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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Friday, September 17, 2004

I got my head checked by a jumbo jet- it wasn't easy, but nothing is, no..
People need someone to blame when things start to go awry. They need a scapegoat, someone to push it off on as the columns supporting them start to crumble from happenstance and luck. Advising, giving people advice- it's surprising how many times you get to be the bad guy. Truthfully, I am not the best at wording what I say- I am blunt, arrogant and can come off as a pretty big asshole. I don't care about that really, it is required to get the message through to some stubborn or ignorant people- but it leaves you vulnerable to the blame.

This has occurred several times to me in the online world with several friends. Drama queens, all- typical dramatic past, typical dramatic present, typical angsty outlook. They want the spotlight alot of the time, they need attention to heal it seems. At least, that is what they think. My past is hellfire, true- but I edited my outlook to become a pretty content guy. Although the past was bad, I have my future to construct- focusing solely on my past will just cause me to stumble more in the future, yeah?

I don't really mind being made the scapegoat for people's failed operations. I usually voice protest at it, but I've stopped as of late. They are just swinging blindly at a target they can never hit- call that egotistical if you want, but I doubt any of you could really hurt me emotionally if you wanted to. Physically? Maybe. I am a giant Mexican, though- fearsome as fearsome comes.

I would love to soften my lecturing- have a nice, calm rhetoric to give people who need some advice. Unfortunately, most of you are quite stubborn- you have ungodly amounts of titanium layered in your head, making a large, verbal sledgehammer quite necessary. So, I will continue being vulnerable to people's judgment of my ways to operate.

Judge me, if you wish to. That is your right and really, I might deserve it. I am rather unorthodox sometimes. I might think too highly of my opinions, I might not. Who knows?

The point to this is mainly to inform you all that sometimes helping people gets you stabbed. I know several of you are people that get turned to for advice/help/etc.- be careful. You are exposing yourself to the knife everytime you do that. And, if you ever get advice that is worded strongly by me and you take offense, tell me. I can't read minds, I usually assume that the fire is helping you. If it isn't then don't just sit there taking my BS.

I wouldn't if I were you. ;]

Oh well. I'm gonna go play the first Paper Mario.

Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.

P.S. I hope anyone affected by Ivan the Terrible is alright. I wish you well.

P.P.S. It is kinda weird feeling to be giving your ex advice on love. Like.. bad weird.

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