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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Friday, July 22, 2005

Bad day gone....good?! That's new coming from me, ne? ^^
I had a great time at the arcade place today ^^(okay, this is REALLY getting old to say, but I am posting this around midnight, thus I actually mean Thursday with all references to “today” )
It was so funny, Joey (my friend Katlin's nickname, it was for her party) and Chibi (yet again, a friend's nickname, her real name is Hannah. Wow I know quite a few Hannahs o_o lol) were hilarious as usual, lol. Sadly I will never see Joey again ;-; Chibi is her best friend, so that is how I know her. I mostly went to say my final goodbyes to them *cry cry*. But we had fun and Joey and I went into this photo booth and it took both our pictures, then put them together and told us what our "future child" would look like if he was Asian, then printed it out XD. It was so hilarious. Here, I'll try to take a pic of it tomorrow. I can't get very good ones at night with my webcam and the digi cam is being stupid -_-; I wanted to take it and take pics but they would have never let me, lol, because I lose everything ^^;

Then after my dad picked me up, he was starving, so ONCE again, I get to bore you with yet ANOTHER trip to the amazing Asian Buffet! Woo! lol. After many weeks of not seeing him, the hot waiter of Chinese sexiness, Cameron we THINK was his name, was FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY there!! and lucky me, he waited on our table! ^o^ But -- I think he was in a sad mood, and he didn't get to our table right away and my dad is a mean bad person and didn’t tip him ;-; I wanted to give him a tip for being hot at least, lol, but I didn’t have time to get out my wallet *sob sob* *cry cry* Poor baby must hate me now ;_; He seemed so sad or angry at something O_O Hope it wasn't me...I don’t think so, he smiled for me though ^^ Yay! Maybe b/c they MADE him, but oh well, lol. It was cute ^o^ ~ ^o^ ~ ^o^

Today started out horrid, and I even didn’t feel like going to the birthday thing, I was in a sad mood this morning and crying over the stupidest things ;-; Like for instance --
--the fabulous feminine time is upon me *dies* and so that attributed to the pain and misery. And my bra wouldn’t snap for me b/c my coordination was off all day, so I started crying b/c as I put it while I scolded myself through tears “I can’t do anything right, how pitiful is this?!” Bah, I hate hormones, they make me into such a big whiner -__-;; I WAS pitiful, all day until the party, lol.
:: -- END WARNING -- ::
But the day got better ^^ And I actually wasn’t that hideous today! Woo! Lol.

London attacked again?! My goodness, I hate war ;__;
Hug the trees! Save the rainforests! Stop the wars!
Man I feel like a hippie XD

Oh! And I was reading a hide memorial bio (*cries hysterically*) and I knew he was friends with Manson, but I didn’t know he was planning on touring with him! ;_; nor did I know that a bunch of rock stars including Manson dyed their hair pink in his honor. I now love Manson even more, I must hug him. Lol. Okay not really, b/c he’s think I was a psycho, but I do love Manson. And I love hide ;_; So much sadness…I’m gonna try to buy some pink hair dye on the next anniversary of his death. It was pink in fifth grade, so maybe I can convince my mom to let me do it for just one day this time, gods, she has grown so stingy =\

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There you go, Gaku-san and Kami-sama *bows head in memory*

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This is rather strange, ne? But still -- Astui desu yo

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Lol, this is the result of -- 1) my boredom -- 2) a sexy pic of Gackt and Hyde in Moon Child -- 3) a photoshop-type thing. I found it quite amusing to mess it up, lol ^___^

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.___. Gomen, I couldn’t resist. Lol. Sekushi desu, ne? ^__^

Okay, now goodbye!!
I will of course, post tomorrow! ^^


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