([wow this is getting old] references to 'today' mean on Wednesday, as usual)
I went to the Asian Buffet, w00t.
Sadly, I did not see Cameron. But I THINK I saw the long-haired sexiness with his hair down, lol. Or another one of them has long hair and I just didn't know *suspicious eyes*
These guys were checking out this really pretty waitress while she was bending over, washing a table. I was disgusted, honestly. XP A group of Mexican guys, staring at me, and some gorgeous Asian women -_- I'm getting pretty sick of it.
I'm going to Katie/Jen's house tommorrow (well, actually today..technically o_O Thursday, there we go, lol) hopefully. Then we're going to go AGAIN to the AB on Friday XD. Poor guys.
I hadn't eaten all day, and damn my dad, he HAD to offer to go to the Asian Buffet. WHY does that always happen? -_-
We're learning more Japanese! ^__^ Weee! We have so many new words learned in the past few days, it's good progress. Makes me happy.
I learned we have a channel on DirectTV that shows the news in Asia. So I watch it every day now, yay! ^_____^ It has an entire section on Japan, and the anchors are all Japanese so tehy have accents and it makes me go: "Awwww"
lol, I'm such a loser XD
I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the sexiest shirt I am about to own -_-; (aka hide). It will be here any day now and I'm so fuckign anxious, I want to wear it on Friday if we go to the AB. So it would have to come tommorrow to do that. /._.\ And does anybody use jpophouse.com? B/c it wouldn't work when I tried to order my Duel Jewel shirt a while ago, so I was wondering if it was just my computer. -.^ Arigato gozaimasu, minna.
I have Marilyn Manson stuck in my head, lol. I think it may be The Nobodies....*thinks* Yep, that's it.
Laruku! Weeeee! *huggles*
Hey! The image of sexiness got off of my shirt!! *puffy chibi face*
Tooya-san again! ^__^ So pretty. And yes, to whomever asked (I'm too lazy to look XD) from Ayashi no Ceres.
Gaku-san! *smacks glass out of hand* Bad doggy! Bad! You know what happened last tiem you drank! Miyavi STILL hasn't gotten over that, mister!
gomen, I love you Gaku-san ^^;