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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Cherub Rock.
Comments on commentary-
Laura- That's pretty good, little chicka. Speaks true too.
ElfPirate- Well I wasn't, I swear. But then I kind of ran out of things to talk about so. Blablabla, etc.
That's a good haiku. Just, pirates.. don't write.. haikus.
Like, when a pirate boarded another ship they weren't reciting battle haikus or whatever.
Shinmaru- I think it would be fun if there was an OtakuBoards version of Back to the Future. Just, with some sort of tripped out minivan instead of a deLorean [so we could take everyone].
OMG I DIDN'T? I AM SO FREAKING PISSED AT MYSELF *writes angry emo poetry*
Wrote a sad poem
And it said
"Hey there man, this poem is bad"
Ohhh, ho ho baby
I got the poem writing blues
Ohhh, ho ho baby
It ain't goin away anytime soon
Roxie- Yeah. We don't need any Yank stores around here. *glares*
Anyone who says it "Rew" will be subsequently [and vehemently] mooed upon.
SWEDEN FOR THE WIN! Bah, I could send you the song. It rocks.
I could write a haiku about how much it rocks, but no. I obviously suck.
P.S. Yeah, he was a good guy.
Lunai- Yes, yes she does. I don't know her that well but uh yeah.
Kill that thread together, we shall. *raises fist*
Lea- *vehemently moos upon you*
You're wise for your uh. Umm. Uhhhhhhh.
*gestures erratically*
Tortured Souls.
It's about time we admitted a few things to each other. We've had a good writer-reader [or ranter-lurker] relationship going on for awhile and, well, I think I should be honest with you.
-I really hate Dragon Warrior. I think it all started two months after I joined OtakuBoards and realized he was a sugar-addicted moron who thinks he is really funny. I would go so far as to state that, if given the chance [plus the proper blunt object] I would beat Dragon Warrior into the ground and promptly plant some form of shrubbery over his body. Something with flowers. I like flowers. If you read this Dragon Warrior, it's ok. We're still great friends *smiles broadly*. Just, don't come around me when I have a shovel or whatever- unless you have a strong desire to be fertilizer.
-I also have a strong, strong distaste for Marilyn Manson. Not only does he act stupid, his music sucks too. I'm sure that some people like him but I really don't.. I doubt he'd make good shrubbery fertilizer either. I don't know if you care or not or whatever. This isn't your diary for a reason so just sit back, relax and stab yourself with a knife in the neck several times.
-I really hate raw bell paper. You bite into a raw bell pepper and it's like evil seeping into your taste buds slowly, seeking to destroy the essence of your humanity bit by fucking bit. They are the devils fruit [thus their strange shape] and they alone will kill us all.
-The screenname "Generic NPC #3" is about as original/interesting/insert word here as the screenname "DeathKnight". We both fail. Otherwise, you are the essence of pure cool Tony. Even if you do listen to Manson, that is. I'm also the essence of something. The essence of pure funk. *old school R&B plays in the background as he slides a pair of sunglasses on*
-All the RPGs in the adventure arena suck. This implies that the people writing them suck too, but I won't go that far. We need to redo Apartment Building C. That RPG could have gone places. I mean, come on- german speaking ostrich for the win, obviously. Or, maybe, the german speaking ostrich was a step too far and I inadvertently killed the RPG.
Whatever. *huggles ostrich*
-The Sims is a horrid game. It's revolutionarily horrid. I burn Sims just to laugh in my own e-sadistic way. Why is it horrid? I don't know! It's like the bell peppers, it just oozes out this primal evil that makes me shudder and repeat a few "Hail Mary's" [and I'm not even Catholic!]. Look at all the evil it has spawned *gestures to expansion packs and games that clone it's idea*.
-The top five solos I've ever heard are:
5. "Black Hole Sun" - Soundgarden
4. "We Die Young" - Alice in Chains
3. "Stacked Actors" - Foo Fighters
2. "Mr. Crowley" - Ozzy
1. [tie] "Raining Blood" - Slayer
1. [tie] "Cherub Rock" - Smashing Pumpkins
If anyone disputes this, write down their name and address. Give it to me. I'll discuss it with them privately.
-I think in most of the "Anthology" stories I've been replaced by either Baron Samedi or Shinmaru. I'm quite ecstatic about being replaced by such a cool guy [I'm talking about Shinmaru, not that other dude]. I think Shinmaru can fill my satirical and cool shoes quite well. He'll do quite well! Fare thee well, DeathKnight. Don't feel left out! There are greener pastures to burn with your undead shoes.
-My unconscious is trying to kill me. It showed me my dream girl [in a dream, no less]. I think it's emotionally sadistic.
-I will admit that I had alot of fun writing this post. Haha, ahh.
-My OtakuBoards avatar is the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. You could have denoted this from the wording on his hat as it is mentioned in the book.
Well, that's about all I have to say about that. What's new in the life of Ken? Same ol', same ol'. Fucking setting myself on fire for being up this late. I think I'll cut this shorter than normal because it's 6:39 and I need to go dream something.
In closing, *arches his eyebrow at you*

P.P.S. Tiger Woods won another Masters! Grats to him.
P.P.P.S. I think I enjoy lighting matches too much. *rubs forehead*
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