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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Monday, September 6, 2004

I beat Neverwinter Nights tonight. Standard gamer celebratory comment inserted here. It's a pretty good game- I'm going to grab the two expansion packs eventually, just to slaughter some more. You know, evil never rests and such. Can't say it was the best ending in the world- left you desiring a bit more on what happens afterwards than "this is only the first chapter in blablabla's adventure". Oh well. Next up is the humongous monster that is known as Morrowind. I'll handle it with gusto, I assure you. The PC Gaming King remains as such!

I finally played a full game of Literati against Lady Lea. I won 219 to 111. It is an amusing game but it really slows down fun-wise at the end- I mean, I had like 3 L's at the end. That's it. Three L's. What the hell am I supposed to do with three L's? Ah well. Good game I suppose. Rockin'? Mayhap. Cool? Sure, go for it. Rum-stealing good? Yeah.


Aside from that, I've been wondering how you people are holding up. Give me a holler, tell me how's it hanging, etc.

And... more than 350 died [half of them children] in Russia due to nationalism mixing with the most potent, volatile force on the planet- the human brain. I feel a deep sense of sadness for the loss of life- especially the children, the poor saps. It could have been worse, I suppose- good luck to them. Continue praying to your respective deities and otherwise for me. I'm sure it helps in some weird way.

Made it into an RPG, Dragon Warriors "Once Upon a Legend" as the head honcho of bad guys- fantastic. By the way, as is true for most of my RPG sign ups, his name has a meaning. His name is Arkadiy Kyran- he has the nickname "Ensis". Arkadiy means "bold" and is, obviously, Russian. Kyran means "lord" and is Persian. Ensis is latin, it means "sword". So, technically, he is the Bold Lord of the Sword. Nerdy, eh?

Guess that's it for now.

Don't forget- you owe me a holler and a pray/hope/wish/interpretive dance for those slavs.

Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.

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