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Kentucky (soon to be Tennesee...)
Member Since
9th grade High School student
Real Name
Alayna [pronounced: Uh-lay-nuh]. (tolerable) Nicknames are: Chibi Excel, areina-chan, bara-chan
saw/touched D'espairs Ray (best night of my life so far); maintained a reading/spelling level 4 grades above my own since elem. school
Anime Fan Since
third grade when I met my 1st anime-crazy friend
Favorite Anime
many many, but my favorites would probably be...Yu Yu Hakusho, Ayashi no Ceres, Kare First Love, & Samurai Champloo
Attend a Duel Jewel concert and hug every member ^.^; widen my japanese vocabulary until I can read/speak it more fluently; go to Japan (in whatever way possible); learn how to make a kick ass site and conquer this evil computer!! *clutches keyboard*
-drawing -writing -listening to visual kei/Jrock -looking at pics of my favorite bands -playing my guitar -playing the violin -playing my keyboard (with as little skills as I have ^^;;) -updating my sites/profiles
obsessing (but who can't do that, lol); writing poetry/stories; drawing (in the right mood of course...); complaining *shifty eyes*
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
*sigh* This has to be karma...
I wonder if I just did something really bad like shove a sharp stick in someones eye...subconsciously...and now I'm paying for it. That may explain the wrenching pain in my swollen eye right now....allergies suck ass...
well I prolly wont post l8er if nothing exciting happens, amd I doubt anything will.... but I may go to the docs again, and I think I should...anything to get this fixed....hell, I wouldnt argue (much) a shot if it were to make it go away, and needles make me cry in fear(pathetic, I know, lol)!
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Aaaa *sob* *scratches eyes out*
;___; MY eyes are probably neon f***ing red by now, I hate this. It was supposed to be better by Monday, MON-DAY!! Is it MONDAY? No, I think not, it is THURS-DAY.
Lol, I am watching Degrassi...hilarious episode. Although I do feel kind of sorry for this guy...anyway, most ppl prolly dont even know that show, lol.
I am soooo sad ;_; my dad made this seperate account for me on the comp, which normally I would like b/c I get my own settigns and everything, but ALLLLL my other files + Limewire are on HIS account and I would just send them all to my email and open the mon mine, but he put a PASSWORD on it! T_T Why does the world loathe me so?
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
lol Haido-san is soooo hilarious XD
I just DLed a L'arc en Ciel clip, and I about cried I was laughing so hard. Maybe I just find everything funny, but this WAS truly hilarious.
Haido-san took the mic, and proceeded to say one word repeatedly. Eleven times to be exact. This mysterious word he said? Fuck. lol, ELEVEN times I hear that word escape his mouth XD it was so incredibley random...
Of course I DLed three other L'AEC clips too, Ready Steady go music video, one of Tetsu-san biting Haido-san, and 1 of Haido-san blow-kissing the camera. So kawaii....hehehe
okay, that's enough of that, lol. I think I need to get some of my many Dewel Jewel pics on here...yay! This will be my favorite post, lol. here we go (there will be A LOT of pics, so be prepared):
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Hayato-san icon! Kawaii, ne? ^_^
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Natsuki-san icon! Weee!
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Shun-san icon! He is sooo pretty .__.
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Val-san (aka Baru-san) enthusiastic, ne? lol
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Yuya-san, so silly, but you have to love him ^.^ *huggles Duel Jewel*
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A bit dark, I'm not sure if you can see it that well *squint*
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Duel Jewel at a Q&A session! lol, I LOVE this pic. My friends and I have have a whole caption to go with this, but I don't think you want to know XD (members from left: Shun-san, Yuya-san, Hayato-san)
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Aww...Shun-san was sick so he looks a bit...evil ^^; the left one with the butterscotch colored hair is Natsuki-san (looks a bit dazed, hehe) and the one who looks bored and mad is Shun-san of course. That strange girl with orange-furry shoulders is some random fan...don't ask me, lol.
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Natsuki-san again! lol, he has vibrant hair, ne?
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Awww...Val-san is stuck behind his drums T_T poor, lonely baby...
okay, I could put a lot more on here, trust me, but I'll be nice ^^ *waves* bye for now, guys!
::edit:: okay, I fixed the pics that were all Hayato-san, my apologies, guys!! |
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
O___o old people...
This person randomly started IMing me yesterday, but I wasn't online. I got on 2day and he IMed me again. He said he was 31 years old from Egpyt....I dunno if it was someone just messing with me or what, but it kind of freaked me out. They weren't being nasty or anything, but it was still weird, you know? I mean why would you want to talk to a 14 year old from America unless you were a pervert or something? Honestly! But my mom had to get on and when she saw this window pop up from him asking to add me to his buddy list she said no and blocked him for me. Yes...people...*shiver*
Aack! *scratches eyeball out* this medication I have to put in my eyes makes them itch!! Roar!! Damned conjuncitvitus...I don't even HAVE it anymore. But I have to continue taking this stuff until either it's gone or I feel better. -.-
Lol, I'm listening to the Mortal Combat theme. Brings me way back to my brothers old Karate tournaments, I can't believe I was so bored back then! But I was only young (around 5) so I didn't understand martial arts...I don't mean to be big-headed but my brother is a kickass black belt. He really is, I wish I could see the old tournament tapes...too bad he lives in Utah...he teaches classes now on the side of his actual job. lol, they said he had a rocket shoved in his butt b/c he could jump SOOO freakin high, so they called him Rocket, it amused me XD. Maybe I should email him and ask for copies of the old tapes we have...I haven't been to a karate class forEVER & I am so out of shape now b/c it's been about two and a half years ;-; it'll prolly be a pain to get back in, but I want to so bad.
AACK! BAD DOG! *rescues stuffed lion from puppy's mouth* *teary chibi eyes* *huggles lion* I like him, leave me alone, lol. She stole him from my bed, damn her. -.- That dog will not leave my stuff alone...she will be the death of me, I swear.
Well, I may go to Katie's house today...depending, of ocurse, on her parents....oh wait no I won't be able to...*sob* Okasan is leaving for work right now...damn it all. I would have to wait until otosan gets home at 5 -.- grrrr I hate it when things don't go as I planned...
well...that was a really boring post, lol. I'll talk to you guys later, baibai!
P.S. I check my messages and other pplz sites randomly throughout the day, even if I don't post, just so you know. I usually get to everyones site when I can. ^^
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Pics!! I have nothing better to do...
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
g2b quick...
I only have 3 hours of comp time from now on ;___; My 'rents are psycho that way...well I must be going b4 they catch me on now! (tis 1 am... .__.)
P.S. My Duel Jewel shirt wouldn't order *sobs uncontrollabley* I am gonna maybe try a different computer b/c it's ours that won't work....
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What is the use in titles?
I feel so numb...I've never felt this way least I don't think I have... perhaps... you could punch me in the stomach and I don't think I'd react... I thought I was okay but I'm having second thoughts... I'm downloading Jrock songs... happy ones like HYDE and L'arc en Ciel... I want an emotion... I NEED one... and I haven't been happy in a long while... so maybe while I'm a blank slate like this I can make myself be that way...
I don't know what to post... nothing exciting ever happens anyway so you probably don't want to hear about my life anymore right now... the bland contents of life cease to amuse me and I don't seem to do anything to fix it... I don't know what to do to fix it... it's just so dull... there is no way to help it... this constant emptiness is enough for me... I can fll it with nothing but anguish, depression, and anger anymore... I need someone to fill it with something else... someone... but I give up... I fail to see any chance of ever finding someone willing to do that... someone who can love me... accept me... anything...
gods, I sound like a pathetic shadow of sadness, ne? ...*sigh* I'll stop... goodbye.
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Early post, It's only 12:05 so I'll post l8er today (or tommorrow...whatever XP I'm confused)
For Hideto-san fans, this is a petition to stop them from closing the Hide Museum, I signed it, and so did Katie:
copy & paste it into your browser if it is not a clickable link
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
I know, I know, I said I was cutting down on net time...
...and I am! I just thought I should... erm... explain that I couldn't stand the happiness of my old theme, and tho I love Ayashi no Ceres, it was just too girly. So now it is Moon Child, as you can see. Great movie, check it out ^^!! And I am still having trouble with avatar images, for some damned reason EVERY pic I get ahold of saves as bitmap. Is this a computer screw up or just me being picky with the wrong pix? ;__; it makes me sad and I need help, I assure you most everyone on here knows more about computers than me, lol.
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Wow, lol ^^ *sweatdrop*
Sorry about that post yesterday I was really many people (no, you guys are innocent)
But I will jsut be lowering my amount of time here, b/c I need to be skinnier by next school year (again with my image issues, gomen nasai!) so I have to exercise more often and eat more pocky for a while ;_; but tis ok, I'l just eat rice a lot, and not just b/c it is asian, but b/c it's low in fat and if I eat with chopsticks I eat less b/c it takes longer to eat with them than a fork or spoon, thus better eating habits. That is my plan (also my theory on why asian ppl are so skinny X_X).
We watched Moon Child again this morning (twice! Woo!) and again, I cried. There are specific scenes in that movie where I cry...I'm such a baby. lol. I am goign to rent the dvd soon and copy it (THANK YOU OTOSAN FOR TEACHING ME THE WAYS OF DVD PIRACY lol, aku onna.)
I had to leave Katie's house early today, I just got home about an hour or so ago. It's because of my damned allergies, my eye started disintegrating (not really, but that's how I described it to everyone) and getting horribley scratchy and swollen...I was sad b/c I wanted to make amends (sp? I only know what that phrase sounds like XD) with the Chinese men upstairs...I think they are mad at me or something b/c of *ahem* "past experiences" with my dear sweet otosan *smacks forehead* But there was no way I was going to even let them GLANCE at me while my face (or rather a small section of my face...) looked like it got attacked by bees, thrown in a blender, and swallowed, then thrown up (descriptive, ne?)
Yesterday was fun but I believe I scared these really hot asian boys...I ALWAYS scare hot ppl away b/c I lose my composure around them ;__; Here's the story, if these constant sightings of Asian hotness bore you just ignore the rest of this paragraph: We were walking out of Barnes and Noble (it is in a strip mall here, and the Asian Buffet is right next to it, then a little farther down is the movie theatre), it was a fairly large group of people (since it was Katie's birthday) I think it was about... *ponders*... seven... yes seven people including her and her 2 sisters, and there are stairs on the sides of the movie theatre which lead up to the huge porch-like thing where people wait, then another staircase on the other side. Me and Jen (Katie's cool sis, lol) walked up there along with Katie, while the rest went around, and I heard my name so I looked at that group. One of the people was laughing and pointed behind us, telling us (really me...) not to freak out. Well, being as curious as I am, I thought there was perhaps something frightening behind me (clown, nun, etc.), so I whirl around, and there, directly behind me, was a small group of three REALLY attractive asian boys about my age, maybe a year or two older. And as I said, I lose all self-control, scream "OH MY GOD!" and practically rip Jen and Katie's shoulders back to me so they can see. The poor innocent boys get the most perplexed looks on their faces, look around at everyone in curiousity, oblivious to the reason as to why a group of scary looking western girls are screaming, and Jen's face when she saw them was HILARIOUS. I wasn't aware that one's eyes could get so large or their mouth could open so wide, lmao. Katie was embarassed as hell and blushing like mad, and dragged us (literally) both down the stairs on the other end...poor innocent asian boys...
lol, Sakura-chan says she pities any asian people who come across me if I am hyperactive and able to lose it like that...I agree x___x
Katie had a TON of $$ for her birthday, almost everyone gave her at least $10. I gave her a $25 gift card to suncoast or media play, b/c hell, why not? They have the most asian stuff around here (perhaps we are too that possible?) as far as pocky and manga, just random Japanese cultural objects of consumption and entertainment... anyway, she had around $80 (it is a lot to me b/c I have no job, lol) and bought Fruits @ B&N (yes! great book I hear) but it had to be special ordered and we must pick it up next week .___.
I want to dye my eyebrows...if you saw my pix I posted b4, YES I have eyebrows, they are just REALLY pale blonde, as are my eyelashes w/o makeup, and when I DO dye my hair I am gonna dye them darker. Everyone tells me they love my hair, and I really honestly don't know why. The color is hard to get, I hear, but I don't really care. My hair is unmanageable and so what if it's strawberry blonde? Just b/c it's not common doesn't mean I like it. So all my previoius hairdressers tell me if they ever see me with dyed hair they would hurt me x___x scary? I think so...
well, nothing else I can think of, if so, as always, I'll add l8er, baibai!
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