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myOtaku.com: DejikoNyo

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A Non-follower (06/01/06)

OMG! A VG CAT FAN!!^^ I love VG cats! My fav comic is the one when Leo urinated on the heart from Zelda! ROTFL! HAHA! What's your fav episode? Do you like Foamy the Squirrel? I like Foamy lots- almot as much as VG Cats. Anyway, I love Vg Cats fans and your site. I shalltheth add you as a friend! "Bye Bye fer Rinow Fran!" *Waves* ^_^ *Trips* X_O

nayru0 (05/29/06)

toally luv the site even the backround dude it craks us Up!well anyway we hope this contest going on and we would it if you would enter!^^Omg it would be soooo much fun!^^well anyway....pm us when you've got a pic done so well pm me it and I will count you in the contest!^^So like pm us soon!
-Nayru & theresa

i luv karasu (05/29/06)

Hay nice site and luv the fanart!^^ well anyway I'm gonna add ya as a friend so like pm me anytime!^^

destra (05/27/06)

lol...omg your site is so cool and cute! XD those chickens...haheha XD they look funny with the chicken that got kicked lol XD Inuyasha rox! ^o^

Mystic Black Fox (05/09/06)

ur site bg is so funneh! >__< i've seen some of these comics before and they're so kewl. i like ur amvs. ^ ^ DIGI CHARAT ROCKS MY SOCKS!! =^______^=

EdwardElricThe2nd (05/07/06)

Nihao! Like the site. Coolio colors and what not. Nice. Well anywho, would you liketh to meh friend for eternity until the moon crashes down on Hawaii? n_n I thought so. Do you wanna be meh friend??? Drop by meh site sometime. I'm not one of those stupid ppl that demand to be visited everyday, but just like once a year would be nice. lol n_n.Well I do hope to hear from you sometime! Tootles! CULATER!
Idiots do cool things.

That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lion's strength..."- Edward Elric

"There will be an extremely bright red sunrise in the next two or three days. That will signal the end of this planet. There will be a major earthqueake after that, so be careful. When the earthquake is over, there will be a brief pause, and then the end will come. I'm sorry, but it will be an excrutiatingly painful end."-Chise

"When the end of the world comes, promise that we'll be together?"-Chise

† ‡ †

Ðå Fullmetal €heerîo King knowz bestiestz. dð watz rite & don't do da drugž! ¤.¤ thanxiež! n_n 

- ¥our friend Édwª®dŒl®Ì¢Thè²nd ♣♠♣♠

we mourn the day ed travels to visit dracula...T^T

darkZander (05/01/06)

cool site i love your sasuke pics and your amv.well stop by sometime.

Blue WingedDragon (04/30/06)

Hey.I like your site and art.They are the best!HOpe you don't mine me adding you as a friend.

Mitsuki55 (04/30/06)

WoW!!i love your site and art your soooooooo much better than me!!!;_;i'm adding you!

Lumus Avatar (04/29/06)

Konbanwa! ur fanart is really amazing. i especially liked ur latest one of Ellie, the detail was just perfect! i can't draw like that yet, but i'm working on it.
Keep up with wonderful artwork ^_^ and such a cute site! ok if i add you to my friends list?

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