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myOtaku.com: DeathT-2

Thursday, December 22, 2005

I got the second of 30 chapters done for my History book report thing!!

Now I need to get my art things done this week, write the report, blah blah, done by the time school gets back [o how I dread it...]

I also need to rite a thank-you letter to Mickey's owner [I just lease, remember?] for giving me what she did. If you ask I'll tell ya what! ^_~

So I have successfully plundered away another day.

'Cept I got to ride Mickey with a very expensive dressage saddle, and it was awesome! All I have is an all-purpose saddle, and he's OK with it, but the dressage saddle really made a difference! I actually kept a good seat position th entire time and he seemed more comfortable with it than mine.

Mind you, it's a very expensive brand of saddle. County Saddlery, very posh-posh company in England. This saddle waas bought USED at $1500!! That's about as much as my car is worth! @_@

So as DT2 feels like a small fish in a big pond, she will probably wittle away her day sleeping or such. Yell at her to get her projects done, will you?

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