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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Thursday, February 24, 2005

   This Fire.
Comments on commentary-

Lea- You don't say.

Liam- Interesting taste > bad taste.

Heh. Stay cool, man. Hope to see you again someday.

Roxie- Yeah, Quiz Day sometimes has too many quizzes. What are the odds of quizzes on Quiz Day? Slim to none?

Yeap. QM. I waste away hours reading about it, focused mainly on the Quantum Immortality theory. Fascinating stuff. ^_^ *Read her MyO entry*

Anytime. I hope you use the flashlight well.

Lily- No, emo-kids irritate me. You aren't a true emo-kid, lol. You have the potential to be, but thankfully you aren't there yet. =P *hugs* Jk, jk.

You *are* included in that list. *gestures at the "etc."* <_<

Heh. Everyone has their ups and downs.

Irish- Heh heh. IRL I always feel more in tune with water or air than anything else. But I do enjoy my fire.. *sets the comment box aflame* If you were Emo I would have to harm you in some horrid way- like tickling you with a feather. =O

Toothpicks that break too early suck. Cheap ass restaurants with their cheap ass toothpicks. =| Heh. Those lists are just the tip of the iceberg. Didn't put too much thinking into both of them, lol. =) Glad you agree though.

*does the dance of friendship* Dum dum de do.


Topic for discussion.

What is religion? Religion is hope embodied. It is one of the things that can fill voids in your life. Serving an invisible deity faithfully with hopes of a pleasant, serene afterlife of heaven or resurrection into a perfect world. It's not cold and dark- you don't just die and remain non-existent. It's vibrant, colorful. Gods have personalities, they have a character- they are humanlike in expression sometimes. It's artistic. Literary art. Mythology and spirituality, rolled into one. Stories of people, places, battles, armies, death, life, hope, despair. Sicknesses are cured, curses are giving, destruction is stopped, cities fall. It's dramatic, traumatic. There is form in it's chaos and chaos in it's form. It's mankind shining another light into darkness- we are explorers, all of us. Explorers of life, of spirituality, of anything. Darkness is enticing, it's the unknown that keeps us going. What will tomorrow bring? What if Gods exist? What if they don't? The fantastic is enticing, and the unknown seems to hold the most fantastic things we can imagine. Just out of our reach, pure magic. The magic of what created us, what can destroy us, what knows how we came to be and where we will go. It can be corrupted as all things can be corrupted. Governments, nations, etc.- any system created by humans can be corrupted by other humans. What is true and proper religion? Who can say? And if they did say, would you truly listen? Or only hear what you wanted to hear? No, I cannot tell you. Even if I did, who am I? It's opinion. All of it is opinion.

Homosexuality? It is tolerated by God. The version of God that doesn't tolerate homosexuality is a human's interpretation. The human interpretation is tainted by human taboos. Homosexuality has been taboo in religious circles for millennia, so it is applied to these religion's doctrines. The judgment of God cannot be determined by what men say. If he would not tolerate something that mere imperfect mortals can, then truly his children have become wiser than he is.

Is religion bad? It can be. Is it good? It can be. In the hands of men, anything can be used negatively or positively. That is the volatility of our world, our society. It exists due to the insanity of men, the genius of men, the eccentricity of men, the planning of men- the whims of men in the past, present and, eventually, the future. We affect our world through us, and we are affected by our personalities. One person can change the world. Hitler did. Stalin did. They were as mad and negative as they come. But, Lincoln changed the world. Washington did. Marx, Lenin. So, if you ever become that one person who affects a region of the world or the world itself, what you do is going to be affected by your personality. Thusly, the world is shaped by who the people who reach the top are. That is the volatility of humanity.

Topics like this are just opinion versus opinion. People will pick apart your opinions like vultures just to defend their pride. It's not debate, it's all a show. The spotlight falls on who can appear smarter than whom, even if they don't realize it's all opinion. In the end, it doesn't matter- you can't change what others think and they certainly can't change what you think. It doesn't make these threads worthless, but it certainly doesn't give them any more worth. The same stereotypical people arguing over the same stereotypical things. And, in the end, they will just die. With their opinions. All of it will die with them and they will go to whatever afterlife they think they will.

So what is the meaning of what I'm saying? Nothing. This is where I let my thoughts out, nothing more. It's not supposed to touch you personally, I just would go semi-insane if I bottled up all my thoughts. I am a fidgety, nervous looking person who is constantly in a state of motion and thought. I need to get that energy out somewhere.

What it boils down to is you. What you think. What you will do. How you will do it. If you become powerful, how will you affect this world? Materially, spiritually, politically- it can all be affected by you, if you desire to do it. Will you change history positively or negatively?

We'll get it. Humanity will eventually 'get' it. Someday, these questions will be answered. But for now, we'll watch the people vehemently defend what they think. Just watch, silently. Like a father watching his son fall down, over and over. Someday, he'll get it. He just might walk.


Close your eyes.

What? Where have I been? Oh. I've been around. Like, here and there, there and here. In my SUV, cruising past you when you didn't even know it. What was I doing in your neighborhood? Searching for lost treasure, of course. Actually, no. No. I haven't. I've been mainly playing Knights of the Old Republic II which is like.. orgasmic in properties. Volatile AND orgasmic. I'm on the last planet in the game and I'm getting assaulted by autocloses. Nothing else in this game has stopped my jawesome Jedi powers, but this autoclose is very adept at kicking my ass. It happens mainly on the final planet's cutscenes which, obviously, occur frequently. Well, aside from me facing the auto close in battle [which didn't go well], I've been mainly.. existing. Few days ago I took a fascinating trip to the mall/grocery store. In that trip I acquired the Queens of the Stone Age CD called "Songs for the Deaf" which, obviously, rocks. Been wanting this for awhile. At the store I acquired some Root Beer which, obviously, rocks. I just need to know the best brand of Root Beer- I've got some Vernon's Root Beer right here, apparently. Got a nice bite to it. But, yeah. If you know the best Root Beer, tell me. I will acquire it as soon as possible.

And so, without further delay, let's get on with this.

Lord of Pain.

Topic for discussion.

I’m a guy- do I like being one? I didn’t have much choice, so I’m stuck whether I ‘like’ it or not. What role do I play? lol. I don’t really care. I enjoy what I want to enjoy. Did I ever want to be a girl? Yeah, but it wasn’t the typical reason. I presumed that if I was a young lady that perhaps I would be a little bit more charismatic, people would like being around me more, I wouldn’t be so alone, etc. But this was like before I hit 13, lol. Do I want to be one now? No, I’m content with the gender I am. If I had been a little girl there is the off chance that as a child I would have been abused sexually, lol. So, being a guy = slightly better childhood.

What do I think of society? I don’t. It’s there. I can’t do anything about it. Attempting to be witty and telling you stuff like “Society sucks!” or “Society can suck my dick!” or “Society is a bloated, impersonal bastardization of what were human values! It’s trite, boring manipulation of the vast majority of mankind is the unfortunate cycle that cannot be stopped!” is a waste of your time and mine. I’m not a rebel without a cause, I just don’t care. If people follow society, that’s fine. If they don’t, that’s fine. If I do, that’s fine. If I don’t, that’s fine. Just go with the flow and stop trying to come off as a cool, independent person- you aren’t. You never will be. You will always be similar to someone else. Not exactly alike, of course- but how many "fuck society" people do *you* know? How many "loners" do you know? How many non-conformists do you know? I mean, jesus. Might as well make a club for each of these groups so the non-conformists can meet together with the loners to plan strikes against what they deem the bloated morass of conformists. Duh.

What's the difference between the genders? Once again, why should I waste tons of thought on this? Beyond anatomical differences, what is really different? Some guys have feminine personalities, some women have masculine personalities. It all depends on the person involved. Depends on how they were raised, what role their parents put on them. How they react to the role they were told to have. How they feel now, then and in the future. Anatomically is obvious. Average guys are larger and physically imposing usually. I've always noticed that women seem to have a little bit more dexterity than your normal, not working out average Joe. That's the only things I've noticed because I honestly haven't cared enough to study into it more- I'm sure someone more versed on the subject can provide me with a long, detailed list of differences but that's the things I can think of off the top of my head.

*shrugs* Equality is equality. Some women, black people, white people, etc. don't seem to understand what equality means. It means you get the same bullshit as everyone else along with the positive benefits. Some races/genders seem to perceive equality as the chance to get some form of revenge on whomever trodded on them before. I've not experienced much of that but suffice to say I shot down their hopes of me satisfying their desires rather quickly. I support equality but I think anyone can tell when a person is using it as a guise for some other agenda.

Everything is everything and nothing is nothing. What is, is. What isn't, isn't. What will be, will be and what won't happen, won't happen. I am who I am today, yesterday and tomorrow. I will be who I am for years, decades and beyond. Who I was ties into who I am and who I am will change into what I will be. I am not to be judged by gender or age, but by what I say, what I do and what I think. So, the stereotypes associated with genders don't really matter to me.

Thusly, let's end this conversation.

Go with the flow.

Welp, that finishes that. *bounces away like Tigger*

How tiggerific was that?

P.S. Wait! This implies that a significant amount of people in all countries are geographically inept in varying degrees! What are the odds of that! I guess foolish people cannot make those not-so-witty quips about the stupidity of Americans due to their geographic retardation. What a loss.

P.P.S. Go Spurs!

P.P.P.S. *sound of a piano*

P.P.P.P.S. Autoclose unloving. =/

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