stuff like that. I can take a hit to my opinion because- it's opinion. It's supposed to be fluid, like water- not a huge rock that no one can move. There is a difference between being stubborn and being stupid- and I feel safe in saying several people on OB fall into the latter. There are, of course, several respectable intellectuals on OB- Siren, James.. uhh... ... uhhh....
... Those are the only two I can think of.
Come down and waste away with me, down with me.
Stuff to watch out for:
-Rwanda doing bad things to Hutus in the Congo.
-Africa continuing to be a shithole post-colonialism. [The white man is HOLDING ME DOWN by not letting us engage in tons of civil war!]
-Ukraine doing bad things to itself.
Before a nation-wide group hug breaks out due to too much vodka.
-Russia doing bad things to the west.
The west not giving a shit because, hey- it's Russia.
Before remembering the thousands of nukes Russia has.
Before remembering that if Russia tried to launch a nuke it would probably do a giant loop and slam into it's own soil. [In Soviet Russia, nuke nukes you!]
-MLB doing bad things to it's players.
Before they continue paying them millions of dollars to hit balls, catch balls, throw balls and run around bases in questionable uniforms.
-The economy slowly going up.
Before it goes back down.
-Oil prices faltering around some more.
Before they go back up.
-Someone going insane on OB.
-Me going insane on OB.
-A ton of rappers/black people/white people who like to think they are black/ghetto people getting a Grammy nomination [or more] because, hey- you don't have to make music to win a Grammy. =)
-Eminem getting shot because.. he needs to be shot.
In the chest.
With a double barreled shotgun called "Divine Justice Or: Shut the fuck up before I make you".
-Someone asking for dating advice on OB.
Where some of the brighter minds on OB will try to help them and somehow fail horribly.
-France will screw up again.
And yet still be arrogantly prideful of their nation because, hey- France did hold off Germany in one war out of three.
With the help of half the superpowers at the time.
And half the great powers at the time.
And a ton of smaller nations who no one really cared about then and still don't care about. [New Zealand: WE SENT PEOPLE TO GET KILLED, RESPECT US >_<]
They even conquered most of Europe one time!
Before getting their ass kicked by.. winter.
-George Bush to do that quirky smile of his. [George Bush: *smile* I wish I had a clue! ^_^]
As he dooms another nation full of middle eastern people.
Yet still has more support than any democratic rival.
Because, hey- people know that the God they worship wants you to kill as much as possible. Go religious people! Get those suckers!
-Someone, somewhere to look up into the sky and suddenly realize they are living someone elses life.
Before they promptly leap off a cliff.
And realize that was probably a bad time to give in to what their gut was telling them to do.
-This MyO post eventually ending. [K: HELLO TO YOU I HAVE MUCH TO SAY TAKE A SEAT. Person: <_>]
But not before you lose the 12 percent of your sanity that is left.
Went in the room, didn't stay long. Looked on the bed and 'brother was dead.
There is no problem with Otaku Lounge. There is nothing to change. You cannot effect the flow of people into it and their views, the things they will create. To try to control that is irritatingly dictatorial, to say the least. If you wish to curb the tide of what *you* view as meaningless or irritating topics, then that's great- I see no reason to. I might make fun of them alot, but it's Otaku Lounge- it's there for people to talk about shit. Not to knock down OB's stereotypical, false message of it being Quality over anything else posts but really- not everyone exists on the basis of deep thought. I don't know if I will post this in that thread in OL. We'll see if I can word this in a truthful fashion without stirring any controversy- or maybe my opinion will change by the time I feel like trudging up the words. We'll see. But for now, I see no way you could "improve" it in the ways that are implied without coming off as being a jackass board full of intellectual elitist nutcases.
Waaaaaait. I'm a intellectually elitist nutcase! Uh oh, this has turned into a PARADOX. HM. Well, while I am that way, that forum seems specifically bred for a mix- between the people who are the pseudo-intellectuals and the people who aren't.
.. Yeah.
Make my way back home, gonna learn to fly.
And now for something that might make you think.
American wars- duration of time involved in the war, casualties [killed in action and then wounded (if available)].
American Civil War- 4 years long. 434,052 killed. 288,875 wounded.
World War 2- 4 years long. 292,000+ killed.
World War 1- 1 year or so long. 126,000+ killed.
Vietnam War- 11 years long. 58,226 killed. 153,303 wounded.
"The Forgotten War"- 3 years long. 36,576 killed. 17,424+ wounded.
War of 1812- 3 years long. 12,000+ killed.
American Revolutionary War- 8 years long. 4,435 killed. 6,188 wounded.
Spanish-American War- 4 months long. 2,446 killed.
Philippine-American War- 14 years long. 4,234 killed. 2,818 wounded.
Mexican-American War- 2 years long. 1,733 killed. 4,152 wounded.
Gulf War 2- Almost 2 years and ongoing. 1,254 killed. Between 9,326 and 25,000 wounded.
Invasion of Afghanistan- 3 years and ongoing. 150 killed.
Gulf War 1- 6 weeks. 148 killed.
Totals of Wars listed [33 military conflicts of varying degrees are not listed]: 973,254+ killed and 473,336+ wounded in 59+ years of fighting.
Civilians killed in those wars (total duration of war followed by approximate number of killed) [where applicable/statistics are provided]:
World War 2- 6 years long. 39,200,000+ killed.
World War 1- 4 years long. 6,500,000+ killed.
Vietnam War- 18 years long. 5,000,000+ killed.
"The Forgotten War"- 3 years long. 1,240,000+ killed.
Philippine-American War- 14 years long. Up to 1,000,000+ killed.
Gulf War 1- 6 weeks long. Up to 200,000 killed.
Gulf War 2- Almost 2 years and ongoing. Up to 100,000 killed.
Invasion of Afghanistan- 3 years and ongoing. 1,067 - 1,201.
Totals of Wars Listed: 53,241,451+ civilians killed in 50+ years of fighting.
Absolute total amounts of people killed in the major multinational conflicts out of that list of wars:
World War 2- 6 years long. 56,000,000+ killed.
World War 1- 4 years long. 15,400,000+ killed.
Vietnam War- 18 years long. 6,063,765+ killed
"The Forgotten War"- 3 years long. 3,000,000+ killed.
Totals of wars listed: 80,463,765+ killed in 31 years of fighting.
Conclusion: Make your own.
Like the coldest winter chill, heaven beside you.
P.S. No more energy drinks for Ken.
P.P.S. Tsk.
P.P.P.S. Go Spurs. =)
Comments (8) |
Friday, December 3, 2004
Shame in You.
Comments on commentary:
Erin, President of the Waffle Nation- What kind of person does that make you? Uh. Eccentric? ;D Just kidding, just kidding.
Shin, President of the Mexican Nation- Yeah. People are fiercely loyal to their entertainment, no matter what kind it is- movies, music, T.V., books. It's curious. Annoying, but curious.
Aye Di Ehf, President of Green Fonts- I will convert you to being a video game addict, my child. Just place your faith in the all holy memory card and repeat after me.. "I solemnly swear... to cut 70 percent of my social life down... to eat only snack foods and ramen... to read only RPG text... to watch only FMVs... to be attracted only to game characters... to be loyal to my game as if it was alive... to worship my controller with timely human sacrifices... to never give up gaming... praise be to Mario, amen." In the name of the all-holy memory card, I bless you on this day to forever be a gaming addict! Congrats! :D
Celtic, celtic rock, folk, blue grass, oldies, classic rock, alternative rock, some jazz and classical is quite a list. That must make you quite a person.
Or, I'm being lazy. :)
Boba Fett, President of Attractive Mythological Creatures- EQ2 is suave. I'm not really sure why people are complaining about it being a tad bit of a grindfest- if you've played any MMO from the past six years, guess what? It was fourty times the grindfest EQ2 is. Law and Order rocks in general- any of the shows. I just like SVU because I'm kinda interested in perverted psychos. *thumbs up*
Lea, President of Cows- *nods*
Let the sun never blind your eyes.
Well, I went to the mall with denero in tow. No dudes came up to me with sob stories and asking me for cash, so it was a good trip. To blow the dust off my GC I got Tales of Symphonia from EB. I think I go there too much, I know all of the guys who work there pretty good, lol. They know my buying habits and everything.. tsk. ToS is a pretty good game- the combat system was kinda bitchy the first five fights. It's combat system is basically a watered down fighter- you have combos, depending on what mix of the A button and the analog stick you do- id est, tilting the analog stick up as you start your combo will cause you to go aerial with your strikes, knocking your opponent up. It probably will get more complicated when I'm beyond just 6 hours into the game [if you think 6 hours into the game is enough to have learned everything about it, you clearly haven't played Xenosaga]. You just combo it up and end it with one of your special moves- which you trigger however you want to, as you set it on the menu screen lol. It's some mix of B and the analog stick or C stick- so, the combat is pretty basic sounding but.. as my forte isn't fighting games, it took me a few tries to get down pretty well. I'm enjoying the story but, uh- how many young women and their escorts does it take to save the world? That theme seems a wee bit common. Oh well. I'm addicted so.. ;(
*pets controller* Preciouses..
Scary's on the wall; Scary's on his way.
I also got one of the Alice in Chain's "best of" CD's- it's called "Nothing Safe". I adore Alice in Chains- that is real music right there. How can you pass up songs like "Grind", "Again", "What The Hell Have I", "We Die Young" and "Them Bones"? You can't! I also got Muse's "Absolution", but the praises of that CD have already been well-sung throughout MyO- all you goddamn wippersnappers not paying homage to where your rock came from! *slaps you with Alice in Chains* Ah, man. Just listening to the first thirty seconds of "Grind" and I'm addicted to this CD. I haven't listened much to Absolution, because uh- well, as I said.. addicted to this CD. I'm confident it will be good, though.
I wonder if I just jinxed myself, hm.
The face before me flies.
Hey, someone lightly slap Maladjusted for me if you know her intimately. She was referring to agreeing with me in a thread and..
Well. Yeah.
She needs to be punished for her sins. ^_^'
Colette has earned the title "Turbo Waitress"!
Heh, the new way to understand if a nation thinks they are a great power or not is not by nuclear weapons anymore- it's by it's threats of pre-emptive strikes. Russia is starting to make the same threats against it's terrorists- going from directly speaking about Chechnya to a more enigmatic, "we can strike any terrorist we want" tone. The only time the U.S.S.R. had done airstrikes on foreign soil, in comparison to the United States, was when it was at war with Afghanistan in the 80's. So, this is an interesting development- a little bit of a shift. I wonder where they will go with this- Russia has the capability to easily be a great power. The United States could never invade Russia and Russia could never invade the United States- no one can conquer the other, but both of them can be dominate figures for *every other nation* on the globe. Just, Russia has some obvious economic problems- if those ever get ironed out, Russia can be on par with or beyond the U.S. again- intriguing, hm.
Watch out, terrorists! If you don't strike us, we'll strike you! *slap fight ensues*
Watch him as he goes.
NBA wise there was a great Texas shoot-out last night- Dirk Nowitzki vs. T-Mac. Dallas Mavs vs. Houston Rockets. Dirk Nowitzki had a 53 point, 16 rebound performance that won the duel against T-Mac who had 48 points- it was great. Simply great, that's good basketball right there. The Spurs are 13-3, which is damn good in my opinion. They have gotten a good consistency of simply decimating teams- I mean, seriously. There's a good match-up tonight- the last two NBA champions against each other. Guess who? Spurs vs. Pistons. Tonight. You know who I'll be cheering for.
Alright, that's about it.
Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.

Comments (4) |
Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Fire Damage.
Comments on Commentary:
Tortor- *hugs back* ^_^
Lea- Aye.
HeartOfSword- You'd be surprised. But, after a few days of 3 hour nights, it catches up to you quickly.
Eye Deeff- Aye, it is. Good quote, that.
Wandering between two worlds, one dead,
The other powerless to be born.
Anytime there is a rivalry in the world of Gaming, idiocy occurs. Final Fantasy # vs. Final Fantasy # is a common one, or maybe Halo vs. Everythingelsethathaseverbeendevolped or Final Fantasy 7 vs. Allrpgsthathavecomeoutsincethen. The latest one is in the MMO world- EverQuest 2 vs. World of Warcraft. Hooo-WEE, ma! Best hold on ta yer britches cuz we in fer a good one! I play EverQuest 2- why? Because I want to. Gaming isn't about what is better than what- it's about what you find enjoyable. Some people prefer EQ2, some people prefer WoW. Both sides have fanboys that need to be tested for rabies. WoW seems to get better scores on reviews than EQ2- I don't give nearly half a damn and neither should you, if you like the game you are playing. We're too focused on percentages now, in the gaming world- we look at review figures more than we look at if we like the game or not. On GameSpot alone I've enjoyed numerous games that were lower than 7 on the review scale- you know why? Because we're all different. There is a difference between the gaming Desbreko likes and I like- or between Shin and I or Sen and I or anyone and I. The tastes you have are part of what makes you, you. This won't stop those stupid rivalries from cropping up because, well.
80 percent of humanity is expendable for a reason.
My Hero.
Most of you already know my theories on how our subconscious effects our choice of fonts based on your personality [if you don't, one day I was really bored and staring at my font and...]. Another thing that demonstrates a person's personality is the music they listen to- generally, you can judge a person based on the music that touches their heart/they listen to most/they like the most/insert whatever here. I listen to rock, metal, classical and trance. What does that say about me? Well, you can judge that my energy generally comes from something hard or fast- trance, rock or metal. I can get hyped up on something that causes your house to shake, whether it be from the bass guitar or the beat of the song. You could say that I have a underlying placidity- when all of the energy and hyperness fades, what is left is something like the surface of a lake. Quiet, contemplative and slow- classical. My personality is dominated by this underlying placidity- the rest of it is built on that placidity. You could expand on this easily- metal has mostly hateful undertones, so do I hold alot of hidden animosity? You could try this on yourself, look at what you listen to- what is it saying? It has an emotional language too it, aside from the musical and lyrical aspect of the song. You listen to it for a reason- you generally "like" it, yeah? Why do you like it? Does it reflect you? Does it reveal anything you?
If it does, good. If it doesn't, good. Either way, I know that I can define myself loosely based on my music, so your success with it is your own thing to curiously attempt to achieve.
Or, maybe I'm just a crackpot.
*eyes narrow*
There will be no peace. All the ideas you or anyone else has that eventually mankind will exist on a placid, peaceful earth are nothing but idealistic dreams that will not come to pass. There will be war, destruction and chaos until the end of this planet, the end of our race or the end of time. Our answer to anything can devolve into violence, and that option will remain there no matter how much you wish it would go away. In the thread Israel and Palestine: Lets resolve this once and for all people, idealistic peace and or racial friendship messages are being posted by ignorant simpletons. People cannot be friends when they have such a difference of opinion- no matter how unfortunate it is they have a silly or stupid opinion about someone's nationality or race. Peace in totality will never exist on this planet unless some random nation conquers the entire world- the only times the known world had the closest thing to true peace was when the Romans had conquered most of it. Pax Romana. So, ironically, the only way you can get close to true, peaceful co-existence between races, nations or otherwise is through a world war.
Welcome to reality.
Perry Mason.
You know what show I like? I like Law & Order: SVU. That show is the bomb- if you've never seen it, it usually comes on the USA network at about 6. Some nights they show a few of the hour long episodes in the row, sometimes not- depends, you should check your TV listings to know for sure. That show is just the bomb, no ifs, ands or buts about it- I think that some of you might like a little intelligence with your shows, instead of splurging your brain out on the idiotic sitcoms on most stations.
So, go check it out.
I Stay Away.
Welp, that's about it. I'm gonna go play EQ2.
Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
P.S. Hahahahahaha.
P.P.S. The Attack of the OtakuBoard Scholars' Ego.
P.P.P.S. Go Spurs!
P.P.P.P.S. Image of the Day: Rise again.
Comments (5) |
Monday, November 29, 2004
They come to see; they come that they themselves may be seen.
MOSCOW - Russia has successfully tested a modernized anti-ballistic missile system, Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov told President Vladimir Putin on Monday, according to the Interfax news agency.
Ivanov told Putin that his ministry would "further perfect and modernize the anti-ballistic missile system," the news agency reported.
He said the anti-ballistic missile had passed its test on Monday morning at the Sary-Shagaz testing range in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan.
Ivanov said earlier that Russia would test-fire a mobile version of the new Topol-M missile before the year's end and would commission it next year.
Topol-Ms have a range of about 6,000 miles and reportedly can maneuver in ways that are difficult to detect. The missile, which can intercept and destroy other missiles, has been deployed in silos since 1998.
Russia reacted calmly when Washington withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002 in order to develop a nationwide missile shield. But Moscow has since complained about Washington's plans to build new low-yield nuclear weapons.
Last month, Putin said Russia was developing a new nuclear missile system unlike any weapon held by other nuclear powers. In the past year, Russian defense officials have also made several announcements about new weapons.
"We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, 'Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another." - Robert Oppenheimer.
In other news, there is no news. Thanksgiving wasn't anything special. What do I have to be thankful for? I have blood to bleed. I have friends. I have many more decades of chasing dreams. Beyond that, I do not think I need much. You know what I do need? I need to get more than three hours of sleep. I'll catch all of you later.
Comments (4) |
Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate it and all those that don't.
I will not be doing anything with my family for Thanksgiving as.. well, they are extremist Christians. I do, however, think I can give thanks without all the stereotypical requirements. ^_~
That's all I have to say. Enjoy yourselves.
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Vertigo- you too?
Comments on Commentary-
Eye de Eff- "Thus always to tyrants." Brutus said it after Julius Caesar's assassination. I'm not really sure what happened to Thanksgiving.. but.. you should be generous on everyday! Yes, that's it. Definitely no error on my part. *shuffles this under the Rug of No Errors Here*
Anti- Why, mon capitan! What a glorious day it is. Yes, the undertones of my response were very blatant. I'm sure that someone, somewhere got them- didn't I explain them to you? I would consider that cheating, tsk. I'm going to have to ask you to retake the undertones test. They had a plausible reason to feel that I was specifically targeting the members of that chat, so there was no need to attempt any rudeness. Thank you, though. I appreciate your defense- as it was the only one I got, lol.
Lea- Ah, Anti is just special. Maybe even a nobleman- like an emperor or something.
*Comments from the Nov. 19 post.*
Erin- It's fine. I wasn't referring to you directly, but I never clarified that. No problems. ^_^
Shinfaru- Great! I am not alone on this planet. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!
"Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out."
So, let's do a mandatory update on the life of Ken. I have a fucking giant ass headache because I slept ten hours- from around 8:30 in the morning till 5:30. But, thankfully, it's going away. My grandmom is freaking out as of late because my granddad is saying he is going to stop taking his medicine after his last visit to his psychiatrist. Brief history of Ken: As soon as I was adopted by my grandparents, I was dismayed to learn my grandfather is pretty psycho too. Not as physical, but still crazy. My grandmother had serious health problems until I was about 14 or so- she had migraine headaches every few days that lasted for an unknownable amount of days. She had other problems too- like, something was wrong with her neck that put her into the ER, she had to get her gall bladder removed- I have spent whole days of my life sitting in the ER room, usually at 1-2 in the morning. All of that set her in a pissy mood, so basically my grandparents argued every 2-3 days for the span of 5-6 years. They would lock each other in their respective rooms [they weren't sleeping in the same room until 2 years ago] for days at a time. My dad wasn't that crazy at me- but, being the only child, I became some sort of a trump card. lol. Whoever's side I was on was more "right" than the other side's. I could tell you a plethora of tales, ranging from the time my grandmom pulled a butcher knife on my granddad to the time I got in a fistfight with my grandpa when I was 11-12. It all finally came to a head in January of 2002, when my grandmom filed a restraining order on my grandfather and started to get a divorce. For about 3 weeks we traveled around, living at hotels- I was sincerely hoping she would go through with this, but of course it didn't work out. She was enticed by the money my grandfather had and didn't want to live poorly. So she influenced his psychiatrist to put him on these drugs that "even him out". He doesn't really smile or laugh anymore, or do much of anything- he's admitted to me many times he is really depressed. I would be glad to see him off the medication- I keep insisting to my grandmom that if he does anything I can easily beat the shit of out of a 63 year old, lol. It's sad that such great people with good personalities can have these quirks that eventually decimate their good personality. What do I think about it? I'm not really sure if I can care too much either way. All of those arguments labeled me as a tool instead of a person. If I wasn't being used as a tool, I was left alone for long expanses of time due to their childish tantrums over small things. My mother is as much to blame- she was damaging on an emotional level just as much as he was. Either way, I have to protect them from someone- each other. Both of them have powertrips when their authority is usurped and, unfortunately, neither of them have the concept of sharing "power". At the moment my dad's authority has been neutralized thanks to my mom's pushing for him to be on meds, but soon they will both be at it. They literally are like children, lol. I know I cannot judge them, but I know how their God will. If either of them get the "good" afterlife their religion portrays I'm going to delve into goddamn heresy as far as I can go because neither of them deserve such an ending. So, that's the whole deal with that. I'm not bitter anymore about it. I still envy people depending on how "normal" their life has been and is, but really- I am who I am today due in part to the environment I was raised. So, no matter how surreal, I have to remember something.
"By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest." - Confucius.
It's unfortunate that people value pseudo-authority so much. Once you have authority, you realize how demanding it is- to be a leader of any amount of people takes alot out of you. What they desire is something you cannot attain, it is something handed to you. Why, praytell, do I not seek authority? I'm not a part of this family. I'm here because it was better than ending up in some orphanage. I'm here for the shelter, the food, the protection from the elements. I'm here because it is the lesser of two evils. Some of you know what I mean. In conclusion, no matter what happens, I still have to defend someone- so, I don't care. My mom does, and that's fine. My dad does, and that's fine. But I don't.
And that's fine.
Hello, hello. Hola!
I'm going to get a job in like a month. I'm ectatic, clearly. *forced smile* YES. I AM PLEASED. I LIKE TO WORK. WORKING IS GOOD FOR BRAIN. KEN LIKE TO DEAL WITH STUPID PEOPLE. But, in the end, I need money for two trips I'm planning for next year.. so. I'm forced to get a job. I'm not really sure where I want a job. What area of teenage jobdom has the least idiots, losers and hicks? I have no answer to that- maybe no one does. I do know that I'm going to be the best goddamn worker they have because, hey- money. I'll prolly end up working at a grocery store- where, my sanity bleeding from my body in short spurts, I will eventually lose all manner of coherence and leave the world muttering about magical fairies who enjoy peppermint candies. But, hey- money. And I'm like.. so hardcore anti capitalism. Every time I enter a store I say to my grandmom, "Ahh! I love the smell of capitalism." AHHHHH MOTHERLAND! *destroys capitalist stores* But, hey- money. Gotta work for those dollars so I can drive to California and see their Austrian governor. California, California- here we comeeeeeee.
Fairy: I love peppermint candy. ^. ^
Ken: AHHHHhhHhh o.O!
Say hello to Baphomet.
So, there are problems in the Ukraine again- little surprise, really. I've been pretty hard on Ukraine since.. I was.. born. Nothing personal to them as a people, but after being apart of Russia for several centuries you should give up your idiotic nationalism like intelligent people would. If you ever wondered how Russia survived the invasion by the behemoth army of Nazi Germany, there are many factors. One of them is the fact that they had over one million partisan warriors behind the German lines- all of them were being controlled by Stalin himself. They actually put commisars into each of the partisan units, supplied them with good arms and gave them orders- so over one million partisans had coherent officers and chain of command. They wrecked alot of havoc- one million people can do that- and severely damaged the German War Machine. How does this tie in with the Ukraine? Well, hell. The Ukrainians have had national pride for eons. Why would they suddenly fold to a new group of rulers? So, pro-Kremlin guy wins an election many deem rigged. No *shit*. Russia is still trying to be as pariah as possible towards the west- they have good reason, I suppose. Especially with this nutcase fucking with things in the White House. So, we'll have to see what happens- but, the idiocy of nationalism is easily turned into opium for the masses. If they have the propaganda, fools will follow in the name of their sovereignty just because, hey- having your own nation is the cool thing to do these days. No matter how small or insignificant you are like, say Chechnya! Or, maybe, the Kurds! Sure, get your own country. Unifying is not the preferable option! Go for your sovereignty, doesn't matter that you will be a little shit backwater country that no one gives a fuck about until you harbor terrorists.
Come on, people! Divide, divide, divide! That's our greatest option. Mankind will only succeed if we are against each other!
Gonna end up a big ol' pile a them bones.
San Antonio gets 35 or so inches of rain a year. You're saying, that's pretty good- not too much, not too little. We get about 20 inches of rain in fall alone. Maybe you've heard about the rain that has drenched Texas- that happens every year. All the national weather channels are portraying this as being really abnormal or dramatically special- it isn't. Every year from Sept-Nov we get rain on the scale of Noah's Flood. Like 5-6 inches in two days, then it's dry for a week, repeat. A woman died here actually, lol- it's funny because I have driven on the road she tried to cross on foot. It's this road that is in the middle of a dry Mississippi river- I wish I was joking. There is a sign there that actually says "Don't risk drowning. Turn around." When it rains, that place turns into rapids- all of the trees are bent in one direction for a reason. And, of course, the dramatic air hits home here because, well, we live next to a dry creek that turns into a similar river. Someday, somewhere, I bet this house will be flooded- but not today. So, no matter what you hear, this is normal. We are relatively dry 9 months of the year- thunderstorm here, rain here, hurricane there. Once fall comes around, most of that 35 inches of rain comes.
Lying sonsabitches.
Vengeance now! We'll leave a path of human flesh as a sign.. for a better day.
That's about all I have to say for now. I'll talk to you all later.
Adios dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
P.S. Go Spurs!
P.P.S. Uh oh!
P.P.P.S. Fairy: Mmm. Peppermint candies! ^ .^
Comments (2) |
Monday, November 22, 2004
Sic semper tyrannis.
People can't grasp that as a Christian they shouldn't be celebrating a pagan holiday, lol. The symbolism behind what people celebrate on Christmas, if they are a devout follower of a religion, is amusing. But, there are no great purists amongst the readers of this Otaku, so you all are in the clear for hypocrisy. What are the holidays about for more secular people? Gathering, gifts, joy. There are more things to that list, obviously. Fellowship with family, fellowship with friends. I hope you all enjoy yourselves this season and have the best time you can have. Refresh yourselves, get out there and smile some. Yeah.. get out there and smile some. Generosity, that's the key. Be generous in spirit and material possessions.
End of preachyness. Beginning of a long overdue...
And the crowd goes wild.
First up, first up.. is this handwriting analyzer that has been floating around OB. I found it on Shinfaru's site who says he found it on JuuJuu's site who found it from God knows where. Let the analysis... BEGIN.
As this is lengthy, let's kick the font size down a notch.
Kenneth is selective when picking friends. He does not trust everyone. He has a select group of people that are truly close to him, usually two or three. He is careful when choosing his inner circle of friends.
I have good reason to not be that trusting of people, lol. It should be noted that while my inner circle of friends might be two to three people, my outer circle of good friends encompasses dozens of people.
Kenneth has a temper. He uses this as a defense mechanism when he doesn't understand how to handle a situation. Temper is a hostile trait used to protect the ego. Temper can be a negative personality trait in the eyes of those around him.
Hey, I don't just have a temper as a defense mechanism. Some things genuinely piss me off.
Kenneth is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect his ego when he feels hurt. He pokes people harder than he gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.
Nothing new here.
Kenneth is a practical person whose goals are planned, practical, and down to earth. This is typical of people with normal healthy self-esteem. He needs to visualize the end of a project before he starts. he finds joy in anticipation and planning. Notice that I said he plans everything he is going to do, that doesn't necessarily mean things go as planned. Kenneth basically feels good about himself. He has a positive self-esteem which contributes to his success. He feels he has the ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to. However, he sets his goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach". He has enough self-confidence to leave a bad situation, yet, he will not take great risks, as they relate to his goals. A good esteem is one key to a happy life. Although there is room for improvement in the confidence catagery, his self-perception is better than average.
Practicality takes a back seat to innovation if the need arises, but generally it doesn't. I enjoy information. I enjoy it to great degrees when I'm planning something. I like to know everything about things- you, your life, my environment, other environments, academical subjects, everything. I enjoy learning and knowing things. I am overtly confident and willing to take the greatest risks to acquire what I desire, if it is neccessary. So it's half correct.
In reference to Kenneth's mental abilities, he has a very investigating and creating mind. He investigates projects rapidly because he is curious about many things. He gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but he soon must slow down and look at all the angles. He probably gets too many things going at once. When Kenneth slows down, then he becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, he must slow down to do it. He then decides what projects he has time to finish. Thus he finishes at a slower pace than when he started the project. He has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. His mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. He can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Kenneth can then switch into his low gear. When he is in the slower mode, he can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. He is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.
This ties in to what I said just prior to this and is true.
Diplomacy is one of Kenneth's best attributes. He has the ability to say what others want to hear. He can have tact with others. He has the ability to state things in such a way as to not offend someone else. Kenneth can disagree without being disagreeable.
Kenneth is not facing something going on in his life today. He is deceiving himself about it. Often, Kenneth's opinion of himself is different than those around him. This trait gives Kenneth the ability to deny anything that does not agree with his "truth." This trait is not always something negative. It is only a defense mechanism allowing Kenneth not to face some reality in his life at this time.
I'm not sure if I wish to create a paradox by disagreeing with this based on it not agreeing with my "truth". We'll leave this with a hearty, australian WTF MATE? ^^
Kenneth will demand respect and will expect others to treat him with honor and dignity. Kenneth believes in his ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. He has a lot of pride.
If the demand is denied, I don't care as I will continue respecting whoever isn't respecting me. But yes, it is nice to get dignity and honor.
Kenneth has difficulty making decisions. His mind changes constantly. He lives in an emotional tug of war. Kenneth could be described like a thermometer. Today warm and friendly, yet tomorrow he may be distant and cold, not wanting to be close to anyone. Some research indicates that people with a severe variety in the slant of their handwriting have an inability to tolerate sugar and are suffering the side-effects of too much sugar in their diet. If moods swings are a reoccurring issue, investigate the diet. If Kenneth encounters a situation he cannot handle he frequently pulls into himself. He feels his emotions are secure if he is withdrawn. When he has solved the problem he can be very outgoing and again need other people's companionship. Some see Kenneth as very moody, but it it would be more accurate to say he has two complete personalities that he chooses depending on the circumstance. This type of person is often hard to understand because no one knows what personality he is exhibiting today. He may not be bothered by something one minute, then the next minute become upset at the same thing. It is very difficult to pin down Kenneth's emotional expressiveness.
Um, this is a little too revealing so I'll just leave this enigmatic comment.
People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Kenneth doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.
Jah, jah.
Kenneth has a desire for attention. People around Kenneth will notice this need. He may fulfill this need by a variety of ways depending on his own character.
Not normally, no. Attention comes and goes. I'm not going to actively seek out what is erratically distributed in social situations, lol.
 Velvet--- A-HA
Her skin is like velvet
Her face cut from stone
Her eyes when shes smiling
Will never reach home
But hear her how she sings
Her touch would be tender
Her lips would be warm
But when were togehter
Im always alone
But hear her how she sings
Her skin is like velvet
So I went to her home
Her place like a palace
With things you cant own
Her skin is like velvet
And hear her how she sings
Hear how she sings...
Yeah, she sings
And hear how she sings
Hear how she sings
What song describes your opinion in love? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered, powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see, being fire you are quite strong and powerful, people look up to you greatly and often seek your protection. You have the ability to gain many friends and you are always one people can count on to do what you say you will do. You are extremely loyal be it friends or family you'll stick up for them and you are never willing to put them in a position that could hurt them. You know what roll you play in life, leader, and you intend to let people know it. Not everyone is capable of leadership but you certainly have the willpower and flare to do it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself, one that can often lead you into trouble. Once your mind is made up there is no changing it but no one said that was a bad thing.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
The key to that on a philosphical level is that an uncontrolled fire is never a positive thing.
 From witches who could change into cats with magic spells, to tribes of anthropomorphic tigers living in the jungles of Malaysia, to bloodthirsty werecats of Japan who would prey on humans for sustenance, tales of werecats rival their more well-known werewolf cousins in number.
As a werecat, you are aggressive, fiercely independant, short-tempered and prone to violent outbursts. You can also be very kind though, by protecting those you care for from those who wish to do them harm. Those who befriend you are very lucky (as long as they stay on your good side!)
Who is your inner Shapeshifter? brought to you by Quizilla
 You came from the sky. Your a daydreamer and prefer to have a good look on situations.
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're like an angel. As everyone knows, angels dwell in heaven. They were desribed as shining ones wearing white and the idea that they have wings is believed as well. Guardian angels are the ones that many people think are dead loved ones who try to protect the living friends or family they have on Earth. They usually had blonde hair and maybe brown with flawless appearance and sweet dispositions. They were cheerful, hopefull, selfless, loving, and kind. Angels are the one mystical creature that a majority of people truly believe in. Encounters with angels are poping up all over the world and reassuring people's beliefs in angels. (If you cannot see the picture, go to my userpage and look near the bottom. There should be the picture and description for all the results)
What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 Brave, strong willed, loyal and passionate
You are a sprite of Fire. Full of passion, bravery and spice you are the living embodiment of fire. You are quite arrogant and think yourself above most but that is made up for by; your passionate ability to pursue your dreams, your strong will and your powerful well skilled ability for fighting. You are a natural leader, people are somewhat drawn to you and see you as someone to look up to but you only pay attention to them if they are useful, your equal or your superior. You are a very exciting person to be near for you have a vast love of adventure and battle. Fire is a symbol of Passion if and when you choose to love you are capable of beautiful, long lasting, devoted love. You are quite wondrous!
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 E:You take the Stairway to Heaven. Why
stay down when you can go up? You, my ambitious friend, are going places,
following your dreams. Good for you. Few people chase their dreams anymore.
Never give that up. You are heading up in the world, making a name for yourself,
even if it's just a small group who know it. You're finding your way and are
heading straight for the top. You've got all the qualities of a great leader and
are probably a very optimistic individual. Though you can be a bit selfish at
times and have a tendency to step over people in your way. You must watch that.
You could end up hurting the ones you love if you put your own goals above them.
Never lose faith in that dream of yours, but make sure you can keep those close
to you because in the end they'll be the ones to get you through the tough
times. You have found your place and yourself, few can do so well and still
struggle to find themselves. Don't let go of that sense of self you have even in
times of confusion, it will help you pull through. Be careful of your ego too,
you could lose your balances and once you're at the top, it's a very long way
down. So be mindful of others, strive forward to reach your dream, whatever it
may be, be true to yourself, and you keep going up. Don't let anyone pull you
What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X] brought to you by Quizilla
 "You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss". Your romance is Casablanca. A classic story of love in trying times, chock full of both cynicism and hope. You obviously believe in true love, but you're also constantly aware of practicality and societal expectations. That's not always fun, but at least it's realistic. Try not to let the Nazis get you down too much.
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life? brought to you by Quizilla
Peace. Somewhere, you've picked up a real peace that most of the rest of us just don't have. You're not inclined to hurt anyone or allow yourself to be hurt by meaningless words. You are very lucky.
What's on the inside? brought to you by Quizilla
Comments (3) |
Friday, November 19, 2004
This calls for an emergency comments on commentary:
Tori- *hugs her* I miss you too, my Queen! I hope all is well for you. =) IM me sometime! Our good times will never end. :P
Erin- People will do what they do and think what they think- I respect that. I politely suggest you respect me in the same way- I'm sure you have an understanding of the Golden Rule, yes? Hmm, you know.. I would hope that you are not implying that I should alienate myself from my friends just because I do not constantly enjoy the insanity that peaks in chatrooms. That could be almost unfriendly in tone, to state something like that- I wonder how I should take it, hm. Should I follow your lead and try to reply with biting sarcasm or a witty statement.. No. Surely melodrama on my part is not necessary in this! Hahaha, I respect you, Erin. No matter the time, no matter the place- I adore you, my friend. Continue to smile for me and those that cannot smile. *hugs you tightly* ^_^
James- I participated in the chat with the upmost of respect I thought- I didn't rant or rave to any of you while you were enjoying the company of friends. I *am* truly glad we congregated together, we don't do it nearly enough anymore. It even made me smile a few times- it was a breath of fresh air amongst the varying degrees of depression. I respect people's happiness, their uninterrupted glee- I just did not have it and still do not have it. There is a reason why I fall silent sometime- it is because I was taught that one of the worst weapons a man has is his voice, the words he speaks, he weaves, he writes, he thinks. No one seems preoccupied with thinking before they speak, as is exemplified by one of these comments and, to some degree, to my error in not expanding my opinion. It's an expanded idea of not saying anything when you don't have something nice to say. I have no reason, no valid authority to ever take someone's fun away. I could make some comment on the level of Erin's about how there are ways to avoid reading this, but I don't think that is the responsible path - Quod scripsi, scripsi. I apologize if you took offense to my words, but they were actually not aimed at you in the least, lol.
"She told me I was living in the past."
I do take responsibility for exposing myself to that when I was in a bad mood, but I did not want to disrespect you all. I thought it might cheer me up, get me out of my mood. I also take responsibility for not expanding on my thoughts- I have a problem with leaving things half explained, leading to misunderstandings. Rest assured I partake in flirting and sexual talk in social situations- I'm only human. But sometimes, I slide into depression or I have intellectual inspiration- then I do not feel like partaking in what I perceive as something primal or simply an irritant to my depression. I'm not conservative in any way, I merely support sex having some meaning. I do not think any of you slut around, I know you were having good fun- it was I with the problem, lol. I was not having fun, I was not in the mood for fun, I was quiet, trying to get into the flow of the chat room. I failed and felt awkward, so I would go into silence again. I did not plan to drag your fun to a halt, I was trying to go with it- trying to cheer myself up, as I said.
Let's rephrase my opinion some more. Sex has value to me. I am certain it does to you people. I have no problem with flirtation as long as I am not in a horrid mood, either. Flirt with whom you want, when you want to- I don't mind usually. I do my best to flirt with those I'm smitten with, but perfection is lost on those with mortality. I never mentioned the chat room for a reason- it was not what spawned the rant. I had something stewing in my mind for the past week and my mood only made the need to let it out grow. It's a mix of devaluing sexuality to the point of merchandising and conservative uproar over anything remotely sexual- meaningful or not. There is two things wrong in that article and that is one too many, lol.
You did not understand the full picture and implied that you had passed judgement on my post. You did not seek to understand the full picture, as you presumed you knew it. I did not flesh out into lengthy dialogue about the full picture because I presumed I did not need to explain where, pray tell, this all spurred from. Possibly you might have made an error- possibly you didn't. I know that I did and recognize it as a familiar error.
This is my where I let off my steam to avoid shooting down your plane in midflight in many situations. I don't want someone to IM me and say "What's up?" and my reply to be a 200-300 word paragraph on what I view as wrong on this Earth. I'm sure I could shove my thoughts into some obscure, more personal place but really- how is that better than a more public offering? Surely someone, somewhere can find insight in my dribble.
Ah, *hugs you all*. The intriguing characters I know and the people who view me as an intriguing character. What odd fellows we all have here, amongst each other.
It is time. I declare this emergency comments on commentary session to be over.
Sleep doth call for this son of man. It would be rude not to answer.
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