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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Friday, April 1, 2005

Comments on commentary-

Juu- I'm glad you liked that picture, sis. I hope you are doing alright.

Eh, I didn't want to waste my chicken fajitas on her. Mmm-mm good. *eats some fajitas* =>

Sen- A.) That makes me the German Shepard, right?

B.) She finally died!

C.) *steps away from you*

Faruman- It's ok. You get to be around pizza for the rest of your life. =) *pats you on the back*

Eh, it's a sad case but yeah- mercy killing > keeping them alive just to.. keep them alive. *gives you a long, prerendered rant*

Tortor- Yeah, Vegetarians who do it for trend reasons suck. *eats them* Mmm, cannibalism.

Mexican food is great. I love enchiladas, fajitas, tacos, queso, all that good stuff. *gives her a taco*

Yeah, I'm not too worried. I'm just a little too impassioned sometimes. I'd love my kid with all my heart though. Heh.

My wife, eh? That'd rock. ;P

Yes, attractive young women do rock! I think I might go to the grocery store more often. ;o

Demos- Animal-hugging bastards are more annoying than tree-hugging bastards. Chickens and cows aren't providing my oxygen.

[/random reply hello]

P.S. No. You can be the ingenious inventor who makes all these weird, destructive items that I use accidentally or wrong and cause zany, fan-friendly scenes to occur.

Roxie- *rubs forehead* I haven't cut myself in eons. The cuticle thing started innocently with me munching on my nails and ended up being a really horrid habit.

Yeah, vegetarians are ok [I don't agree with them but I'll let them eat whatever the fuck they want].

Me as an adviser? lol. Ok, I guess. I'll try not to let you down.

Well, it's done now. She's gone and the debate hopefully will go out of the public light. RIP though.

P.S. Good, good. I pwned those nubs.

Irish- Yeah, I think my self control is good. I haven't really lost it in awhile.

It's alright, it was pretty funny I guess. One of those things- I always seem to sit next to loud/obnoxious people whoa are really irritating. Must be a fate thing.

Basketball is cool. Fencing is cool. But only one makes a good religion.

P.S. Who are we to decide who lives and dies? We are fellow mortals. We can kill anything and anyone we want to with impunity as everyone else is mortal as we are. Every person you pass you could kill, you could take away their life with relative ease. We are all judges, we just don't pass judgment.

P.P.S. I love 100% juice. It rocks my socks.

Elfy- You can do whatever you put your mind to, so you can break the cycle if you want.

*babbles with her*

Lily- Eh? We'd be good parents. Together or otherwise.

SVU *heart heart*

*shrugs* Schiavo is done I guess. We'll see what happens.,


Lunai- Yeah, you seem like an interesting person.

*knocks her out* Goodnight. ^_^

*eats fly*

Night. ;D

Marbar- *honks nose*


Today's accomplishments: Wore myself out. Got Spellforce for the PC. Got both of Interpol's CDs. Bought my mom a gift. Bought Sun Tzu's Art of War for myself.

Yesterday's accomplishments: I saved a caterpillar. Don't ask.

*folds his hands together rests his chin on them* From my point of view the value of OtakuBoards as a community does not raise just because we all post in pretty, beautiful sentences full of punctuation and capitalization. Some people portray the strictness and desire for quality as raising the quality of OB- it doesn't raise it. It doesn't lower it. It's just the way people are expressing their thoughts. It doesn't change the person in the least. If Kuja posted perfectly he would have still been an asshole. If James spoke in slurred, illegible writing he would still have smart thoughts. The lack of said quality wouldn't really lower it either. I don't view the forum as a safe haven in a sea full of other, less strict message boards. It's just a community filled with personas. How they are expressing themselves is the last of my concern. They are still who they are. CHW isn't any more tolerable, isn't any more delightful to be around just because she's improved her writing. She's still CHW. No real point to this paragraph. Just an explanation of my point of view. How relevant that is to you is your own knowledge.

I've been taking walks almost every night lately. Not really for exercise, just to do it. Talking a walk in the dead of night is an interesting experience. It's actually rather strenuous too [on the exercise angle] since the majority of my area comprises of hills going up and down, back and forth. It's kind of serene, I guess. You can walk right in the middle of the road if you want to, just thinking or whatever. Relaxing. I can imagine myself just talking one of those walks and never really coming back. You just keep walking in the night until you end up wherever fate decided. Disappear into the night. lol. But yeah, I'll not do that. ;P

There really isn't much to talk about in my personal life. I've decided to get a job as a cashier at HEB because that's the most logical thing to do and it pays pretty well for the crap you have to do. Gonna request nightshift so I don't have to deal with as many shitheads, haha. Had a weird discussion with my mom about my job application- talking about what I should put on it. Stuff about past jobs- I was a painter, landscaper, theater actor and appeared on television. Kind of a surreal mix there, but alright. If there was an "other" or "remarks" area she said that I should add that I was in the gifted and talented program when I was in public school. That program was a really surreal experience. You did alot of neat shit, lol. If it makes me look better, aight- I don't really see how it is relevant. Keep getting told I should trim/cut off my light beard and get a hair cut before I go- yeah, yeah.. I know. I don't really care, but I know. Lie with your appearance I guess. Go there looking like they want you to look like. It will all grow back soon enough anyway *rubs his chin*.

Say Hello.

I think that is actually pretty much it.

P.S. Huh. Apparently I'm Max Richmond.

P.P.S. Optimus Prime.


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