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Kentucky (soon to be Tennesee...)
Member Since
9th grade High School student
Real Name
Alayna [pronounced: Uh-lay-nuh]. (tolerable) Nicknames are: Chibi Excel, areina-chan, bara-chan
saw/touched D'espairs Ray (best night of my life so far); maintained a reading/spelling level 4 grades above my own since elem. school
Anime Fan Since
third grade when I met my 1st anime-crazy friend
Favorite Anime
many many, but my favorites would probably be...Yu Yu Hakusho, Ayashi no Ceres, Kare First Love, & Samurai Champloo
Attend a Duel Jewel concert and hug every member ^.^; widen my japanese vocabulary until I can read/speak it more fluently; go to Japan (in whatever way possible); learn how to make a kick ass site and conquer this evil computer!! *clutches keyboard*
-drawing -writing -listening to visual kei/Jrock -looking at pics of my favorite bands -playing my guitar -playing the violin -playing my keyboard (with as little skills as I have ^^;;) -updating my sites/profiles
obsessing (but who can't do that, lol); writing poetry/stories; drawing (in the right mood of course...); complaining *shifty eyes*
| defectiverose13
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I am scared to go to college ._.
My mom has to take a college course for her work to get promoted or some bull. And it looks so hard and stressful, but probably b/c it is accounting which contains a lot of math which both my mom and I suck at, lol.
I found the sexiest yaoi screencaps from the pv Yuuyami Suicide, if you didnt notice the clip up there in my profile, they are scenes from that part *drools continuously*
We are going to be cleaning out the sewing/spare room next weekend -_- but I suppose it is good b/c I need to make some new clothes. And I was utterly amazed that Joanne fabric stores have pyramid studs and circular studs!! That is perfect for my style and they are easy to attach to clothes! Weee! lol ^___^ I was VERY happy when I found out about that!! I can finally learn to sew bigger projects too with my okasan's assistance.
And I also have my guitar so practice, I have been neglecting it for quite a while *sweatdrop* but my severe lack of patience does not help ^^; And I always have trouble tuning the damned thing -_-; so i need my dad to do it b/c he plays. Well he WOULD still play if he wasn't missing his left pointer finger...long story involving an evil table saw *cringe*...perhaps if asked I will explain about that l8er.
I need to learn to contain myself, I have a kept temper usually. But it escapes in small burts occasionally, and when it does I end up hurting ppl and then the anger is replaced by guilt and depression later. It is like I have a hormone imbalance which causes extreme pervertedness as well as severe mood swings, lol. I need to get that checked out...
This episode of S-cry-ed is quite amusing, lol. ^.^ Thought I would inform everyone about my opinion, lol. Kazuma is entertaining me XD.
I got my copy of Oresama! Did I mention that? I dont know I'm too lazy to look, lol. But I got it right b4 i left the movie theatre from Jen/Anthony. And the dvd also has a bunch of PV's and clips it made me soooo happy! like 2 hours of Miyavi or so!! Weeeee!! ^__________^
Oh my goodness...Motley Crue is stuck in my head..I love that band, lol. Nikki Six is so hot XD I was watching Headbangers Ball and I saw the music video for "Sick Love Song". I love that song so much ^^ I wanted to watch it only to see Rob Zombie, b/c he was supposed to be on it, but I didnt see him ;_; it made me sad.
I'll report tommorrow ^^
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