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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Saturday, September 17, 2005

   Gomen nasai minna *frown*
I was at Katie's again. It was unexpected, and last minute.
There was some issues that almost stopped us going to her homecoming but we ended up going and it was pretty fun. I've been to 2 dances b4 and i always hated them b/c i was never brave enough to dance. Last night was the first time I ever danced before and I got to grind and I must say it was pretty fun. I saw some people from my middle school that I knew and it made me happy ^^
Except for the people that I hated from my middle school...and quite a people from my high school (which is supposed to be this school's rival and visa versa) were there.

I'm really cold...
random, gomen.

I was having fun at Katie's and all and we didnt get home last night until about 1:30 (the dance went until midnight, we were there since b4 the doors opened) so we slept a lot of today away. I ended up being alone with Jen b/c Katie had to go somewhere and so did everyone else so me and Jen were just messing around and cooking and stuff.

I have homework to do, I should leave.


::EDIT:: I know its Saturday, time to change my theme. I'll probably do it tonight...I wanna see Kiwamu-san just a little longer...maybe he'll cheer me up a bit.

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