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Dancin' with Enkidu.
Member Since
Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon.
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Ahh. Holiday season.
I hate holidays.
Lets do a quiz day, it has been awhile.
Quiz Day
 You are best suited to Traditional Wicca!!
You feel more comfortable in a structured setting, but have no qualms about doing what must be done when necessary.
What Style of Witchcraft suits you? brought to you by Quizilla
"Handbook for the Shark and the Crocodile"?
Want To Know Which Element You Are?
You are Air!
Flighty and spontaneous, nothing can hold you
down. Your thoughts, emotions, actions are all done with little concern except to experience and move on.
What is this stress that others talk about? You'll have none of that. You also put the other elements to
shame with the passion you can hold (although brief) for anything. Downfall is you don't think out things
and it can get you into some trouble. Your emotions are also wild, so you're prone to fly off the handle.
Best Match: Water, they're the only ones who can stand your nature and keep you out of trouble;
Spirit, they'll listen and take little offense to your wild emotions.
Worst Match: Fire, nothing like two rams fighting over the same female...

Streea wasted a bunch of time making this test.
 True Fae: You are a magical creature of legend, and way too powerful to deal with trivial things like the rules of physics. You don't play by the rules science has tried to establish, you are above them. Banality has not tainted your soul with its order and structure. You are ever changing, and always beyond belief. You are a diamond in the night sky.
You have no/zero banality.
How Banal Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Head for the hills!
What's Your LJ Drama Type? brought to you by Quizilla
What a way to go.

You are Mitsurugi -
Both mysterious and attractive, you captivate people with the fact that you seem to be
good at everything! Spending quiet moments with a friend and talking about what life means to you is your ideal situation. You don't like to stand out very much and you seem to be more old-fashioned
than modern, but when you do take the spotlight -- you command the floor!
Which Soul Calibur character are you?
this quiz was made by david park
 You are Auron. Wo0t.
Which Final Fantasy X Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 As if you were born into a world of tears, you always tend to look at the darker things in life. Inside you crave attention yet push away society, and you're a hopeless romantic. Drawn to things like the occult and mysteries, you spend your time daydreaming of "What If's".
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You probably just don't give a damn,but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Zyalak, meaning Darkness. Zyalak refers more to the Shadow than actual darkness. Zyalak-Bry'Art (in fairy-tales - most of which you probably haven't heard, but anyway...) was a very secretive character. In these stories, it was said that 'the Wings of Darkness shrowded him in mystery, as he fleeted from room to room...'
Pretty cool, eh?
What is your Vei-Na name? (guys only - there's another one for girls somewhere) brought to you by Quizilla
 You will be an art teacher. Dont you feel special?
What will you be when your grown up? brought to you by Quizilla
You will go down fighting in a bar against the man.(Rock on!)
How Will You Die? brought to you by Quizilla
That is enough for now.
... mmmm ...
So little to give thanks for. Yet, the world dedicates so much time to giving thanks for things.
Leaves you time to brood, I suppose. Never celebrated Thanksgiving anyway. Even if I had not been religious, it seems like a load of bullshit. Mmm. Wasted time, wasted money, wasted effort.
So much free time during these days off when you don't celebrate the holidays.
It makes you wonder.......
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