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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Monday, September 13, 2004

Another Brick in the Wall.
I had a rousing discussion with my mother today about the Gulf of Mexico. Ah, yes. She thinks the name should be changed to something more politically correct, like the Gulf of Texaco [ignoring the fact that Texaco is an oil company]. This is fundamentally flawed off the bat since Texas was apart of Mexico, but she wouldn't shut the fuck up so I had to listen to her deranged ranting.

Apparently the name of a body of water like the Gulf of Mexico denotes ownership. I was not completely aware of this, I was told somewhere way back when that it was more the location- IE, just by chance, Mexico is located somewhere nearby the Gulf of Mexico. You know, in the general area, yeah? But, apparently, this is not the case anymore. I suppose that India owns the Indian ocean and Atlas the Atlantic.

Ah well, I digress. It was interesting that she literally feels that way. I asked if she was just yanking my chain or something, but she wasn't [unfortunately]. I dunno what to say really, it was sort of shocking to me. Heh.

I've been downloading alot of music lately. A big chunk of it is stuff by the Foo Fighters- their older stuff. Everlong and the like. It's great music, to be sure and I recommend it to anyone- especially songs like Breakout, Monkey Wrench and the aforementioned Everlong. Also download "The Wizard" by Black Sabbath. <<

Well, I'm off to some form of sleep.

Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.

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