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myOtaku.com: DeathKnight

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Giver of Life [OR Mundane Posts are fun.]
I persuaded my mom that since, like a normal responsible young man, I had finished school on time that I deserved 50 dollars.

Yes, I got it.

Yes, it was easy. Try it sometime. It helps to be homeschooled, but the concept is still the same. "I faced temptations to ignore my work, but I stayed true- don't you think I deserve some sort of reward for that?"

With my fifty dollars+my allowance+unmentionable funds from varying places=a trip to the mall.

So I arrived at the Dillard's Home Store- the place my mom always parks infront of, thusly forcing me to enter through it.

In this very Dillard's Home Store there is one of those electronic wedding registries- and, in this very Dillard's Home Store it happens to rest right in the middle pathway, twards the exit of the store.

And at this very Dillard's Home Store I have had the pleasure of partaking in a ritual- everytime I pass the wedding registry, I have to touch the touchscreen once. If I miss a time, I have to do it twice next time.

Why? There's no point. It's just amusing to do.

After doing said-ritual, I parted pathways with my mother and headed to EB where I purchased Hearts of Iron along with FF7- 15 and 12 dollars respectively.

But Ken, you must have had FF7!

Keyword=had. I sorta gave it to a friend of mine. Well, I originally let him borrow it but it's kinda become a permanent thing.

Grrrreat fun, that. Oh well.

After said-purchases, I took a trip to FYE who, if you don't know, blare the loudest music they possibly can in their store as much as they can. Today? It was Dance music.

Hoo hoo, I can hardly contain myself.

Nah, the tunes were alright. But the problem comes in later.

I surfed the metal section, which, of course, is located in the far-far back- near the "you're a loser if you're in this section" Country and Gospel sections. In the great company of God's holy rock music and the great American tunes from the West, I felt oddly discontent and depressed- why? Who knows. [There was actually a skinhead surfing the metal area- as if that lessened the aleination of being sent to the back]

With this feeling, I traveled to the close-to-the-front-door rock section- where all the "cool" people hang out, and picked up Joe Satriani's CD, 'Is There Love In Space?'

Suddenly, amongst the jarring dance music, I hear a lovely young lasses voice. I turn, and she says "Could I have your collar?"

I was befuddled and somewhat amused by this- "Beg your pardon?" I replyed.

Of course, that was not what the beautiful young woman had said- she had asked me for a dollar. Why? Who knows. Generosity needs no why, so I provided her with a dollar. She hopped in the air, literally, as she took it, thanking me profusely and telling me she liked me- at least, I think so. In the glorious Chapel of Dance it was hard to tell, but I assume that is what I heard. Maybe I'm just schizophrenic/[wishing that is what she said...]

She went off with her friend, saying how "that guy gave me a dollar". Wow, yeah- I did. Not that big of a deal, but thanks for lifting my previously-mentioned sour spirits. [Someone told me that it was the universe seeking to tell me that I was the one alienating myself- who knows.]

She purchased something [I assume] and left the store.

It was an amusing thing. I haven't the faintest what drove her to ask me. A large, white, scruffy teenage guy- yeah, he'll give you a dollar. Aww, but overweight people are so huggable and humorous- they must be generous too!

I'm not doing to well to disprove what I just said, I guess.

After this episode, I was kinda hoping I would see here again- I dunno, just to talk or something [I must be desperate as hell, LOL.] But, I didn't, and it was soon time to depart. [I didn't get to do my ritual on the way back- some people were using the wedding registry, so. Next time I gotta do two.]

I kinda like the idea of being the random good Samaritan. I don't need people to know my name or anything. Just be generous.

My mom said that it wasn't good to be too generous- that there are panhandlers and such who live off getting people to give them money. Honestly, I wouldn't mind. It's your actions verses theres, yours outweigh [in whatever sense of morality you have] theirs, and that is all that matters- what you did. That's it, after that it is in their hands/on their heads.

Young madam, I hope that extra dollar was well spent. lol.

Destroyer of Senses [OR Dangers to society like Diet Pepsi.]

I'm going to learn to drive, woopee. My mom expects me to be ectatic.

Yes, right. I'm learning something I'll have to do from now intill the day I die, daily.


Oh well. I guess this would be a bad time to mention my high score on Carmageddon at Tony's Group Sound Arcade, lol. [Mom: The pamphlet says if you are found to be a danger to society, you will have to take the course over.

K: I'll keep that in mind?]

I don't really see what the big deal is. It's just driving. I'll prolly end up in an accident within the first couple of years, too. lol.

Oh well. Here's to driving. *sips Diet Pepsi*

I consume your children [OR Good thing they don't cost a quarter.]

Shock and awe, Tony has a message board [http://wip.slownerveaction.org/groupsounds/index.php?]. Even better, it has an arcade.

Even better[er], somehow, I'm doing pretty well on games I swore not two years ago I sucked at. Of course, there are still a few I can't really get down that well. Fun games, though.
Occupational benefits help the games go faster.
So, go check it out if you haven't. See what games you're good at.

Well. That's about it.


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