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Anime Fan Since
1998- sheltered life
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No particular preference now
finish college
reading almost anything, anime, computer games and such
Hi! My real name is Stephani but no one really calls me that except when they are yelling at me. Most of the time I'm called Wolfy or Henshu. I love to read and listen to different types of music. Some of my favorite groups/bands are H.I.M., The Cruxshadows, VNV Nation, The Birthday Massacre. I am in college going into my second year.
Both the backround and midi are from mimisk8.

Thursday, December 15, 2005
uhm .. hi
Wow, it has been awhile since i've been on here. since the last post i've moved twice, almost got married, and had 2 different jobs.
Right now I'm living in Prescott, AZ. No job but i'm working on it, got a car that's not exactly new but it's new to me. It's a teal '93 Protege.
I'm going to Yavapai College, going for my Associate of Arts degree then going on from there until i eventually get my Ph.D for psychology. i'm thinking of having my minors in sociology and maybe anthropology but see about that later.
Monday, January 12, 2004
Well my classes have started for the spring semester and I already am having problems! I have six classes and 5 of them are for computers. The last one as I have previously stated is in music. Anyways the trouble is that I can''t get into the schools email account I set up. I really need to get in there because that is were the teachers post your gradeor ask me questions regaurding the assignments I have turned in. I wish we could just use our personal email accounts but the school is afraid of getting viruses or something. I respect them not wanting viruses since if one computer get it the others will too. Oh well It'll get sorted out soon enough i hope.
I am still working on my comm class this survey is turning into a disaster. I need to finish it this week or fail the class and take it over again. I don't even want to think about that. The reason it is turning into a disaster is I only have survey back and the answers don't help me at all since the person who took it doesn't really talk to anyone, does everything through email. This defends the interpersonal aspect of the interpersonal survey now doesn't it? I didn't know that this is what they did because I didn't give the surveyto the person it was passed one to them and emailed back to me. However I still have two others out there that have yet to be returned I hope they are better than this one. Please be better!
Other than school my life is just fine. Not including my ex boyfriend but not going there today.
Thursday, January 8, 2004
nothing in particular
Well i am now almost done with my comm. class! :) I can't wait to be done with it. for my final assignment I have to do a survey in a workplace about how well the employees communicate with each other. I then get to summarize the results and thats it. Well aside from the final and the communication journal.
My sister called me yesterday and we talked for about 20 minutes. She hadn't eaten dinner yet. And all she talked about was her husband and golfing. Like i want to listen to her talk about David. I can't stand the man. so it is a good thing i don't have to see him :). We live in different states after all. ;)