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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Vice presidential debate was tonight. It was actually alot better than the first presidential debate, heh. Overall I don't fully agree with either men, but they composed themselves well. The only advantages I could see was Cheney having much more experience than Edwards- that's an unfortunate thing, since Edwards look poised to become a very great politician.

So far, I think that either party will perform some major screw ups. Neither is better than the other, on the whole- but, as the major factor seems to be Iraq and the Economy we have to give Kerry/Edwards some lovin' since Bush has pissed on the economy for the last couple of years.

Who are you/Who would you vote for, after seeing/hearing about these two debates thusfar?

I would probably, if I had to choose between the two "major" parties, vote Democrat based on his viewpoint on stem cell research, gay marriage and the fact that the economy on the Bush administration has "tanked".

But, you know. That's me.


Now it's time for something completely different.

Cruising Albino Blacksheep, burning off some braincells on the infantile flash movies, I stumbled across a striking, resilient beacon of intelligence hidden deep inside the heart of the site. Needless to say, I was taken aback.

I want you to watch it. It does has it's amusing parts, but it has meaning- it has a message, something you could learn from. I know you don't like to learn, I know- but just give it a try, huh? >:P

S-11 Redux: Channel Surfing the Apocalypse is the film. It's large, it's 10 minutes long, it has satire, it has things to think about. It has Bush with background banjo music.

What more could you ask for?

Cloudy Days

It's time for me to grab some Z's.

I'll catch you all later.

Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.

P.S.Urban Legends rock.

P.P.S. "Our beliefs are the very opposite of the fanatics beliefs.." winkwinknudge.

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