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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon.
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Divine Divinity.
Comments on commentary-
Irish- Malls suck for a variety of reasons. The social atmosphere is one.
Er.. A civil war is "a war betwen factions or regions of the same country"? they didn't have the right to secede in the first place, lol. I think it's a civil war..
War is art. I enjoy it immensely.
Lunai- I was talking to a dude named Zacherai, heh.
Sen- Got a problem with Sakura-chan? =P
Elfy- Orgasm Day is the best holiday I've heard of. I hope I can celebrate it sometime soon.
Leaful- They could have it all year, I suppose. Maybe that's a bit much though.. or.. perhaps not?
Zacherai: FPS ussually
Zacherai: bore me
Zacherai: but
Zacherai: WWII era ones that are historic
Zacherai: sometimes interest me
Zacherai: because
Zacherai: it's a chance to honor those who have fought and died before me
Zacherai: <<;
Zacherai: but
Zacherai: people don't really fight in fps like they do irl
Zacherai: so
Zacherai: -shrugs-
Zacherai: kinda takes that
Zacherai: factor away
Zacherai: Wars are not won by the heroics of the few...
Zacherai: but by the sacrafice of the many.
DeathKnight V4: it's won by me kicking your ass.
Zacherai: heh
Zacherai: well Ive said this before
Zacherai: but
Zacherai: Hitler
Zacherai: and his goverment
Zacherai: blew.
Zacherai: they were 'evil' if there ever was evil
Zacherai: but
Zacherai: the german Wermacht
Zacherai: I respect
Zacherai: and
DeathKnight V4: eh? what makes them evil?
Zacherai: even 'worship' a bit.
Zacherai: Evil by my definition is someone who needlessly disregards life.
DeathKnight V4: *tilts head* then every nation that has ever existed is evil
Zacherai: maybe.
DeathKnight V4: well, ask this question
Zacherai: well, evil by one definition
Zacherai: is
Zacherai: extremism
Zacherai: o.O
Zacherai: or fanatism.
DeathKnight V4: did the majority of those nations *regard* the lives of anything beyond their race, nationality/citizens or soldiers?
DeathKnight V4: no, because that wasn't their prime directive
Zacherai: they might not of 'regarded' it
Zacherai: but very few have activity sought to cause genocide against them
Zacherai: Ive said it before, Hitler was benevolent to his own people
Zacherai: but, his people are a minority to the people on the planet, and he was seeking to actively cause genocide against large majoritys of those people
DeathKnight V4: eh, the story of the holocaust never really touched me
DeathKnight V4: the desperate environment of a nation destroyed by a war bred a monstrosity that ultimately made the nation pay for it's sins
Zacherai: I respect the german people and their 'wermacht' but what 'good' hitler did, what uprising he brought, was far outweighed by what 'evil' he's done
DeathKnight V4: *raises hands* if you think it is, you do
Zacherai: WWII was kinda 3 evils facing off against each other
Zacherai: in a sense
Zacherai: o.O
Zacherai: *uses the word evil for lack of a better word*
Zacherai: o.O
Zacherai: it was fanatism on all 3 sides for their way being 'right'
DeathKnight V4: people died
DeathKnight V4: they were going to die eventually, they were not heroes. they were a religious group who was persecuted.
DeathKnight V4: they are not martyrs, they did not sacrifice themsleves for anything. they were animals.
Zacherai: they were still humans.
Zacherai: lol
DeathKnight V4: *shrugs* a human is a thinking animal
Zacherai: a human is the only sentient being weve come into contact with.
DeathKnight V4: and is the only being worth killing
Zacherai: worth fighting maybe.
DeathKnight V4: *shrugs*
Zacherai: Im a warrior, life is sacred to me because it has to be to keep me from being a rampaing killer
DeathKnight V4: you just finished talking about the thrill and enjoyment derived from fighting humans in virtual realities instead of artificial intelligence
DeathKnight V4: that applies to real life, it is the only creature worth engaging in battle
Zacherai: thats the difference between someone who is fucked up, and a soldier, a soldier finds a way to still hold life sacred, a murderer - someone 'evil' - dosnm't
DeathKnight V4: life is there
DeathKnight V4: those that rape and pillage it, do
DeathKnight V4: those that worship and view it as sacred, do
Zacherai: those that rape and pillage it arn't acceptable
Zacherai: o.o;
Zacherai: by me.
DeathKnight V4: they do as they see fit
DeathKnight V4: as you do as you see fit
Zacherai: a Warrior dosn't randomly rape and pillage life, there must be a reason, an order, in defense..
Zacherai: o.o
DeathKnight V4: it would be too troublesome to be a manical killer
DeathKnight V4: I doubt I could outthink an organized crime force or want to sacrifice myself for something as petty as bloodshed
Zacherai: "we are not killers, we are people who learn to apply violence to achieve a means, and sometimes that kills"
Zacherai: "however, randomly killing, killing without reason, is -unacceptable"
Zacherai: o.O
DeathKnight V4: those who live by the sword will die by the sword
DeathKnight V4: it matters not who you cut down
DeathKnight V4: you will be cut down eventually in return
Zacherai: I wonder if she will bring any new perspectives to the table
DeathKnight V4: what? is my nonchalant attitude tiresome?
DeathKnight V4: lol
Zacherai: you fucking admire serial killers and refuse to even recognize the value of life beyond 'it's not worth my time'
Zacherai: so
Zacherai: regardless of reassurances
Zacherai: I have to keep half an eye on you for budding psychosis;;
DeathKnight V4: serial killers are inefficent psychopaths who cry out for attention with their unrefined talent.
DeathKnight V4: they are quirky anomolies at best
Zacherai: generally they are people who failed to learn certian group survival instincts..
Zacherai: not to kill people without reason..
DeathKnight V4: all things are fated to die
DeathKnight V4: I don't claim to be the grim reaper so it is not my place to send everyone there quicker
DeathKnight V4: if I am not one to judge something as trite as people's personalities, opinions or outlooks
DeathKnight V4: then who am I to play matchmaker with their lives and a coffin.
Zacherai: mmm
Zacherai: Im sure youll be a good general
Zacherai: <<;
Zacherai: sometime..
Zacherai: in the distant future..
DeathKnight V4: you're a good leader
DeathKnight V4: with some questionable taste in women
DeathKnight V4: but that's not too bad of a thing
DeathKnight V4: XD
DeathKnight V4: I guess I shouldn't talk *rubs his chin solemnly*
Zacherai: >>;;;
Zacherai: uh
Zacherai: great men..
Zacherai: have great eccentricites?
DeathKnight V4: haha
DeathKnight V4: of course
DeathKnight V4: I'm
DeathKnight V4: gonna go.
Zacherai: nien
DeathKnight V4: ?
Zacherai: Im not through with your corpse.
Zacherai: *kicks it*
DeathKnight V4: ahh
DeathKnight V4: *sound of motor starting*
DeathKnight V4: *lives*
DeathKnight V4: thank you kindly
DeathKnight V4: sometimes it just needs a good ol' kick to get back up and goin
Zacherai: hai
Zacherai: a jumpstart to the heart
DeathKnight V4: I got one of those crappy
DeathKnight V4: mexican models
DeathKnight V4: doesn't work too well.
Zacherai: >>;
Saw Revenge of the Sith today. I thought it was more enjoyable than the prior two episodes. For one thing, the acting was a few steps up from 'utterly painful' to 'slightly irritating'. His dialogue in romantic scenes is still quite questionable but I suppose I couldn't do much better. It's a Sci-Fi movie, I'm not sure what kind of romantic dialogue we are expecting from it. It's like the opening scenes in the movie is a pitched battle between armadas- that should clue you in that the depth of the romantic dialogue might not be as high a quality as it could be. I'm not sure many people will understand the character of General Greivous without having seen the Clone War's series, heh. The leader of the Banking Clan [named San Hill] noticed a Kaleesh named Greivous who had great strategetic skill and physical prowess. He offered Greivous a position of power in the Seperatist forces, but Greivous declined- he only cared about the conflict between the Kaleesh and the Huk, not the larger war occuring around them. So Hill brought Greivous to the attention of Dooku and Darth Sidious, both of whom also offered Greivous positions of power within the Seperatist forces. But, Greivous contiunued to decline their offers. Hill, Dooku and Sidious arranged to plant a bomb on the shuttle that Greivous was using and blame the explosion on the Republic. Greivous was mortally wounded from the shuttle's crash and his unconcsious, dying body was taking to Geonosis. The Geonosians implanted the majority of his organs into a specially-forged droid body that would compliment his natural reflexes and grant him greater physical strength and protection. When he awoke, for some reason, he was willing to take up Hill's offer and he started leading Separatist troops throughout the galaxy. Dooku trained the cyborg in lightsaber combat and he took up the passtime of fighting Jedi, starting a collection of lightsabers from those he defeated. He lead the Separtist forces in the Outer Rim defeating the Republic's fleet time after time with brilliant strategies, causing him to gain great infamy amongst the Republic forces. His strange, continuous cough that accompanies him throughout the movie is probably from the Clone Wars series too- Mace Windu force-crushed his torso during it, wounding him seriously [first time he had been wounded by a Jedi, too]. I enjoyed the mini-series Cartoon Network had alot, it made the transition from Episode II to III alot more sensical. Overall the movie was enjoyable- the Jedi fights are distinctly memorable and the large naval battle at the beginning was fantastically done. I would guess that they are going to bring back the series in one way or another- it's such a huge moneymaker that it's hard to just say "that's all folks" to it.
I'm pretty content with what we learned from E3. I am casting a suspicious gaze at Nintendo, however, because it feels like they are already losing the next generation of the console wars- and it hasn't even really begun, lol. I am not a fanboy of Nintendo, I seriously prefer and procure more Sony games/hardware on a consistent basis, but several GameCube games always shine out as great pieces of software. I also spent a good deal of time during the last generation of video games playing the N64- Waveracer, Mario Kart, Super Mario 64, Super Smash Brothers, Ogre Battle, etc.- until I started hauling in RPGs for my PS1. I hope that they succeed with their next venture. Microsoft can seriously go fuck itself. That 'revealing on MTV' thing was gay. But, er- yeah. Sony for life, etc.
Of particular interest was the much-talked about "Final Fantasy VII Technical Demo". I think that doing that sort of thing should be constituted as torture as most FFVII/RPG fans have been quietly praying to their respective Gods for a remake of FFVII on a current or next generation console. Remake or not, that is sure some pretty looking stuff there. I'm not really how I would feel about a remake, but I'm sure that a company like Square wouldn't screw something that large up. *long pause* I mean, they couldn't.. seriously destroy the game.. that made their franchise the pillar of fandom that it is today, right?
*ominous silence*
I also OMFGYAYed at Civilization IV. I'm privy to describing myself as a pseudo-Rommel/Napoleon/insertdeadfamousguyhere, but the Civilization series has been with me since I was a toddler. I played the first one in.. 1993 or so. Spent days upon days on the second and weeks upon weeks on the third. It is a fabulous, addictive game that I think everyone can enjoy to varying degrees. I hope I get a chance to play the fourth one.
Dicit Lux.
That's all. Get lost you grotty little kids.
Haha, kidding.
P.S. DeathKnight V4: bah, bureacracy and it's awkward spelling can go fuck itself.
P.P.P.S. Call of Duty rocks.
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