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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

*sigh* I'm tired...
I was supposed to pick up the new YYH dvd I had reserved today but we never made it T.T I'm hopefully going tommorrow, though. And nothing to report really...school was just testing =P Except in Science we're doing the reproductive system (no clue why, b/c we all ready know that...*shrugs*) and people are so damned immature *rolls eyes*. The teacher even mentions the word "semen" or "sperm" and everyone laughs. I don't get it, but I guess they just can't grow up no matter what. And we had to write a paper about the "sperm's journey" from a first-person perspective....strange assignment, ne? It was weird o.O but again, the idiots in the class (97.9 %) couldn't handle it w/o laughing... even one of my friends, Kyree, was cracking jokes. But I guess it's all right, he was pretty funny, I just don't understand the humor in the word "sex" ...oh well, baibai for now guys! ^__^

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