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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Konnichiwa minna!
Well, as you can tell I changed my theme once more, since it is no longer Yuya-san's birthday. It was originally supposed to be just Dir en Grey, but I decided it would be easier to make more different themes if I used each separate member, so Toshiya-san is lucky number 1! ^^

My dad is frightening me o.O, he is watching some show (I think it's CSI or one of those Law and Order w/e shows =P) and he thinks this girl on it is really hot or something...yeah he has many "TV girlfriends" as we call them *slaps forehead* My family, see why I'm so messed up? lol

Well nothing really exciting happened today...just boring as always...oh yes, but when I was waiting for my dad to pick me up from school these jerks on one of the buses were yelling out the window and whistling at me. I despise ppl who do that, even if they ARE serious, it is very annoying. UNLESS however they are hot asian guys...lol, j/k...no really I wouldn't mind that though. XD

I got into trouble about four or five times today in school =P. Mostly for talking XD I always have a habit to talk too much to my buds. But the funny thing is, I could be silent all day, and a friend could start talking to ME, meaning I AM THE VICTIM, and the teachers will yell at me rather than the real culprit! T^T Baka sensei...

One more thing, I may be limited on the internet soon, b/c my dad found out on this new comp, not only can we each have our own customized profile things (i.e. wallpapers, programs, etc.), but he can also limit the number of hours I am on the net. o.O But I am hoping he will forget to do it as he usually does XD.

Um...well if anything important comes up, be assured I will report it ASAP, but for now...

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