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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Monday, December 20, 2004

   Truth dies.
Comments on commentary-

Liam- *hands you his shirt* =)

HeartOfSword- Yeah! Here, I'll put you on the comments on commentary thing again. :D

Shinfaru- I like to hear the quirky religions people have. I guess that is ironic since I'm like "I AM AN ANIMIST AND A SHAMANIST LOL :B", but.. yeah. There seems to be alot of wiccas chilling on OB, lol.

Laura- You bet! Good luck!

Lily- Once again, sure thing. =) Good luck to you!

Aye de Eff- Well, if you win I would think that 75 or so dollars would be enough to get you to give your address to me. I'm not that bad. =X ... <_<

Well, I mean, that was just an example! I wasn't implying that the rant had been inspired by anyone, of course! =D Cough. I just, eh. It just irritates me when someone is like "Hey, I have a secrettttttt ^_~" and all the little people say "OMG O_O REALLY?" and crowd around him, lol.

I'm glad things are going well for you! ^_^ And I suppose I do win that satisfaction. <_<;

Lea- Yessum! Good luck to 'ya.

Destiny of the departed.

My game collection owns yours.


Dreamer lost.

Now, see- I don't usually join in the crazed blabberings of people who are anti-corporate America's crackdown on P2P sharing. But, I was a frequent user of a certain BitTorrent website called SuprNova.org that was attracting undue attention, apparently. I never downloaded movies or music- I downloaded abandonware, which is perfectly legal, and now, thanks to these fools, my favorite site to do that at is dead. What is with this? This is the new era of communication. If you took the time or effort to study and think about this, you could find a way to make money off this digital craze- people like downloading things to their computers. You could charge them a one time cost or something, like they are buying it- put some kind of encryption in it so that they don't toss it to every yahoo with a mouse who wants a free rip of it. You could make some cash from that, yeah.. but maybe it's too late. When you crack down on something this hard, try to destroy it like this- all it does is make it more popular. There is already, in youth culture, a very strong anti-censorship and anti-authority vibe that goes on- when you specifically target something like this, you just feed the flames to these people. They will just keep going and going and going.. and what alternative is there? Is there an alternative service for people who would appreciate movies in this fashion? No, because the companies are too busy being lawsuit happy to cast the dice and attempt to make a market on the internet.

I mean, come on. They sued like a 13 year old girl for downloading a ton of her favorite songs. I wouldn't take that- if you would take that, you're a bit more timid than I am. I'd go bankrupt fighting these fucktards about their idiotic ignorance in regards to what could be a new medium to do business on. Look at the Apple's IMusic service- it took people this long to realize you can, just maybe, make money off of a communications system with millions of participants on it?

"Written laws are like spiders' webs, and will like them only entangle and hold the poor and weak, while the rich and powerful will easily break through them."

We who are but men.

What do I mean when I say that I'm some form of animist or shamanist? I believe in spirits. Animism is one of the, if not the, oldest belief systems that humanity has known to hold. Now, if we follow the theory that as time passes on, religious dogma gets more and more perverted from the "truth", then what you would want to do is simply 'go back to the basics'. I didn't do this, but some people do- they flow backwards into paganism, prior to the devastation that Christianity did to human society as a whole. So, that is the basics of it. Shamanism says that you can heal people through control or influence over spirits. Animism says that such spirits exist- and that they match humans in intellect, personalty and so on. My heart leads me to this point, and I would hope your heart is leading you down your spiritual path.

Spiritual and mental power and the attempts at having both.

Circle of despair.

Russia is a pariah. Democracy cannot exist there as easily as it could in the west- Russian culture is not on par with that sort of thing. Russians are nationalistic, patriotic- they match their idiotically patriotic American friends quite well, really. All they need is one terrorist attack and they rally around their leader, letting them rampage on freedom easily. The one attack was 9/11 for the US and Breslan for Russia. Now it has gotten to the point where Russia is being classified more and more as a "not free" state by a non-profit group. This is not surprising, really. When you think of Russia, well- what has their government been for the past 600 or so years, prior to 1991? It's been totalitarian. I doubt that Democracy will hold in that country. Republics always fall, no matter how pure their intentions were at the start- Rome started this precedent.

All it requires is one man.

In red.

That's all for now. You can still sign up for Ken's Holiday Lottery if you wish- you could win!

P.S. Huh? Really?! I thought things were going great in Iraq! Since when did multiculturalism, nationalism or political differences create a Civil War? Wait.. wait. Oops. ... Oops. >_< Oops.. OOPS!!! =| Man..

HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF- Will it in Iraq? Let us hope not.


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