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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Monday, January 17, 2005

I'm of the opinion that it's all or nothing.
Comments on commentary-

Shinfaru- Your wanking is legendary, sir. *opens up a book of famous legends* *points to the entry about Shin and his wanking*.

Sennen- Postal Service is my chill out band. They are a bit soft for my normal tastes.

The light side ending in KOTOR sucks. For being a good guy you get this shitty, stereotypical cutscene- I mean, the Dark Side ending is sweet. But, you know, good guys are dorks and such.

The wanker and anti-wanker, *hmm*. You two must duel.

Liam- o.O;

Lea- I was there when he quit, it was funny then- it will always be funny.

Aye de Eff- Thanks, I wrote that awhile back. =D

I suck at writing letters. It must be an artform or something.

Jobs are jobs, lol. Cash is good though, so.. I'll tolerate it.

Hmm? Oh, well. Those are supposed to be ties and such. I suppose that is way over the 10 band limit, hmm. (Yes, I do.) Christian rock is uh, well. Christian rock.. yeah. It's. IT IS.. Christian rock. That's all I can say. AFI? I don't like AFI, lol. Sorry. =O I'm not too much of an oldies person [yet].

Televangelists annoy me too. We should combine our strength and fight them! LET THE WAR BEGIN.

Yes. o.-

Lily- You special person! You don't wank! Congrats. =D

I'm no where to be found. We are dust and shadow..

Good luck? Thanks! A book store, yeah. That would be cool. Maybe you could be a librarian or something, if not a book store person. ^_^

Roxie- No, not retarded! You are a semi-wanker. =)

I like the word peon, the way it rolls off your tongue. Just say it- peon. Such a great word. *shrugs* So, I am right. That is all we can be, people who attach to something greater. What of the great leaders? Where have they all gone? What has become of this former majesty, this race of inventors, creators, artists, leaders, generals and pseudo-gods? Is all that is left of that the idea of conformity? The idea of entering the rat race and dying a pitiful person who has only amassed material possessions over their short life span of less than a century? We did/do/will create gods. Some even think *we* are Gods. What is wrong with living for the sake of living? Am I missing something? Lol. That is all we are doing, all I am doing- existing just to exist until whichtime I am deemed obsolete by nature and pass on. Socializing is overrated, to be sure. The only reason I need to exist is to just sit here and take a deep breath- am I still alive? Why, yes. Yes I am. Therefore, I suppose I should continue living to the fullest.

There is nothing ludicrous about creating ideas, legends or propaganda- it's an integral part of what nations, religions and corporations do. If people buy into it- then, then it gets into the realm of ludicrous. The process can be considered beautiful- manipulation of a gregarious mass of people into believing what you think. Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Japan, Christendom, Islam, Judiasm, Pagans, Corporate America- it's really a form of art, to watch them herd the sheep in every which way. Just do a search. Do a search for "World War 2" propaganda posters, see how many hundreds you can find for sale, all of them created by a myriad of Cominterm, Allied and Axis countries.

Mmm. *eats economics.*

Dan- Gonga. Download "Mosquitoes". Hogg. Download either, they both rock.

Or, if you don't like metal watch some bunnies.

When the chance comes will you be there? Never surrender!

Fascism is not evil, lol. All Nazi's were Fascists but not all Fascists were Nazi's, you see? Just like all Communists are Socialists but not all Socialists are Communists. Nazism is an extreme form of Fascism. Fascism is the capitalist version of Communist. Fascism places the state above the individual- it's very black and white. Either you are a part of the state, or you aren't- there is nothing in between. It favors corporatism- that means that corporations are given some say in the government. This was done out of fear of trade unions- at the time, socialism was spreading very quickly post-WW1 [parts of Germany were Communist at the end of 1918, even]. The middle/upper class was afraid of them- and, with this fear, Fascism was partly born. The other part of it is the state- Italy had been given very little for her work in WW1, and this was offensive to her. Mussolini wanted to create the Second Rome [when was Italy a great power last?], a nation that was prestigious and well-respected.So, with Fascism insisting on state>individual, he promised that he would lead his nation to greatness- something people were seeking after the not-so-glorious conclusion to WW1. Fascism was very, very successful- it's actually a great shame that no one is Fascist anymore, it's a very good system of government under a benevolent leader. Italy of course didn't go on to greatness- Italy's military was great on paper. She had modern artillery, a small tank corp and a above-average navy. However, what killed her was her officers and corruption in the government/military. So she suffered a bit more embarrassment than WW1.

Nazism talks about race above the individual. Hitler viewed the Aryan race as a "master" race- all other races were considered "slave" races of varying degrees. He held contempt for Jews, gypsies and varying other "slave" races to such a degree that he put them in concentration camps. However, he held the United Kingdom in high regard- why? Research British imperial policy in the 19th century- they suppress the natives. That's what he thought he was doing, surprising the natives and using their land for a greater race. He briefly liked the US too- their anti-immigration policies in the early 20th century were, to him, an attempt to keep their nation "pure". Of course, his liking of the US died rather quickly- but he still revered the UK until the end of the war. Another reason he revered the US is for what they did to the Native Americans- his policy of getting "living space" for the great German people was the same, in his mind. He was pushing the native Russians out of their land to give the German people room to grow and live- just as the US did to the Native Americans. He viewed most all nations as weaker than German because they were contaminated- great powers have great, pure people and that makes them greater. Therefore the German Nation was the greatest of the great powers for it's purity. The economic policy of Nazism was also different- if you could take what you wanted by force, you would. If you needed natural resources, who was there to stop you? No one. So, you invaded and took the resources. That is why Stalingrad occurred- he was going to the oil fields north of Persia [er, Iran]/Turkey.

So, Fascism died because of extremists- oddly, Communism has also become a "dirty word" for the same reason. So, two relatively good systems have been curtailed early because of the actions of various extreme leaders. Sad, really. lol.

I woke the same as any other day, except a voice was in my head. It said 'Seize the day, pull the trigger, drop the blade and watch the rolling heads.'

Funny story. Andorra- do you know what that is? It's a little country shoved between Spain and France. In 1914 some crap started called "World War 1" that drug a couple of countries into this massive war. Well, Andorra sides with the allies- her army consisted of only 10 people, but she was still ready and rearing to go. The war rages on, the US gets involved, people die- it's a long story. 1919 rolls around and Germany signs the peace treaty- every nation involved in war with Germany is called to France to sign. Except, someone forgot to invite Andorra- or, maybe they decided they didn't matter. Anyway, Andorra never signs this World War 1 ending peace treaty- ever. 1939 rolls around and Hitler is invading various small countries with the most powerful military in the world- some smart people in Andorra wake up and realize, "Hey, wait. Dude, we could have a problem here." So on September 25th, 1939 Andorra signs a peace treaty with Germany, officially ending World War 1- just in time for Andorra to be neutral for all of World War 2.

Silly Andorrians.

Pretty noose.

You know what I like? Altoids gum. .. Yeah. Anywho, I've been up to gaming mostly- going to the library a bit too. Driving alone rocks, I always have my windows down because.. I don't like the AC. Dries out the air. I like fresh air. Job wise has been stale, but I'll keep at it- maybe I should shave, lmao. Sorry, I'm way too laid back for some people. I've had a few bad days lately, lol- one of them was the day I spent writing this long, involved biography for Arcadia's RPG. By the time it was done, the sign ups have been closed- what horrid luck. I'm alright, though. Yeap. Alright as alright can be. I'm going to be watching the inauguration day events with interest- maybe something will happen. Maybe it will be boring and stuff. Maybe I won't pay attention to it all and go "WTF? ^^" when something happens. Who knows? I won't. I'll probably be watching historical documentaries and missing history. IRONY. Anyway, that's all I have to say. How are you all doing? I hope it's well.

Yeap. I'm signing off. *salutes*

P.S. So, we were kampfen.. [an inside joke between me and a buddy that no one will get.]

P.P.S. Hohoho.

P.P.P.S. Go Spurs!


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