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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.
Saturday, September 20, 2003
The Re-Emergance of the Beta Test King
I have had a sudden yearning inside me to return to beat testing MMRPGS.
I am beyond a vetern of the entire field- been playing MMRPGs since I was 11. So, in my four years of testing these fair Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games what have I learned?
Lag is the monster than no person will ever kill. It hits you at the most inopportune times, at the most inopportune places, while you are doing, in general, things that could be classified as somewhat 'important'.
Koreans hate Americans. *smirk* Yes, if anyone here that reads this fair text beta tests a MMRPG from Korea, tell them you are from Canada. Do not even say that you are just from "North America"- they will eat you and player kill you.
What else. Never be afraid to go on an impractical adventure- impractical adventures, even in real life, because life is impractical. Take every opportunity you can to just choose a random direction and walk in that direction- if you meet up with trouble you cannot take, then surely that is no worse a fate that sitting idlely on your hands because it is "safer".
Do not use internet lingo. 12 year olds using general internet lingo in games has been classified by President Bush as a form of terror. A small alert will go off at the Department of Homeland Security and your house will be destroyed within minutes by a smart bomb, eleminateing the threat to our intellect.
There are female gamers.
Somewhere. We have not found them yet, but searches continue.
Other than that I have no tips. Just play the game to be the best and you will not succeed. Play the game to forge a story and you will.
Yes. I have returned from the fair seas north of Danzig, dear mother, with tales of glorious battles and wonderous treasures.
Aside from that, I took Des' quiz.
 You're Red Link, the highly competitive and cut-throat Link. You'll do anything to get ahead of the other three, even resorting to violence; to you, the ends justify the means. You enjoy blowing up your partners with Bombs, especially those that lag behind, such as Blue Link. Working best with Green Link, you love fighting the toughest enemies together. Because of your fierce demeanor, however, you tend not to get along with the other Links very often.
What Color Link are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I like bombs.
And finally, it seems that seems to have gotten "exclusive news" that there is a Final Fantasy 7-2 in devolpment/planning...
...for the PSP.
Right. We all know that Square-Enix has the funds and alot of manpower now to take some sort of gamble, but that is one game of russian roulette with 5 bullets loaded. Cut me some slack.. if this is confirmed my faith in everything Square will have died with FFX-2 and FF11.
What "2" is there to make? The Final FMV has caused enough crap as is, we do not need a sequel to bomb and drag the reputation of the first game down into hell with it.
Tho releasing a touched up version of FF7 on the PS2 would look dandy.
Can never get enough Tifa and Aeris. :X
[Plus, Aeris was supposed to come back - was she not? They just rushed the game. Maybe they could fix that.. or just touch it up and release it on the PS2/3. Either is fine.]
Also Suikoden 4 is comeing. :D Cheer.
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