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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Monday, June 13, 2005

Argh!!! *smacks head repeatedly on desktop*
Yet again, I'm locked inside this prison of a house for another week or so b/c my dear friend Katie's okasan won't let anyone over again nor can anyone leave to go to any of their friends' houses. I flipped for about an hour and was extremely pissed off ( I get mad easy sometimes ^^; bad habit) but I turned on Kittie and started putting up more anime pics on my wall and looking through some old drawings and stuff, and picked up my floor a bit so the carpet is actually SOMEWHAT visible now. I found some great drawings Katie did, damn I am jealous of her. I'll try to convince her to scan some to her site ^^ lol

Listening to Ash, I love this song, it reminds me of DEG yaoi XD If you've ever seen the infamous clip you'd know what I was talking about, hehehe. Gotta love Totchi-san, ne?

Oh, like the new theme? It took a while to find the BG *drool* but it was well worth it. tell me you can see it!! If you can't I'll cry b/c it is a sexxxy background!! ;_;

Well, I doubt anything new will happen, remember, locked in the house all day and week! *sigh* I'm too lazy to go outside and I don't want to make any friends with people around here, they'r not my type of people, you know? So lonely... .___. All I have is my kitties and this DAMNED KOINU to bite my things and body parts -.-; joy, ne? lol


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