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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

'If by your art, my dearest father, you have put the wild waters in this roar, allay them.'
Comments on commentary-

lit- Yes we would. Would you like to come to my large ranch? It's a wondrous place.

Roxrox- My apathy is not as far reaching as people believe it is. *pokes her forehead*

The OB thing is pretty fun. Really though, there is never an "angst requirement". People just find it fascinating to make these horribly bad pasts because they find it more dramatic, lol.

Kid with the shirt= Amusing.

Leaful- Moo.

Holy fuck, robot ninjas from space!

Theme song of this post: "Four Kicks" by Kings of Leon.

Man, New Orleans was owned. I hope Neil is alright. Then again, the only thing that will kill that bastard is his own arrogance. I guess I should wish anyone who lives in that area the best of luck because, hey, you're pretty G.D. screwed if I say so myself. I never really understood the whole looting reaction to major disasters, it seems kind of dull to me.

Joe: Hey man, that hurricane was a bitch.

Jim: Yeah, I know. To let off some steam, let's go steal some shit in the chaos.

Joe: Word, my man.

That sounds very logical to me. Let's help restore order by RAMPANT THEFT. Yee-haw, humanity wins another cookie. Anyone up for some genocide after this? Lock and load, mother fuckers.

I was promoted to Team Leader on The Legionnaires because, well. You know. I'm not really sure why. Deep underneath it all it probably has something to do with how much I rock, but am still rather convinced my writing is the most subpar thing on this planet. Tolkien I am not. No great quests for you, good sir- but maybe we can add some ents into this RP somewhere. Every good story needs an ent. That's kind of the unwritten rule to fantasy stories. Walking, talking trees just add that extra sparkle to it.

I'm being bribed by my parents to do whatever last minute work I need to do in order for them to fill out my transcript. The bribe is an I-Pod, no less. A worthy bribe if I've ever seen one [which I might have]. Still, nothing really can coax me to get off my ass and get to work. Once I get annoyed/irritated enough at things, I sort of blitzkrieg them away. It's a bad habit. I do want an I-Pod though, you know- for all that music listening I do. Hitler himself would probably have wanted an I-Pod, just to hear his own speeches over and over. Oh uh. I mentioned Hitler. *gasps*

I found this hilarious news article that just proves how infantile my sense of humor can be. Still, the line "It may be very amusing for you British, but F---ing is simply F---ing to us. What is this big F---ing joke? It is puerile" is pretty damn priceless. Oh well. You know, there is nothing wrong at all for the town to be named Fucking. I'm sure the town of Fucking is a very nice place that I'd like to visit someday. Yeap. *glances around*... Yeeeeap.

Razorblade romance.

That's about all I have to say. Well, one more thing- Juuni Kokuki rocks.

P.S. Holy shit! Neil yet lives!

ArtilleriePanzer: hey man *on mobile*

DeathKnight V4: You dead?

ArtilleriePanzer: close enough

P.P.S. *stretches* Shit I'm tired.

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