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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Fingers in the throat.
Survey Day

What time is it now: 3:57 AM.
Your Name: Kenneth Andrew Howell.
Your Nickname: Kenny/Ken/Fluffy/Fluff.
Your Online Name: DeathKnight/Narna.
Your sex: Male.
Your Age: 15.
Your Sign: Leo.
Your height: 6'3"
Your weight: 270.
Hair color: Dark Brown/Black.
Eye color: Brown.
Hair length: Short.
Do you wear glasses: Yes.
Are your teeth straight: Not really.
Do you have freckles: A few, I think.
Do you have a fake tooth: Nope.

Do you have a fake eye: Those are cool.
Do you draw fake moles on yourself: No.
Highest level of school: 11th and counting.
Do you work: Yes.
How do you dress: I wear clean things. I don't really care for fashion or style.
Do you smoke: Yeap.
Do you drink: Once and awhile, nothing regular.
Do you do drugs: While back. Perscription shit I avoid like a passion.
Do you have friends: Yea.
Do you have online friends: Yea.
Do you like your friends: Some of them.
Do you like your online friends: Some of them.
Got any kids? Not that I know of.
Got any pets? Yeap.
Got a car? Yeap, can't drive. Ain't that the shit.
Live on your own? Nope.
Live with your 'rents? Yeap. Most 15 year olds do.


Type of music: Death Metal.
Actor: I like Anthony Hopkins, in his more serious works.
Actress: Hmm. No one really.. alot of women with loads of talent grace the screens regularly, but none of them overtly catch my eye.
Movie: I could never limit it to one.
Soda: Diet Coke.
Food: Stuff with alot of curry. o.o
Car: None.
Hobby: Gameing.
Sport: Basketball.
Musician: Pig Destroyer.
Artist: Piccaso. Especially "Guernica".
Author: No one author.
Song: It changes alot. Currently it's '94 Hours' by As I Lay Dying.
Color: Crimson.
TV Show: Late Night With Conan O' Brian.
Brand of beer: Corona.
Brand of liquor: I don't have alot of expierence with liquor yet. -_- Reccomendations?
Brand of smokes: Whatever I can get, can't be picky when you are underage. lol.
Brand of drug: No one favorite.
Brand of clothes: Idiosyncrasy.
Record Label: Hmm. I seem to own alot of Roadrunner shit.
Brand of glue: Brand of glue?
Online test: Online test?
Online chat thing: AIM.
Shape: I like Hexagons.
Texture: Smoothe.
Game: Suikoden 1 or Legend of Mana.
Place: My mind.
Year: 1933 peaks my interest for some reason.
Holiday: None.
Quote: I dunno. How about "Fly, you fools."
Animal: Puma.
Sound: The sound of the shower water pounding on your head when you stop up your ears.
Book: The Hobbit.
Drink: Diet Coke.


Have you lied: Yes.
Do you lie: Yes.
Do you lie often: Not really. Only when the situation requires.
Do you lie to save your own ass: No shit,
Do you lie to save someone else ass: No shit.
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your lover: Haha. Nah.
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your enemy: Most definately. That is tactically sound.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired your friend: Nah. A friend can last till your death if you keep it up. You can find a new job.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired "that bitch you work with": Sure.
Have you lied to gain money: Yeap, might as well.
Would you lie to gain money: Yeap, money is nice.
Do you enjoy lying to strangers: Depends on what I am lieing about. If it is something serious, I prolly wouldn't lie. If it was just casual "hey, how do I get to so and so street" then I might on a whim.
Have you ever enjoyed lying to a stranger: Actually, yea.
Do you lie to bums that ask for spare change, saying you have none: Nah. Spare some cash for the guy, he needs it more than my teenage ass.
Would you dare to lie in the face of evil: Duh.
Would you dare to lie in the face of your mother: I already do.

Would you dare to lie in the face of your God: What, like he won't know?
Would you lie to get laid: Nah. That is special territory you are treading into, the "this is not something to joke around with" territory.
Have you lied to get laid: Nope.
Would you lie to get a job: Yea.
Have you lied to get a job: Not yet.
Would you lie to get a date: Hmm. Prolly not. What if it turned out good and your lie, in the end, torpedoed your chance of a relationship? Not worth it. Let her like you for who you are, it might turn out better.
Have you lied to get a date: Nope.
Are lies really that harmless: Depends on what you are lieing about.
Do you lie on online surveys to make yourself seem super cool: People do that? lol.
Do you lie online: Definately, if the situation is light enough.
If lying is sinful.. are you going to hell: Gyahahah. I don't believe in hell, so you can fuck off.

Love life:

Are you single: Yes.
Are you with someone: I wish.
Are you married: No.
Are you divorced: No.
Are you "Separated": No.
Are you "on break": No.
Ever been in love: Yea.
How many times: 5.
Looking back do you regret it: Yes.
Do you date people you meet online: Yes.
Do you date people you meet at bars: No.
Do you date people: Yes.
Do you "net date": Yes.
Are you happy with your current status, why: Yes. Being single is giving me alot of freedoms.
Are you still holding on to the past: Yes.
Do you agree that Jet Li is a good husband for Shajuana: lmao.

The following apply to you? Y/N

Witty: Yes.
Charming: Not really.
Quiet: One half of the time.
Loud: The other half of the time.
Pretty: No.
Radical: Yes.
Sucky: I guess to some people.
Smart: Yea.
Stupid: About some things.
Dumbass: Nah, not that far.
Ugly: Hmm. Pretty much average.
Slow: Sometimes with social situations I can be a bit "dur", inexperienced. Otherwise, not really.
Fast: Yea.
Talented: I have talents. Everyone does.
Useless: Hmm. I got uses too.
Punk: No.
Young: Well, yea.
Old: Someday.
Past your prime: lol.
You're just reaching your prime: no, not nearly.
Dashing: No.
Daring: Yea.
Dainty: No.
Powerful: I guess so.
Athletic: No.
Artistic: Yes.
Superhuman: Not really.
Sexy: No.

The following are Good/Bad

Sex: Good.
Love: Bad.
Happiness: Bad.
Rap: Bad.
Pain: Good.
Pop music: Bad.
Anime: Good.
TV: Good.
Country: Bad.
Metal: Good.
Nu-Metal: Depends on the group. Most of it is bad, but you strike a few glimmering gems strone throughout the maelstrom.
Death Metal: Good.
Industrial: Good.
Punk Rock: Good.
Easy Listening: Bad.
Korn: Up to Follow the Leader is good.
Murderous Rampages: Good.
Sega: Good.
Nintendo: Good.
Play Station: Good.
Game Boy: Good.
Chinese Food: Good.
Italian Food: Good.
Japanese Food: Good.
Mexican Food: Good.
Online Quizzes: Good.
Online Surveys: Good.

Whats your deep dark secret: I condone murder, I guess. That is as deep as I will go, beyond that is the dungeons.
Whats your biggest fear: I hate the deep ocean.
Whats your greatest sexual experience: Man. They are all great. Hahaha.
Whats your best date ever: Ehh. Me and Angela on the riverwalk.
Whats your worst date ever: Hmm. No worst one yet. I try to handle them pretty well. Heh.
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you: One of them that tops the list is that one time when I was 9 after church, everyone was mingling about chatting. There was a small, wooden display up asking for contributions to go twards a new convention hall that would be just for that district of Jehovah's Witnesses. I was sorta mingling there, most of the kids thought it was cool and hung out there. This little girl just out of nowhere takes me by suprise and pushes me with all her strength INTO the wooden display, knocking it to the floor with a resounding crash.

Everyone was like staring. It was kinda weird, since it wasn't my fault. lol.

Would you make a good candidate for Jerry Springer: I think I would make a good Jerry Springer, actually.
Anime isn't that bad is it?: I adore it.
You agree that DVD is much better than VHS right? Duh.


Do you hate America: Yes.
Do you hate terrorism: Not really. We are hypocrites declareing a war on Terrorism and then invading everyone that we think harbors them. That is sort of terror inducing, haha.
Do you think America shouldn't be involved in the Mid East why: No. Fuck Isreal. Fuck Iraq. Fuck Saudi Arabia. Fuck Afghanistan. Let them kill their own heathen asses over minute, petty religious, polotical and social things. The time when the mid east conservitive countries matter to me it all will only be when my car is out of gas.
Do you hate western culture: Not at all.
Do you like America: No.
Do you like Americans: The smart ones.
Did you vote for Bush: I can't vote.
Do you think Bush is doing a good job: No.
Are you Canadian: No. Natural born Texan.
Do you believe your country is doing okay or would you change things: I would change things. We are doing some pretty stupid things, haha.
Are you conservative or liberal? Liberal Socialist.
Do you think immigration in America is out of hand? Actually, no.
Do you think that group of black people suing some southern company for profiting on slavery in the 1800's has a good claim? No. They should shut the fuck up.
Or do you think if they actually win, that every Native American should sue England, France and Spain for invading them, and profiting off them? If they actually win that I am going to become a crazy old hermit.


Are you religious? No.
Do you believe in a higher being: Maybe.
Is every religion wrong except your own? No.
Do you believe that any religion is lower than your own, or is wrong? No.
Is your God the only god? I don't know. I am agnostic, stop asking stupid questions.
Are you going to heaven? God I hope not. That would be boring. Dead conservitives up the ass.
Are you going to hell? I don't believe in hell.


Do you like it? Yes.
Do you have any? Yes.
Do you make a lot of it? No.
Do you get your money through illegal ways? A few times.
Do you pay taxes? I haven't had to really deal with it yet.
Do you think you shouldn't have to? Ahh. Taxes under the Bush administration. Let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Who did you get this survey from? The internet.
What time is it? 4:55 AM

what time did you go to sleep last night?: Around 11 AM.
what was the last noise you heard before you fell asleep?: A fan.
the last thing you said?: "I fucking hate this bullshit."
what did you dream about?: Finding a nice girl, actually.
do you drool or snore when you sleep?: Hmm. Neither.
when did you wake up?: 12 PM.
how did you wake up?: Parents.
what's the first thing that crossed your mind when you woke up?: ".. damn it."
when was the last time you took a shower?: Hmm. Yesterday, since it is 5 AM on a new morning.
when was the last time you said i love you to the opposite sex and meant it, family doesn't count: A couple of weeks ago.
where was the last place you went outside of your house?: Cici's Pizza.
who was the last friend you saw?: Ben.
who was the last friend you talked to?: Ben.
who's the one person you would die without?: Haha. No one.
what's your favorite song?: Currently? "Taste My..." by Chimaira.
favorite lyric?: Prolly 'Elite' by the Deftones.

"When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
You like attention
It proves to you you're alive
Stop, parading your angles
Confused? You'll know when you're RIPE

When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control

You're pregnant
With all this space
Thick with Honey
But I've lost my taste

You're into depression
Cause it matches your eyes
Stop, the faux to be famous
Confused? you know when you're RIPE
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control

You're pregnant
With all this space

Thick with Honey
But I've lost my taste.

When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control

You're pregnant
With all this space
Thick with Honey
But I've lost my taste.
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control
When you're ripe
You'll bleed out of control
You'll bleed out of control"
favorite group?: Pig Destroyer, Strapping Young Lad, Deftones.
favorite album?: White Pony by Deftones, Strapping Young Lad's selftitled CD.
how many times have you been in love?: 5.
are you in love anyone right now?: I.. guess.. so..
do they love you back?: Dunno.
if you could kill one person, who would it be?: My biological mother.
how many pillows are on your bed?: 1.
what color is the bottle of shampoo you use, and what kind is it?: Blue bottle of Selsen Blue dandruff shampoo to nuke my hair.
what color is the soap you use and kind?: Some sort of clear bottle. I sat in the store opening up liquid shower soap dispensers and sniffing out the best smelling ones. Some of them smell like a cows ass.
what color is your razor?: Grey.
what kind of deoderant do you use?: Right Guard's bullshit.
what kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?: Whitewater by Old Spice I think.
do you use lotion?: No.
how long are your nails right now?: Destroyed.
how old is the computer you're on?: Few weeks.
who was the last person to annoy you?: Harry.
do you believe in God?: No.
how long are the showers you take?: 25-40 minutes.
how many showers do you take a week?: 3-5.
do you love your parents?: No.
do you love your siblings?: To death.
what's the worst thing that ever happened to you?: Hehehe.
when's the last time you cried?: Thursday night.
why?: I had lost all emotional stability after the last post and was hallucinating, having flashbacks, sobbing wildly. I've been trying to get control over myself for the last 24 hours.
the last time you wished you were dead?: Thursday Night.
the last time you felt important?: tonight.
the last time you felt sad because someone close to you was hurting?: A long, long time ago.
the last time you screamed?: Yesterday.
have you ever physically hurt yourself?: Yes.
how smart are you?: IQ is in the mid to upper 140's depending on the test results you want me to quote.
what person are you extremely attracted to, and not just because of looks?: Hmm. My secret.
do you like being outside?: Yes.
what one person do you know you could always turn to?: Travis, Britty, Tori.
who do you look up to?: No one.
who's the last person that made you cry?: Myself.
is emotional pain or physical pain worse?: Emotional pain can be triggered by phyisical pain.
where do you want to live?: Warsaw, Danzig, Berlin, Paris, Geneva, Kiev, Tokyo.
how many scars are on your body?: This remains something I refuse to answer.
how many people do you love?: A few people.
who's your best friend(s)?: Trav, Britty, Neil, Tori.
who do you turn to for advice?: Travis, Britty, Tori.
if you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be?: It would be three people. But, if only one, Angela.
on a scale of 1-10, how happy are you?: 3.4
on a scale of 1-10, how depressed are you?: 5.6
what color are the sheets on your bed?: I don't have sheets. I use a single comforter.
how many cds do you own?: Dozens.
what are 3cds you wish to own?: Two of Pig Destroyers CDs and the newest from Chimaira.
what is your greatest regret?: Haha.
when was the last time you were sick?: Couple months ago I had a bad cough.
are you hurting anywhere right now?: Nope.
what do you wish you were doing right now?: Sleeping.
when was the last time you had a nightmare?: Friday morning.
are you talking to anyone right now?: Desbreakfast.
what are you talking about?: Heh. Gonads.
who's the last person you were on the phone with?: Ben.
are you pale?: Hmm. Overall? No. In the face? Nope.
when was the last time you brushed your hair?: Weeks ago. I hate combing/brushing/licking/fucking/whatevering my hair.
have you ever wanted plastic surgery?: No.
how many screen names do you have?: Two.
which one do you use the most? DeathKnight V4.

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