I just DLed a L'arc en Ciel clip, and I about cried I was laughing so hard. Maybe I just find everything funny, but this WAS truly hilarious.
Haido-san took the mic, and proceeded to say one word repeatedly. Eleven times to be exact. This mysterious word he said? Fuck. lol, ELEVEN times I hear that word escape his mouth XD it was so incredibley random...
Of course I DLed three other L'AEC clips too, Ready Steady go music video, one of Tetsu-san biting Haido-san, and 1 of Haido-san blow-kissing the camera. So kawaii....hehehe
okay, that's enough of that, lol. I think I need to get some of my many Dewel Jewel pics on here...yay! This will be my favorite post, lol. here we go (there will be A LOT of pics, so be prepared):
Hayato-san icon! Kawaii, ne? ^_^
Natsuki-san icon! Weee!
Shun-san icon! He is sooo pretty .__.
Val-san (aka Baru-san) enthusiastic, ne? lol
Yuya-san, so silly, but you have to love him ^.^ *huggles Duel Jewel*
A bit dark, I'm not sure if you can see it that well *squint*
Duel Jewel at a Q&A session! lol, I LOVE this pic. My friends and I have have a whole caption to go with this, but I don't think you want to know XD (members from left: Shun-san, Yuya-san, Hayato-san)
Aww...Shun-san was sick so he looks a bit...evil ^^; the left one with the butterscotch colored hair is Natsuki-san (looks a bit dazed, hehe) and the one who looks bored and mad is Shun-san of course. That strange girl with orange-furry shoulders is some random fan...don't ask me, lol.
Natsuki-san again! lol, he has vibrant hair, ne?
Awww...Val-san is stuck behind his drums T_T poor, lonely baby...
okay, I could put a lot more on here, trust me, but I'll be nice ^^ *waves* bye for now, guys!
::edit:: okay, I fixed the pics that were all Hayato-san, my apologies, guys!!