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Dancin' with Enkidu.
Member Since
Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon.
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Yes I swear.
Comments on commentary-
Lea- It's.. it's.. it's.. you!!!
Roxie- It's one of the more pointless things I've written.
I have nothing philosophical or moral to lecture about, it's so depressing Roxie~
Anti- He isn't. He's probably already gone by this time, lol.
I feel sorry for Veronica but he made the right decision.
AaaaarrrrrRRRrRRRRrR- I think they did. ;)
Cops around here are like buzzards at 3 AM. They sniff something interesting and they just start circling, lol.
Ante up.
Theme song of this post: Non-Zero Possibility by At The Drive In.
I get a call at five-ish yesterday and let the machine get it- it's my general manager, pleading with me that he needs some help tonight. While I can't really say that I've ever been concerned with what kind of help he needs I might be concerned with my wallet. My monitor is an aged dinosaur of a beast that is yet lingering in this world by some unknown force of will. It's at least eight years old if my memory isn't completely eaten by the ravages of time which I doubt it is. So, seeking a new monitor (something smexy) I decide to go and make some money.
Worst. Idea. Ever.
By "I need help" my manager apparently meant "OH FUCK" since, after ten, there was only three people around to help run the store.. and someone had to close the dining room. That someone was.. me! Ta da, you win the prize. Hours of work later I emerge from the most pristine and complete dining room I had ever done. Why did I put so much effort into it you ask? The manager of the evening was Linda who is this older black lady that follows every-single-rule that exists in that little shitty employee's handbook they shove down your throat at training so I made it perfect.
Following rules doesn't really bother me- I mean, society is based on rules. Rules make sure you don't end up batty like Shinmaru or Roxie or.. or.. Aleia. Without those rules there would be dozens of Shinmarus and Roxies and Aleias all mucking up the world with their eccentricities. Can you imagine? That would be pandemonium, pure chaos. The world would destroy itself at their multiple hands. What horrors lurk just around the bend if they procreate!!
Anyway, rules are okay. But rules that inhibit efficiently instead of instill efficiency irritate me. What's the point? I mean, in theory the rules are there to keep you out of danger/trouble firstly and then secondly, you know, make sure you do things as efficiently as possible so the CEO can afford to go to the Alps this year. Why do X when Y will do the same thing easier/simpler and exactly the same amount of money is made? It's so draconian and worthless some of the things they make you do. I mean it's just like they say the rule that you're breaking and you're like whwhwhwhwWHAT THE HELL. That's not LOGICAL, man! Back yoself up and let me DO THIS EFFICIENTLY.
Blablabla, anyway I start to leave and voila it's Juan. Shipping out today he is but last night he was with his girl. From the way they were clinging to each other I can surmise that their worlds did indeed eventually meet. So the last image I will ever see of Juan now is of a romantic couple just outside of the door, standing there totally in love with each other as time continues to relentlessly tick off, counting down to their forced separation that will last at least half a year. I left and was rather melancholic- the day had been long, I just said goodbye to my friend and I wanted something good to drink. Not soda water or milk, but something more zesty.
To my distinct surprise there is nothing open in San Antonio at 1:30 in the morning. Not a single gas station convince store was conveniently open. HEB and Wal-Mart were open but, well, HEB didn't have what I wanted and WalMart is the spawn of Satan's asshole so screw that noise. I ended up just coming home. Coming home and thinking. I thought to myself about what I will do and what I could do and what I should do or what I should do and don't. The sound of silence, the noise of a room beset by thoughts is something you can differentiate from just normal 'silence' which is the sound of nothingness.
You could take two different views on things at the least. When you awoke this morning in some god forsaken corner of the world someone was being murdered or raped or robbed or beaten or weeping or dying slowly in a hospital. Plans to rape the environment were being made and political leaders were writing their speeches full of lies to give at some point during the day. Some animal-esque humans were having sex, some were being gluttons, some were being greedy. Somewhere there is a starving child weathered by time beyond it's years while, at that exact moment, some restaurant in America is serving someone more food than they could ever eat. Fires were raging, buildings were being destroyed and death was continuing it's quiet march across the earth, claiming those that belong to it now.
And when you woke up this morning the birds were singing, the sun was shining. Children were being born and crops were being raised. Paintings were being displayed, statues were being cleaned. Human society was still moving, civilization was still in order. Eclipsed by war, messages of perpetual peace were being planned by young, ambitious politicians as they sought to improve the livelihood of their citizens. Scientists were bringing about new developments in the fields of energy and health. Young couples were meeting and mingling, relishing the simple yet paradisaic nature of their relationships. People were attaining the happiness they had fought for, the joy they dreamed of. Life was continuing on as it always had and will always do.
Yes, as you got up perhaps it was going to be a pretty average day after all.
The fire yet burns.
Oh yeah, btw:

Dun dun dun.
P.S. Israel makes blowing up bridges look like so much fun.
P.P.S. DQ8 is being conquered slowly, brothers. I will bring it into the fold soon enough! Ahaha.
P.P.P.S. Be careful what you wish for, I guess. I work a ton of hours this week, lol.
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