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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Sunday, July 31, 2005

I think I'm addicted to long posts ._.
Current song: None! W00t! I’m on a roll!! lol Actually I'm watching anime right now ^o^;;

Katie has changed her screen name and deleted her old account, so those of u who had her on ur friends list, and those who want to add her, her new name is:

Okay. Now on to more news. Lol

News about yesterday (remember what I said in my last post about prewriting my posts, lol) --
I finished “The Gospel According to Larry.” It’s a very good book, it had a big impact on my way of thinking. I won’t give away any secrets, in case someone takes my advice and checks it out, but it’s about this kid who tries to maintain his secret identity on his website, on which he writes about anti-consumerism, and as his site gets more and more famous, he has more and more trouble with people trying to figure out who he is. It gets really exciting and it makes you think a lot, but I can’t give away the exciting stuff! You have to read it! Lol

I’m reading my Japanese book now ^^
Last night I went on my roof with my CD player and listened to some Gackt/Laruku. My cats got on there with me and were pouncing on me around the corner of my window XD, it was so cute. Then I took my flashlight and started reading on the roof, but a neighbor drove by so I did a “Mission Impossible” move through my window and banged up my leg pretty good on the window sill ^^;
oops. Lol

I found a bunch of bracelets that fit my style on Hottopic.com. Remember kiddies, I am not a huge HT fan, for many reasons, I would prefer to make my own stuff. But some stuff I will tolerate and wear, lol. HT is just…they have some good band shirts (for American bands, lol) and, okay yes, I admit it, I do like a lot of the stuff they carry, most of it looks cool (with the exception of some things… i.e. the care bear stuff and “cutesy” stuff, I would never wear that). But it is so cheaply made and falls apart so goddamn easily , that $50 for that pair of bondage pants that I like, just doesn’t seem worth it. I can easily take HALF of that money, go buy a pair of cheap baggy black jeans, some pyramid studs from a craft store, some spare fabric for straps, and make my own. Actually, I find homemade clothing is the most satisfying b/cit looks just how you want it to, and you can alter anything you want, lol.
Of course…I do that with clothes I buy anyway…^^;
That loses me some major points on the okasan’s anger-control, hahaha.

You know what I really hate?
I don’t truly hate many things…so this is a big moment in history, lol.
I hate it when people dislike something only b/c it is considered “mainstream” or “popular” and they want to remain in the “out-crowd”. I’m not sure how exactly to explain this…but I’ll try my best. I am not saying to like everything in the “in-crowd”, I’m just saying that--
For example. Let’s take Hot Topic, since we were just talking about this store, and this happens to be a real issue nowadays. Say you like the store, a lot. Let’s pretend that you would go in there every time you go to the mall, beg your parents to let you run off just for moments to go look and see if something new came in. So in general, you really like the stuff there.
Then one day--
You hear that people your friends consider “poseurs” (yes that is the proper way to spell it in this case) shop there. And suddenly, you hate the store. You couldn’t POSSIBLY be caught in a store where “POSEURS” shop, b/c that would mean ppl would think YOU were a “poseur”. I mean, how TERRIBLE that people would think something negative about you. Oh sure, you don’t care what others think, you have always said that, but for someone to think you’re a “poseur” b/c you shop at a place you love? NEVER. Who would actually do something they like if their friends hated it for that reason? Shouldn’t you hate it for that reason too? Of course!
That, my friends, is called hypocrisy.
One of my few hates in life.
I got a bit carried away in ranting, but I do hope that got my point across.

Okay. Enough of that. Let’s get on with the happy! Lol

Can I THINK of any happy? O_o
Not tonight.

OH! Wait!! I got some!! Ureshii desu yo ^O^
I’m gonna watch anime tonight (Saturday)! W00T! Lol.
I missed last week’s Inuyasha, and Koga was on, wasn’t he? *cries* I love Koga! He is one of my favorite bishounens (along with Tooya from Ayashi no Ceres, Aya from Weiss Kruz, Jin from Samurai Champloo, and Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho ^o^ lol I feel like such a boy-chasing girly girl). Well no matter, I will see it tonight ^^ along with Samurai Champloo and S-CRY-ed. Yay!

OMG I almost forgot! I was looking with Kori-chan, A.K.A. Angelsvoice (I hope u don’t mind me called u that on here, lol) for a specific pic of Totchi-san and I found it without even realizing it XD
I found two or three new galleries of Diru and one of Naitomea that I have never seen b4 and we were both like: *melt melt* *droooool* *die*
So all in all it was productive. ^^

And Jen-chan is so mean ToT
I got an email around 1:30 am yesterday night from her that said something along the lines of “GETON NOW!! ITS ABOUT DUEL JEWEL!!! SUPER SUPER IMPORTANT! I’LL CRY IF YOU DON’T GET ON!! *screams and cries in excitement*”
I was like OoO HOLY GACKTFLAKES (lol, I keep saying that lately, and it was accidental the first time ._.)!!!! And I Imed Katie a million times but Jen went to AB with Hana and Anthony (DAMN THEM ALL!!! *sobs histerically* and I haven’t talked to her at all. I will find out soon though!! (remember I am writing this around 10:30 on Saturday night, lol, so by the time you read this I may already know)

Okay, this is WAY too long o_o;; gomen nasai *bow bow bow*
Baibai for now!


P.S. Okay, this piece of information was added at 11:12 Sat. night.
I’m grounded from the comp on Sunday.
b/c I forgot to put soap in the washing machine for a few loads.
We use this liquid fabric softener and I forgot that you have to add soap with it.
And my mom is pissed at me and was screaming in my face about it…and I can’t get on after tonight…so there will be no update for Monday, I don’t think. Gomen nasai. My fault. I was stupid.

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