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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Thursday, August 4, 2005

I got more pics -.^ aren't you proud of me? lol
Current song: Shoku
Artist: Duel Jewel

I love this song ^___^ Don’t you love this song? I love this song…

*seething from results occurring because of last post*
That is the last time I try to ask for assistance.
(I know I will eventually but I’m mad right now so leave me alone on this)

I Dled some Diru clips yesterday. It made me happy ^O^
I got one of this show on BBC interviewing Kyo and Die!!! I have seen it b4 but then I realized--
I HAVE BBC!!! So I freaked out and started fervently looking on search engines for a BBC schedule and I found a forum where people were saying that they were watching it and the posts were as recent as mid-July of this year. When I failed to find any Diru stuff on numerous BBC sites I gave up on the internet and went to my Direct TV channel guide, searching and everything. NOTHING.
I spent about ten minutes afterwards being frustrated with myself and screaming dramatically, lol.

Ewww the inu just drooled all over my wrist XP BLEH

I’m hopefully going to the mall with Hana-chan today. I’ve been looking forward to it for days now, I really have. It’s SO dull around here. -______-
I need to get ahold of her though and see if we’re going to Jen and Katie’s first or what =\
The complications of my life, ne? lol

I need to get my shirt back from Jen. I was going to go yesterday but my otosan is evil and wouldn’t take me, lol. I miss my hideto-sama!!! *sobs**grabs Jen’s shoulders* GIVE ME MY HIDE-SAMA, JEN, BEFORE I BITE YOUR ANKLE!!!! ROAR!! FEAR MY WRATH!!! XO
.__. Gomen. I don’t know how you guys deal with my temporary insanity, lol. But applause goes to you for doing so, lol.

I found my photo album with all the pictures I took on the last day of school ;-;
I liked my hair, it was shorter. It was barely brushing my shoulders and it looked kind of like Shinya-san’s b/c it flipped out just a tiny bit at the ends but it wasn’t stupid looking like those 50’s housewives EEK, lol. It was slightly spiky on it’s own and I liked it! I actually didn’t’ look like a hideous whorish freak! Lol ^O^ It is one of the few pictures that I actually can stand of myself. My makeup looked good and my hair was cooperative for once! Yatta! Hehehe
I’m thinking about cutting it like that again b/c I looked better with shorter hair. And if I dye it, I was also thinking of all possibilities…
1) I dye the under layers black and the top layer that pretty Shun-san-at-Akon-13 red, lol
I like that one. It sounds pretty I think…
2) I just dye the under layer black and leave my top layers strawberry blonde (my original-born color)
That is so Kyo, lol. But not bad…hm….*thinking*
I just want to look…original. But in my own way…which means original, I guess…lol. ^^; and I don’t want to look original so others will be like “omg! She is so unique! How awesome!” b/c
1 - I want to do it b/c it is MY style and I like the way it looks, to hell with other ppl! Lol
And 2 - most ppl don’t react like that anyway, lol. They would be like “o_O;; whoa, freak”
XD I love watching ppl react like that! Especially when I go to the mall with Jen XD omg it is so grat to watch other snobby ppl look her up and down and get “the look” on their face lol. It makes me laugh.
~~~~~~~~~~*half-hour long pause*~~~~~~~~~~

Oh yay!! Hana-chan just called! (around 10 pm Wed. night) Good I was worried that I wouldn’t get to talk to her…she got a Moi Dix Mois DVD from Anthony! ^o^ lol. But she’s calling tomorrow morning b/c she had to leave, house-drama, lol. Gods I hope we can go somewhere…so…bored….

It was this huge fucking beetle with pincers!! It was crawling on my stomach, like on the inside hem on my pants ;o; *sob sob* and bit me!!! Awww man…I didn’t mean to kill it! *slaps self* Now I have murder by self-defense on my conscience -____-
*looks at stomach* oh well, at least it didn’t get me too hard…
It was a fucking inch long insect grrr….I don’t even WANT to know how it got in my FECKING PANTS O_o eeww *shudder* only on my waist, thank the gods.

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Damn Klaha is hot in this o_O

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Good sweet mother of Gackt! o_o Kami-sama you sexy beast, you. @_____@ He is not dead, remember that. NOT dead, I tell you! (Or at least according to Jen XD)

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OoO Gackt…so….effing…sexy….*drool*

Okay, all for now! ^^

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