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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon.
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.
Thursday, December 11, 2003
It is like the whole world had a slew of problems to deal with today, and I was dragged into dealing with alot of them. It has left me somewhat drained in spirits. I had a ton of problems too, but I had no one to turn to.
By the way, it isn't your choice if you are someone I can turn to, so I don't need to hear any "you can turn to me" things. If I could, I would and I wouldn't be saying this right now.
Nothing personal, just my choice.
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I'm a Philosopher/Scientist!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
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 You are... Shrek - "Well I have to save my ass!"
You walk tough and talk tough, but inside you're just a gooey ball of mush. Your friends are important to you (whether you admit it or not) and you'd do just about anything for them (but you wouldn't like it). Trust is important to you, and so is respet. Looks don't matter to you; it's the gooey ball of mush inside that really counts.
What movie quote are YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
Kenneth in five years | Occupation: Part Time Chemist | Prized possession: The last coin-collection. | Favourite film: Star Wars Episode VII: Termination of the Smugglers | Age difference: Five years older, one week more mature. | | |
 The difference between you and the Virtue isnt in what you believe in, but how you execute your actions in life. While the Virtue will follow their heart to every extent, you follow the basic laws of humanity and fairness. To be Noble is not just in the aristocratic sense (even though you often play the Leader in most cases), but also in the fact that you believe in a fair trial in what you do. Even when your best friends come to you for help, you remain resilient and take action upon whats fair and just as opposed to whats always beneficial or helpful. People both love you and hate you for this extremely difficult skill that youve mastered. You see both sides, and treat both sides equally. Sure, you have your OWN opinion as to who you think is right or wrong, but you see life in a sense of karma: You reap what you sow. So you believe that you should treat every scenario in a neutral frame of mind because if it was you in that situation, youd expect the same treatment in returna fair chance. You are like a Counsellor, a Judge, or a Wise Person of great esteem. People are always comfortable in coming to you for advice, because youll offer it fairly to whoever asks for it.
Your Inner Heroic Shadow brought to you by Quizilla
[Holy crap. That is dead on to how I try to work my everyday dealings.]
 Youre an odd combination of the Deceitful and the Apathetic mixed together and rolled up into a nice little package. But at the same time you are neither alike both of them too. Its hard to say what your real intentions are on the outside because you constantly switch sides. To you, the glass is half empty AND half full, or neither full nor empty, or maybe it isnt a glass at all! Maybe you answer that way because even you dont know and/or dont really care. However, you dont act this way out of malice, so youre not really Deceitful. Also, while you might not care how the situation turns out in the end, you still make efforts to sway it one way or the other. So youre not completely uncaring like the Apathetic. You just do what you do out of the simple and constant changing desires of your mind. Or theres probably a third party in which youre actually in favor of that you are representing behind the scenes. Either way, most people really dont want you around them because they dont know if youre going to help them out, or screw them over. Someone whos only a 50/50 coin toss as to what theyll do next is worse than someone who might not be reliable ALL the time, but are at least predictable to a certain extent. Youre not reliable nor predictable.
Your Inner Heroic Shadow brought to you by Quizilla
you are olivedrab #688E23 | Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again.
Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.
Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
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The rogue is a trickster and a maverick. Living on his wits, he jumps from adventure to adventure using a combination of luck and style to keep him two steps ahead of his opposition. A natural gambler, the Rogue is adept at taking risks and even better at surviving them. Leaving behind a string of lovers and admirers, the rogue will always be sure to shake things up.
What's your fantasy character? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are mRNA. You're brilliant, full of important, interesting information and you're a great friend to the people you care about. You may have sides to you that no one understands. But while you understand more than most people, you're only half-there most of the time.
Which Biological Molecule Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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