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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Friday, July 16, 2004

Simon says...

Quiz Day

Bear Spirit Calls To You ~

Freudian Inventory Results
Genital (40%) you appear to be stuck between destructive and constructive outlooks.
Latency (50%) you appear to have a good balance of knowledge seeking and practicality.
Phallic (66%) you appear to have issues with controlling your sexual desires and possibly fidelity.
Anal (30%) you appear to be overly lacking in self control and organization, and have a compulsive need to defy authority.
Oral (40%) you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence.
Take Free Freudian Inventory Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion meme thinks I might be interested in
1. philosophy score: 3
2. music score: 2
3. books score: 2
4. italy score: 1
5. @ score: 1
6. lou reed score: 1
7. walking score: 1
8. greece score: 1
9. religion score: 1
10. our lady peace score: 1
11. avante-garde score: 1
12. introverts score: 1
13. vampires score: 1
14. swords score: 1
15. gardening score: 1
16. old movies score: 1
17. computers score: 1
18. video games score: 1
19. royal ruby glassware score: 1
20. weddings score: 1

Romantic Kiss

Romantic Kisser
Your kisses are tender, heartfelt, and full of meaning. In other words, you don't just kiss anyone! Your kisses are for your true love. You're the kind of person who is naturally loving and gentle. You like to be romantic by kissing slowly while stroking your partner's face or by holding their hand. You feel that a kiss is an intimate act of sharing, not just physical fun. You are sensitive to your partner's needs and view your time with them as precious. You like to take your time. You are compassionate, thoughtful, and sincere . While kissing, you listen to your heart and think about how much your partner means to you. Your ability to tap into your feelings is your greatest characteristic. You enjoy a private environment with your partner, so that the intimacy is not interrupted. You can be playful and like to give sweet little pecks. Remember that variety is the spice of life, you may want to make kissing more exciting! Overall, you are the most caring and sensitive of all the kissing styles, and you take very good care of your partner by always putting their feelings first.

What Kind of Kisser Are You?
(by *Crazy Dannielle*)


You have an angry soul! Angry Souls arent always
angry, but they cannot easily forgive and hold
grudges. You probably often get in fights with
your friends and family, and its difficult for
you to understand. When someone makes a
mistake, you dont let go easily and hold on to
those memories. Your very stubborn and your
rage is known to everyone. Though you never
actually mean it, you can say mean things in a
fight and go over board. Many people are
sometimes intimidated by your anger. But you
have many redeeming qualities and those are
that you are quite intelligent and smart. You
would make a good businesswoman or lawyer
because you know how to prove your point. You
cherish the ones around you, and appreciate
life, even though you can complain or throw a
tantrum now and then. The good things is, you
keep your emotions very outspoken, and are
normally a very happy person because all your
rage is let on the outside. Anger is simply a
state, but you, yourself as a person, are

Take the quiz: "Which God or Goddess are you?"

God of Darkness
Seductive and, whether it's ture or not, HOT! You don't mind using what you got to take advantage of people, and you know you got it. You don't care what people think of you and wear your sexual orientation on your sleeve. You are the second piece to the ultimate divine being, combining darkeness with light makes the world live.


You've probably studied loads of different religions, but you're just not sure if any of it is true. Evolution makes some sense to you, but it doesn't satisfy you. Lastly, your personality is one of question, but you won't go out of your way to find -The Truth- It's more of a hobby.

viva agnosticism! =D

Take the quiz: "What Celtic Diety are you?"

(Irish, Welsh) Great Smith; one of a triad of craftsmen with Luchtaine the write and Credne the brazier. Similar to Vulcan. He forged all the Tuatha's weapons; these weapons always hit their mark and every wound inflicted by them was fatal. His ale gave the Tuatha invulnerablity. God of blacksmiths, weapon-makers, jewelry making, brewing, fire, metalworking.Aside from his craftsmanship, he is known as the provider of the Fled Goibnenn, a Sacred Feast. Associated, among other things, with brew-crafting, he is said to have created a brew which bestowed both immortality in battle, and release from illness and death for the one who imbibed.

Take the quiz: "Is Suicide Your Destiny?"

Close to Suicide
Since you are so depressed it is ideal in your eyes to die. I suggest you take my METHOD OF SUICIDE quiz

Take the quiz: "Based on your star sign, how would you act as an animal? (Great Pictures)"

-- Acts in charge of the household ---- Can be quite domineering ---- Has robust health ---- Possesses a very big ego ---- Apppears to strut when walking...or hopping, etc. ---- Thrives on attention and praise ---- Excels at personal defense ---- Has a very strong and intense personality ---- Is extremely faithful to owner and other family members ---- Is loving --

Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Ta mo bhriste tri thine
Ta mo bhriste tri thine - 'My trousers are on fire.'You're a few bricks short of a load, aren't you? You're probably not allowed to use sharp objects and you should be locked in a rubber room. With Rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They drive me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a rubber room. With rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats...

Take the quiz: "What is your personal mascot?"

Bumble Bee
Bumble Bee
You flit around and are unsure of what to do. You have no set friends, but people like your spontaneity. Try acting a bit more open and you'll be surprised how many people will warm up to you!

Take the quiz: "what kind of person are"

you are an example of popularity

Take the quiz: "Are you a good girl/boyfriend?"

You are the best
awwww you are everything they ever wanted. You seem to always make them smile. You never argue. They would never even think of cheating on you. you are the lack of a better word

Take the quiz: "Which Element do you align with?"

You are a being of Fire. You are driven and determined, harboring a desire for Power. You are passionate, sometimes to the point of aggression. Horus and Lugh watch over you.

Alright, well. I have a drive to do.

Hahaha. Maybe I won't take as many turns at 15-25 mph with the instructor there.

Ahh. Sayonara chickas, dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.

"Zeal is fit only for wise men but is found mostly in fools."

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