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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Monday, August 1, 2005

doo doo doo.....@_@
Current song: Dear
Artist: Miyavi

I actually got on the comp! yatta! *looks around nervously*

Well, nothing really exciting happened today (does it ever -_-?). My mom just cleaned the entire bottom half of the house and I cleaned my bathroom and folded my laundry. XD I’m so helpful, aren’t I? I’m still pissed off at her for last night.

*hears noise upstairs* ._.
Okay…I think it’s gone…

I found a magazine in my house worthy of chopping to bits, Seventeen. As much as I hate to admit it I used to get that magazine every month when I was in fifth & sixth grade, lol. I cut out perverted-sounding articles (I can make almost ANYTHING sound hentai XD) and little cell phone wallpaper examples that had kanji on them. I taped them all to my three-ring binder insert. A few months ago and found an article about this girl from Tokyo in that dreaded magazine! I was like this: OoO
So I ripped it out and stuck it to my door ^o^ She was holding a picture of Hanamuke (her fave band) and said had on the coolest outfit. Damn the amazing Asian clothing stores T.T
My door is so Japaned-out, lol. There are these pretty chopsticks stuck to it next to that article, and two boxes of Pocky (they are empty, what? Lol. I get really bored ^^;) and a paper with the hiragana for anime on it. Of course there is also my bamboo wall scroll calendar from like, 1985, lol…it’s cool, but I think it is Chinese. Not that that’s bad -.^

Ow, remember how I banged up my leg? Well I took a shower today and looked at it and there is this big bruise on my thigh XP

My mom was watching America’s Funniest Home Videos or w/e it is, and I turned around in time to see this kawaii Asian boy eating in school (I think it was in his school) with his chopsticks, and evidently it was something sour or hot b/c he made the cutest sour face and covered it with his hands. ^o^ So cute, so cute…

I was talking to Jen last night, and that really important news was that she “accidentally” DLed my other favorite DJ song! I have only heard it in a live that I DLed a long time ago and it was a brand new song back when they did that live (‘03) and I didn’t know the name of it. We THOUGHT it was called Hell’s Drive b/c on Shun-san’s site he had it for the BG-music and when I translated the site it said “BGM=Hell’s Drive”
-__-;; *pokes Shun-san’s head*
It is really called Shoku, I think. ^o^ I love it so much! ^^

Okay, I found an html generator to put a video on my site, I don’t know if it works. See the real player thing up there in my profile? Click play. Lol
It works for me when I hit play, but Katie said it didn’t. I will be very sad b/c it is the most kawaii video ever and I love it ^o^
Tell me if it works for you guys and if not, I’ll take it off.
I don’t know why it wouldn’t though, b/c It works fine for me .___.

I want to babysit…
Really bad…
I miss the little chibis ;o;
I want to play with a baby again, *sniff*

My aunts have babies, all 3 of them on my dads side, lol. They were SUPPOSED to come up from Florida (except for my aunt Chris who lives in TX, she wasn’t planning on coming anyway) this summer when my grandpa came down from Massachusetts (which should be in Sept or so).
But now my aunts aren’t coming ;-; I want the babies!!!! *cries*
But my grandparents are coming *sly grin*
My grandparents love me…and they never get to see me which makes them feel guilty.
I hate using that to my advantage, so I don’t. They buy me things w/o me asking XD
Besides they are effing rich, the houses up where they live are half a million dollars on average @__@
I remember visiting them last Halloween, it was soooo great! We went to Salem the day b4 Halloween ^o^
The reason we didn’t go there ON Halloween was b/c that was the day when Salem was most crowded. Then we went to Boston on Halloween b/c the day BEFORE Halloween in Boston was the busiest. ^^
So we avoided crowds, got to see the Witchcraft trials reenactments in the middle of the streets (those were great ^^), go to various Wicca stores and look in this Victorian clothing store Mana would have been happy to visit, and I managed to see a few really hot guys. ^__^
I remember one in particular was soo gorgeous, he was with his girlfriend (I assume she was anyway b/c they were holding hands) and he was really tall, with long dark hair (the dark brown that looks almost black), and wearing a long black trench coat and black gloves. The funny thing is, he was a Westerner. American. Lol
I remember watching him walk down the roads and my brother and dad and mom all teasing me about it. *sigh* They INSIST upon doing that every time I happen to lose my self-control and drool over hotness. -___-

Anyway, off the topic of the boy-crazy section of my mind--
My mom completely spaced that she had said I was grounded. -___-;;
Well, no complaints here. I didn’t expect it this time, but they usually DO forget when I’m grounded.
Probably b/c I AM so often……lol ^^;

Okay okay, I’ll put in a pic this time. How about one of the sexy Totchi ones I got on my new galleries? Yes I think that will do ^______^

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*drool drool* @________@ Totchi-san you sex-bunny, you. @____@
Yes, that one made me stop breathing. lol


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