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Dancin' with Enkidu.
Member Since
Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon.
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
We are fighting dreamers.
Comments on commentary- Uhhh. My reply to your comments would be.. longer than this post probably. Can I skip it please?
I'll never see this place again.
Soil. Soil requires nutrients. You can get these nutrients from your local gardening supply place. You'll need a large, husky person to haul the stuff around though- that's how I got involved. Well, alot of these mixtures of 'plant food' have manure in them. So that's how this story gets tellable. Well, it's not really a story- I just hauled dirt with crap mixed in it for an hour or so. It was refreshing. Very refreshing. The smell of shit mixed with the springtime air. You could just hear the birds chirping in the background, squirrels chewing on food and various other disney-esque animals frolicking freely in the grasses, bushes and trees that dot my neighborhood. But me? I was hauling around shit. And that is enough shit-hauling to last me for a few months.
I've been watching alot of Naruto lately. Fan subbed because.. subs>all. Fan subs= sometimes > all. This sub is great, however. A consensus of my closest friends, enemies and harem girls has garnered the result that I am most like Kakashi, the sensei for the trio of early teenagers that are our heroes. I can't really argue with that, heh. I have him as an avatar on GroupSounds [Tony's messageboard]. It's for the win, I suppose. I think the anime is great- the story is neat, the animation can't be matched and it can be hilarious as fuck sometime [e.g., Naruto's 'surprise' during the preliminary exams].
Speaking of GroupSounds, that arcade is hilarious as fuck too. I'm sort of surprised how much winning a flash videogame can stroke someone's ego, lol. There are all these amusing, pseudo-zingers that people post after they score a high score. I can't really paraphrase one on the spot because I can't make some of this shit up. It's just pretty funny. I <3 Space Invaders. I got 303000 as a score after about an hour and a half of straight playing- on the same round, to be exact. Yeah, an hour and thirty minutes or so on the same round.. that was pretty intense shit. I really enjoy the game alot for some reason- something satisfying about blasting away a plethora of russian horde invaders in your tiny, penis-esque ship.
NBA Playoffs are going on! San Antonio Spurs for the win, of course. You can feel the Spurs fervor in the air around here- they are selling little flags you can hang from your car that say "Go Spurs Go!". Or you can get a cool hat that says something similar- Spurs for the win in any event. I can smell the championship- it smells like.. body odor. Wait, wait. Wait. That's not the championship. Nevermind. *sprays some deodorant on himself*
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy might be the first movie I actually go to a movie theater for in probably half a year. This movie looks great- I mean like, "OMG WTF LOL" great. Not just "great!" or "Great.." but "INSERT ACRONYMS HERE" great. It will probably be annoying to be shoved into a room full of irritating, hyper people but- yeah.. that's the price you have to pay for wasting away 2 hours of your life on cinema. /sigh, such is life! I hope I can get a nice big Diet Coke though. For the win, of course.
I'm reading the Da Vinchi Code for the first time after reading Angels and Demons- I really miss that Italian chick, I'll tell you thought. She sounded sexy and had a fun attitude. Vittoria was her name, wasn't it? Oh well. I hope this involves corrupt popes too. Everyone <3's corrupt popes. Well, except for the people they kill- but they are biased, aren't they?
"Floods" by Pantera is a very personal song to me now that I've heard it a few times. It has a great melody, great sound to it.. great lyrics. Sort of melancholy in a way. I think it is a good song for anyone but I've been wrong before.
Sorry about the lack of updates but I really had nothing to talk about for a long while there. Maybe it was writer's block, lol. Or maybe my life is that boring. I think I need more drama- FF style! *suddenly gets amnesia* *takes on the personality of a friend of his*
You may call me..
Nah, I kid. But I guess I'll fill this out with a few quizzes, it's been awhile.
Quiz Day
Your Taste in Music:
90's Alternative: Highest Influence | Alternative Rock: Highest Influence | 90's Rock: High Influence | Heavy Metal: High Influence | Dance: Medium Influence | 80's Alternative: Low Influence | Adult Alternative: Low Influence | Classic Rock: Low Influence | Old School Hip Hop: Low Influence | Punk: Low Influence |
Your True Birth Month Is December |

Not egoistic
Loves praise
Loves to joke
Fun to be with
Not pretending
Loves attention
Short tempered
Hates restrictions
Loves to socialize
Loves to be loved
Loyal and generous
Impatient and hasty
Changing personality
Good sense of humor
Honest and trustworthy
Influential in organizations
Takes high pride in oneself
Active in games and interactions
| You scored as Justice (Fairness). Your life is guided by the concept of Fair Justice: Everyone, yourself included, should be rewarded and punished according to the help or harm they cause.
"He who does not punish evil commands it to be done."
--Leonardo da Vinci
“Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.”
--Dwight D. Eisenhower
More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...
Justice (Fairness) | | 90% | Utilitarianism | | 80% | Kantianism | | 60% | Existentialism | | 60% | Nihilism | | 50% | Apathy | | 20% | Hedonism | | 20% | Strong Egoism | | 5% | Divine Command | | 5% |
What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03) created with |
Your Rising Sign is Capricorn |

Old fashioned and conservative, you carry yourself with dignity.
You have a tough exterior, and you can be intimidating when you want to be.
Hard working and ambitious, you can survive in the most cut throat work enviroments.
Outside of work, you are a true friend to everyone in your small inner circle.
You may have had a difficult time earlier in life.
Capricorns are late bloomers and you may be coming into your own right now. |
 Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me
That's it. Keep it cool.
P.S. Go Spurs!
P.P.S. I love sub sandwiches.
P.P.P.S. Hinata <3.
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