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Dancin' with Enkidu.
Member Since
Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon.
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Pretty Noose.
Comments on commentary-
El Faru- Cool. Mastodon is pretty sweet, heh. My tastes in music are apparently not universally accepted/enjoyed. ;P
Lily- Whatever it is, I hope you acquire what it is that you want- that enigmatic something, whatever it may be. =)
Contentment, my friend. That is what I seek. I know how to acquire happiness if I really wanted it, but what I desire is contentment with whatever I already have. To be content might be superior to happiness, really. But, whatever it is we seek, it's nice to be happy once and awhile.
I'll keep on truckin', heh. You are one of my oldest, best friends - I won't be leaving you anytime soon.
Irish- Yeah. It's rather pointless, thusfar- living, that is. But, I have goals in my mind that I wish to reach, heh. Little amusements to bide the time between now and whenever I do pass on.
The one thing I pride myself on is my endurance. I am quite stubborn and will not stop trudging onward, lol.
I've been playing alot of Growlanser Generations. That is like the game of the millennium, a godsend- it is perfect for me. Good story, good strategy battles.. it's win-win. I recommend it to anyone and anything that is intrigued by it, as it is.. well, it's. *gestures* Fantastic. It is two games in one, also [Growlanser II and III], so it's.. win-win-win. Much winning happens when you buy this game, yes?
I'm also playing WoW, lol. Not my decision, guild leader decided to hop there. I'm a level 12 Orc Warlock. I summon demons, yay. It's, uh- well, it's an MMO. Nothing wrong with it, nothing outstanding about it. Heh. *whispers* Growlanser Generations > WoW. *dewhispers*
Still waiting for the KOTOR II loving. But, in the meantime, I'll be defeating enemies! Lalala~
It's all Calypso.
I have an extremely strong pet peeve. People who touch/rearrange your stuff just because it looks disorganized to them. My desk and the couch next to it [which I use for storing a ton of shit], I keep in a perfect state of disarray that makes complete sense to me. But, of course, people walk in and are like "BLABLABLALETMECLEANTHATUPFORYOUBLABLABLA" and the next thing I know everything is all ordered, stacked and.. messed up! People need to mind their own business more, lol- I'm the only one that uses this area so things in this area should be considered the way I want them. It might not look pretty, but I don't care- if someone judges me on how organized my couch or desk looks they are a waste of life. My mom freaks out easily about this, whenever someone comes over [even anonymous repair/handymen] she just goes on a Spring Cleaning blitzkrieg that rolls over the whole house [stinking it up with those godawful chemicals that don't do much beyond irritate the living hell out of me]. I mean, I can understand tidying up the house a bit for maybe some friends or whatever, but she just goes off the edge. She comes over here and organizes my desk/couch so I have to purposely screw it all up again in a few minutes because she doesn't get that I have things the way I want them. Just.. ease up, crazy cleaning people.
Ease up.
If there is one thing you should know, it's that most people only see the parts of history that they want to. Id est, Nazi Germany gets a horrid wrap because of the Concentration Camps. This is logical, I suppose [even if it wasn't "Germany", per sey- it was more their crazy, mustache-wielding leader]. But, there was what could be said to be a more heinous genocide that occurred in Europe, heh. When the Black Plague was spreading across Europe, people began to blame the Jews for more than just superstitious reasons- the majority of them owed money to Jewish bankers/money lenders, so this was a way for them to liquidate their debts by.. exterminating the person they were in debt to. They would round up Jews and force them into torture chambers until they confessed to spreading the plague by various ways [ex.: poisoning the water supply, food, etc.] *All* of the European countries who were affected by the Black Plague were involved in this. All nations at one time or another have or will participate in things that will not simply disappear. I don't condone any form of genocide, but people should be aware that it isn't the first time that a European country has done this to a sect, race or group of humanity for whatever reason.
Unification or death.
Whisper things that no one hears.
Hmm. I'm kind of bored. *hmms* How about some proof of my organizational skills. Hahaha.

The Couch of Organization. All the CDs there are music CDs. The game CDs I keep on my desk, *nods*.

The Desk of Organization. My knives and game CDs are here. I also have an inadvertent collection of soda-caps from laziness. =(

The Games of Organization. Note the segregation between PS2, PS1 and GC games. .. So pretty..

The Other Desk of Organization. It is guarded well by Pikachu and company. Keep up the good work, guys.

The Bookshelf of Organization. Note the lightbulb collection. All of this is well-guarded by Steggy, the Sad Stegosaurus.

Yeap. Joy, the Shih-Tzu of Organization [she wants some food apparently- silly begging dogs].

Here are some medals I have received for organization. [Or for artwork I did years ago. Close enough. Two first place trophies and a third place trophy. The two first place ones were for the school district and city, I believe. The third place one was for the state, I think. Something like that.]

And, finally, the King of Organization. [My crown is being washed ATM.]
So, there you have it. Fear my disorganized organization. Muhahahaha
Ken's Mom: >_<
Even in his Youth.
That's all. See ya.
P.S. Bad President. No invading Iran.
P.P.S. Memories.
P.P.P.S. Moon was bright last night. You should have taken a walk like I did! *smack*
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