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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Angry Chair.
Conspiracy theorists target the one dollar bill's back side alot. I'm a student of insanit-.. um, mythology/cryptology/whatever, so I take an interest in this. Most of you are American, so I suppose you would want to know about it too. Take out a one dollar bill and just look at the back of it.
Or, you know. Just keep scrolling down.

The basic question that conspiracy theorists pose is "WTF". Yes, that is a unfinished pyramid on your one dollar bill. Seems like a cause for alarm already- what the hell do pyramids have to do with the great US of A? That's a great question! Then there is all that latin- what does it mean?! Could they be saying evil things about my mother on this dollar bill? Damn government! Insulting me on their currency! Then there is that weird floating eye thingy- is that thing glowing? It might be causing me cancer! I'm infuriated! Then you have the fact that it has spread through popular fiction books and other forms of communication that this seal alone proves there is some sort of a tie between the [ever prone to conspiracy theories] Free Masons and the fantastico nation of America. But wait- it's not just the Freemasons. The Illuminati comes into play here, yes. Yes, yes- the Illuminati. The word means "enlightened ones". It has come to mean many things to many people but it is most identified with the Bavarian Illuminati. A secret society that was a republican freethinker movement stuck in the overtly aristocratic, conservative state of Bavaria. That, of course, attracted attention- all secret societies were banned in Bavaria, including the Illuminati and the Freemasons. The organization collapsed- at it's height it was said to have two thousand gentlemen of all sorts of scientific and artistic professions. But, even today, there lingers rumors and evidence suggesting that the Bavarian Illuminati survived the collapse and could well be still in existence today- mayhap manipulating governments, abducting people, brainwashing innocent children, etc.
Well, bugger. From all this evidence alone it looks like there is some sort of a fifth column infiltrating America and seeking goals that do *not* include freedom, democracy and big ass corporations invading your town. Err. I mean, capitalism. *Shrugs* If you think that, that's alright. But before you go off the deep end with supreme ease, you should do what I ranted about yesterday- be objective about it. Learn about X subject before you rant about X subject and believe that X subject is true. Now, let's begin with what it is supposed to stand for.
It's supposedly called the Pyramid of Progress. There are 13 layers standing, of course, for the 13 colonies. They are separated into the layers for symbolism- each one of them is a separate 'state' working as a whole for a greater cause. It's unfinished because, way back when, they did not plan to have America *stop* at 13 states- the work of building the country was not done. It was merely the beginning. Now, as to *why* a pyramid was chosen- none of the things I read, no one I talked to knew as to why the pyramid was chosen for this symbology. The only half-reasonable answer I heard was that, at the time, it was assumed that Egypt was the cradle of civilization- the very first one, the birthplace of modern "humanity". Aside from that, there really is no clue as to why the pyramid is there aside from maybe the pyramid standing for :solid strength and duration". The Roman numerals are easy to discern- if you caught the symbolism of the Roman numerals in my last post [DCLXVI] , you should decipher it fine. But if you are not good at that sort of thing, I'll go easy on you. The Roman numerals there are MDCCLXXVI. That is 1000+500+100+100+50+10+10+6, respectively. 1776. Nothing too hostile there, huh?
Above the PoP is a glowing eye in a triangle. That is called the Eye of Providence. The Eye of Providence is a symbol that can be, ironically enough, traced back to Egyptian roots- specifically, it's mythology dealing with the Eye of Horus. However, it's modern incarnation started popping up in the 17th and 18th centuries. It stands for the watchful eye of God- the omnipresence of said deity, he is always watching you. He is there, he is with you. The triangle around it is a symbol for the Trinitarian system of Christianity- the holy spirit, Jesus and God as one. The glowing rays are just for effect, I'm afraid- dunno if it doesn't cause cancer, though ;). The first real signs of any conspiracy could be said to start right here- with the watchful eye of God.
The Eye of Providence was adopted by some form of Illuminati to signify their ability to slide into any organization at any place on the globe- in effect, they are always watching you with their spies. The triangle can easily be transformed to be Greek letter of Delta. Delta signifies change- mayhap a change from the then-global wide sickness of conservative imperialism? Who knows. Combine this with the fact that Pyramids are overtly pagan- clashing with the prevalent message of Godly purity on most other currency- and you have a dollar bill that seems to be steeped in what could be discerned as a blatant clue that something is rotten in the state of America [;)].
Alright, about those mother-insulting latin words. The latin words annuit coeptis means "God has favored our undertakings". Combine that with the Eye of Providence and the Pyramid of Progress. You get God watching over the development of the nation of America and favoring it over any other- which is disturbing enough a message, ignoring the idea of a third party poisoning the administration. Very bad, either way. Oh, odd coincidence- count the number of letters in "annuit coeptis".
Novus ordo seclorum. "The New Order of the Ages" is how the government translates that- continuing on the track with the "presented message" in lieu of the "conspiracy theorist definition of the message", this means that, beginning with the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 [the year on the pyramid], a New Order of the Ages has begun. A very, very convincing prophecy considering the proliferation of Democracy. However, the literal translation of this latin phrase is "New Secular Order". Why is that a problem? Secularization is a term that you should be familiar with, what with France's headscarf ban being in the news and all. You still don't know? *sigh* Secularization is basically taking away the religion out of something- when applied to Governments, it means that there is a separation of the church and state, they are *not* one and the same and the politicians do *not* campaign around describing their religion as being one of the reasons you should elect the silly fucker. Basically, it's the phasing out of religion from X thing. If you've been following along on the conspiracy theorists take on things, you know you have here the Illuminati placing pagan symbols on our dollar bill, putting under our nose key clues we have been ignoring. This ties into that- who better to benefit from secularization than scientists? Science has been inhibited by morality and the opium of the masses for eons- religion has put our species back by centuries do to their dogged idiocy pertaining to science. Without that, there would be no 'moral question' when it came to science- as it should be. So, why wouldn't a secret society of liberal scientists who dislike religion *not* want a secular world order?
Now. The question remains of the conspiracy theorists as to how the Illuminati would place these clues on our great dollar bill. They prided themselves on infiltration. One of the organizations they are said to have infiltrated is none other than the Freemasons. Freemasonry is very prevalent secret society that has hundreds of members- many of them famous people you would know of. Mel Blanc, creator of Bugs Bunny. Harry S. Truman, former President. General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander of the South Pacific during WW2. The Ringling Brothers- come on, you must know of them. You know, the circus brothers? Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism was a mason. Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's was one. Franklin D. Roosevelt., former President [he was the President during most of WW2]. Heh. George Washington was a fucking mason. Paul Revere was a mason. Theodore Roosevelt, former President. William Taft, former President. Hell, "The Duke" [John Wayne] was a Mason. Ben Franklin was a Mason. Seems like anyone who was someone was a Mason. Now, there was only one Mason present when the Dollar bill was first created- that was Benjamin Franklin. It seems that, as far as anyone can tell, he had nothing to do with any sort of Pagan symbology on it. However, it seems this overtly Pagan design was first submitted to the Treasury in 1935 when the Illuminati brotherhood was widely accepted to have spread from Europe into America and infiltrated the brotherhood of the Freemasons. At that time, many Masons were upper echelon government officials. Vice President Henry Wallace was one of them, and most academics now believe the design for the Great Seal was lobbied for by Wallace. Whether he made his decisions as a covert Illuminatus or innocently under their influence, nobody will ever know, but it was Wallace who convinced President Roosevelt to use the design. Of course, conspiracy theorists enjoy pointing out that Franklin D. Roosevelt was, as I said, a high ranking mason.
So, where does this leave you? Hm. I've presented you with an objective outlook. Between the improbable and what the Government officially says. What do I think? What does it matter? Either way, I'm boned. Either you have an overt, almost fanatical, religious Great Seal or you have one dripping with fifth column clues. I'm fucked either way.
What was the point of this? I dunno. I found it interesting. Look around you- things are more complex than they look. Even just half of this tiny dollar bill can lead to heated debates between men of intellect- amusing, isn't it? Make your own opinion. I keep an open mind and I like surprises- it wouldn't shock me if some sort of darker organization was at work, pulling strings. Truth is always stranger than fiction.
Oh well. Whatever you believe, it's an interesting series of tales and counter tales.
Keep your eyes open.
Adios dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
P.S. You guys are too quiet. Say something. Even if it's silly- this wasn't meant to spur you into a delirium of intellectual commenting. lol.
P.P.S. Let the eerieness begin.
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