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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
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I saw Sailor Moon.
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Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.
Sunday, July 4, 2004
O mein Gott. Es gibt ein axt im meine kopf.
I've never celebrated the Fourth of July or said the Pledge of allegiance due to my previous religion. That is one of the only positive things that ever came about from that.
I don't have a biased view on this country. I wasn't taught patriotism. No, I don't hate this country. I don't deny that it has A.)Military, culture and industrial power, B.) Usually has quasi-intelligent people at the citizen and some political levels, or C.) Has helped nations in the past who required help.
I'm just not patriotic. This country has killed innocent people, it's had double agendas- it's a nation. Nations have goals to acquire resources, territory, people. They have goals to protect their interests, their sovereignty.
So, in closing, I find a pro-my country attitude of any citizen of any country to be somewhat amusing, if nothing else. The achievements of any country are blackened by the unavoidable bloodshed, shady acts or double agendas that come with BEING a country.
Then again, that might prove that you really can't blame them- it comes with the territory of being a sovereign nation. The one thing I refuse to tolerate is nationalism and it's extreme counterpart, jingoism. I know for a fact both of those concepts have caused unneeded and undo bloodshed.
Patriotism? Meh. I guess for some people it just comes with being apart of the country. As long as, with most everything else that deals with humanity, you don't take it to extremes it can be ok.
However, I scoff at some patriotic people. Especially those from Canada, hmm. *taps chin* Mexican patriotism too. Serbian, Ukrainian and Polish patriotism is more annoying than funny. Most of the smaller Slavic countries I scoff at. Oh yeah, I kinda giggle at Australian patriotism. *coughs* Yeah, there is more to it but I'm kinda rambling now.
ANYWHO, back to the point at hand. If you are celebrating July 4th with a real sense of pride, kudos. If you or your family are just whoring it out as an excuse to get together, that's fine.
I just find myself disliking any idea that you are somehow elevated from other members of mankind. Be it because of country, race or social hierarchy.
You should consider yourself to be human, first and foremost.
Now for some sort of on topic but cool historic images.

I think most of the pictures are pretty easy to identify. The one you might not get is the one with the Soviet soldiers. They are atop the Reichstag in the centre of Berlin, waving the flag of the USSR. That is how destroyed the city was after the Battle for Berlin.
Also the last picture is kinda hard to figure. It's from the current war in Iraq.
Welp. Uh, have a nice July 4th.
Hahaha. *pats you on the back*
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