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Kentucky (soon to be Tennesee...)
Member Since
9th grade High School student
Real Name
Alayna [pronounced: Uh-lay-nuh]. (tolerable) Nicknames are: Chibi Excel, areina-chan, bara-chan
saw/touched D'espairs Ray (best night of my life so far); maintained a reading/spelling level 4 grades above my own since elem. school
Anime Fan Since
third grade when I met my 1st anime-crazy friend
Favorite Anime
many many, but my favorites would probably be...Yu Yu Hakusho, Ayashi no Ceres, Kare First Love, & Samurai Champloo
Attend a Duel Jewel concert and hug every member ^.^; widen my japanese vocabulary until I can read/speak it more fluently; go to Japan (in whatever way possible); learn how to make a kick ass site and conquer this evil computer!! *clutches keyboard*
-drawing -writing -listening to visual kei/Jrock -looking at pics of my favorite bands -playing my guitar -playing the violin -playing my keyboard (with as little skills as I have ^^;;) -updating my sites/profiles
obsessing (but who can't do that, lol); writing poetry/stories; drawing (in the right mood of course...); complaining *shifty eyes*
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Monday, July 18, 2005
Damn haters...
I can't say I'm in a particularly friendly mood as of now -___-
I've been reminded today how much I LOATHE and despise prejudice. Grrr...
I mean honestly, on the subject of yaoi/yuri...I understand that not everyone likes it, and that I don't really mind. But does everyone who doesn't really have to bash it? I fucking understand if you don't like what I like, it's only human nature, but for fucking chrissake you don't have to try and get me to hate it too merely b/c you don't think anyone should like it! *huff*
Which brings me to the topic of Gay Marriage. I'm afraid talking abou this may get me in trouble with some people on here, and I am not trying to offend anyone on this subject, just so everyone is aware. I really don't think it should be illegal for simple religious purposes, I don't think it should be illegal at all. Maybe I don't understand it fully, but from what I gather it is mostly looked down upon for being a "sin". And maybe it is that I am not Christian, nor very religious at all, so it is not a worry for me to believe so (not that I'm saying all Christians or all people of any particular faith believe it's wrong). But some people I've heard talk about it on forums and such just say that it is against their beliefs and thus should be illegal so they would feel more comfortable.
Well I'm sorry, but not everyone shares one religion therefore not everyone believes in the same things and is comfortable with the same things you are. I actually happen to love hanging out with gay guys, they amuse me ^^ lol. My mom has many gay guy-friends, and so do a couple of friends I have. I'm getting off hand with my point here, I support gay rights and gay marriage, and think it is no on else's business who a person chooses to spend their life with. If it is against someone's beliefs to be homosexual or bisexual...then so be it, understood. But to punish others for being that way, it's just not right.
I guess what I am trying to ask, what are your views on that? Remember, anyone bashing me or anyone else b/c of what they think will NOT go along well with me, got it?
I get called a tree-hugger often b/c I'm the typical animal-lover, wont-kill-anything-I'm-not-going-to-eat kind of person. So naturally, I'm also very firm with my rights and beliefs. My religious are very different from everyoen else's, taking in the fact that I do not belong to any one organized religion, myself. It's difficult to explain, so I won't go into it b/c 1) I don't want to bore anyone any further, and 2) I don't want to confuse anyone.
Gah I hate my political moods...I hate politics...-___- What brought about this mood anyway? *ponders*...
Well, to lighten the mood, I'm almost finished with the new HP book, thanks to AngelsVoice I now REALLY want to get through it *narrows eyes at AV* lol.
Okay, I will leave all alone now, I promise. and this will be my only even remotely political post if I can help it, I swear, lol.
Hey look I finally got a pic up! lol. Sexy one too @___@
::edit:: my mom is now CONVINCED Miyavi is a girl -_-;; I showed her the pic of him with the kitten and she freaked out when she discovered he was not a little girl. lol...poor Miyavi...but he's so cute T.T
~Areina-chan |
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
I am scared to go to college ._.
My mom has to take a college course for her work to get promoted or some bull. And it looks so hard and stressful, but probably b/c it is accounting which contains a lot of math which both my mom and I suck at, lol.
I found the sexiest yaoi screencaps from the pv Yuuyami Suicide, if you didnt notice the clip up there in my profile, they are scenes from that part *drools continuously*
We are going to be cleaning out the sewing/spare room next weekend -_- but I suppose it is good b/c I need to make some new clothes. And I was utterly amazed that Joanne fabric stores have pyramid studs and circular studs!! That is perfect for my style and they are easy to attach to clothes! Weee! lol ^___^ I was VERY happy when I found out about that!! I can finally learn to sew bigger projects too with my okasan's assistance.
And I also have my guitar so practice, I have been neglecting it for quite a while *sweatdrop* but my severe lack of patience does not help ^^; And I always have trouble tuning the damned thing -_-; so i need my dad to do it b/c he plays. Well he WOULD still play if he wasn't missing his left pointer finger...long story involving an evil table saw *cringe*...perhaps if asked I will explain about that l8er.
I need to learn to contain myself, I have a kept temper usually. But it escapes in small burts occasionally, and when it does I end up hurting ppl and then the anger is replaced by guilt and depression later. It is like I have a hormone imbalance which causes extreme pervertedness as well as severe mood swings, lol. I need to get that checked out...
This episode of S-cry-ed is quite amusing, lol. ^.^ Thought I would inform everyone about my opinion, lol. Kazuma is entertaining me XD.
I got my copy of Oresama! Did I mention that? I dont know I'm too lazy to look, lol. But I got it right b4 i left the movie theatre from Jen/Anthony. And the dvd also has a bunch of PV's and clips it made me soooo happy! like 2 hours of Miyavi or so!! Weeeee!! ^__________^
Oh my goodness...Motley Crue is stuck in my head..I love that band, lol. Nikki Six is so hot XD I was watching Headbangers Ball and I saw the music video for "Sick Love Song". I love that song so much ^^ I wanted to watch it only to see Rob Zombie, b/c he was supposed to be on it, but I didnt see him ;_; it made me sad.
I'll report tommorrow ^^
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Crackheads are funny XD
Well I ended up going to see the movie.
It was sooooooooo great and Johnny Depp was soo cute but such a crackhead XD It gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "fucked up", lol.
::WARNING slight spoiler ahead::
At the part where these puppets who sang that horrid song on the commercials burst into flame and started melting, our whole row (which had only us and our friends) laughed our asses off, and no one else was O_o lol.
I wanted to tstay a little longer but my dad surprised me at the door with a helmet for his harley b/c he had brought it. So I had to leave, and the ride was fun, I love motorcycles, but the seat was small and narrow and to be perfectly ass hurt like hell from sitting on it. And my back hurt from clutching on so tight, that thing is ABNORMALLY fast o_O you kick the throttle and whoever's on the back can FLY off.
Hana and Jen obsessed over my shirt the whole time I was there XD. It was great to see Hana's reaction. She saw it and stopped in mid-greeting to say "OMG ITS DEAD HIDE!!" *shakes head* lol
Katie was mad at me b/c me and Hana and Jen and this girl named Sara were talking through the whole movie and cracking jokes and it was fun. ^___^
Well my okasan is bitching so I must go, perhaps I will start to read my new HP book ^^
P.S. gomen about yesterday's post, I was upset over personal issues... the thought that I wouldn't be able to make myself feel better by going and being with some ppl I like kind of augmented it.
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Friday, July 15, 2005
time at start of post: 4:16 pm
Jen IMed me to ask if I wanted to go see Willy wonka with them...I do..I've wanted to see that movie sooooo bad but...
there are certain things happening that I told her about and...I probably shouldn't mention on here...that prevented my mom from wanting to drive me to their house...and they weren't going until 6:45...and she IMEd me around 1 or so....
I didn't want to be any trouble on them so I told her it's no big deal they should go without me...
I can wait until it comes out I guess...I mean, yeah I really wanted to go, but if it means they are rearranging everything just so I can go with them, then I don't want to....
And if my otosan gets home at 6 then MAYBE he will take me...I dont know...his work is so hectic lately I never know when he will be home...he is a manager at Home Depot and they are opening a new store so he has to help with the setup and whatnot....
So then that means he is trying hard to leve early for me, when he could be getting work done...
And I am trying to IM Jen again but she won't reply...
niether will Katie....
Yes, I think it will be a lot easier on everyone else if I just stay home for this one...
I doubt I would be very fun to hang out with anyway...
Gods I sound like I'm whining about just that don't I? it's not that I'm only upset about not being able to go...though that was rather hope shattering...
I just don't want anyone to try to comfort me about something they are wasting their time with...I don't like wasting people's time...
Oh and to the very few Duel Jewel fans on here...their official site has updated...
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
You cannot ski through a revolving door
I thought that the title was an important piece of information ^^
My gods, I went to the AB AGAIN yesterday (Wednesday) o_O
Those poor people probably want me to die already, lol. But I got to wear my hide shirt there ^^ and there was a new waitress there and she was so nice ^^ She was talking to this rather curious 4 yr old girl (she was so kawaii ^^) about China and where she was from and how to use chopsticks. I always use chopsticks when I get the chance so I was using them while I was watching the little girl try to use them and I laughed remembering the first time I tried to use them ^^ It took me a long time to figure it out, lol.
Talking to Jen as usual, online. lol she is hilarious, gotta love her. Though I will admit Katie gets in some bad spats with her o_O sibling rivalry at it's finest there.
She just made a conference with Anthony again! weee! lol
Anthony is DLing Final Ugly Kingdom 2003!!!! W00T!! It has taken 2 weeks for the thing to DL O_o Meaning he started it 2 weeks ago, and it is just now at 83%
OMG I just remembered....
the hot Chinese guys hang out at Anthony's house ._.
*long pause*
I think I need to make good friends with Anthony. lol.
Okay, a few pics tonight, then I must go-

this is so cool...

waaaiiii Val has a mohawk!! *huggles* Eeee I love Duel Jewel so much ^.^


Enter Miyavi! The sexy battousai!

Wow Kirito needs a hobby o_O
okay, departing!
~Areina-chan |
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
New theme!
I know I change it a lot, lol.
Well...I got my shirt yesterday, as I said (or rather freaked out about XD)
Gah, I keep eating junk food nonstop ;___; the munchies have consumed me. I swore I would not eat the junk yesterday, but GRR I can't stop it. *dies of overfatness*
I found these great Nightmare clips last night that made me laugh histerically XD
Yomi is so cute. They are all so cute. Thus it inspired me to make this theme ^_______________^
It took em forever to find some Nightmare songs on Limewire but I found a lot more once I typed in the name of one of the albums! W00t I am a smart one, ne? ^_^
Oh! Jen's friend Anthony (the one who talks to the Chinese guys for us b/c he knows Chinese, weee!) is burning us both a copy of Oresama with some Miyavi Pv's as extra! ^______^ It makes me very happy! I've seen it b/c Jen has it DLed onto her computer, but there were no subs so I have NO idea what they are saying in it XD
We had to guess *shrug*
I'm waiting for Inuyasha to come on. Hiten is hot, so it's worth is XD A bit of a man whore, but Sakito is more of one so I suppose it is okay ^^
Okay, done babbling now! lol
I'll report tommorrow, and sorry no pix today ;_;
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
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Monday, July 11, 2005
*yawn* Wow I'm posting late, gomen nasai!
Well, it's actually 11:15 am, but I usuall post around 1:00 am. Unfortunately my mom was usign the computer for her homework. She says she hates the college course she has to take for work, it's accounting, and both her and I suck at math XD
I love this song....Yuuyami Suicide rocks ^_______^
*sobs histerically* My hide shirt may not be coming!! The guy is now saying it was sent from Thailand when first we thought it was from California, and so he said wait 5 weeks, and he was really nice and refunded our $$ but my dad was saying (not to him) he was a lying thief and such -_-; And then my dad accidentally refunded it back. Smart, ne? And the guy was nice so I was goign to email him and tell ihm the mistake but I dont know his email *rips out hair* he was even willingto send a replacement free of charge if it never got to me! He was nice! I MUST emai him!
Bwa...I just talked to my friend in UT in my old neighborhood whom I keep in good contact with and she said she weighs 108 pounds! O_o She lost a lot of weight since I've seen her evidentally...gods now I DO feel fat. That is lighter than Hana-chan! O_O
AW Pierrot is over...;_; I shall switch to Miyavi....speaking of which I have to copy his new album soon for
Okay I lied, now I'm watching the Rocket dive pv w00t!! OMG he is so kawaii! ^___^ I could never get X JApan or hide PVs to DL, so I am happy ^^V Gr, I love hideto-san's hair -_- I used to have pink hair....but that ws in like...fourth grade or so. It was hot pink too ^_^ I liked it, lol. THat was when my best friend in Utah (Josi) had magenta hair...her uncle and his girlfriend worked at Hot Topic so they brought us hair dye, lol. I also remember in sixth grade my mom bought me temp. blue hair dye *sigh* What happened to that? I miss it ;_; My dad got more lenient as my mom got more...prudish.
Hey now it's the Pink Spider PV w00t, lol. I feel the great need to update you on this subject ^_^ Waaaaaiiiii I love his hat XD
Yes, if you read Katie's site post yesterday you know the terrible fate that occured to me which I WANTED To keep to myself b/c no one else needed nor I doubt they wanted to know *leers at Katie* Arigato Katie, honto ni -___- *sarcasm intended* But thankfully, that "illness" has died, literally, and I will not have to worry about it again.
My dog went on a frenzy b4 I came back from Katie's house evidentally. (btw Pink Spider just ended XD thought you would wonder, ne?) From what my mother tells me, she had left the door open and left to go to work, which is around 2-4 pm, so the dog wouldn't have an accident in the house (gee I sound like a daycare provider -_-), and it had rained. Rain mixed with dirt, anyone wanna guess what that means? No, not chocolate pudding -_- But that would have been just as bad.
My dad got home that night and there was mud all over the house, I mean for chissake it was still splattered on the WALL when I got home!! O_o her head is still onlyt about a foot from the ground, how the hell did she manage to get mud stains three feet up?! But anyway, yes...I had a point going here...what was it....o_____o I if it is any consolation the song is now Ashita tenki ni Nare by Miyavi ^^;
I'll remember eventually.
Really I will
Hey the song ended
damn you Miyavi and all your adorableness. Okay I'll stop updating you, lol. It's just a bunch of Miyavi now ^^;
It is now 11:37 and I am off to visit your sites! Those who updated anyway ^_^
I'm limiting posts to 3 pics from now on b/c I'm gonna run out soon, lol. I need to go find more. But today it's only gonna be one, gomen!

I don't know if I posted this one once before, but it is so sexy no one should care ^_^ Shun-san from Duel Jewel at Akon 13, so pretty! And thanks to for the pic, I wonder if they would kill me if they saw this up here...o_o
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
here are the pix i promised ^^;
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Refer to yesterdays post.
K, all that i have to tell is in my last post, but i got it in late so ull have to go back and read it to find out what went on ^^
Oh, and my dad bought a black/purple harley, its GORGEOUS *dies on purple-flamed leather seat* *rubs face on gas tank* I love it....and my dad said it is prolly the one i get @ 16, *evil grin*
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