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Kentucky (soon to be Tennesee...)
Member Since
9th grade High School student
Real Name
Alayna [pronounced: Uh-lay-nuh]. (tolerable) Nicknames are: Chibi Excel, areina-chan, bara-chan
saw/touched D'espairs Ray (best night of my life so far); maintained a reading/spelling level 4 grades above my own since elem. school
Anime Fan Since
third grade when I met my 1st anime-crazy friend
Favorite Anime
many many, but my favorites would probably be...Yu Yu Hakusho, Ayashi no Ceres, Kare First Love, & Samurai Champloo
Attend a Duel Jewel concert and hug every member ^.^; widen my japanese vocabulary until I can read/speak it more fluently; go to Japan (in whatever way possible); learn how to make a kick ass site and conquer this evil computer!! *clutches keyboard*
-drawing -writing -listening to visual kei/Jrock -looking at pics of my favorite bands -playing my guitar -playing the violin -playing my keyboard (with as little skills as I have ^^;;) -updating my sites/profiles
obsessing (but who can't do that, lol); writing poetry/stories; drawing (in the right mood of course...); complaining *shifty eyes*
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Waaaii! ^o^
Current song: On The Roof Again
Artist: Eve6
(*leers at Angelsvoice* damn you, you got me hooked XP)
Hey! News everyone! Changing my theme tomorrow! I’m gonna try to change it every Saturday if possible, and if that is too soon, perhaps I’ll do it every other Saturday. So the point is, soak up the Val-ness while you can!! *huggles Val*
Okay, anyway--
^o^ My okasan’s friend and her boyfriend (not my okasan’s b/f, she is married thank you, lol) has a ranch down a little more south of us in KY with of two of my favorite things:
1) motorcycles
2) animals
And the animals include horses! And we were going down there on Sunday to ride them and hang out and stuff , but my dad is working that day so we have to reschedule -_-;;
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no professional rider, lol, but I love farms and I love to be around farm animals, and my dad has ridden horses since he was really little so he can show me anything I don‘t know. I grew up going to rodeos every year when I lived in UT b/c my mom sang the National Anthem at them, so the smell doesn’t bother me either, lol.
Oh that reminds me of something sad…;-;
When I lived in Mantua, UT (tiny little town made of about 700 ppl in a hollowed out part of the mountains in N. UT -_-;; bleh, also pronounced “Man-too-ay”) we lived right next to a dairy farm and there was this Brahma steer (Brahma is a breed of cow) and he was sooo kawaii ^o^ lol
I got attached to him and I named him Buddy, pathetic ne? I was in fifth grade, give me a break, lol. But he was sweet, he let me pet his back and whenever I came into the farm (which I did like every day b/c the guy who ran it was our neighbor and very nice to us) he would perk up and run over and, yes this is slightly disgusting, he would lick my hands and/or face, lol. He was like a dog, a very…large…gray dog…with horns… @__@
But then I went in one day and he was gone, and I looked around and saw him in a trailer along with the other steers and learned they were going to get slaughtered the next day. ToT It made me sad. Then, what’s worse, my dad made burgers later that week. I could have EATEN the poor baby!!
Gee, that sounds weird once I read it….
What?! I’m allowed to have a cow as a friend, aren’t I? AREN’T I?!?! ._. lol
*throws random objects at everyone who has not updated* GR!!
I have at least 10 less friends on my list now, b/c I just deleted some ppl for that same reason, and the fact that they never visited anyway, but the point is, FUCKING HELL I don’t want to have to delete anyone else. ;-;
I mean, besides the fact that you all have lives off of the computer ^^; lol, that is understandable, hai, hai. It still makes me sad though, lol. I’m gonna delete some more ppl after I post this. If I deleted you and you know you come by often, contact me in case it was an accident.
And hardly anyone comments anymore either, I mean it’s not that big of a deal, but it’s nice to at least THINK my life isn’t as boring to everyone else as it is to me. I visit those who update, and I admit, it’s easier said than done, b/c I do get distracted easily and forget to comment sometimes. But even a “lol” or “O_O” is acceptable, I’m that pathetic, I know, lol.
I am in constant need of attention people!!!
Okay, not really…
But I just felt the need to shout something to that extent ._.
Okay, enough small-talk ranting…
I’m happy ^o^ I’m losing weight, w00t!
Gradually, anyway. I am HOPING to look my best when this school year starts, especially in that hell-school I am being transferred to (forever known to myself as Hell High). I want to leave an impression there on my first day, lol. I REALLY want to dye my hair and I’m begging and begging and groveling and then begging some more to my okasan to let me dye it. I showed her a pic of Shun-san’s hair at Akon 13 (pictures #1&2 below, which btw, are incredibly sexy XD) and she said, “that color is pretty.” so I’m desperately hoping that she will allow me to dye it that color, then my ‘bangs’ (which hopefully won’t be bangs anymore b/c I loathe them) black. I REALLY wanted it the color Kami-sama’s hair was (picture #3 below, which is also sexy beyond reason ^_^ hehehe) but my okasan is mean and evil to Kami-sama’s gorgeousness and said that his hair looked like the color of wood ToT ~~ Kanashii desu, ne? *sniff* ~~
So this is the closest I’ve gotten so far *rubs hands together hopefully*
I just wish I could get that software or w/e it is that lets you change the color of your hair in a picture on the comp. incase it turns out you don’t like the color…b/c as much as I want to dye it, I’m a little scared. Since my hair is blondish, if I go darker, it will take forever to dye it back. And if it turns out I look better with my original color, I’m screwed. B/c I have one of the most difficult colors to get with dye ;-;
Damn my strawberry blondness… *sob sob* *cry cry*
Well I guess I’ll have to risk it, won’t I? *takes deep breath* Maybe I can take the cheap approach and go find a wig of that color in a store or something and see myself in a mirror….
Oh shit my eyebrows/eyelashes are blond too
I’ll have to dye my eyebrows black if I dye my bangs black, won’t I? I would NOT leave them translucent blonde, LMAO that would look beyond ridiculous, I meant either the red color or black. I’m thinking black…hm…
Yes probably….
Oh and I got Ceres volumes 8 & 9 from the library ^o^ they made me happy.
PIC #1 (obviously lol)
PIC #2 (again, way to state the obvious, ne? lol)
PIC #3 (Wow, you can tell I’m getting smarter by the second, can’t you?)
Be happy! ^^ lol
~Areina-chan~ |
Comments (13) |
Thursday, July 28, 2005
scary pics @_@
Current song: none...just watching South Park, does that count? lol
Hey guys! Gomen nasai!! *bow bow bow*
I was aiming on posting yesterday (Wednesday), but I was at Katie’s house and we didn’t get on the computer ^^;
Ugh, I don’t have a bathing suit, okay, well I do but I can’t find it and I wouldn’t wear it anyway b/c I hate my legs, lol. And Katie lives in apartments, of course, so she has a pool. Well I told her no, I didn’t want to swim which got us in a big (but not angry) argument, lol. In the end I did not bring one, not intending to get in the pool, I thought I would just sit in the pavilion and out of the sun, and Katie and Sakura-chan would just swim. -_-
I was wrong.
They were calling the entire time for me to get in, and I gave in, only meaning to put my legs in the water b/c I have pants that come off on the bottom, (actually, I ripped them off and pinned them back on LAST time I got in their pool with my clothes on -_-; which was, I’d say about in early May or so, it made a cool effect I think, lol.) I can’t quite remember why, I just know one minute I was sitting on the edge, and then I was in the pool (yes Sakura-chan and I got in in our clothes. ^^;) And SINCE I wasn’t intending on getting in the pool, I did not bring sun block, and I couldn’t use theirs even if I WANTED to run back to her apartment to get it b/c I need at least 55 SPF. I have very fair skin, burns VERY easily -_- *glares at Sakura-chan* I asked her if I was getting burned and she said no, but I should have known b/c of her dark complexion she wouldn’t know the signs of it, lol. Thanks a lot Sakura-chan, thanks a lot. So I ended up burning my poor lil face ;-;
Mostly just my nose and the cheek bone area. Grr, I was mad about it. I had to go to a ‘party’ thing for my otosan’s work on Wednesday and I had red on my nose ;-; *sniff*
Speaking of which, I was actually dressed fairly nicely for once o_O
It was not a formal occasion, as it’s only a Home Depot grand opening (otosan = store manager), but my mom wanted me to dress at least a little more “appropriate” than I do normally *shifty eyes*
So I wore this black sweater that sort of resembled mesh but fuzzier, lol. It has a white tank top built in underneath it, so it’s okay I guess, if I MUST wear it *sigh*
And black plain dressy pants, or at least, dressy to some extent.
The pants amused me when I first got them, I looked at the tag which said the brand name in big letters, and at first I could have SWORN it said ‘MIYAVI’ XD
But then I realized it said ‘MAVI’ and felt kind of dumb ^^; Close enough, right?
Oh and my red circle-studded belt and my infamous black shredded/randomly decorated hoodie.
Hey, I had to wear SOMETHING that I felt comfortable in -___-;
OMFG *stares at arms in disbelief* OoO
My arms got a little darker where they were exposed to the sun!!! AACK!
I don’t tan much, thank the gods, so it’s not like dark or tanned or anything…
Just…not as pale as normal…maybe half a shade darker.
I love my light skin, when it’s clear and cooperative anyways, lol. Otherwise I loathe it.
We had the most interesting conversations at the pool XD
Sakura-chan is such a pervert *nudges shoulder*
*ahem* of course I am NEVER such a hentai *looks around nervously*
Teehee ^___^
I think we frightened a bunch of people there with some of our topics of conversation *shifty eyes again* And then we started singing random Jrock songs ^o^;; More Sakura-chan and Katie than me, I merely hummed, most of the time, mwahahaha.
I think it was ‘Vanilla’…
And ‘Beast of Blood’…
And ‘Last Song’…
Lol ^^;
All in all, excluding the fact that I got crispified (okay okay so it’s a bit over-exaggerated, I was only a little pinkish ^^;) it was fun.
We got into a little snit about the DUMBEST thing possible on Tuesday, Katie and I -_-;;
*shakes head* But I won’t get into that now.
Back to that party or w/e the hell it was…
It was sooooo boring *dies* We did nothing really, we were only there as “moral support” and to shop for some stuff -_-;; I got to see some curly bamboo called “Lucky Bamboo” though and it made me quite happy ^o^ lol And I brought my mom’s CD player b/c I cant find mine and I listened to Miyavizm (Miyavi’s new album, which rocks ^^V) and a Diru/Nightmare/Duel Jewel mix…
I think I started to listen to another CD when we mixed CD with ‘Vanilla’ on it ^^
It started around six, we left around 8:30. -o-;
my mom KNOWS I have severe lack of will power, and there was cake…bleh…lol yes when in doubt, blame my mom XD No, no, no I’m just kidding, lol. I could have resisted, but GAH it’s so hard *rips out hair* lol
dramatic? Me? Never. ^_____^
It was only a little piece.
I felt sick for a little while though XP
I think it was b/c on Tuesday all I ate was a little thing of nonfat yogurt…and a cherry…and then on Wednesday I didn’t eat until like, 3:00 when I got home from Katie’s (Thank you Katie’s mom for taking me home!!! Lol). And when I DID eat it was too much XP
I ate a bowl of cereal, then a thing of nonfat yogurt again, then a tiny bit of ice cream (there was like a scoop left in the box, if that XP)…and a peach when I got back from the ‘Home Depot’ thing…then another little handful of cereal…I wasn’t even thinking about it but I didn’t eat very much after that b/c I felt sick @_____@
Maybe it wasn’t really “sick”, it may have been more guilt added with too much food. B/c I’ve COMPLETELY gone nuts b4 and eaten like everything in the house (^^; that was a long time ago, okay? Lol) and I haven’t gotten that sick.
If I ate less junk I wouldn’t feel as guilty, it’s just so satisfying to know I ate more healthy things that won’t make me look a manner I don’t want to appear. But I have so little f***ing will power that I will refuse it a few times, then give in. ;-;
And it doesn’t help that people MAKE me eat stuff like McDonalds food or just simply wave it under my nose on purpose to annoy me *eyes move slowly toward Sakura-chan*
(comments are all ABOVE pics this time btw)
Whew, this one makes me feel better *wipes forehead*
OoO now THIS is hot….*drools* Kyo-san you sexy biotch, you.
O.O…this is hot…mwahahahaha
*mouth gapes*
…*ahem*…n-no comment…O_o
Now that I’ve officially disturbed myself…
I think I’ll just go slowly rock back and forth on my floor….
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
^_____^ Couldn't think of a title o_O
Current Song: Freedom Fighter
Artist: Miyavi
Wow I’ve never put the current song before, I feel accomplished ^_________^ and for the record, it’s on repeat XD I love this song so much, the music video amuses me. So perverted, and Miyavi’s rainbow-ish hair is SO hot, lol.
I made the coolest jacket over at Katie’s house, it is so entirely random. Well, I didn’t MAKE it, it is my old hoodie that I wore to near extinction and last time I counted there were 23 holes in it, but I sewed them lol. And I fabric-painted the hell out of it, so now the back has the most amusing inside jokes that no one but me, Jen, Katie, and Hana will get XD
There are Jrock-jokes (I.E. Duel Jewel/Gackt/etc. Oh like YOU don’t make fun of your favorite bands at LEAST once -_- lol), random Kanji, random Japanese phrases written in Japanese so only I shall know what it says! Lol Like where my pocket used to be (I cut it off XD) I wrote “cheese” in it’s katakana, and then the paint ran a little, so Jen decided it was a sign and that must be her Indian name: Running Cheese.
Thus, I wrote Running Cheese next to it in her honor ^_^
There is much more, but
1) I don’t want to bore you
2) I don’t want to confuse you
3) I don’t want to give away all of our inside jokes, lol
OH and I wrote the kanji for Kyo’s name on a black tie I bought (it was at a Good Will, so it was cheap for such a good-looking article of clothing lol) and then wrote KYO underneath it, but it looks better than I can describe it. Lol. So all in all, I am happy I went to Katie’s house -.^ Yes, Katie, I’m sorry, I’m using you for your fabric paint, lol. For I am at loss to find my thirty or fifty bottles of it -_-;;
…you think Kyo would react weird if he knew his name was written in blue sparkly paint on some pitiful Western girl’s tie? ._. Lol
Okay, I am in DESPERATE need of some live yaoi, I need to DL the pv for Yuuyami Suicide RIGHT NOW!!! This is a screencap from my favorite scene, omfg it is so hot I’m literally close to drooling:

*dies* lol, sorry non-yaoi fans, I HAD to share this fabulous picture with the world @__@ I have two more, this is my 3rd favorite one, since I’m too mean to post my favorite and hottest one lol ^_^
I hate my location -_-
There is never anything to do here. Sad, ne?
I cannot walk anywhere b/c we are out of range of any stores or “hangout spots” or whatever (unlike my OLD place where everything was within half a mile of my apartment), my parents both work days thus they cant drive me anywhere, and even if I WANTED to walk that long to get somewhere I couldn’t b/c the freeway separates everything from us, not to mention about a mile of houses and forestry -__-
And I REALLY want to go to the mall SOOO bad I’m dying. I don’t even really need to buy anything but going to the mall with Katie and Jen and possibly Hana calms my nerves and makes me feel better.
If I WERE to buy something it would be a mesh long-sleeved shirt to go with my hide shirt or something, perhaps just a bunch of accessories (I am running short on bracelets…). I don’t know, clothing shopping just depresses me, as I’ve said, lol.
Aw the music stopped ;-;
That makes me sad.
Bleh, I completely binged yesterday (Monday). I ate like 3 peaches, 2 things of nonfat yogurt, this morning I pigged out on about…3 or 4 pieces of French toast (ugh…)…and I think that is it…
Wait no…
I ate 2 fresh cherries, you know, the kind that come in bags with the seed still in them. (O_O LOL I’m such an immature pervert sometimes XD)
Hm…now that I read that, it looks kind of weird. @__@
._. So much junk has gone into my system…
Remind me to never eat, ever again.
Unless it’s to maintain my life.
Then I might consider it.
OMFG!! I just realized something!!! O_O I need to fix my tie! The kanji got screwed up! Gah! One of the lines is a bit off to the wrong side *passes out from imperfection* *twitches violently*
Okay, gomen nasai. V.V *bow bow*
I am finished.
Now I must go try not to wallow in self-pity b/c I just remembered something else..
I have an orientation at that dreadful school of hell on August 12th.
You think maybe it will burn down in the next two weeks?
*shifty eyes*
*mutters* I think I can arrange that…
._. Did I just say that out loud?
Comments (7) |
Monday, July 25, 2005
I'm listening to Forever Love ;-; it makes me cry, thinking about hide's funeral and everything. He has been on my mind for quite some time now, ne?
I am sooo embarassed!! omfg!
My shades are broken thanks to my idiot dog, and so they wont shut properly. And well--
I had my music blasting in my room when my 'rents had gone to see a movie (Fantastic 4, didnt appeal to me) and my shades and 1 of my 2 windows was open a lil, which I didnt know about. and I was observing how fat I am in my mirror (lol shut up I can think im hideous if I want to, lol) and I turned and my parents were down on the driveway underneath my window (I'm on the 2nd floor) waiting to see how long it would take me to realize everyone outside who cared to louk could see exactly what I was doing and exactly what I was listening to .____.
To say in the least, I was, and still am slightly, mortified.
Good thing I was fully dressed, ne? Whew.
my cat was soo kawaii ^O^ He had a bag of catnip in his mouth and carried it out of my bathroom cupboard down the stairs and when I tried to grab it he fell over and hugged it with his paws. lol. I love my baby kitty *huggles*
G2g, not much else, wow shortest post in a while, ne?
Comments (7) |
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Look I'm at Katies!!
And Jen is wearing my hide shirt *leer leer*
And I just dropped an ice cube down my shirt ;_;
not much to say. Katie forced me to eat the most rancid and vile thing i have ever seen, like a burger only not. and now i'm fat, thanks a lot Katie. *leers at Jen's room where Katie is sleeping*
I went to a store today for clothes, intending on buying some good skirts, andI found a red plaid one that was great but, it was too small. As were about 20 other things i tried on, so i was reduced to tears in the dressing room, i was so frustrated. Stupid, ne? I cry too easily...
I ended up getting 2 ties, a belt, and a shirt. Iwas GOING to get two skirts, but my mom was being one of those "talk-to-me-so-we-can-bond" kind of people at that moment, just a really bitchy one. So I ended up getting embarassed and mad and left them there. Gah *dies*
Jen says to mention how incredibley hot she is, so...
Jen is a hot sexy man beast.
There, happy?
-jen pops up randomly- yes, very. ^___^
*rolls eyes* that was jen if no one was smart enough to notice, lol.
Omg she just turned on the copy of Miyavizm I made for her ^o^ so kawaii. I love this CD so much ^^
has anyone else heard it?
My favorite song is really funny, lol. I like 2 of them actually.
Pichipichichapuchapuranranburusu is my favorite song, lol. how Miyavi comes up with these names is beyond me, but it is just so fun to say!! lol. i was saying it over and over one day b/c of course, i was bored, and my parents were like O_o;;
yes 8nods* My 'rents think i'm psychotic ;-; lol
Wow katie's spacebar sucks, lol. and her shift key...thus many of my "I"'s are not capitolized, gomen, lol.
post 2morrow, gotta observe Jen writing on her pants, lol.
Comments (5) |
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Long post? Me? HA, never. ^^;;
Responses to the comments on my last post:
SD54: Haha Alan, you dork. It’s just b/c you’re not gay *sigh* thus you shall not know the fabulousness of Yomi’s man breasts.
Sango18: ;_; I know, sadness. I saw the pinkness ^o^ It made me think of hide, actually, lol. Yes he was truly wonderful.
Yume_Sama: I knew Manson and hide knew each other, lol. I just wasn’t aware of the whole dying of that hair thing or the tour plans ;-; so sad….*tear*
AngelsVoice: Don’t be pissed! I love you! *tackles* O_O *shifty eyes* Oh, so you only like me for my pictures, ne? I see how it is. Lol. And--
ilovesasuk: Of course! ^o^ It is in my job description.
KI: I know, isn’t it? Yes, we shall be murderous bitches together! Yatta! lol
Sakura18: With the help of AngelsVoice, I got this blog to work *huggles AV*
Maybe they just don’t like you and stay inside the kitchen b/c you’re part Japanese, lol.
But yes, the adorable waiter has been absent from my view for a few weeks before yesterday *shifty eyes*
Zero_li_enna: I break down and cry TOO much, lol. I go there a lot, yes, VERY often. But I don’t eat much. Usually I get a plate of noodles and vegetables and then a plate of fruit. Oh, yes, I always get sashimi too ^o^ I love sashimi! Woo! Lol. So it’s okay -.^ lol
Gothic_Kaiba: Nothing wrong with Yaoi intentions, mwahahaha!! Lol
Aw, I’m sorry, lol. Usually my days suck around this time period too ._. But if I get my mind off of it at least for a little while it’s okay ^^
New theme, again, lol. It took me a while to decide what I wanted to do, but now it’s new! Yay! ^.^
Poor Val is always stuck in the back during concerts and I love the Baru-baby so I brought him into my theme ^o^ Isn’t he adorable? ^^ *pets his Mohawk* You know I used to hate this thing, lol. But it looks so cute on him…considering that I am more of a Liberty Spike person, myself. See my Duel Jewel picture up in my profile? See Val? If not, you can’t be serious, lol, he has a unique structure, but the poor baby is half-hidden ;-; Granted, it’s half hidden by someone’s sexy shoulder buuut-- *innocent eyes*
Bah, Friday, not much to do. New episode of Degrassi was on though, ^^ Manny turned into such a bitch -_- and that Mr. Oleander guy isn’t even that hot, somewhat cool hair though, if it was a bit longer. For those who don’t watch Degrassi, ignore what I just said, lol. OH And I don’t really like Austin Powers movies, but Goldmember was on and I HAD to watch it b/c they are in Japan so I just…I just had to, because we all know that Japan rocks, XD…. I was so happy when I understood a lot of what they were saying w/o the subs, lol. ^^;; Other than that though It was quite frightening ._. Although…I am sad to say it fits my perverted sense of humor ^^; lol my EXTREMELY perverted sense of humor ._. *ahem*…
Pretend I didn’t say that *shifty eyes*
I Dled some good stuffs yesterday, wai! Like X Japan singing Forever Love and hide-sama’s funeral ;-; it made me cry. Literally. It was soo sad to think what they must have felt when they found out. Likewise with Malice Mizer and Kami-sama. *sniff* I’ve been in such a mournful mood these past couple days, excuse me.
And I Dled a few clips of Hyde ^^ lol. One was rather strange =P.
It had him in a bathroom it looked like, and he kept blowing his nose or something and every time he did his hair would spike up a little more until it was fully fixed. It made me laugh XD
Another one of him on a talk show (Gackt’s been on it sooo many times how the hell do I keep forgetting the name of it!!!!) and these two guys started kissing his cheeks, like LONG kisses and he was so cute, scrunching up his face as if to say “Ewwww cooties!” XD
And lastly, I Dled the clip of him when he met Megumi. So aimai. So kawaii.
Gah, I was on this site b/c I couldn’t remember the name of his wife (Megumi) and I read it and they were complete jealous fan girls -_-. They were saying things like “I was shocked to see he was married! AUGH! *kills Megumi*” I was mad, to say in the least. No one should ever talk about people they don’t know like that, especially if they supposedly ‘respect’ Hyde. Ooooh people like that piss me off…
And ToT, no fair! Jen has a friend online that is very gorgeous and very Japanese, lol. I saw a picture of her and (not knowing she was a…well a “she”) said “Wow, hot, lol.”
Jen: *laugh* It’s a girl.
Me: ….*pauses*….well if she was a guy she’d be pretty damn hot. Lol
But anyway, that s not the important part. The IMPORTANT part is that she was in between two extremely hot Jrockers at a convention, with her arms around them. Wanna guess who they were? Riku and Kisaki, from Phantasmagoria .___.
I’ve never listened to Phantasmagoria’s music, and I have heard so much about them that I have to hear them. I already know that they are sexy, lol, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m gonna like their music. So I have been searching for it for a while now…
Aack!! O_o my cat just jumped on my lap ._. … he makes purring/meowing sounds that reminds me of a chicken, lol. I thought everyone should know that. ^^
Maaan I wanna go to the mall so bad T.T I haven’t been there in FOREVER *cries* I miss it ;_;
I’m stuck in a different city while my friends live in the neighboring one….I wish I had never moved ;-; I used to be like, 1 block away from the mall. Now I am….miles…and miles…away from it. I can’t go to Katie’s house whenever I want to, not that I could before…
But everything seems to be falling apart now…
Ever since I had to move.
I’ve moved too much for one lifetime, I think the next move should be out of my parent’s house. Until then, unless it’s closer to my friends, I’ll live in a damn cardboard box but they are not moving me.
I just want everything back to the way things were…

XD Argh, avast

Gods, Mana’s hair rocks.

^o^ I love this picture, he’s so cute! Waaii!

Omfg Johnny Depp is so hot ^_______^ And Manson rocks, in my opinion, so I figured I’d put up a pic of them together, lol. You know, Manson is friends with a lot of hot people, lol. And this pic is so cute, b/c of how they are, Johnny’s smile makes me smile as well ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ Yay!!

BWAHAHA! Weren’t expecting a mass of ugliness after all that hotness, did you? XD This was taken yesterday for a forum thread, I photo whored, yes. lol. I hate my nose *hides face*
*~*~Areina-chan~*~* |
Comments (7) |
Friday, July 22, 2005
Bad day gone....good?! That's new coming from me, ne? ^^
I had a great time at the arcade place today ^^ (okay, this is REALLY getting old to say, but I am posting this around midnight, thus I actually mean Thursday with all references to “today” )
It was so funny, Joey (my friend Katlin's nickname, it was for her party) and Chibi (yet again, a friend's nickname, her real name is Hannah. Wow I know quite a few Hannahs o_o lol) were hilarious as usual, lol. Sadly I will never see Joey again ;-; Chibi is her best friend, so that is how I know her. I mostly went to say my final goodbyes to them *cry cry*. But we had fun and Joey and I went into this photo booth and it took both our pictures, then put them together and told us what our "future child" would look like if he was Asian, then printed it out XD. It was so hilarious. Here, I'll try to take a pic of it tomorrow. I can't get very good ones at night with my webcam and the digi cam is being stupid -_-; I wanted to take it and take pics but they would have never let me, lol, because I lose everything ^^;
Then after my dad picked me up, he was starving, so ONCE again, I get to bore you with yet ANOTHER trip to the amazing Asian Buffet! Woo! lol. After many weeks of not seeing him, the hot waiter of Chinese sexiness, Cameron we THINK was his name, was FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY there!! and lucky me, he waited on our table! ^o^ But -- I think he was in a sad mood, and he didn't get to our table right away and my dad is a mean bad person and didn’t tip him ;-; I wanted to give him a tip for being hot at least, lol, but I didn’t have time to get out my wallet *sob sob* *cry cry* Poor baby must hate me now ;_; He seemed so sad or angry at something O_O Hope it wasn't me...I don’t think so, he smiled for me though ^^ Yay! Maybe b/c they MADE him, but oh well, lol. It was cute ^o^ ~ ^o^ ~ ^o^
Today started out horrid, and I even didn’t feel like going to the birthday thing, I was in a sad mood this morning and crying over the stupidest things ;-; Like for instance --
--the fabulous feminine time is upon me *dies* and so that attributed to the pain and misery. And my bra wouldn’t snap for me b/c my coordination was off all day, so I started crying b/c as I put it while I scolded myself through tears “I can’t do anything right, how pitiful is this?!” Bah, I hate hormones, they make me into such a big whiner -__-;; I WAS pitiful, all day until the party, lol.
:: -- END WARNING -- ::
But the day got better ^^ And I actually wasn’t that hideous today! Woo! Lol.
London attacked again?! My goodness, I hate war ;__;
Hug the trees! Save the rainforests! Stop the wars!
Man I feel like a hippie XD
Oh! And I was reading a hide memorial bio (*cries hysterically*) and I knew he was friends with Manson, but I didn’t know he was planning on touring with him! ;_; nor did I know that a bunch of rock stars including Manson dyed their hair pink in his honor. I now love Manson even more, I must hug him. Lol. Okay not really, b/c he’s think I was a psycho, but I do love Manson. And I love hide ;_; So much sadness…I’m gonna try to buy some pink hair dye on the next anniversary of his death. It was pink in fifth grade, so maybe I can convince my mom to let me do it for just one day this time, gods, she has grown so stingy =\

There you go, Gaku-san and Kami-sama *bows head in memory*

This is rather strange, ne? But still -- Astui desu yo

Lol, this is the result of -- 1) my boredom -- 2) a sexy pic of Gackt and Hyde in Moon Child -- 3) a photoshop-type thing. I found it quite amusing to mess it up, lol ^___^

.___. Gomen, I couldn’t resist. Lol. Sekushi desu, ne? ^__^
Okay, now goodbye!!
I will of course, post tomorrow! ^^
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
FINALLY I finished HP6 T.T I now officially want to mob J.K. Rowling. Grrr....damn her.
I have to go to a party tommorrow at an arcade in Covington KY. It's for my friend from Middle School, Katlin. I'm never going to see them again, so I figure this should be good. But-
O_O Oh fuck me sideways don't tell me I forgot....
Oops.... .__. I need to get her a present! SON OF A-...-SON OF A GACKT!!!!! *dies* I'm so insensitive how the hell did I forget that?!?! Grr....I'll do something...*looks around for possible options*
I went to the Shanghai Garden today (well yesterday, technically, b/c yet again, and as usual, I'm typing this at 12:11 am) for dinner (the other Chinese restaraunt that I love ^o^) and the waiter is sooo nice to me. ^^
He's nice to everyone, and slightly cute, but not as hot as the AB waiter/cooks mwahaha XD
He was the one I talked about b4 when he was being sweet with his wife who was pregnant. ^.^
This episode of Degrassi depresses me ;_; Poor ferret...V.V
I really am hating my hair *glares at mirror*
I liked it so much better without bangs. Why did I cut it again?! *cries*
I'll have to wait until it grows longer now ;-; then cut it like it used to be. That looked better on me, I think. But I want to cut it differently a tiny bit, its hard to explain though so I won't even try, lol.
I think my neighbors hate me ._.
Not hate me, really, just that they judged me by irrelevant circumstances that took place at a BBQ I went to with my parents. I was friendly and everything and was happily playing with the many babies there(kawaii desu ^^), but they way I was dressed may have thrown them off :\ I wish ppl wouldn't judge...I'm quiet around ppl I don't know, yes...and usually it gets me in trouble ;-; b/c they think I don't like them or something... *tear* I just can't think of anything to say usually, so I don't say anything for fear of sounding stupid. ;-;
And I want to babysit soo bad!! THere are LOTS of babies in my neighborhood, like each one a month apart (damn they're popping out all over the place, lol I'm crude I know ^^;) and they are ALL so cute! Chibis! ToT I love them so much!!!
I rented a bunch of movies tonight, Constantine, Cursed (cant wait! I love werewolves ^.^ I hope it was not a waste of money though :\) and some movie called Ruch I think that I don't want to watch, lol. I was LOOKING for Moon Child but only Hollywood Video has it, not our Blockbuster -_- I wanted to see the DVD version and see if anything was different (i.e. special features). Guess I'll have to go to HV to do it *tear tear*
O_o I think my cat is getting high on...plastic bags? Wtf? .__.
Nevermind...*stares oddly at snuffing cat*

HAYATO-SAN!! WAI! Sooo cute!! ;-; I love his hair...wish MY hair would do that lol.
Wow, that was long enough so far I think, lol.
Talk to ya all later!!
~Areina-chan |
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
I found the most amazing thing on YIM Launchcast Radio. I found an Asian station o_O. so naturally, I clicked it. lol. I put it on my personal station, curious of any Jrock. So far none -_- the onyl Asian songs thus far have been eiter happy poppish songs that would be pracitcal for anime, no Jrock. *cry cry*
But I shall wait and see!!
Angelsvoice finally heard my voice XD I put it on over the mic on YIM. She prolly thinks I'm a scary freak now ^^
lol, I freaked out a lot and started yelling random things ^^;
Gomen nasai, Korin, lol.
Owies! *sob* I keep biting ym fingernails until they hurt! I hav GOT to stop doing it! *hits finger* BAD!! GET OUT OF MY MOUTH!! What were you thinking you useless excuse for an appendage?! DONT TALK BACK TO ME!!
.___. Sorry.....crazy moment...I need to get that checked out....
Yomi-san's birthday was yesterday! I feel so bad ;-; I didn't wish him happy bday. I love Naitomea so much, sadness.
Pic time to make up to Yomi-san!!
Ooooh and I got more Deathgaze
-.^ I'm so happy, I like that band a lot. And a new DJ song!
Yay! ^_^ When their new CD comees out I am DEFINITELY gonna buy it. If I dont spend my $$ on their shirt and a poster .____.
I was looking at pics today and they are all just so cute ^o^V
^__^ Okay I need to put up a DJ pic or two, they are just too kawaii!

EEEEE!!! Hayato-san! ^o^ lol

^o^ So cute! I love Natsuki-san so much, and Yuya-san too! Waa they need hugs! *huggles*
last one...

*dies of hotness Overdose* This was in a photo set of DJ imitating the Yakuza. ^__^
*gasp* SHUN AND YUYA DROP THOSE CANCER STICKS RIGHT NOW! ToT THey will make your gorgeousness wrinkly!!
(O_o Did anyone else catch the pervy thought in that sentence? LMAO)
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
My reedin skeelz went BOOM
yes, that was intentionally misspelled. lol.
I cannot believe my brain just...died.
I stil haven't finished the HP book. I finished the fifth book in two fucking days...and it was longer! So why is THIS one taking so long?! -_- GAH!!!!
I love this song ^.^ "hide - 'Goodbye'"
^_^ It makes me quite happy.
I went for a bike ride in the first time in about a month, lol. I about killed myself by nearly running into a big construction site though o_O
And I finally got around to watching my whole Miavi DVD and this funny video (HEY THE SONG CHANGED! WOO! lol. "hide - Drink or Die" XD XD) with the song "I'm too Sexy" in the BG and all these Miyavi clips was supposed to be on it. But sadly, it was messed up ;_; and I loved that video *sob sob*
Nooooooooo the song ended! No more hide ;_;
Don't you hate it when your parents think all your friends are freaks? I won't explain, due to lack of time. But doesn't that just suck? :\
Okay, I must "ungrace" you with my absence. goodbye!
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