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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I feel like eating Chinese food *shifty eyes* Asian Buffet, my sweet, I will visit thee!!!!
Oh yes, anyway...
Yeah, Gin Rummy is a card game.
Jeez I went on a long rant about the dumbest thing yesterday...
go to my livejournal account ot read it.
P.E. wasn't all that bad today. Just a softball test; i.e. throwing, catching and, grounders;
which i aced ^^
I'm going to Katie/Jen/Hana-chan's homecoming this Friday as a guest ^o^ So I can see all my old friends that decided to come!!
Then I'm hoping to get them all over to my house afterwards until Saturday, but it's very doubtful T.T
Then on Sunday we all want to go to the AB lol.
Oh and then on MONDAY my friend Gloria (from MY school) wants to go XD
Those poor hot boys can just never get rid of me.
Nothing much else interesting...
oh yes!
I was watching a Jrock DVD Anthoiny burned for me and it had the Malice Mizer movie (with Gackt) on it too. I was watching it and my mom sat down next to me and started watching it but just kind of laughed b/c, lets face it, it wasnt the greatest movie. It just had very hot, very musically-talented people in it.
Then I watched a Duel Jewel clip from their Akon 13 acoustic performance, the song was Tsuki to Tawamure (one of my favorites) and my mom actually complimented Hayato's voice!! Well...she said he had a good falsetto, but that is good!!!!
So all in all I'm feeling a bit better, still stressed though.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Current song: Tanuki Bayashi :: by ONMYOUZA
Thanks to the THREE people who cared. *hugs Cutiehoney, Yume_sama, and SyntheticTears*
Yesterday I went completely unresponsive...
It was like I kept getting disracted. My dad even offered to play Gin Rummy with me, which I like, and I just sort of sat down and waited. I hardly talked at all. I did smile once or twice though when I had a good hand, because I kept beating his ass. THen he taught me how to play poker...i won all his spare cash he had on him.
But I stayed home again today...I still dont feel the best but i could go to school...
I just...emotionally feel like a pile of garbage put through a cement mixer...
Well I hope everyone likes my new theme. I do...though it took a while to find good Kiwamu-san pictures that I could use.
(wallpaper not made by me btw I found that too)
Farewell, I hope you have a good day.
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Monday, September 12, 2005
I'm at home today so I may have time to update the theme. Refer to yesterday's late post please b/c im not explaining again.
I'm staying home for the reasons I said in my last post that made me unable to update, and b/c I think I may have strep throat.
-___- Joy, isn't it?
Yes well...nothing exciting so far and i dont expect anything exciting...
I'm trying to install soulseek, can anyone help? I know my Jen-chan can help but she isn't online as often as I wish she could be...
Mmm...okay rant time...
I really hate living here.
I hate the location.
I hate the people around here (with the exception of the cute little babies ^^)
I hate the school.
I just can't stand it.
I've tried to make the best out of it and it seemed to be going good for a little while, but now everything is just falling apart. All at once. And I can't take it for very much longer...
I dont mean that as in I'll go kill myself, I've learned that that is hte dumbest thing I could do, and it wont help anything.
Besides, I have goals I need to reach and will truly make me happy.
To other people they may seem like stupid and common goals only fangirls would have (i.e. meeting Duel Jewel is one of my biggest goals, but they are my idols and it would overjoy me and I have never been as happy as I know I could be.) or just a teenage thing and I'll get over it, but if I dont have goals that I know I want to achieve and I KNOW I will be happy once I do, then it keeps me going. Yes, Duel Jewel is not just a band to me, they keep me living, for real. Pathetic, isn't it?
But whatever helps, I hope people can understand that.
I was actually disappointed when things didnt turn out the way I wanted with the incidents that occured..and to the people who know what that that wrong? To be disappointed that it didnt happen?
Well I guess I should just say it since you guys are probably confused...
i wont go into detail for privacy's sake but..
my parents were going to get a divorce, or rather, my otosan was leaving, and thus I was at Katie's all weekend like my last post said. I dont know if its going to happen now because we just found out my mom is bipolar and that is why she is such a freak sometimes.
But I feel kind of horrible to say this...I wanted it. I really did want it because I guess I just wanted the freedom. My dad said if it happened that me and him (yes i would go with him) would move so that I could go to the high school i want to go to, if we could.
I was so happy about it and I (like the idiot I am) got my hopes up...
Because I really hate this place so much that I'd do anything to get out of it.
I'm so selfish sometimes...
It's not that I dont care about my mom's feelings at all, that, in fact was the only reason I felt bad about the leaving thing... I mean yeah I dont get along with her but its my mom, chemical bond, you know?
Well I said i wouldnt go into detail and i really didnt do it much...there is a lot more to it...
I'll try to change the theme later.
::EDIT:: New theme is Kiwamu-san from BLOOD, like it?
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
I was at Katie's all weekend...
it was an emergency of matters I'd rather not discuss...
But yeah we had fun anyway ^^
I can honestly say I'm pissed.
Things happened to friends that I JUST found out about.
Gah life is falling apart already ;-;
Oh yes! Natsuki-kun's birthday was today!!
I was gonna change my theme yesterday but i wasnt home soo...maybe tommorrow b/c i cant do it now.
....bye bye
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Bwa!!! LOL
I went to the almighty restaurant yesterday (I don’t even think I have to MENTION the name, seeing as how it's INFAMOUS on my site LOL) and I was sitting there being nice and quiet and polite so I wouldn't be completely hated by the staff. And I looked over occasionally to sneak a peek at Cameron (waiter's real name, I think!!) and I would smile and look away after about five seconds (or melt b/c he bent over XD gods I’m a pervert LOL) and I would spot him looking straight at me sometimes, just watching, as he usually did when I came to the AB (b/c I guess he just finds me and my friends' crush on him exceptionally amusing), and so I was like "Yay! He is being normal again! They don’t hate me anymore ^o^" lol and then he came up to my side of the restaurant (where I was sitting, alone b/c my dad was getting food), and so I looked down at my food and pretended to be deleting old pics off of my new cell phone (picture phone just got it yesterday b4 we went, sooo cool) and then I looked up and he was right next to me and I smiled politely and he smiled back then suddenly paused and turned back to me and said...
are you sure you're ready?
It's the breakthrough statement of the century--
you sure you wanna know?
You are?
Think about it now--
*gets hit with brick*
Ow...okay okay jeez -___-
h said "Hi"
me: hi ^^ *trying not to blush*
him: ^^ How are you?
me: ^^ *still trying not to blush* Oh I’m fine how are you?
Him: *smiling* Oh I'm fine. ...thank you.
me: *smiling insanely in my head and smiling little on my face*
he walked off then.
Wasn't that the most interesting conversation ever?
But it's okay b/c he is really hot and I kind of know him/the whole staff (since we happen
to go there at least five times a freaking month, lol. What? We like Chinese food *coughguyscough*
Yes well now that that is over with...
School was nice ^^
I think I'm sick though...I have been coughing/losing my voice since last Friday.
It was picture day, I HATE picture day XP
I'm so not photogenic. lol
Trust me, if you had seen the pictures taken of me when I'm not prepared, you'd gag.
Oh and in Economics we have this research project to do where we had to pick a country (gee, now what do you think I could have picked? *innocent eyes*) and get with a partner and write a paper about it's economical status report or something. ^_____________^
The girl I partnered with knew not to argue and b4 I even said a word went: -__- Japan?
And I went: *nods rapidly* ^_^
sixth period is my least favorite class EVER.
my hell.
my dark and dreaded version of your hell.
We have to play baseball or softball or w/e the hell (I don’t see any difference except for the ball size -___-) and since I’ve been feeling like crap lately I sucked at it more than usual.
Yesterday for example, I couldn’t hit the ball for some reason, usually I get it on the third or fourth try (and since when is someone supposed to swing four times? isn’t it 3 strikes your out?!) but this time the gym teacher (wench….) made me stay out there swinging idiotically about twelve times (no exaggeration, about that long) until I finally hit it.
Then since I have never played baseball and thus have to intention of learning the rules prior to this event…
I didn’t know that you HAD to run if someone hit the ball.
I assumed it would be like kickball (the extent of my limited ball-sport abilities) and you could only run if you wanted. Apparently I was wrong -___-
Today wasn’t as bad, I hit the ball twice, but I felt horrible when I ran. The cold air hurt my throat like icy sandpaper XP
My asthma combined with my illness just made it horrible.
AND, excuse my lack of a better phrase, but I’ll admit it. I have a huge fecking chest, so I cant run. Just cant. For obvious reasons -___-
OH!! And yesterday about ten minutes b4 I went to the AB I got my new camera cell phone ^O^ yay!!
I took some pics of the hot Asian boys at my school, just for Katie, Hana-chan, and Jen-chan, ^^ Alas, I only got one who was cute, but its okay for now ^^
Chris isn’t as hot as he was from a distance…on Orientation day….
I guess it’s b/c: A) he is VERY annoying and B)I found better looking ones to drool over and he doesn’t like me anyway, lol.
And I got pics from all my buds at school to show the guys ^^
Well I had better get going, I have to research Japan, dear me, whatever will I do?
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
lol I'm watching the Inuyasha episode I recorded last night (I LOVE YOU DVR!!!).
I'm happy, it has Koga-san in it ^o^
I'm kind of mad though b/c I missed the ep when Fluffy (AKA Sesshomaru) meets Rin. I love that eppy ;-;
But anyway...
school = Meh....
as usual. lol
That "Jrock girl" who hates Mana-sama and loves hideto-sama sincerely hates ME now LOL
no big deal, I dont really care ^^
Awww I love this song ;^;
Evergreen by HYDE (english version)
the lyrics are soo sweet ^^
*gasp* Caramel corn OoO
nooo dont eat it!!!
*slaps hand away*
*other hand stuffs some in mouth*
*cry cry*
Oooh I wanna see Corpse Bride sooo much T^T
Johnny Depp = fave actor
Tim Burton = fave director
seeing a connection?
Katie is mad at me T.T
I dont even know why, she wouldn't talk to me hardly at all the past two times I've seen her.
OMG INUYASHA MOVIE 3 is coming out?! I wanna see it! O___O
Oh yeah, Jen-chan found her shirt she ordered from Japan (one of many, lol) and let me borrow it ^^
I love it it says "Now Taking Applications for a Japanese boyfriend" on it, but in Japanese. Well, it could also mean "Looking for a Japanese Boyfriend" but same thing lol
I'm so gonna wear it to school tommorrow XD That poor Japanese girl must think I'm damned psycho lol
Farewell my minions of evil!
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
late post...
omg hahaha i went over to Jen&Katie's house today after school for a few hours and it was soooo funny. Jen and I went on the stairs and ate some weird ass candy and waited for the hot Chinese guys (they live upstairs, thus must use the stairs) but they never came lol. We were cracking hilarious jokes and laughing so effing hard I thought I was gonna die.
I TRIED to get Katie to come up with us but she wouldn't and she just went inside T.T
I ate horribley today *cries in hysteria*
First I ate some kids fries at lunch, then I ate a few pieces of gum (not really ATE but you know) and a few of those hard strawberry candies that are soft in the middle (@ Jen's house) and some Smarties, then a few Sunchips, and then a little ice cream and a banana.
*dies from being too fat*
yeah my day was boring otherwise.
I WANT to talk to Katie but she is not online -_____-
P.S. I may not be able to post every day b/c i have to keep up on my grades so that I can go to Sugoicon (anime convention in Oct.) and my mom will give me $100 to blow there *crosses fingers*
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Monday, September 5, 2005
I'm always listening to this song, lol. Ride on A Shooting Star
I'm talking to Jen online.
we found much more DJ stuff ^^
and she is gonna send me some of the stuff I lost when my comp dumped b/c we usually have the same things.
I hope I can go to Sugoicon...
my mom almost didnt let me go but I gave her the silent treatment and eventually she got amd but gave in ^^
im terrible i know lol
but i hope i can go, and I want Jen and Katie to come with me b/c, lets face it, things are just livelier with Jen and Katie.
But I want Rachel to come...
but i dont know if she will b/c no one can watch their little brother (India...rather annoying child) and Rachel always has to watch him T.T
but if they get permission to come and India has to, Hana-chan an I will just die.
I'm sorry Katie.
I love you and ur sisters.
But that kid in a public place, I cant do it.
that is about it.
I'm just goofing around with Jen for now...
sooo nothing really exciting...
I suppose I can add later if anything DOES happen.
bye bye!
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
*suspicious eyes*
last post = 3 comments
avg amount= 12 comments
seeing something different here?
it makes me quite sad.
Soo...since it's not getting read by many anyway, I'm not gonna make this very long.
Hana-chan and Erin spent the night.
Katie's dad changed his mind for no reason at the last night and wouldn't let them come (I was extremely pissed about that btw)
We snuck out in the middle of the night to get shots of us "pole dancing" on the street corner, which was the dumbest thing I have ever done, but quite funny although I have a bruise on my leg b/c the pole wasn't smooth the whole way down. Hana-chan said I was good at it though o_O
I have to reDL all my stuff.
bye bye
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Yesterday was fantastic
Okay first of all:
i will ask that you please visit NatsukiisyourGod
she is my friend
and her posting system is crap and not working for some reason
so if you could help her fix it, b/c I've tried, that would be great.
now, on to news.
At the AB I witnessed Anthony talking to the hot Cameron (I think that is actually his name, the waiter) since they are friends, im so jealous. And it was SO funny--
Cameron passed by and waved to Anthony and Anythony was sitting nxt to me so I thought he had seen me too, so I didn't know which one he was waving to and I waved back as well and said hi. But it was like he didn't realize I had replied too until a few moments later when he stopped in midstep, jerked hish ead around and gve me a look like O_o "when did YOU get there?"
LMAO but it was so cute I don't mind ^^;;
Yes, and we ran into the manager everywhere, it was nuts. First when we were paying he asked where my dad (he calls him my "daddy" isn't that cute?) was and I told him he had to work overnight. And that started a small conversation of how much that completely sucked to work overnights. lol
then after we left we headed to B&N where we ran into him AGAIN, lol.
Nothing special just said hi.
but later was the best part ever.
Hana-chan and I were in the foreign language section in B&N looking at Japanese books, and this girl was there too with her grandma and suddenly the girl looks at me and goes OoO "MAGNUM?! GACKT?!" (my jacket says 'Gackt is a Magnum' on one part of it) and me and Hana just went OoO "YOU KNOW GACKT?!"
and both her AND HER GRANDMA went "YES WE LOVE GACKT!"
and we just started hugging eachother even though we didnt know them XD
we got into a long convesation and this girl rocks, I must say.
She is going to the convention that me and Hana-chan are hopefully going to and she is gonna cosplay Freedom Fighters Miyavi (she has Miyavi hair even more than the girl at Ryle!! it actually LOOKS like Miyavi's hair!!)so we are plannign on meeting her there. And she is going to Japan with her Grandma to see Jrock concerts in December!!!
Her grandma rules, she likes Jrock ^o^
And she has seen SEEK in cons, they used her cell phone!!! ^O^ *eeks* she said she almost died
and she met Psycho le Cemu and touched them so me and Hana-chan kept randomly rubbing our faceso n her hands like "Jrockers...touched...this..." lol
she also has a Toshiya necklace and a Gackt ring and her grandma knows a lot of Jrock bands! I was so surprised!!
It was great, we got her email and gave her ours and whatnot ^^
and she showed me that BLOOD was in the latest issue of Gothic Beauty (which was ironic b/c we were just looking through it before this and didnt see them) and so I bought it immediately, hehehe.
All fours of us (me w/Hana-chan and her w/her grandma) were so surprised to see other Jrock fans we hugged eachother to death.
I think we made a new friend ^^
I'm so happy, lol.
okay, well Hana-chan & Erin are spending the night tonight, Sakura-chan is coming over around 1:30, and Katie is coming over who-knows-when, and I dont know if Jen is coming or not but i hafta go clean sooo...
ttyl baibai!!
P.S. if my theme is still Kohta when u visit it, dont worry im changing the theme in a few minutes, but if its not Kohta anymore then...
how do u like it? ^^
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